Terror to Triumph – Part 16

800 AD TO 1400 AD


Romans 1:18-19 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.”


It is important to say something about the Crusades that took place during this time. They started in 1077 AD and continued for the next two centuries. Many mistakes were made on both sides, but I think it is important to understand that by the time of 3rd and 4th century Christianity had taken over much of the Holy Land as well as the Middle East.


By the 9th and 10th century, Islam, by force, had taken over these lands and much persecution had followed, and finally Christians in the West responded. It was a defense against Muslim imperialism.


Dr. Paul Johnson, an English historian said: “The Crusades, far from being an outrageous prototype of Western imperialism, as taught in most schools, were a mere episode in a struggle that lasted for 1400 years and were one of the few occasions when Christians took the offensive to regain occupied territories of the holy land.”


We must keep in mind that the lasting answer to the Muslim situation is not military war, but like John Calvin said: “Until the church finds the will and the heart to care for those lost souls bound in Islam with the hope of the gospel, we shall always be at peril.” We must have the heart and the sacrifice to send missionaries into that part of the world.


One of the reasons why Christianity is undefeatable is not because we have the more powerful weapons, but it is because we have the truth. The church is the depository of the truth that must be guarded at all cost. The truth spreads through acts of mercy and kindness, not by the Sword but by the Spirit and the Word of God – appealing to men and women to come back to the knowledge of God. Paul writing to the Romans told us that one of the main problems we have in the world today and why the world is like it is – is because men knowing the truth suppress the truth.


During this time we have several people – a new type of warrior was coming on the scene that seemed to have grasped something of what the cultural mandate is talking about in Genesis 1:28: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” One of these new warriors who came on the scene was Alfred the Great (whom I’ve already mentioned) who did the following in building the Western Civilization. He brought in the ‘Just War Theory’ that consisted of the following:


1. War as a last resort. 2. Waged against legitimate civil or individual authority. 3. Re-dressing a wrong suffered. 4. Reasonable chance of success. 5. Goal is peace. 6. Genocide of a population is prohibited. 7. Limited violence to noncombatants.


Also, Alfred the Great brought in the monogamous relationship in marriage. This elevated women, helped to teach children and began to bring in education, etc. We see the rise of the universities and other educational institutions.


Margaret, grand-daughter of Edmund King of England and daughter of Edgar the Aetheling who had been deposed by William I the Conqueror, was a devout Christian woman who reformed the Celtic church through her familiarity with Roman Christian practices and was sanctified as St. Margaret in 1250.


Margaret could have become the Queen of England, but had to flee when things turned against her and she fled by ship for Hungary. However, a severe storm came up and she landed in Scotland instead. Margaret met her future husband, Malcolm Canmore, when she was fleeing with her brother from William the Conqueror’s invading army in 1066. Their ship was wrecked on the Scottish coast.


She married Malcolm III King of Scotland in 1070. Malcolm was the son of King Duncan. Duncan had been killed by Macbeth, and Malcolm in turn defeated and killed Macbeth after living for some years in England. Malcolm had been married previously to Ingibjorg, the daughter of the Earl of Orkney.


Margaret, being a godly person became a leading voice for changes that affected the social as well as spiritual life of Scotland.


One other person that I would like to mention is John Wycliffe who translated the Bible into the English language. Not only did he translate the Bible into the English language, but he trained a group of men who were called “Lollards.” These men went throughout England preaching and teaching the Word of God. It is said that in 30 to 40 years 40% of England were followers of the Lollards.


Yes, this was a period of many turbulent attacks against the Kingdom of God, but it also shows what a few dedicated people can achieve who want to follow the truth.

Terror to Triumph – Part 14



In 1348 the Black Death coming out of the East reached the shores of Italy and quickly spread throughout the rest of Europe. The bubonic plague had come and many people thought that this was a judgment from God because of their sins.


During this time, as well as with the onslaught of Islam into Europe, we had a problem with the church. Christianity had dominated Europe and had become accepted instead of persecuted. This brought about a certain peace and people’s devotion to the Lord began to wane. The church began to take on pagan characteristics.


We know from pagan rulers that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This began to happen to the church. Church was weak and did not have a strong theology for the kingdom of God.


The spirit of passivity began to set in. Not only did devotion to God and the things of God diminish, but God was taken for granted. The church had become powerful and wealthy. When the plague came the church reacted in several different ways. Some turned to God and prayed for salvation, some turned to debauchery and increased in sinful behavior with the attitude of ‘drink and be merry.” Superstition and scapegoats entered the scene. Religious fervor and fanaticism were some of the ways considered in dealing with the problem of the Black Death. Some even thought that the ringing of the church bells would drive the disease away.


Before this pandemic would runs its course almost ½ of Europe (about 25 million people) would be killed. Today that would be like two billion people. About this time was the start of what is known as the “flagellant movement.” These were people who traveled from town to town whipping themselves with leather thongs hoping to stay the ‘wrath of God.’ It could very well be that these people actually helped in spreading the disease.


People had looked upon the church as being all powerful, but now the reputation of the church declined because the priests as well as doctors did not know what to do. Although there were some doctors and priests who cared for the people unselfishly there were far more of those who left their post and those who had not contracted the deadly disease died. It is said that Pope Clement VI was forced to grant remissions of sins to all who died of the Black Death and allowed “confession” to be to one another and even to a woman.


Just from this one act one can see how the church was moving away from the Word of God. James tells us that we should confess our sins to one another and pray for one another that we might be healed. It would seem from this proclamation that Pope Clement VI and the Black Death was being used to bring people back to a more Biblical practice.


Several things with the church happened after the pandemic. First the new priests were more inexperienced and less educated than their predecessors which in turn led to a worse reputation of the church.


The church charged money for some of their services. The result was that the church became richer. So, because of the inadequacies of the new priests stepping in, the church not having any answers regarding the Black Death and the church becoming richer off her services, people started to question and even revolt against the church. This was actually laying the seeds for the reformation that was going to come.


The view on children had changed when the Black Death had run its course. Children were considered ‘not worth the trouble to raise’ and the birth rate dropped. It is said that it took almost 400 years to raise the population back to pre-Black Death figures.


Looking at this period of time one sees the need for right theology and a close walk with the Lord.


It is amazing to think that one tiny flea riding on the back of a rat changed the course of Europe – socially, economically, politically and religiously.

What is the Blessing?

Revelation 1:3 God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and He blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near.


What is the blessing mentioned in Revelation 1:3? Being PREPARED for what is coming! So what is coming and how should GOD’S people be prepared?


When leaders of the church say you will not go through these hard times mentioned in Revelation, you will miss the blessing of being prepared for what is coming that God’s people will go through before He removes His faithful church from the earth.


Don’t forget that God made His people go through some of the plagues God pronounced on Egypt, but with the last few God showed a distinction and protected His people from what came upon Egypt.

Fear or Faith – The Choice is Mine

What ever we do or set out to do – that comes from fear, you can be sure that it will not succeed in what you hoped for. Only that which comes from faith, and faith that hears directly from God in His Word, will succeed in what we hoped for.


When the spies came back from the Land of Canaan, there were two reports: the report of those who feared, and the report of Joshua and Caleb were NOT afraid to take the land that the Lord had ALREADY given them with a promise.


The fearful spies spread their fear throughout the community of Israelites. The people then grumbled and complained, and they threatened to choose another leader (other than Moses whom God chose to lead them) to take them back to Egypt where they lived as slaves.  Imagine that; to trust in slavery and suffering in Egypt, instead of liberty and blessings in God.


Joshua and Caleb tore their robes in deep grief over what they were hearing, and said to the entire assembly: “If the Lord is pleased with us, He will lead us into the land and He will give it to us. The Canaanites have no protection, because the Lord is with us!” (Numbers 13:30 – 14:11)


But the people clung to their fear anyway, and they talked about stoning Joshua and Caleb, Moses and Aaron, and BOY! did this ANGER THE LORD!


“How long will these people treat ME with contempt?! How long will they refuse to BELIEVE in Me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?! I will strike them down with a plague and destroy them, but I will make you (Moses) into a nation greater and stronger than they.”  (Numbers 14:11-12)


Moses, because of godly wisdom, interceded for the people by reminding the Lord what would happen if He destroyed the people that He brought out of Egypt; how others would see that God was NOT ABLE to do what He said He would do for His people. Moses said, “Now may the Lord’s strength be displayed, just as You have declared.”


The Lord forgave the grumblers and complainers, FOR HIS OWN RENOWN, and because His ‘faithful’ servant Moses asked Him to.  But the Lord said, “Nevertheless, not one of those who saw MY GLORY and the signs I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness but who disobeyed Me and tested Me ten times – not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their ancestors….But because My servant Caleb has a DIFFERENT SPIRIT and FOLLOWS ME WHOLEHEARTEDLY, I will bring him into the land, and his descendants will inherit it.”


As for all the grumblers: “How long will this wicked community grumble against Me? I heard them all, so tell them: ‘As surely as I live, I will DO TO YOU THE VERY THING I HEARD YOU SAY.’” (Numbers 14:17-28)


So, here we have from God Himself what happens to us when we choose fear that always opposes the reward of our faith. We will all fear from time to time, but be certain that if we begin to act out of fear – our fear will surely come upon us; what we feared will in fact happen.


God acts on our faith, with His good pleasure. God also allows our fear to result when we don’t confess it and take hold of what He said and walk it out. His displeasure results in our painful discipline. The choice is ours.


What has God said to you that He expects you to apply your faith to – and then do? We’ve each been given faith as small as a mustard seed to grow up into our most holy faith.


In the biblical book of James, we are reminded of how important it is to “persevere” in faith of what we’ve heard directly from God in His Word, that we are to do with Him, and for His glory. “Faith comes by hearing; hearing the Word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) And, that to help us to keep persevering in our faith God has instructed us that we can go to Him any time and ask for His wisdom, so that we mature in faith, and we complete what He tells us to do, not lacking a thing. God always has a purpose in making us wait for Him to act, or suffer for a time, which both situations can incite fear in us.


“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives GENEROUSLY AND WITHOUT FINDING FAULT, and it will be given to you. BUT when you ask, YOU MUST BELIEVE AND NOT DOUBT, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. THAT PERSON SHOULD NOT EXPECT TO RECEIVE ANY THING FROM THE LORD.  Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.” (James 1:5-8)


God calls each of His sons and daughters in Christ – to HIS PURPOSE (not our purpose). “Not my will, but Yours be done in my life, Lord.”


We should recognize a scheme of the devil’s, and not allow fear (or pride) turn us from the obedience of our faith. Satan is a liar and destroyer, he controls us mostly by what we fear (death, loss, humiliation, poverty, rejection, etc.).


God is truth and life, and by His love and power “we can do all things through Christ who gives us His strength” – all the way to our ‘finish line’ of faith. Father God desires to reward our faith – more than we do!

Terror to Triumph – Part 13

Christianity as it was just beginning to take root in Europe, was attacked in three different ways: Vikings from the North, plague from the East and Islam from the South. I would like to take the next letters and look at these three attacks that came upon the kingdom of God and see what we can learn from them.


First, we have the Vikings from the North. A key figure in this is Alfred the Great who defeated Guthrum and his Viking armies in 878 A.D. Up until this time when one army defeated another army the five deadly sins were committed. What were they?


1. Human sacrifice.

2. Tyranny / worship of leaders

3. Enslaving or executing enemies

4. Rejection of God’s laws

5. Persecution of the believers


Alfred the Great gave to us what we now call “the just war theory.” He took the Ten Commandments and applied it to British Common Law. He is the one who said: “I need three types of men: men who can fight, men who can build, and men who can pray.” He went out to build Western civilization.


Alfred the Great, when he defeated Guthrum, did not do like other pagan kings did in the past to enslave and execute their enemies, but took Guthrum, brought him to Christianity, received baptism at the King’s own hands and was sent back to his own country. Alfred the Great went out to build Western civilization.


Alfred the Great was probably one of the best kings to rule England. He was just and moral. He brought a rebirth to religion; he advocated scholarly activity, brought about a code of laws. He had great military skills and the ability to inspire men. His testimony in brief was: “I desired to live worthily as long as I lived, and to leave after my life, to the men who should come after me, the memory of me in good works.”


Although King Alfred won many battles against the Vikings, the Almighty also allowed him to be harassed by the Vikings, to be sunk down in adversaries, be depressed by some of his followers so that he might learn that there is only one Lord and that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. It is a lesson that every leader needs to learn, but sadly few do learn that it is God who is in control. He is the One who sets up kings and takes them down. Apostle Paul said: “And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17:25-27


We do not know for sure what religion Guthrum gave up, but we do know that some of them worshipped the one-eyed god of battle, called Odin, and the god, Thor, the hammer-wielding god of thunder. However, with the conversion of Guthrum to Christianity and along with German and Anglo-Saxon preachers – the kingdom of God was beginning to penetrate the men of the North, around 820’s onward.


Several things come out about Alfred the Great that are worth noting.


1. First, we see his piety towards his Maker.


2. Secondly, his devotion to learning and study. Whenever he had leisure time he would have books read to him. He, like Solomon, was a seeker after wisdom.


3. Thirdly, he believed that first things needed to come first. “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33


4. Fourthly, Alfred the Great surrounded himself with the right company to help him along the path of godliness and ruling justly. Werefrith, who was bishop of the church in Worcester and well versed in Scripture, Plegmund, the Archbishop of the church of Canterbury and a man of great wisdom, Etheistan and Werwulf, the king’s priests and chaplains, these were all godly men around Alfred. When he had free time he had them read books to him so that he might gain in knowledge and wisdom.


We need to pray and work towards seeing Godly leaders like this raised up in our day and age.

Terror to Triumph – Part 12



In the beginning of the seventh century a new paganism was coming on the scene called “Islam.” The last 1400 years has been a “jihad” to force people into Islam, or die or become slaves. In the first fifty years of Islam, most of the Middle East and North Africa came under the influence of Islam.


Winston Churchill said: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohamedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. In improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist whereever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammed Law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”


610 AD, Mohammad had a vision supposedly from the angel Gabriel. There is no history of a nation changing to Islam except by force. A century after Mohammed’s death, the lands of Islam, under Arab leadership, stretched from Spain in the west across North Africa and most of the modern Middle East into Central Asia and northern India.


732 AD Islam was taking over the Iberian Peninsula advancing to take over Europe and on their way to England. It must have been a fearful sight to see 80,000 warriors with their curved swords coming at you. When Islam was spreading throughout Europe we had a problem with the church. Theology is the basis of civilization. If we do not have a right understanding of who God is then it will hinder the spread of a right and just civilization.


Medieval Christianity was more of a wholesale rather than individual conversion. The conversion to Christianity came about through the command of the leaders or by political influence with alliances made with heathen princes and their Christian wives. In other words, people became Christian in name only, and not through a new birth as laid down by the apostles. Christianity became more traditional (as taught through the fathers, monks and pope) than Biblical. It was more a baptism of water than by the Holy Spirit and fire. The missionaries of the time were mainly monks of little education or limited education, but they often had great zeal and self denial.


However, in the midst of all of this the contrast between Christianity and Islam that was spreading mainly through force and the sword. Christianity came with persuasion. Often when the Apostle Paul went into the synagogue he reasoned, proved and persuaded the people. Christianity carried with it the promise of freedom, family life and building a just civilization.


Islam came with the sword and brought in polygamy, slavery, despotism and desolation. The moving power behind Christianity was love to God and man, but the moving power behind Islam is fanaticism and the sword. I have been able to travel to a hundred different countries and have found that Christianity finds a home among all nations and different groups of people.


Islam forcefully marched and took over the lands of the Bible, the Greek Church, it seized the throne of Constantine, overran Spain and crossed over the Pyrenees and even for a time threatened the Church of Rome and the German empire. The Crusades originated with the desire to from the followers of Mohammed the “holy lands.” In the ensuing years of slaughtering one another, a hatred built up and even today when missionaries go out from the West to the Muslim lands the Muslims bring up the Crusades, and so the answer to other religions was “the sword.” In the crusades we tried the same thing and failed.


However, there were blessings in disguise. The conquest of Constantinople (now Istanbul) drove Greek scholars with the Greek New Testament to Italy where there was a revival of letters which in turn helped pave the way for the Protestant Reformation.


Several lessons that we can learn from this are: 1. True essence of religion is love to God and to man. The church cannot allow this to be eaten out by hatred and strife. 2. Disunity in the Body of Christ opens the door for the enemy to come in to steal precious souls from the Kingdom of God. We must keep in mind Jesus’ last prayer in John 17. The jealously between the Greek and Latin Church made the Body of Christ weak and there was no defense against marauding hordes. 3. God can take something that was made for evil and turn it around for something good. Islam coming in destroyed idolatry and, I believe, paved the way for the ‘real Gospel.’ Communism in China destroyed the ancestor worship and opened the door to the Gospel.


God did say, regarding the church, that the “gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

Terror to Triumph – Part 11



Every few generations, every few hundred years – something comes up on the world scene that makes us think that this is the ‘end times’ or that the kingdom of God is not going to make it. However, the one common denominator in it all is that God is on the throne and the Kingdom of God marches on. It is unstoppable. Like I said before, we start with the will of God “in the beginning,” and we will end with the will of God “so that God may be all in all.”


Between these two book ends of God’s will we find many obstacles, hurdles, persecutions, doubts, discouragements and at times it seems that all is lost, but often at the last minute God raises up His men, His army and the kingdom of God continues on. This is the case between 600-1400 AD. The kingdom of God was up against not only the barbarians, but what we could now call bio-terrorism.


Up to this time in the history of the kingdom of God we see that dark kingdoms that had been dominated by pagan tyrants with human sacrifices are being liberated from misery to happiness.


During this period in the history of the church some dark clouds were gathering against the church and the powers of darkness were marshalling their forces. Several questions come to mind. During this period would the fledging kingdom of light survive an all out assault from the powers of darkness? Looking back we see that Satan threw everything that he had to stop the advance of the kingdom of God.


Savage armies would come up against God’s kingdom. Would they be able to fend them off? Armies were gathering, ideologies were being formulated to come against God’s kingdom. During this time three invading armies would come. Would the church be able to stand?


Islam, a new pervading religion was exploding on the scene and coming in to attack from the South. Vikings (the Norsemen of the North) were invading from the North and the Bubonic plague was coming in from the East. Was this the end? It certainly seemed so to those who were living at that time.


Another question to be asked during that time was whether the church would fall prey to the deception within its own movement? Not only do we have the enemies without, but also within. Right from the very start of the kingdom of God we see how deception throughout her history has dogged the advancement of the God’s kingdom. It became very acute during this period of time.


Along with the deception, another question arises: Would the church fall prey to the corruption of the very truths that set them free in the first place? I look at our own country, the USA, and see the Biblical truths that this country has been founded on, but today we find how corrupted our nation has become. Over twenty five hundred years ago Isaiah the prophet said: “So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.” Isaiah 59:14,15


A.W. Tozer said there are three types of faith: Faith that takes us over the mountain (problem), faith that takes us around the mountain, and faith that takes us through the mountain. Real Biblical faith takes us through the mountain. This is the question during this period: Will the faith of the church survive the biological pandemic to come?


In answering these questions (which we will do in the coming letters) it will shape the lives, faiths and future of generations to come.


One Nation Under God

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892 and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942.

President Eisenhower signs “In God We Trust” into law. On this day in 1956, two years after pushing to have the phrase “under God” inserted into the pledge of allegiance, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a law officially declaring “In God We Trust” to be the nation’s official motto.

What does the phrase mean ‘One nation under God’?
Thus, in the phrase “one Nation under God,” the preposition “under” indicates the relationship of the Nation (i.e. the People) to God and God’s relationship to the People.

But here’s another way to think about “under God” in part of an essay by John Kyff, Jr.

“By definition, according to The American College Dictionary, a preposition is “one of the major form- classes, or parts of speech, comprising words placed before nouns to indicate their relationship or their function in the sentence.” Thus, in the phrase “one Nation under God,” the preposition “under” indicates the relationship of the Nation (i.e. the People) to God and God’s relationship to the People. By definition, that is theology (i.e. defining God’s relations with the universe). Specifically, our government declares that the People are “under” God, not “within,” God or “above,” God, or “around” God or “One with” God. In doing so, it declares that the People are separate from God or “without” God. After all, if one is not “within” God, one must necessarily be “without” God.

“If the intent of Congress was to declare a close relationship of the People with God, it has done just the opposite. It has separated the People from God and God from the People. How ironic. But then government is a poor theologian. It really should leave theology to theologians. Is not that the meaning of the First Amendment?

I do not agree with those who assert that the phrase “under God” in the pledge of allegiance is a trivial or unimportant issue unworthy of consideration by the Supreme Court. It is a fundamental theological (religious)and therefore Constitutional issue of far reaching consequence. If indeed this is truly a trivial issue, change (or even propose to change) the pledge to read “one nation, within God” and see the furor that erupts within the so-called religious right! I guarantee it! Or how about, “one nation, over God.”

I thought this man’s way of thinking about “under God” was interesting. But to me “under God” simply means that we understand who is in control and working for America’s good future: God! But in actuality, we do see part of Congress trying to manipulate a “change” in how we used to govern “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

And, it’s clear that God is still OVER this nation by all we see happening since He put Donald Trump in the White House to expose this “change” with one party of government doing their best to convince all Americans that their ideologies and proposals are best for us. NOT!

My thought this morning and conversation with my Father God, was, “how did America end up with a government like we have now?” A government where one party thinks they are “over the nation,” to rule over the people, no matter how the people vote; a party with their own ideologies and self-serving agendas.

How did it come to this, where now we have a legal and duly elected president by “we the people” (who are clearly fed up with a corrupt and over-reaching government) where he is regarded as our nation’s #1 enemy (actually he’s THEIR enemy) and who needs to be removed from office so they can get back into power over us?

Why have God’s own people been so asleep, uninterested in politics, too busy with our own interests, not sacrificing to take leadership positions to preserve righteousness and justice in our land? I guess it’s because of what God says about what happens with His people when He has blessed them with so much, as He has done in America because of His covenant with our godly founding fathers?

“This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation:

‘I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference. “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.
Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”” Revelation 3

The Dogs

Reading this morning – where a Gentile woman fell at the feet of Jesus to ask Him to drive the demon out of her daughter, and Jesus, testing her understanding of Him, answered her request this way: “First let the children eat all they want, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” (Mark 7:24-30) Wow! How mean and as we say today, “how racist!”  But is that what Jesus was/is, a racist? Why would He say such a thing to a desperate woman who believed in His power as well as His compassion? Who are “the children” He’s referring to? And who are “the dogs?”


We know from another passage in Scripture that Jesus said that He came first to His own people/children, the Jews, God’s chosen race/nation. This race of Abraham and Sarah’s line (not Abraham and Hagar’s line) is who God chose to show Himself to and to show all other races/nations that He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy, and He will show compassion on whom He’ll show compassion. It’s not about anything good in anyone or in any race that God does anything good for; it’s all about His plan of redeeming mankind to Himself.


By singling out one people’s group to reveal Himself to – the world would see that there is no other God but Him; that “anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who earnestly seek Him” – which Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did, not perfectly but faithfully, along with all the others whom God chose and called to serve Him. God knows what He’s doing, but we don’t see so well the ‘why or how’ God could choose and call someone that we don’t like – seeing what we see, or seeing only what we want to see; which is both self-righteous and hypocritical.


Who are the “dogs?” You think Donald Trump is vulgar and insensitive with what he calls people who viciously attack him, nip at his heels, bark at him to stop him.  If you were living in the day of our Lord’s ministry on the earth, you’d be considered “a dog” by Him too, if you were not a Jew of God’s chosen race.


Jesus told John in prison what to write about the end times, and who will be left outside the Kingdom, unable to go through the gates (when God’s whole plan of redemption has been completed by Jesus Christ). “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life (eternal life with God) and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the DOGS: those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” (Revelation 22:12-15) So a “dog” in God’s book is a person who rejects God in his/her life, and ends up outside suffering, outside all that God has prepared for those who love and obey Him, unable to get in and find the peace and joy they long for; forever suffering that torment.


We also know that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows Him, can be from any race of people because the Scripture says that by faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ we have been “grafted into Abraham’s eternal promise from God.” Apostle Paul teaches this by God’s wisdom imparted to him:


“Did they (the Jews) stumble so as to fall away beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles (all other races) to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their (the nation of Israel) full inclusion bring!”  (Romans 11:11)  This “full inclusion” means the ‘later time at the second coming of Jesus Christ’ when they all will see Him differently than they did before. God veils their eyes so He could include the Gentiles, so their blindness then wasn’t all their fault, and is why God has not rejected Israel at all; they are still His chosen people for all God has planned for the nation Israel for their full redemption and inclusion. PTL!


It’s easy to call Donald Trump a “racist” or whatever – for his choice of words to describe his enemies. Of course, Donald Trump is nothing like Jesus Christ, not yet that is, but like so many other men that God chose to do something with, who have been referred to as a “type of Christ,” Donald Trump is no different. None of the men of the Bible, referred to as a “type of Christ,” were perfect and without sin in their life. If you have been called to His purpose – you are also “a type of Christ.” Perfection was NEVER a qualification of God’s for using a man, or a woman. God sees the heart, and our future, as to whether we will finish what God called us to do. In fact, God will even see to it – that we DO finish.


“….being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus….. “   Philippians 1:6


We’re all growing in the Lord, some faster than others, but we’re all in need of God’s mercy and grace as we cooperate with His call in our lives. So, as ‘humble and wise’ Christians, we ought to be praying for our President to finish God’s will for him as POTUS. Amen?

Hook in their Nose, Bit in their Mouth

In God’s Word this morning He showed me what He’s doing in America, and for His own people who are looking to Him and crying out to Him.  According to God’s Word to Isaiah (chapter 37):


When the army against God’s people were ascending – God spoke to the king in Jerusalem as to what God was going to do to the army and it’s king and the king’s messengers who had ridiculed and blasphemed the Holy One of Israel. The Lord came against the proud king and his army boasting about how he would overtake Jerusalem. The Lord said through His prophet: “By your messengers you have ridiculed the Lord.”


There’s a time for peace, and a time for war. Do Christians in America even know what it will take to fight an army of “progressive ideologies” that have come against God’s truths, principles and against His will for America? Does the Church understand the power and authority they have from the Lord? Especially the power of His Holy Spirit uniting us with His mind and purpose?  Why are Christians so divided over what they see and think is happening in our nation?  This day calls for wisdom from God!


This king of Assyria took pride in his past victories in foreign lands. Like this proud king, America’s progressive politicians have also taken pride in their past accomplishments and victories – with a long list of mockeries that clearly oppose the will of God.


“You have turned fortified cities into piles of stone.” “Sanctuary cities and states” are destructive allowing criminal activity to thrive, taking away the authority and respect of law enforcement, protecting the lawless instead of law-abiding citizens who are threatened and attacked, fearful, and moving out. How long do you think a city or state, or nation can stand strong and productive (fortified) under this kind of government?


“Their people, drained of power, dismayed and put to shame.” Has the people of God (the church) been drained of power giving in to fear: the threat of losing their non-profit status if they preach the truth from their pulpits?  Has the people been drained of power – with politicians ignoring our rightful voting power, and career-politicians believing that WE work for them instead of THEM working for us? Have God’s people been drained of power – by their own wicked lifestyles instead of living the way God says to live for Him?


“I know who you are and when you come and go and how you RAGE against Me the Lord…. And because you RAGE against Me and because your insolence has reached My Ears, I will put a hook in your nose and My bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came.”  Wow! How might this look today in our nation with wicked leaders RAGING against our president’s purpose from God, with his righteous agenda that have prevented these haughty progressives from carrying out their plans?


What did God mean by saying “I will put a hook in your nose?” The nose you stick up at Me and My will for this nation that I founded for My purpose, not yours!  You turn up your nose to Me as if what I require means nothing to you! Therefore, the Lord putting a hook in their noses is to turn them from their evil plans of attack on this presidency; to humble them by shaming them as the fools they are.


For example: Abortion on Demand, and now with national leaders giving way to abortion up to the birth of a baby! No wonder CA. has raging fires! Another example: Progressives giving way to “illegal immigration” and promising them free this and that, at the legal law-abiding tax-payers expense. Another example: All the homelessness rapidly growing because of progressives doing what they should not be doing with policy making and our increasing taxes. Another example: Adam Schiff’s recent shutting down the Republican party from being a part of this Impeachment inquiry in their secret basement Star Chamber of biased interviews, set traps, preventing or silencing any witness from answering the questions that would get to the TRUTH. All to be kept from “voters.” Another example: God giving our president and his military victory in taking out the two top leaders of ISIS the other day. The democrats care more about taking down our president and his trusted administration, than giving credit to the president and his military for how they took down Baghdadi and his successor. They resent our president keeping it a secret from them – those who would’ve leaked in order to ruin the operation, with our own men and women being killed in the process.  Another example: The sticking up their noses at fair justice and fair investigations as distract from Hillary Clinton’s collusion with Russia over the 2016 election, not arresting proven true criminals in our government, and now with the Biden’s Quid-Pro-Quo – while doing their best to arrest our president for his legal and necessary conversation with Ukraine’s NEW president in getting to the bottom of “deep state corruption.” Hypocrisy and a double standard for justice – God HATES, and God will do what God says He’ll do.


What did God mean by “and I will but a bit in your mouth”?  A wild horse hates “the bit” in its mouth because a wild horse has been free to do what it wants and isn’t about to submit. The wild horse fights against serving anyone but itself. These political leaders with their progressive ideologies are “wild” and “running” with all they’ve got, picking up strays along the way.


Both “hook” and “bit” God says that He’ll use – to turn these proud leaders, to humble them in seeing that no matter what they think they can get away with in taking down the POTUS, God won’t let them. Everything they set out to do will only shame them and show them to be the fools they are in ever thinking that God does not see the intent and motives of their hearts with all their various schemes against the man God put in the White House, for God’s good purpose for America and for answering the prayers of His own people – fed up with how the progressives want to take over this nation for their own self serving godless agenda.


“The ZEAL OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY will accomplish this.”  (Isaiah 37:32b)