Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

We are called the United States of America, but we are not united! The question is why?
Our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as citizens are trying to be removed by people with power who think they know better than our founders. To 'pursue' means to go after, and to be willing to personally accept any consequence of a bad choice you've made. It also means to reap the benefits of your good choices and hard work of pursuing whatever. Most people do not go after something honorable or meaningful to them because to do so would require personal sacrifice and persistent hard work. 
There is a new generation in America that feels it is the responsibility of the government to give them everything they want. They have been taught to think this way by our government and by their care-givers. So, when they are not happy or in need, they form groups to rebel in the streets with their  demands instead of working and sacrificing for it like most Americans have, and who end up paying with ever increasing taxes to support this 'give me,' and 'you owe me' generation. They do not acknowledge the rights of others, nor do they obey the laws of the land; they simply expect others to sacrifice for their self-centered ways and foolish ideas. 
This new generation 'pursues' a life of sexual immorality, but the result is harming society as well as themselves with their homosexuality, transmitted diseases, aborted babies, divorce and adultery, and their children grow up even worse, left to themselves, defenseless and feeling confused and alone. Is this what it means to be happy? 
In the later part of Jefferson's writing it says that it is "the people's right" to remove any government, or part of government, that would take our foundational rights from its citizens. If these unAmerican government leaders continue to lead on this destructive path of siding against legal, law-abiding, hard-working, self-sufficient citizens - then it is 'our legal right' to remove them.  But, to do so, we need to be 'civil' about it. 
To bring unity to this country it must start with true believers in God and His principles for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; to agree on how God instructs us to live and govern. God will be pleased to work with us then. We must unite and stand up against anyone who would work against our faith in God and how we live it out according to God's Scriptures. 
The real question is: What is stopping us from doing so? Could it be that we are just too busy to meet with God each morning, and to pray and then do what He says? Are we so busy acquiring worldly possessions as the means of happiness that we are not willing to sacrifice in any way for the good of society? What are we accountable to God to 'defend?' What does God mean 'liberty?'  Is our own 'happiness' all our life is about? 
When we, God's people, agree and actively unite - there can only be a good result; one that is good for a healthy and prospering society. God's people have the means and ways to bring this about, and the evil forces within our government and communities will do everything they can to stop it in any way they can.   
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness." -- Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776.ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

Which Sanctuary are You Living In?

Do you feel the same, grieved over what is progressively happening to our nation under this current WH administration's "open border" and no true consequence for anyone breaking our laws. I'm grieved over what this WH administration is trying to do to Israel by siding with Iran, knowing what God says: "I will curse those that curse Israel (do not stand with her), but I will bless those who bless her (by supporting her presence in our world)." 
So many wicked things happening under this WH adminstration that are NOT RIGHT, NOT JUST, NOT WISE in any way at all. Then I read this morning: "When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply...till I entered the SANCTUARY of GOD, then I understood their final destiny. Surely you place them on slippery ground, you cast them down to RUIN." Psalm 73
What came to me was the GREAT difference between "sanctuary" cities/states breaking ALL our laws (even God's laws), and the SANCTUARY OF GOD where we find truth, righteousness and justice (according to God's definition and purpose). 
Both this WH administration and those coming over our borders illegally from all over the world and most with wicked intent against our law-abiding citizens and our national security - are those that God DESPISES. 
As the psalmist concurred: "I understood their final destiny!" "Those who are far from You Lord, they will perish; You destroy all who are unfaithful to You." (Psalm 73)
But for now, I (we) must endure this EVIL day in America and throughout this world - as our Lord told us. How?" But as for me, IT IS GOOD TO BE NEAR GOD. I have made the SOVEREIGN LORD MY REFUGE; I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds. You guide me with Your counsel (from His Word and Spirit), and afterward You will take me into glory." (still in Psalm 73)
Which "sanctuary" are you living in?

The Power of Thankfulness

I do believe that we should check ourselves continually. The Lord says we are to judge our sinful selves truthfully confessing to Him, and instead of judging others - we pray and love them, or we pray and leave them alone. 
God has a day when HE will judge us all. But I have found a real power in sincere continual 'thankfulness' to my Lord God, acknowledging Him for all He has done for me, done for me even before I ever repented of my sins and asked Him to live in me. 
Romans 6:19-23 "And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with THANKFULNESS." Thankfulness! 
Jesus will open the books; for He is the only One worthy to open the seals. (Revelation 5:9) And as He has said, my name is not listed any longer in the "book" of all my sins. My name IS listed in the "LAMB's book of Life" by my faith in who HE IS. He has covered all my sins with His own blood. Hallelujah! 
Lord JESUS, finish in me what YOU so graciously started with Your Word and Spirit! You have ALL the power to make me holy as You are holy. I thank You that You do not hold my sins against me. 
I have found that my sin-nature is overcome by my sincere love for Jesus Christ, thanking Him and giving my 'imperfect' self to Him each morning, to use me any way He wants. It's all about Him!

When I Get Angry

What JOY feels my heart, when I remind myself of the future that God says I have IN Christ Jesus. I get so angry at what our leaders are doing to our natiion. I get so angry at what self-deceived people are doing to the Jews living in America. I get so angry at all the babies aborted, AND EVEN up to the time of birth. I get so angry to see the lies and deception taught to children about their natural God-given bodies. I get so angry to see our nation being so easily invaded and destroyed from within. I get so angry to see what our tax-dollars are going to. I get so angry at how RICH our land is in resources and yet not being allowed to thrive and prosper. I get so angry at being told by our tyrannical rulers what we are allowed to do, allowed to have, and not allowed to have or do anymore - because of their false beliefs and hunger for power. 
As I continue to read through the Old Testament books of the prophets, there is a repeating message about the future of mankind; about Israel's future and the future of all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ. And, there is a clear message to those who deny Jesus Christ and continue to resist God's Spirit when He comes to convict people and reveal to them who the Son of God is so that they will believe and live forever with Him. 
Each prophetic book of the Bible refers to "THE DAY OF THE LORD," and all that happens leading up to the LORD's return, and all that will be on earth with His thousand year reign to conquer and renew all things that God once called "good." 
Jesus told us to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." So when I get angry or worried about all that is happening in the world and coming at us personally - I remember the WORD OF GOD. 
Man will continue to make a mess of everything LEFT TO HIMSELF - as he thinks he has the ALL wisdom and power. So as I continue to watch America's expiry, I rest in the peace, hope and joy of what my Father God has laid out in His Word as to His 'redemptive plan' and 'renewing work' for the awesome future of those called by His Name, those He has given the RIGHT to be called His children. 
Oh how arrogant and ignorant people are who refuse to believe in God's truths and promises that He has so perfectly laid out to us in the Holy Bible. And no, the Bible is not a man-made book that people feel they have the right to ignore, pick a part, or judge God for. 
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS God. HE was with God in the beginning. Through HIM all things were made; without HIM nothing was made that has been made. In HIM was life, and that life was the light of ALL mankind. HIS light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has NOT overcome it... HE was in the world, and though the world was made through HIM, the world did not recognize HIM. HE came to that which was HIS own (Israel's leaders), but HIS own did not receive HIM. Yet to ALL who did receive HIM, to those who believed in HIS Name, HE gave the RIGHT to become children of God—children born NOT of natural descent, NOR of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became FLESH and made HIS dwelling among us. We have seen HIS glory, the glory of the one and only SON, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."
They can keep trying to rewrite any part of history, but they can't change any of it. God has all the records of everything throughout the history of man since the Garden of Eden, and records on everybody - all that we've each done and said good or bad. Nothing is hidden in His sight! 
"The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt; their acts are vile. There is no one who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if any understand, if any seek God." Psalm 14:1-2
"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

We Have the Right

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness." -- Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315
Our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as citizens are being removed in America. The idea of "pursuit," or the "right to pursue," is being removed from America's foundational constitution. To 'pursue' means to 'go after,' and to be willing to personally accept any consequence of a bad choice you've made. It also means to reap the benefits of any good choice, and the hard work of pursuing whatever. Most people do not go after something meaningful and honorable because to do so would require 'personal discipline and sacrifice' and 'persistent hard work.' 
In the later part of Jefferson's writing it says that it is "the people's right" to remove any government, or part of government, that would take these rights from its citizens. If our government leaders today continue to lead us down this destructive path, that path that denies the rights of legal law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working citizens - then it is 'our constitutional right' to remove them. 
There seems to be a thinking today that it is the responsibility of the government to give them everything that makes them happy and secure. They have been taught to think this way by a wicked part of our government and its media sources. So that now, when people are not happy they feel they have the right to rebel in the streets, destroy property, threaten people, break our laws, to get what they want instead of working and sacrificing for it like most of us do, and like our founding fathers with their families did. They refuse to acknowledge the rights of others and the laws of our land. They expect others to sacrifice for them to have what they think is owed them, 
It's a "give me," "you owe me" time in our country with the younger generation.  How did this happen? Could it be that we who do work hard and make sacrifices to have what we want are so busy acquiring worldly possessions as the means of happiness that we've lost sight of the supreme sacrifice it takes to defend innocent life, to defend the liberties that our Maker gave us, and to defend the right to pursue our own dreams, while seeking the good of others?   
When we, THE PEOPLE, begin to agree and actively unite - there can only be a good result; one that is good for every true patriotic American  of any race. We have the means and strength to bring this about, and the evil forces of this world know it, and will continue do everything to keep us from being actively united so that they can continue to rule over America any way they choose.  
If we do not unite for what is right and true and just, then this 'woke generation' will be the last generation American has because their ungodly and insane ways will destroy all that was good and blessed by God.  YES! Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But take up our positions in the land that work to preserve what makes a nation great in the eyes of our God. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Repent if need be. 
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If My people who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I WILL hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and HEAL THEIR LAND." 

They Became Worthless

In 2 Kings 17 God says, "They became worthless." How does God "chosen" people become worthless to God? I did not say that God did not love them, just that they have become worthless. 
Worthless: Having no real value or use. 
They worshiped other gods. They followed the practices of other nations. They worshiped idols. They refused to believe in the LORD, forgotten who HE IS.  They despised all His warnings. The question is: Can this happen to us today? If so, what should we do to avoid being worthless to God? 
They became worthless to God over time, by the acceptance of little compromises daily. Progression away from God is a slow process, but a repentant heart is instantly united with God and blessed by Him. 

Who is Wise and Discerning?

In the Bible’s book of the prophet Hosea, God asks: Who is wise? Who is discerning? He is speaking to Israel of course, but He can also be asking the same thing of us in America.
Our start/foundation/Constitution came by God’s will so that He could bless this nation and use this nation to bless other nations. It was His will to “provide a way of escape” for His people being forced by their government to worship its false ‘religion,’ or suffer the consequences.  So, the LORD led His people here to live freely unto Him and to be a blessing to others, to the glory of God.
“When I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig tree.” Hosea 9:10
There were many things these Christians needed to overcome, and with God they DID, and it is recorded in our history books, or at least it used to be (the wicked have been rewriting our history). So now we should ask ourselves as Christian citizens, and even non-Christian citizens, how did America become so very immoral and corrupt, and our government tyrannical.   
Who is wise? Let them wake up to what is happening in America and to America’s foundation and godly heritage. Who is discerning? Let them realize WHY, the truth from God.  
An unsuspecting, deceived, and self-gratifying America will suffer the unnecessary painful and deadly consequences.  May it not be said by God: “My people are determined to turn from Me. Even though they call Me ‘God Most High,’ I will by NO means exalt them. Because you have depended on your own strength and on your many [types of] warriors, the roar of battle will rise against you so that all your fortresses will be devastated.”  (Hosea)
What is America’s “fortresses?” Our military, our justice system, our education system, our economy, our medical industry, and yes even our Constitution and Bill of Rights; all that we have  depended on and been blessed by as an American law-abiding citizen. Yet, it has been ‘progressively’ and ‘unsuspectingly’ attacked and chipped away at, and now it’s so completely obvious and alarming, but incomprehensible as to how to correct it on our own.    
“A people without understanding will come to ruin.” Hosea 4:5
“They exchange their glorious God for something disgraceful. In their misery they will earnestly seek Me.”
Elections are on the way with all their political campaigning, those who say they have the answers and solutions for the mess America is in, but do they really? God says, “They make many promises, take false oaths and make agreements; therefore lawsuits spring up like poisonous weeds in a plowed fields….and nations will be gathered against them to put them in bonds for their DOUBLE sin (their own personal secret sins and the sin of making powerless and promises to the people)…. Their deeds do not permit them to return to God.”   
 “You shall acknowledge no God but Me, no Savior except Me.”  (Hosea 13:4)
Who is wise? Who is discerning?  Discernment keenly recognizes the REAL danger and schemes of enemy intent. Wisdom boldly knows what to DO and does it courageously knowing God is on the ‘fighting side’ of true faith, righteousness and justice.
“You, Oh God, are my (our) strength, I (we) watch for YOU. You, Oh God, are my (our) FORTRESS, my (our) God on whom I (we) rely.” Psalm 59:9
God is ALMIGHTY God, personally and nationally!

Wisdom vs. Government

The wisest man to ever live tells us in Proverbs what man’s government should and not be, and what the results WILL BE!

When the wicked are in charge: People will not accept divine guidance; sin and immorality flourishes, and the country will become unstable. Good people will be punished for refusing to accept their lack of morality. The lack of divine guidance will result in electing leaders that have no common sense, who create laws that oppress society and pervert justice. These wicked leaders hide their intentions behind emotional arguments, so that they can control weak-minded people. They promise to give you everything, and that you will not have any consequences for bad choices.


When godly, wise, and knowledgeable leaders are in charge, the government is stable and limited, and the people enjoy freedom and prosperity. Godly leaders acknowledge God and His life-prinicples found in God’s Word. These godly principles work for all honest and law-abiding people.

When the godly are leading there will be justice in our courts and consequences for bad choices. This will terrify those whose only purpose in life is to take advantage of others. For it is godliness that makes a nation great, and it is moral-rot that destroys a nation completely.

Remember that justice is truth in action!

How do you know who is wise, and who is wicked? The wise build their nation upon God’s instructions and principles for the marriage/family and a nation’s government. The wicked are trapped by their self-deceit built on lies. Wise leaders know that when the people are joyful and happiness fills their hearts the nation will prosper. The wise know that If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you! This next year look at our leadership and what do you see? If wise then we have a great future, if they are wicked then we need to be prepared for what is coming.

Where Does My Hope Come From?

As I consider all that is happening in our nation, I still have hope. Why do I have hope? I have hope only because of what God says in His Word, the Holy Bible. Is it any wonder why the devil and his cohorts are trying to discredit and remove the Word of God in our nation. My hope, and anyone's true hope can ONLY come from what God says and what Jesus promised. 
This morning in the Word of God, the prophet Hosea speaks to our nation even though God is speaking to Israel in this book of the Bible. America began its place in this world based on the Word of God, the faith of our founding fathers. Thus we have our good Constitution and Bill of Rights. But just like Israel, we have 'left' the right path of godliness. "A people without understanding WILL come to ruin." Hosea 4:14
To priests He speaks in the book of Hoseam but He is also speaking to any church leader as well who teaches others.  "And it will be: Like people, like priests. I will punish both of them for their ways and repay them for their deeds....A spirit of prostitution leads them astray when they are unfaithful to their God." Hosea 4:9,12
"My people are destoyed for lack of [true] knowledge." Hosea 4:6
How can there be a lack of the knowledge we need when there are churches on every corner and Bibles so available everywhere, even in most homes? Are we being destroyed as a nation? How do we know if we are? 
We know by all the unbelief in God, the chaos and destruction taking place. When God is hated and His Word rejected and despised, all starts to crumble that was righteous and just. If you have been watching current events you will see that America is under God's judgment by what and who He has allowed to attack from outside (with open borders) and from within our own government branches (arrogant and ignorant ideologies, and unrighteous dividing policies). Like a frog put in pan of cool water over a flame, unaware, we have been slowly dying as "one nation under God."  God says, "WOE to them, because they have strayed from Me....they are easily deceived and senseless." Hosea 7:11,13
So! What is the hope I have when the nation I live in is no longer feared by our enemies as before; when this next generation of leaders are clearly so very ignorant and hopelessly deceived; when the Jews in our nation are falsely hated and attacked in our own universities where so-called education takes place?  My hope is rooted in what God STILL says: "God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change - HE hears them and will humble them because they have NO fear of God." Psalm 55:19
"As for me, I call to God. I know He still saves. All day and night I cry out to Him and He hears my voice. So I cast my cares upon the LORD, for He will sustain me, HE WILL NEVER let the righteous be shaken. Yes, I can and will - trust the LORD." (Psalm 55:16-17, 22)

Prayer for 2024

The hope of this world can only be found in Jesus and what He has said. This is my prayer for all of my friends and family for 2024.  I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.  You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our Savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth. (Romans 15:13 and Psalm 65:5)