Rights! What Rights?

Rabbi Lapin, like many Rabbis, declare that Hebrew is the Lord’s language and even suggest that this was the language spoken in the beginning. We do know that the Torah and most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew. Rabbi Lapin goes on to say: “If there is no Hebrew word for something, then that thing does not exist.” The reason that I thought this was interesting is because there is no Hebrew word for the word ‘right,’ that we have in the English language. As a matter of fact, there are many words in the English language that does not exist in Hebrew. (Perhaps this is why there is so much bloviating going on in social media.)


According to Jewish Rabbi Lapin, since there is no Hebrew word for ‘right’ in Hebrew then that word or whatever it stands for – does not exist. When we bring this thought into the culture that we have today where all we hear are people clamoring for their rights (whatever they think their rights might be) we need to rethink through all of this.


We often hear people on the left saying to others that they have the right ________ (fill in the blank). We need to ask these people, “Who can you call to fulfill that right?  Who can guarantee that right for you?”


We have the word ‘right’ in the English language, but it does seem at times that we have many words in the English language that seem to defy logic. Perhaps this is why Hebrew is God’s language, as Rabbi Lapin points out. We could go on to state that if that word is not in the Hebrew language (God’s language) then that thing does not exist. It is not real. Rabbi Lapin has said that there are no word(s) for telephone, telegraph, helicopter, etc. in the Hebrew language, so does that mean they don’t exist?


Lapin brings out that there are two types of knowledge in the world: that which changes and that which does not. An example of the knowledge that changes is seen with technology, medicine and science because human beings can accumulate more knowledge of technology, medicine and science as time goes on. BUT the knowledge that does NOT change, according to Rabbi Lapin, would be knowledge of God, humans and earth. These do NOT change, just that we can learn more with our personal knowledge from study about God, humans and earth. 


We could argue and say that our Declaration of Independence declares that everybody has the “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” or we could look at the Bill of Rights for American citizens. We know that government here in the United States of America does its best to fulfill these rights, but can only do this according to its ability, and that ability is limited.


How many times I have heard people say, “I will.” (Whatever that might be.) For example, they might say: “I will help you.” I am sure that they mean well, but often they fail. Why? Because they do not have the means or power to do what they say they will do. However, this is not true with God. A number of times in the Gospel He says: “I will” and we can be sure that God will do exactly what He says He will do. He says if anyone comes to Him He will accept him; He says if anyone believes in Him, He will raise him up in death, etc. God can do it, because He has the power to do what He says.


Rabbi Lapin asked the question: “Where in the Torah is the word ‘right’ being mentioned among the 613 commandments?” However, another word does exist and that is the word ‘obligation.’ For example, does a person have a right to demand charity? NO! But I have an obligation to be charitable. Does the government have a right to take my money and give it to someone else? NO! But I do have an obligation to the poor, needy, widows and orphans. We can carry this thought on further. Does a woman have a right to her own body when it comes to abortion? No, but she has an obligation to how she treats her body and an obligation to the fetus that is growing in her.


I have heard over and over again among the ‘immigrants’ that they have a right to enter the United States of America. Again, that is bogus! They do NOT have a right to enter, but they do have an obligation to go through the legal channels in order to enter.


The bottom line: We all have obligations, but nobody has a right to anything. It is interesting that I do not hear people or the media talking about ‘obligations.’


In closing, I should mention that there is no Hebrew word for the English word ‘coincidence.’ There is nothing new under the sun. Everything that happens, there is a reason for it and God is able to take it all and, in His Sovereignty, work it out for His good purpose that will prevail.








The Role of a Man – Week 1 – Loved by God

When the storms of life increase – will you be joyful? In the coming days life for a godly man will be difficult, and when you live out the words of God you will be known as a man of integrity. Others will be encouraged and have hope when they see you at peace because the Lord is your stronghold. In these storms your stronghold must be in God’s promises and instructions to you. His Word must be your daily life-giving fountain, that will convince you that God is the only One who can comfort you in a time like this. Hiding His words in your heart will result in good judgment and wisdom. Even when there is no longer any reason in men to hope, you will have hope and not waver in believing God’s promises. In fact, your faith will grow stronger as you endure all that is to come. Therefore, you will be fully convinced that God is able to do all that He promised.


When men finally grasp how much God loves them, the world around them will change. Men around you will watch as you rest during these storms of life come. They will see that you have a knowledge and security from God that they don’t have. They will see how confident you are, because you know that God hears all of your prayers and that He will never turn away from you.



God holds each of His men securely, and the evil one cannot touch them even though the world around them is under the control of the evil one. God will give His men understanding because they live in His truth. They will have confidence to speak truth, even in tribulation because God’s love for them expels all fears.


These men will understand that the word of God will give them knowledge of who God is; how I think and act; to teach them wisdom and give them insight. The Word will show you how to become disciplined, and to make right choices so that your life will be successful; it will keep you honest and give you common sense, and you will know the right way to go.


In the coming days God’s grace is all you need. Understand that God’s power works best in weakness; for when you are weak, then He can show Himself strong for you.


God’s men must always stand for the truth.  Remember that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, and his servants also disguise themselves to deceive people. When God’s men allow these false leaders to lead them – they will be enslaved by them; they will gradually take everything from them.


People today have forgotten the One who stretched out the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth. They have no fear of God; for they blaspheme His Name all day long, Day by day, and all through the night – they are under the power and control of sin.  Soon these so-called great men of the earth will stand speechless in God’s presence. They will finally see what they have been told about Him; they will understand what they heard, but it will be too late for them to repent.


The road for God’s men will lead through the dungeons of man, and the key to understanding is that you listen to God’s voice. So, pay close attention to what you hear God say, and do not assume anything else. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given about the drudgeries and pits in life.


When Jesus walked this earth, He told His disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.”  But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat and it began to fill with water. Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with His head on a cushion when the disciples woke Him shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped and there was calm. Jesus then asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”


These men acted upon what Jesus said; they got in the boat and headed out towards the other side, but when a wall of opposition came, and made them think that what Jesus had said – might not happen. These disciples asked Jesus, “Don’t You care?” They accused Him of not caring about what they we’re going through. Of course, Jesus cared! But He wanted them to understand what faith is, and this is to keep acting upon what Jesus says even if it looks or feels like it is not going to happen.


Men with great faith believed what they were told by God and kept going – no matter what. They lived out their lives as though it already happened. Even though they were humiliated by the world and mocked by their own family and friends – they kept the vision of God’s promise before them and didn’t stop moving with it.


When the waves of opposition come – do you think God has forgotten about His promises?  Do you think that you can run away, fearful of where it could take you?  You cannot run away from God, you will gain the strength you need if you keep going in what Jesus has said to you.


Today God’s men are mocked and attacked. Our enemies laugh at us and say that our hope is a joke, and maybe because they see Christian men giving up on their faith in God. Stay the ancient path!


Remember this, worship is not what we “do” Sunday morning. Worship is what I was made to do with all my life, each and every day.


Mary worshiped the Lord when she poured an expensive bottle of perfume on Jesus. This expense cost her a whole year of wages. Her extravagant worship filled the room and made others feel ashamed of the little they had done for him. The passion of Mary ran down his entire body soaking him and his clothes with its fragrance and it went with him all the way to his death on the cross.


While the Lord was in the garden praying this aroma was still with him. He knew what laid ahead for him, but he also knew what laid ahead for those who loved him. This smell of her sacrifice must have been an encouragement to him as he was going to be her sacrifice for sins, once and for all. The fragrance of passionate worship followed him into the house of Annas where he was accused of many lies. It stayed with him to the court of Pilot where he received his guilty verdict although completely innocent. The sweet perfume was with him in the dungeon where he was mocked, beaten and shackled. Mary’s passionate worship filled his nostrils while they hatefully shoved a crown of sharp thorns into his brow. The smell was still in his skin when they stripped him and laughed at him, and as he walked the road carrying his own cross. He must have depended on this fragrance to remind him of what would come from his death as they were nailing his feet and hands to the cross, and as they stood the cross up and into its hold dislodging all his joints with the jolt. The lovely smell was still rising to bless him when his heart was pierced by their swords. Is it still with him today?


To be a man of passion for the Lord throughout your whole life means I am hungering and thirsting, striving with all my being, for the daily fellowship of Jesus. The moment I rest, the moment I take a break – I lose this needed passion. If I allow too long a rest or break from fellowship with Him I begin to misplace my worship and passion to something else or someone else.


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, LIKE MEN SENT FROM GOD.” II Corinthians 2:14-17


To worship in a way that creates passion will cost me everything. Passionate people are the ones who are contagious. Peter must have been setting close to our Lord the night the perfume was poured on him. Why else would he have been accused of having been with Jesus. When we are close to the Lord we begin to smell like Him and people will notice it.













God’s Laws vs. Man’s Laws

This morning in the Word of God I read what the Psalmist said about the Law of God and all that it does for people and societies. Then I started to think about America’s laws, or any nation’s laws for that matter, and what those laws do for us, or rather do TO us.


I began to meditate on the difference between man’s laws and God’s laws. God’s laws are much shorter in number than man’s. God’s laws are for all the nations and all the people in the world; so that when you travel from one nation to another – the laws are the same. God’s laws, if obeyed, free us to live the good life on earth we were meant to live as humans. God’s laws will enable all people who live by His laws to enjoy peace, and to prosper in every way.


Man-made laws that do not align with God’s laws only restrain, bind, limit, infuriate, rob, oppress and tyrannize – the people. God’s laws establish boundaries that protect people from enemies. Man-made laws leave people vulnerable to enemies. God’s laws work together for the good of society because they are followed by true justice served. Man-made laws are inconsistent and incompatible causing disorder and injustice.


America’s laws, before the ungodly politicians began adding their ungodly laws, were in line with God’s laws according to our ‘original’ Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. As the culture changed (becoming more immoral and against God) laws were added and added. America’s justice system used to work right, with truth condemning the guilty and protecting the innocent, that is before corrupt and ungodly judges were appointed in our land.


God’s laws for life have never changed, nor has God’s Law expanded in number. God does not change and neither does His Law for mankind change. God does not change His mind. I love that about our Father God!


“Open our eyes that we may see wonderful things in Your Law.” Psalm 119:18


“My soul is consumed for longing for Your laws at all times.” Psalm 119:20


“With my lips I recount all the laws that come from Your mouth.” Psalm 119:13


“I rejoice in following Your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.” Psalm 119:14


“Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the Law of the Lord. Blessed are those who keep His statutes and seek Him with all their heart – they follow His ways. You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed. Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying Your decrees! Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all Your commands. I will praise You with an upright heart as I learn Your righteous laws. I will stay on the path of purity by living according to Your Word. I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands.” Psalm 119: 1-10


I choose to live by God’s Law when the law of the land opposes the law of God. “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might now sin against You.” Psalm 119:11


Jesus our Savior and Lord showed us in His prayer to His Father what to expect one Day about God’s Law vs. Man’s laws. He prayed: “Thy Kingdom come – Thy will be done – on earth as it is in Heaven.” These are not empty words; this is REALITY.


Knowing what is to come – how should we be living now?




The Proverbs 31 Woman – Chapter 36 – Faithful Instruction

“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26


After the Israelites began to forsake the Lord (again), He gave them over to a king of Canaan. Deborah, a prophetess of the Lord in Israel, was serving at the time as judge in Israel’s civil disputes. (Judges 4) The fact that a woman (then) was “the judge” makes me wonder what had happened to the men. Deborah was a married woman, but nothing is mentioned about her husband except his name, Lappidoth.


After Israel had been cruelly oppressed for twenty years by this king the Lord told Deborah to send for Barak (the general) and instruct him to take Israel’s men and go up against the king’s commander and army. The Lord assured that He would give Israel the victory, but when she delivered the Lord’s instruction to Barak – this is how he responded: “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” Deborah replied, “I will go with you. But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will hand your enemy over to a woman.”


Deborah, like the ‘holy’ women of old, understood their noble place alongside men, as “helpmates.” But here we see the Lord coming to her for her faith and courage when He could not find faith and courage in the men. Deborah obeyed the Lord when He called her to rise up and do His will for His people.


Three questions I have when it comes to Deborah and Barak: Why couldn’t Barak hear the instruction of the Lord on his own, or if he could, what was he afraid of? And, what kind of man was Lappidoth, Deborah’s husband?


From the way Barak responded I would assume that Barak (and the men of Israel) were afraid to revolt and fight their enemies, even when the Lord promised them total victory. If God had not said to go against the king, then in trying to do so ‘on their own’ would not have been a successful mission. But, the Lord said to go and that they would be victorious. What was Barak’s fault that the honor would go to a woman instead of to the man in charge?


What might have happened if Deborah had just prayed and waited for Barak or any other man to gain the courage to obey the call of the Lord into battle? The natural answer to this question is: “Then the people would’ve continued to be cruelly oppressed.”


What do you think is more important to God and critical for the good of societies; that men would respond faithfully and courageously to the call of God for their families and country, OR that God would end the oppression of His suffering people through “roles exchanged?”


“I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30


Can one man make a difference? Certainly! If men don’t listen to what God says to do and do what is required of all Christian men, then very concerned women will step up and take over. Sadly, it will more than likely be fearful women that act, or wicked women that see their opportunity to take control; women who do not know their God-given boundaries nor the power of intercessory prayer.


In a time of great fear among His people, God approached Deborah to speak with faithful instruction to Barak the commander in charge. But like most men today who are not strong men with faith in God, Barak wanted Deborah to take the lead. She did not want the job, but she obeyed the will of God and God gave Israel the victory. But the honor, as recorded, went to a woman and not to the man it could’ve gone to.


What we need to see more of are holy women going into battle with intercessory prayer; giving ‘faithful’ instruction so that her sons will grow up to be mighty men of God. God honors the woman who calls on Him and waits for Him to answer her prayers of faith, hope and love.


We need to see men growing up to do what God tells men to do for their wives and children, and for their country. I often wonder what would’ve happened if Deborah, after telling Barak what God told her to tell him, just prayed for Barak to take control. The people would’ve stayed oppressed longer? Maybe, maybe not. Men won’t grow up by women telling them what to do, but rather by men faithfully taking up their positions with the call from God.


Little boys need to be trained for battles in life; beginning with the battle of their thoughts and desires, and then learning how to battle and overcome other enemies for the greater good of society. It should be their own fathers who lead and train their sons in the realities of life, how to be REAL men. We’ve seen enough RESULTS of the other kind!


As women we often take over when we believe our husband, or men in seats of authority, aren’t doing what we think they need to do, or aren’t moving ‘fast enough.’ Women jump in out of fear instead of going to God and waiting in faith for Him to work through her husband and the leaders in government.


God honored Deborah’s courage and faith in Him even though it wasn’t His perfect will for a woman to lead the men into battle. Just because God permits something doesn’t mean that it’s His perfect and acceptable will; He is the only One that can go against His own order of things in life to get His will done.


God gave Israel the victory through a woman because there was no man He could count on to obey His timely call to go into battle. I wonder how it made the men in Israel’s army feel, following a woman into battle instead of the man in charge. A man should be bothered by a woman leading him because it’s simply not right, according to God’s order of things. A man should also feel ashamed of taking on the role of a woman. And…..I won’t start on the evil of transgender operations but to cry out: COME, LORD JESUS – COME!


God has His standard for men and women, family and nation; the standard that has never changed and that standard will remain forever! It is fulfilled with His true sons and daughters that are in Christ Jesus.


How God used Deborah in a man’s position is His right as Creator and His business as Ruler over all His creation. Just because God did something out of His own order of things does not give women the right to take over the positions that God gave to men; for this weakens a society and nation.


Wise men are drawn to a woman with godly wisdom and the inner strength of faith in God’s promises and order in life. This is of great worth to a man; that he have a wife of noble character; a wife that will not purposely humiliate him, or fight with him, or compete with him for leadership. There is a proper time to bring up concerns and resentments with your husband, after you have gone to the Lord about it for the understanding you need in prayer over it. Wanting to have the last word in an argument or debate doesn’t allow God to have the most powerful word with your husband. His Word is powerful, not your words, unless you are speaking the very words He has given you to speak.


“The lips of the righteous nourish many. The lips of the righteous know what is fitting.” Proverbs 10:21 and 32


If you like having the last word in an argument just remember this: The way you ‘rightly’ get to have the last word with your husband – is in prayer to God.


Women have been taught by their mothers and programmed by society’s feminists (jezebels) to take their stand against their husbands (and daughters against their good fathers) until they get their husbands (and fathers) to obey them. We need to take our stand, but not against our husband. We need to take our stand against the devil who is working to put husbands and wives in conflict and competition with each other. We need to put on our spiritual armor for prayer and cut off the plans of the enemy against our godly marriage and family.


Faithful instruction is what you can expect to receive all the time from a true woman of God. One reason the laws of God are not commonly applied and taught is because the wisdom of God behind His laws is not understood. For example: Johnny’s mother tells him that it is wrong to tell a lie (Law of God: do not lie) but can Johnny’s mother make [6 year old] Johnny understand why lying is wrong so that he will not want to lie again? What is the fear that Johnny needs; the fear that he could get caught and punished, or that of a higher reverent fear of the God who created Johnny for greatness and not shame? If Johnny’s teen age friends all lie and get away with it, then what is there ‘in Johnny’ to prevent Johnny from going along with his friends? When Johnny reaches adulthood – how will Johnny perceive lying or any other sin?


We need wisdom from God to know the right time to speak with faithful instruction to our spouse, children, friends and strangers. But, even when we say or do what is right at the right time – it doesn’t guarantee that you will get the response or results that ‘you’ hoped for; it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t be hated or persecuted for it either. Just trust God and wait to see the good response or right result that He is after.


The wise woman and wise man must become more cautious with what they say and do in public when public opinion has sided with evil. It is becoming more critical to know the proper words or actions that are needed at a given moment. If we are not careful to keep our words and actions in line with the Holy Spirit, yielding to His timing and wisdom – we might provoke a verbal beating or maybe be sentenced to some jail time – unnecessarily. There is a time to speak and a time to just keep our mouths shut. There is a time to act out and a time to do nothing but pray and trust the Lord.


We can get tripped up because we have more knowledge than godly wisdom. For example: God’s servant, Paul says to the church:


“God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says….for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached? If anybody (male or female) thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command. If you ignore this, you will be ignored yourself.” 1 Corinthians 14:33-40


What is God’s wisdom behind this faithful instruction? Why are women, more and more, found prophesying (falsely) and preaching in church pulpits, and teaching men how to be men? Oh we can come up with many reasonable answers that appear holy, but are not holy at all by God’s definition.


When we take on what God did not give us, or take over a responsibility that is not ours from God, we open ourselves up to the devil’s lies and self-deception, and all kinds of evil. The devil’s only desire is to take from God; to defy God in every way imaginable; to ultimately take over what belongs to God’s Son – if that were possible. NOT!


There is a danger (destructive power) that goes along with acquiring too much knowledge before we know how to use in the right way what we’ve come to know. What we see today are people with a lot of knowledge but without good judgment/wisdom in how to use it properly to the glory of God.


I’ve spoken and acted on my own far too many times and then suffered for it. I am more careful now to call on the Lord and wait on the Lord for wisdom.


“I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.” Proverbs 8:12-18


Role of a Man – Week 2 – The Covering

The best a man can leave for his children is not money, power, fame or his name but a trail to follow;

with a trail they will know the way.

What does your family say about you? Do they say, “He cut a trail through the jungle of life for them to follow?” Would they say, “He was a great father, husband, devoted to the things of God.”


WE ARE THE COVERING for our families. No matter how we try to avoid it we still will be held accountable for our families. Jesus showed us by His life what it means to be the covering. First, He was our priest who sacrificed for His flock. As men we are the ones required to sacrifice for our families, and not our wives. God has not given this position to the woman. It may be that the woman may want this position or she may think she’s qualified to be the priest, but this does not change the fact it is our position to do the sacrificing for our family.


On the night the Lord was betrayed, where was He and what was He doing? He was praying for you and me. He stayed there all-night laboring in prayer. Prayer is not about my will but rather bringing my will into line with His will. I had a very dear friend who told me of a dream he had about our Lord in the garden. My friend had become sick and was in the hospital. In his dream he saw the Lord praying in the garden and the Lord asked him to partake with him. My friend said, “No Lord, I am not worthy to be in this place with you.” But the Lord kept on insisting and then He said, “What if I do not heal you but bring you home with Me?” My friend then went into the garden with our Lord. Soon after his dream he went home to be with the Lord. The garden of prayer was not about Jesus’ will, but rather His Father’s will. What is the will of God for my children and my wife? Am I willing to labor in prayer for them?


Another aspect of being the covering for my family is in serving. At the last supper Jesus washed the disciple’s feet. He did not think He was above them, but wanted to show them how much He loved them. Our society thinks backwards, about how many people serve them. Will our families remember us by how demanding we were, or by how we lovingly did things for them that put them first before ourselves?


We are providers. What a powerful, yet misunderstood idea. Some men think that this is all they are to their families: a provider. They can take pride in it. I am going to make a statement that you might not agree with and that is I am not responsible for providing for my family. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” God is the provider of my family. God has set a circle of provision around us. The problem is that I want what is on the outside of my circle. It is when I go beyond my provision from God that I run into trouble. When I live on the outside of my circle, I become enslaved, and because of my enslavement I must get another job or work overtime. I may even expect my wife to find a job. When I go beyond the provision that God has given me there are consequences. While on the outside of the provision of God I will not have time to seek the Kingdom of God.


When men finally realize that God wants an eternal love relationship with them then their work, authority, competition and adventure makes sense to them. God knew that man’s life was in need of more than work, authority, competition and adventure so He created a woman for man to love and have children with; to fellowship with and to have a helpmate for his purpose in life.


Adam wanted to make sure that the woman understood the rules of the garden. It seems that man (Adam), did not think that God’s words were adequate for the time in which he lived. So, he added to God’s word in telling Eve not to even touch the tree that God said not to eat from. Today we have some very good intentions of wanting the best for someone, so we add more to the Word of God for whatever reason we have – feeling justified. Satan will always attack at the very heart of our arrogance and use our unfaithful words to hurt us. When we add to the words of God – we want to control someone. Half-truths are still lies, and to hold back part of the word of God will have a bad result.


What happened after the fall of man? God sought him out asking, “Adam, where are you?” Today God seeks out men as to why their families have fallen into sin. Eve bore her own consequences of sin just like Adam. She blamed the enemy for deceiving her. But Adam blamed Eve, for he says to God when approached about his sin: “That woman You put here!” Some things never change. We still don’t want to admit we are sinners. It will always be someone else’s fault why I am in trouble.


The consequences of sin can be very hard to bear. Eve was to have great pain in child birth now, and God also declared to her: “Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you.” This is why women have a strong desire to want to rule over their husbands. What is sad is that most of these women have very good intentions, and much of what they expect is right. The problem comes when she lets loose her desire instead of turning it over to God in humility. The longing in her heart can only be satisfied when she submits to God. Submission puts a woman in the position to be provided for, protected, and blessed. Her husband’s covering from God is to honor her, not to punish her like many believe.


Today woman can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan. (Old cliché) So, what does she need a man for? The more independent she becomes the unhappier she is. What has stolen her joy? She, like Eve, has gone around her husband to listen to the enemy. She stepped out from under God’s covering for her. The Proverbs 31 woman is not a wimpy woman, but a confident fulfilled woman.


When Adam ate of the fruit, he did so knowing full-well what he was doing, and his actions affected the whole world. His sin affected me and my children’s children. Why would a man do this? Adam had to make a choice, the woman or God. We don’t know what would have happened if Adam would have chosen God, but we do know the story of choosing a woman over God. This is still happening today; men who chose to follow their wives instead of God set a standard at home that is in conflict with God and having a happy peaceful home. 


Today men are looking for their worth from a woman by either being a swinging bachelor, or by his looks, income, or by his many conquests. It is very dangerous for a man to have his manhood validated by a woman, for she can also invalidate him. A righteous man does not fear the words of a woman, but a man who has taken his eyes off God will be affected by the words of a woman. Look at Samson who after consistent nagging gave in to Delilah. And why did Elijah run from the threatening words of Jezebel?


The Godly man seeks God and worships Him with all his heart, knowing that he is a sinner and that he is forgiven. He knows that he alone will be held responsible for his family. So, he prays for his family daily, sacrificing for them. He must lead them towards God in the way God has shown to the man. He must empower his wife to be the godly woman she desires to be.


The adventure of a Christian man may have many forks in the road, but the true road is the one you walk with Jesus doing what He has asked of me. In the book of Daniel, we find three young men who are given the choice to deny their faith or die in the fiery furnace. We may not be faced with death, but in reality we are dying spiritually when we choose the world over obedience to God. When I decide not to be obedient to what God asks of me, I die in my walk with Him and in my passion to worship Him.


What comes from the Lord because it is impossible for humans to manufacture it? Wisdom. What comes from humans because it is impossible for the Lord to experience it? Worry. And what is it that brings wisdom and dispels worry? Worship. How do we gain wisdom and end our worry? Worship and God’s Word. Let nothing detract from your time of personal worship in the Word and in praise to God. Let nothing frighten you… nothing from the past or present, or about the future. God is in control.


Here is a little story about giving up and letting go, so that God can do immeasurably more than we can think or imagine.


“The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box. ‘Oh please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please, Mommy, please?’


Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl’s upturned face. ‘A dollar ninety-five. That’s almost $2.00. If you really want them, I’ll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. Your birthday’s only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from Grandma.’


As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked Mrs. McJames if she could pick dandelions for ten cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace. Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up.


She wore them everywhere, Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.


Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. One night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, ‘Do you love me?’


‘Oh yes, daddy. You know that I love you.’ ‘Then give me your pearls.’ ‘Oh, daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess, the white horse from my collection, the one with the pink tail. Remember, daddy? The one you gave me. She’s my very favorite.’ ‘That’s okay, Honey, daddy loves you. Good night.’ And he brushed her cheek with a kiss.


About a week later, after the story time, Jenny’s daddy asked again, ‘Do you love me?’ ‘Daddy, you know I love you.’ ‘Then give me your pearls.’ ‘Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my baby doll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper.’ ‘That’s okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you.’ And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.


A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek.


‘What is it, Jenny? What’s the matter?’ Jenny didn’t say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, ‘Here, daddy, this is for you.’ With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny’s daddy reached out with one hand to take the dime-store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and gave them to Jenny.


He had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure.”  (End of story)


God is the One that can establish a strong marriage and the family on earth. If the journey is great, then the end will be sweet. If the journey is bitter, then the ending isn’t so sweet.


What is Real Freedom?

John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”


John 8:36 “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”


When we ask ourselves the question: What is real freedom? What comes to our mind? Being out of debt, having enough money (but when is enough, enough?), doing all you want, living a life without any concerns, worries, etc.


Ancient Jewish wisdom, I believe, brings out a real answer to this question. We are told that the 10 Commandments were engraved in stone. The reason that this is important is because the word for ‘freedom’ in God’s language is very much the same as the word ‘engraved.’ What does this mean? Perhaps it is like Rabbi Daniel Lapin says: “We are most free when our lives are engraved, written in stone.” When we stop and think about it we began to realize that the 10 Commandments, “engraved in stone” are the ones that really set us free, by knowing the boundaries and how that liberates us to live as we should.


Just over the past Christmas holidays we had our two young grandkids with us – seven and four years old, and I could see the relaxed atmosphere that they had when they knew what their boundaries were. They were the saddest when they broke those boundaries.


This is why in any government “the rule of law” is so important. Why? Because we know and can enjoy the boundaries in which we live and are able to prosper in every way good in a society. Contrast that with the dictator’s rule and we find just the opposite.


One of the reasons why we find (here in the West, mainly the USA) the chaos that is developing through divisions, and is mainly because we have cast out the 10 Commandments by which to set the standard. Freedom comes, not from the barrel of a gun, but through the laws that God has given us that were engraved by God in stone tablets in the past, and today on our hearts when we surrender to Jesus Christ.


One could say that REAL freedom is when God’s laws are listened to and obeyed. This is why it is so important regarding the text in the gospel of John that says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Jesus said: “I am the truth.”


“If the son makes you free you shall be free indeed.” Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law and through our faith in Him we find God’s law engraved in our own hearts – that of knowing what is right and what is wrong – and by adhering to this we find that we are free, FREE indeed.




Wake up Wise up and Get to Work

This morning while praying against this evil of the N.Y. Governor making law for babies to be killed up to their time of birth, the thought came to me (PLUNK) that this EVIL has woken up God’s people to action just like Obama’s presidency woke us up to action – seeing what we were about to lose.


When God’s people are self-satisfied and complacent instead of active and watchful, tails instead of heads, self-serving instead of servants of God, carnal instead of godly, idolaters instead of true worshippers of the Lord our God – evil runs wild and free. And we can see this has happened because evil has been free to bear its evil fruit throughout America.


What is the ‘fruit of evil?’ When a nation’s laws and courts protect evil and condemn righteousness. When parents give their children over to be taught by the wicked; taught that good is evil and evil is good. When the nation’s citizens become the government’s slaves and the slaves like it. When men want to be women and women want to be men. When a ‘family’ is considered any group of people with the same goals and desires. When the godless that govern rule over the godly differently than how they rule over the godless – with a definite double standard. Let’s see…….what else? What else do we see in America’s decline?


How very sad that America’s culture has had to become all this for God’s people to wake up, wise up and get to work in the Name of the Lord – for the good of society.


“Justice has been driven back, and righteousness just stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, and honesty is not allowed to enter.” (Isaiah 59:14)


“She once was full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her – but now murderers!” (Isaiah 1:21)


“Rise up, O Judge of all the earth….How long will the wicked gloat and triumph? They pour out arrogant words; all workers of iniquity freely boast without a fear. They viciously crush Your people. They kill and murder, and think, ‘God does not see; He pays no attention.” Take notice, O senseless people! O fools, when will you become wise? Your Creator, the One who affixed the ear, can He not hear you? The One who formed the eye, can He not see you? He who cautions and rebukes the nations, does He not discipline and punish? He who teaches man, does He lack knowledge? The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile. BLESSED is the man YOU discipline, O Lord, and teach from Your Law, to grant him relief from days of trouble, until a pit is dug for the wicked. For the Lord will not forsake His people that cry out to Him; He will never abandon His promises to them.


“The Lord says: ‘SURELY JUDGMENT WILL AGAIN BE RIGHTEOUS, and all the upright in heart will follow it. WHO WILL RISE UP FOR ME against the wicked? WHO WILL STAND FOR ME against the workers of iniquity?……Can a corrupt government be My ally – one devising wickedness by decree; when they band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death?….I will bring upon them their own iniquity and destroy them for their unrepentant wickedness.’” (Psalm 94 in part)


“Return, O faithless children, declares the Lord; for I AM your master!” (Jeremiah 3:14)


“To HIM who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His own blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve our heavenly Father – to HIM BE GLORY and POWER for ever and ever! AMEN!” (Revelation 1:5-6)


Purity before Offerings


This morning while reading the Word of God I came across this passage in 2 chronicles 29:31, where a new king has taken the throne. His first action was consecration to God for the nation, in obedience to what God requires of a leader (nation, church, family unit). Then, as I read, they all brought their offerings. This made me think of how offerings are taken in our churches today. Is the leadership more interested in the financial offering instead of hearts being pure with God? Are people more apt to give their offerings to the church before they give their hearts wholeheartedly to God? Do they think that giving their money in the offering plate somehow makes them right with God?


Could this be why so many churches have so little power and effectiveness?


Just Some Thoughts.

Hiding God’s Word in My Heart

As I was praying this morning – a thought came. Plunk! A thought the Holy Spirit drops into the conversation I’m having with my Father. (Father/Son/Spirit are one) The thought was: “None of My gifts work right without the Word of God hidden in the heart.”
So I began to meditate on that truth. I remembered back when my Father taught this to me “the hard way.” The Father’s timely painful discipline will work righteousness in the one being trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11)
When we put what other people have to say about what THEY have learned from the Word of God, and what we hear on Sunday mornings from the pulpit, or from Christian broadcasts, YouTube messages, or out of books of devotionals, etc. we are not “hiding God’s Word in our heart.” Those are all fine for a confirmation of what we’ve heard direct from the Spirit when reading God’s Word on our own. Those are all fine throughout the day or week as a quick reminder of what God says directly to us when we are in His Holy Bible each morning.
It’s critical to our walk of faith with Jesus Christ to have a personal relationship with “the LIVING WORD.” His Word (Genesis to Revelation) is the ANCHOR for our faith to act upon; the ROCK of ages throughout time for every believer to have their thirst satisfied; the BREAD of Heaven for our hunger pains; the LIGHT for His ‘narrow’ path to be walked so that we don’t veer off it; the HOPE of what and Who is to come; the TRUTH by which we judge the way God says to judge – beginning with our self and our our circumstances.
God gives us our gifts for our calling from Him. And He says in His Word that both the gifts and callings are “irrevocable.” That means that after we fall, and we ALL stumble and even fall flat on our face, and after our Lord has raised us back up to keep walking with Him – the gift and calling are still there to go forward with. My husband’s quote: “The ways and means will change, but the goal never changes.” Jesus will finish what HE started in each of us! OH WHAT A SAVIOR!!!
Our God-given gifts won’t have the right effect on others for His Kingdom if we are not hiding the words of God in our heart morning by morning. Only then can the Spirit’s gift in us work for the good of the Kingdom of God as it should.
We can use our gifts for the wrong reasons, naturally: “At one time we were foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures.” Titus 3:3
We “naturally” want to please our loved ones, and our church leaders, and our employers, and our friends, etc. We naturally want to be accepted by those we love and work with. We naturally want to impress people. But the LORD is to be our first love in whom we long to know inwardly, serve and please; and the only God in whom we obey, no matter the cost.
Our God-given gifts are not rooted in the natural, but in His Holy Spirit for God’s glory. For God has said “in His Word” that HE WILL NOT SHARE His glory with anyone.
2 Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” It’s be personal!
Our “natural selves” will always try to lead and control our spiritual gifts and unless we are daily in God’s Word listening to the Holy Spirit inwardly, and offering ourselves to Him – we won’t recognize that. Oh how the devil loves this!
2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God (each morning) as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed (naturally) and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
His/her gifts working properly because he/she has hidden God’s words in the heart with due diligence. Then his/her gift/gifts from the Holy Spirit will work right – to the glory of God.

Paralyzed by Fear

Not only can fear paralyze us, but it can produce what we fear. Job 3:25, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”


We also find that fear is contagious and can be passed on to others around us. There are many things to be fearful about such as our health, our children, finances, future, etc. And, Jesus brings this out on the sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:25 – 33) where he talks about worry. It seems that fear and worry go together like a hand and glove.


Proverbs 3:25 “Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.”


The Hebrew for the word fear is: OT:6343 pachad (pakh’-ad); from OT:6342; a (sudden) alarm (properly, the object feared; by implication, the feeling). The KJV Bible translates the Hebrew: dreadful, fear, thing greatly feared, terror.


Rabbi Lapin brings out that many important words in God’s language can be read forward as well as backward, and when this word is read backward it means to be ‘propelled’ or to be ‘pushed forward.’ An example of this is with evil Haman in the book of Esther 6:12. “And Mordecai came again to the king’s gate. But Haman hasted to his house mourning, and having his head covered.” Hasted: OT:1765 dachaph (daw-khaf’); a primitive root; to urge, i.e. hasten: KJV – (be) haste (-ned), pressed on.


It would seem that when we are gripped by fear that we should start moving. When God first called me to go and preach I thought He was making a serious mistake. The one thing that I hated was public speaking. After being saved I went to a Christian college. I had many opportunities to preach, but I turned them all down saying that I was not ready. I had a real fear, but the time came when the Lord pushed me forward and I went to the pulpit, and when I opened my mouth the Lord took over and my fear was gone. I had to move forward for my fear to leave.


Another example of this is with the Children of Israel when they left Egypt and came to the Red Sea. A vast amount of water was in front of them and Pharaoh’s army approaching them were in back of them. They were hemmed in for sure. We read: “and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord.” (Exodus 14:10) What did God say to Moses? “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.” (Exodus 14:15) They were told to go forward and that was before Moses lifted his rod to split the waters. Verse 22 brings out: “And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.” The had to step into the sea before passing through safely on dry ground.


What is the lesson to be learned? We overcome fear by marching forward.