Coronavirus – Life Changes & Questions

Questions that I have been thinking about while being advised to stay at home:


1. Do we go to church or are we the church?
2. Do we know how to live off the land, or do we know how to live out of a grocery store?
3. Government has the answers or are they the problem?
4. Is this the beginning of the end as mentioned in the Bible, or this just birth pains of the end?


The reason I ask these questions is, life as we know it is changing. When things change it causes a lot of anxiety in people. Change causes us to find out what is important and what is not. We find out what is tradition and what is not. We see who are really our friends and who just want us as a contact. We begin to see with clarity and with clarity comes truth, and with truth we are set free.


To enslave people requires them to know that someone else will meet their needs. To free a person requires hard times, because it requires breaking free of depending on others. Maybe this time is a blessing, because it is bringing clarity to a lot of things that we have taken for granted.

Terror to Triumph – Part 12



When we think of character we must think about COMMITMENT.


When I look at the evangelical scene today I see a great lack of commitment. When I look at the lack of laborers out on the field especially in the difficult areas of the world with the Muslim, Hindu and Chinese world – I believe it comes back to a lack of commitment.


Where are God’s people who will go to these hard areas of the world and stick it out? We find very few who even respond to the call or the challenge. Out of those who do respond we see a great number dropping out after a short time. Those who make it to the field often do not go back again after the first term. Why? I believe there are a number of reasons, but a big reason is a lack of commitment.


Commitment is important. Webster dictionary defines commitment as “to bring together, join, entrust; to give in trust or in charge; consign for safe keeping.”  I commit my life to Christ Jesus. I join my life to His. I give my life to Him.


The same is true of marriage. Why are marriages falling apart? I know that we often hear of incompatibility, mental cruelty, etc. All of these things are often camouflage for the real culprit that tears a marriage apart,  a lack of commitment.


When we commit our lives to the Lord we are committed to His will. Jesus said, “If you continue in my word then you are my disciples.” The word “continues” brings out the idea of commitment. ‘To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.’” John 8:31


However, we need to think through some of the reasons why we break our commitment.


1. It wasn’t quite what I felt it would be. This is one excuse that I hear quite often with people who break a commitment. Perhaps we didn’t count the cost.


Luke 9:57-58 “As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.'” When Jesus laid down the terms of discipleship we do not hear from these ‘would be followers’ again.


2. We don’t have a mind to suffer.
Peter 4:1 “Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.”


This is part of our armor and is as essential to us as the armor we read about in Ephesians 6. Because we do not have that mind-set or mentality, we see that the enemy gets in and hits us just where we do not want to suffer. Consequently, we see what we can do to break our commitment.


When I was the director of our, Operation MObilization ship Doulos, a young lady joined our ship for two years. She had been very active in her church and had a responsible job. When she was on the ship she had to spend time washing dishes. Every night when she was in her room she was complaining about her dish-pan hands as she was complaining about how she did not join the ship to be a dish washer, etc.


One night while she was complaining to the Lord about her hands, how red they looked, etc. and thinking how she might be able to get out of her commitment – the Lord spoke to her and said, “Look at my hands…”


That was a turning point in her life. She realized how the Lord had suffered for her. She armed herself with the right mentality and stuck it out. She became one of our line-up team who have the responsibility of going ahead of the ship and lining up the program, a job that carries much responsibility, a job for people with commitment.


3. Wrong ideas of what it means to follow Christ.


We seem to think that following Christ there will be no problems, etc. We do not understand how the Lord builds in us character. It is not that we do not have problems because we do. As a matter of fact, we probably have more problems (because Satan is against us), but we also have solutions to our problems. And this is what makes the difference.


There is a tendency to think that by following Christ if things are rough and don’t seem to work them out that this cannot be of God. It is this type of thinking that leads into many erroneous ideas about discipleship.


How do we interpret Hebrews 11:35-38? “Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated – the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.”


What about these people mentioned here. Didn’t they have any faith? Couldn’t they believe God for deliverance? Yes, they had faith. As a matter of fact they probably had more faith. Here we see what real Biblical faith is. Biblical faith takes us through the problems. This is what commitment is all about.

Change Requires Adjustments

The times we are living has caused our daily routine to be changed. It is the same with the church, and I would like to ask some questions for those who attend a church. When you read the Bible, you see what the future is for those who follow Jesus; it brings persecution, confiscation of property, and even death.


• If this a precursor to show His children how to be prepared for future times, then what changes should we be doing?

• Since we cannot meet as we use to, what would God be telling us on how to keep in touch with each other?

• When these future times come what will happen to our great buildings that we call churches?

• If these church building will be empty, and we’ve spent so much money to maintain them – should we begin now to remove them, and use this money for what the Lord says to?

• When persecution comes this will filter out those who are among us that are not really His children. Knowing this, then why are we allowing these people to have such a big say in our churches today?

The Pure in Heart

This morning reading God’s Word, I came to 8 words said by Jesus to a woman. Simon, a religious leader, had invited Jesus to have dinner with him and some other guests. A woman who led a sinful life came to see Jesus there. She brought an alabaster jar of perfume to pour on the Lord’s feet. As she got near Jesus she began to weep at His feet, wiping His feet with her tears. What made her weep? Do you think she wept because she KNEW she was a sinful woman in the presence of God? What did she believe about Jesus?


After Jesus heard Simon’s ‘thoughts’ about the woman, Jesus openly spoke to him in front of everyone using a parable to help Simon and the others in attendance that were just as self-righteous as Simon, understand their ‘own’ sinfulness.


“Two people owed money to a moneylender. One owed far more than the other. Neither of them could pay the lender back, so the lender forgave their debts. Now which of them loved the lender more?”  The answer was obvious, and Jesus responded to Simon as to how he had NOT done anything for Jesus that was at least the ‘customary’ things to do: washing His feet off and greeting Him with a kiss. And He summed it all up with:


“Therefore, I tell you Simon, her many sins have been forgiven – as her great love for Me has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus turned to the woman and said these 8 life-changing words: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”


Often, we Christians, as we like to think of ourselves, attack someone else (in our thoughts) for what we see them doing or saying that is clearly sinful. But we don’t know their heart like Jesus does. According to the Lord, we don’t even know the depth of evil and deception in our ‘own’ heart.  (Jeremiah 17:9)


“I, the Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10


As Christians we often become outraged when we think someone is lying or doing something we would never do, at least not in public. We will even publicly spout off about what someone else says or does. Yes, we are to “hate evil as God hates evil,” but at the same time He calls us (all sinners saved by grace) to humility and prayer. In my opinion, the Church in America has been very weak in humility and prayer, and is why our nation is in the trouble it is.


False humility is self-deception, and self-centered prayer is not at all acceptable to God. In fact, the Holy Spirit does nothing with our prayers that are self-centered instead of Christ-centered rooted in grace and truth.


You can grow up in a Christian home, know the Bible, believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, be involved in an organized church, etc. and yet NOT be in “fellowship” with the Lord Jesus Christ; NOT be ‘in love’ with the Lord as the Lord brought out with His parable here, knowing what was in each of their hearts about Him.


As Jeremiah (God’s prophet) confessed: “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for YOU are the one I praise….What passes my lips is OPEN BEFORE YOU….keep me from shame….do not be a terror to me, but keep me from terror.” (Jeremiah 17:14-18)


“Blessed is the one who fully trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. They will be a strong healthy tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It (he/she) does not fear anything. It (he/she) has no worries in times of hardship. It (he/she) NEVER FAILS TO BEAR FRUIT.”  Jeremiah 17:8-9


As John the Baptist commanded the “religious” in his day, we “the religious” of our day, need to remember both the Lord’s teaching to Simon, and John’s message: Therefore, produce fruit worthy of repentance.” Luke 3:8


The sinful woman in Simon’s house loved the Lord more than Simon did because Simon didn’t see his own sinfulness as the woman saw her own sinfulness.


Humility is necessary in being forgiven and saved by the Lord. Simon’s sin was ‘worse’ than the woman’s. In thought, Simon expected the Lord to separate Himself from this sinful woman. Have you ever rejected a person that repulsed you? Have you ever looked at someone and criticized their behavior or how they looked? I have. Let’s be honest.


Hidden sin can be far worse than open sin. Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit, goes right to our hearts and is why we should constantly judge our ‘own’ hearts, and especially judge our own thoughts to guard our own words before they openly “pass our lips.”


With all that we are going through right now in our nation ‘politically,’ ‘socially,’ and ‘financially’ because of yet another plague, God is seriously purifying His own people. He’s working to unite us in Himself, showing us our responsibility as prayer warriors and as His humble servants doing His will only, in whatever way He calls us. God is also preparing us for far worse coming around the corner – that we be ready and prepared for Him. (Luke 1:17) If we are caught up in the disgust, frustration and anger ‘of our fear’ – we will miss the Lord’s open doors of opportunities and not understand what is ours to do in this time, or any time as His Day approaches.


“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8

The Bride Has Made Herself Ready

One of the Lord’s watchmen/prophets recently said, “It’s time to prepare the Bride of Christ.” What does THAT mean? I asked Mike his opinion and he began to relate to the weddings our daughters had. The soon to be bride gets herself in shape for her gown. She sends out invitations to loved ones. She plans the food and drink. She keeps focused on the day, longing to be joined with her groom.


What comes to me is that both ‘spiritual and physical’ are necessary. The Cross is both vertical and horizontal. To me, it shows how the spirit and flesh are connected in that one effects the other, one needs the other to accomplish the will of the Father. The Father needed flesh and blood to prepare people spiritually, for life after death.


“Just as we are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many (those who believe in Him); and He will appear a SECOND time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are WAITING FOR HIM.”  Hebrews 9:28


Those who are “waiting for Him,” both alive and sleeping in their graves, are of His Kingdom waiting to be “with Him” as He promised His disciples; that we’d be with Him wherever He is.


The “second coming” of our Lord is after His rapture (taking off the earth) of the Spirit-filled church (bride) when we rise to meet Him in the clouds (1 Corinthians 15:51-54, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 and Daniel 12:7) in order to “escape the worse time on the earth” (Revelation 3:10-13 and Revelation 10:7) with the third “woe” of God’s wrath man’s wicked rebellion, (Revelation 11:14) with His “Two Witnesses” doing their assignment on earth.


This “rapture” of Christ’s Faithful Church relates to how the Lord spared His people in Egypt from His last 2 plagues on Egypt’s wicked rebellion (darkness and death – Exodus 10:21-12:13), the 9th being complete darkness over the land so that no one could see their hand in front of their face, but in the homes of God’s people there was LIGHT. If you’re paying attention to what’s happening in our world, it’s evident that complete darkness is ‘about’ to take over – with Christ’s prophecy being fulfilled of the coming of the anti-Christ and his “one-world government” and “mark of the beast.”  (Daniel 8:19-10:14, Matthew 24 and Revelation 13:11-18)


The 10th plague of death that killed all Egypt’s firstborn, even animals, was not felt by God’s people because they had obeyed the Word of the Lord through Moses, and applied the lamb’s blood over their doors and windows and eating the prepared lamb together in full obedience, thus the angel of death PASSedOVER the homes (families) of God’s people. (Exodus 12:13)


Oh, how I love this time of year that is called PASSOVER because the blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross is over people with HIS faith. We don’t fear ‘physical death’ knowing we’ve been forgiven by God through His Son, and as Jesus was the “first-fruits of Resurrection” from physical death to eternal life with the Father, Jesus Christ opened the WAY for us to join Him, those who love and obey Him!


Prepare, oh bride of Christ! How do we prepare? We finish what is ours to do before the Lord calls us up to meet Him in the clouds. Each generation has a unique ‘physical and spiritual’ purpose. We testify of what Christ has done on the Cross, and has personally done for each of us, so that others might be saved. AND, we prepare provision (practical/physical survival) for those going through the worse time on earth who will call on the Lord to save them. Some will die a martyr’s death, but many will live through it – without taking the “mark of the beast” as the Lord warned. They will not be able to buy and sell without the mark of Satan. The Lord says to trust God in those days. God works through His people to prepare for His people later. We see this throughout the Bible in both Old and New Testaments.


The Holy Spirit’s work, Christ’s work through His Church, is to “make ready a people prepared for the Lord; turning the hearts of the parents to their children and turning the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous.” Luke 1:17


Wisdom knows what to do with what you ‘know’ from the Lord, and with what you’ve been ‘given’ of the Lord. This is how “the Bride makes herself ready.” Her righteous acts are her bright white bridal gown. Revelation 19:5-8


Christ’s one-thousand-year reign on the earth (His second coming) I see as the day between the Groom’s dinner (rapture of the Church at the 7th Trumpet Rev.10:7) and the Groom’s Wedding Day at the end of His 1K reign on earth.  (Revelation 21) God says that a day with Him in heaven – is as a thousand years on the earth.


After the earth is prepared with our KING of kings “making all things new on the earth and in the heavens,” having done all He said would do in His 1K reign – His New Jerusalem, the Bride comes down for the Wedding Day! Is His Bride making herself ready?

What is Passover?

As I consider this week and how people in America celebrate this time of year, and can’t now in the ways they have, I’m wondering what God has in mind.


Easter as the world celebrates it, is a ‘pagan holiday,’ and is why I choose to call this time of the year “The Passover of my LORD.” What is Passover? In a nutshell: It is the time of the year that God said is to be the first of our calendar year (Hebrew Calendar) because it’s when God saved His people in Egypt when He brought them out of slavery into a free new life with Him, teaching them to obey everything He says, so it would go well with them.


In the wilderness as they journeyed to the Promised Land, they learned who God is, how faithful and true, holy and just – He is. They learned how powerful He is over all nature and all world leaders who think THEY are the ones who should be feared and obeyed.


The Hebrews in the wilderness learned so much ‘from God’ about how to protect themselves and provide for themselves by obeying His laws and principles. And we have all this truth and wisdom from God in His written Word, the Holy Bible.


When the One True God is ignored, and His laws and principles are rejected, as they have been in America’s progressive evolution, He allows us to feel, so very personally, the ‘results and consequences’ of ignoring Him and rejecting His laws and ways. His laws and ways are for overcoming all that threatens the good life we are meant to live on this earth.


Repentance that God is after, is that we repent of what, or who, we have been trusting in that is an enemy of God and His Word. “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes and makes himself to be a friend of the world, makes himself an enemy of God.”  James 4:4


In America now, people worship various gods, unlike our founding fathers who worshipped the One True God, and therefore when we are attacked in some way, God leaves us to our opposing ideas, solutions, confusion and chaos – so we can see where it gets us.


Whenever a people live under a man or a government that rejects God and His Word, the people will naturally become slaves in that land. America’s founders knew this and is why they fled from ‘religious slavery’ where the King of Great Britain enforced his rules and regulations for worship upon all the people.


When America no longer upholds our “freedom of religion,” and all the other amendments protecting our God-given rights, we have become SLAVES.


The Hebrews in Egypt were slaves for 400 hundred years. In the beginning they didn’t see it coming, as it NEVER happens overnight, but by a slow progression away from God.


Jacob’s 11th son, Joseph, was removed from Jacob as a young boy (without going into the details of how and what he suffered), to end up in Egypt and eventually becoming Pharaoh’s right hand of governing all Egypt’s wealth and resources. As we read in the Bible, this happened to Joseph so that God could later deliver Joseph’s family (Jacob, his father, and his 11 brothers and their families) from the land they lived in when great famine hit, to ‘temporarily’ migrate to Egypt where they could live and have plenty living under Pharaoh’s favor of Joseph.


But, generations later, still in Egypt long after the famine had left the land they lived in, the government (Pharaohs later) turned on God’s people and they were forced into slavery, working 12-16 hours a day suffering ‘hard-labor’ to prosper the Egyptian way of life. Why? They didn’t have to become slaves. Are you beginning to see what the threat is in America?


THEN, as God’s people continually cried out to Him over their suffering, the Lord sent them a man to show them the way out, and not just any man, but one that God chose from birth to do God’s will. And you should know the rest of how God used Moses to deliver the Hebrew slaves with 10 plagues against Egypt, yet protecting the Hebrews where they all lived from the last 3 plagues.  The first 7 plagues taught God’s people to return to Him and listen to Him, via Moses.


Passover starts, because of what God told the Hebrews to do before the last plague of the angel of death coming to kill all first-borns. They were to put the blood of the sacrificed lamb over their doors and windows so that the last plague would PASS them by. We have the blood of Jesus Christ shed once and for all who believe.


The Lord told His people on their way out of Egypt, taking great plunder, this DAY should now be the FIRST day of the year for you; for it’s the day you are never to forget and teach your children generation after generation. It’s the day when GOD BROUGHT HIS PEOPLE OUT OF SLAVERY AND INTO FREEDOM UNDER HIS LOVE, PROTECTION AND PROVISION to live as free men with their families; FREE as long as they obeyed His Word and did all that He said they should do for their good future. God would then show Himself to the world through His relationship with His chosen people.


Similarly, this is how America started, God leading His own people out of religious slavery, but just as it went generations later for God’s people in Egypt slowly taking on Egypt’s ‘pagan gods,’ we have as well in America instead of remaining true and faithful to the Lord. Some Americans are clearly seeing how their lives are being controlled by the teaching, instructions, laws and current policies of ungodly leaders.


Like David cried out (David of the Bible, well-known and chosen by God for being a man after God’s own heart), “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”


What does the Bible (God) say in answer to that question?  Well, I’d suggest you read the Lord’s letters to His people (the churches) in Revelation 2 and 3, as a start of what the Lord’s own people need to repent of, and what we will lose if we don’t repent and turn from our own wicked ways. Because only then God says (promises),


“If I close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, and My people who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways (of following other foreign gods), then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.” 2 Chronicles 7:13-15

Wisdom from God’s Word on Diseases

The media today shouts out to POTUS, “Let us here from scientists on how we should handle this pandemic.” Science as defined: is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world THROUGH OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENT, and will always prove the Bible.


Example of science proving the Bible: There is a group of people mentioned in the Bible (around two million people) who left Egypt for the Promised land that is called Israel. On this journey God tells them things that they never knew before; things about their diet, and how to handle sick people so that you do not have a pandemic; instructions on how a society should govern itself, the importance of the family unit, and how to know and worship God. These instructions are found in the first 5 books of the Bible.


With regards to food, the Bible tells them what types of animals to eat, and how to cook and eat them. This current pandemic of Coronavirus started in China from what they eat, and their lack of proper preparations of their food.


What does the Bible say when someone gets sick with a disease? You isolate them along with any others they live with. You don’t need to confine the whole nation to their homes, like we are doing today. The Lord’s principles are the same for any size of nation, or community of people.


Today when you watch people you can see and hear their fears. Fear makes people either freeze-up and do nothing, or do the wrong things, or they will keep moving but with a heightened since of awareness which is best.


We need to understand that even though we follow the Bible on how to live, there will always be people who refuse to accept the truths in the Bible, and act foolishly.  These people who refuse to accept the truth will cause others to suffer and die because of their bad choices.


You can read God’s Word and know what to do at any given time, or you can wait to hear from modern day scientists and so-called professionals to tell you what to do, that may be right or wrong – depending on what they personally believe. It’s your choice.


When you allow God to lead you in your life – you will understand how to overcome the fears of this world; you will see God’s open doors of opportunity in any crisis and be able live above the fears and chaos of the world, even able to help others along.


Fear or Faith? It’s your choice.

The Power of Praising God

America, want to drive evil leaders mad? Then we, who are called by the Name of the Lord must start praying, signing songs of who our God is. Then we will drive them mad!


2 Chronicles 20:21-22
“After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the LORD and praising Him for His holy splendor. This is what they sang: ‘Give thanks to the LORD; His faithful love endures forever!’ At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the LORD caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves.”  

Terror to Triumph – Part 11


If you were to go to a concordance and look up the word “character” you would find that the word is listed approximately 5 times in the NIV Bible. Although the word character is not found as the word “character,” the thought and teaching of what character means runs throughout the Bible.


The idea of character in the New Testament is a sense of being proved, tested, tried and basically found trust-worthy. We find an example of this in the Old Testament when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. It says in Exodus 13:17-18, “When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle.”


This is an interesting Scripture that brings out the need for character. God did not take them into a place where there would be conflict, although that would be a shorter route to the Promised Land but took them instead where they would not have conflict. What is interesting to me in this passage of scripture is to see how God knew that they did not have the character, they had not been tested, tried for war, but we read that they went up out of Egypt armed for battle.


In other words, they had the external things for battle: swords, shields, spears, etc., but they did not have the inner fortitude to be able to press on. They didn’t have “character.”


So much of what we face in the Christian life today is just like this. We have people who have the external things like diplomas, degrees, the right words, etc., but do not have what it takes inside to not only face the enemy, continue on in the midst of the battle and finish the task. In other words, they do not have “character.”


In the early days of the church when Paul was giving instruction to Titus and Timothy to appoint elders in the churches that had been established, he told them what “an elder must be…” (Titus 1:6) and then went on to tell them what that “must be” is: character. Our problem today is that we have turned “must be” into “that would be nice.”


An example of character is a man I’ve mentioned before by the name of William Carey who started what is known as the Modern Missionary Movement. William Carey was a man of perseverance. William Carey said, “Attempt great things for God; expect great things from God.” This was over two hundred years ago in the early part of November 1773, when William Carey (along with his wife and four young boys, his wife’s sister and fellow missionary John Thomas) traveled east. Obstacles were numerous when they arrived in India.


They were unknown, had no influential connections, no means of livelihood, they entered India as illegal immigrants, they faced life threatening diseases and the language and culture were largely unknown to them. In forty years William Carey had translated the whole Bible into Bengali, Oriya, Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit and Assamese, the New Testament and other portions of Scriptures into 33 other languages. He started Serampore college, which later became a university. He started a net-work of more than 125 village schools. He pioneered the education of women. He brought the modern printing press to India. He founded India’s first newspaper: Samachar Darpan (News Mirror) which is still published today. Even the oldest English newspaper in India today, THE STATESMENT, traces its roots back to Carey.


William Carey, like Elijah was a man like us, but he prayed and took steps of faith. When we see what is happening around us and the doors that God has opened, can we do anything less?

Spirit of Suffocation

America’s strength is being squeezed out by the “suffocating spirit of python.”  God calls divination the “spirit of python” because false prophesy, false narratives, false messages – believed – will suffocate the life of its victims/prey.


Divination is the counterfeit of a true anointing from God. Satan has always worked that way to deceive people. Divination has a deceptive flattering way of drawing in its victims – head first. Coiling and squeezing life out. We hear from socialists running for president what they will give us if they are president. Flatteries to draw us to them (voting for them) but the end result will be “suffocation.”


The Python has a forked tongue that detects flesh that it wants to devour. Tongue/words/message: we are taught in the Word of God that the “tongue has the power of life and death.” What “words/messages/narratives” are you listening to and believing?


Right now we are suffering from the Coronavirus which kills by suffocation. This is why breathing machines are needed, and now being manufactured. Something to think about! Something to pray about! Especially praying for our President and his administration to see correctly and make the right moves and decisions concerning this virus in America.


With the call to “shut-doors” to public places, shutting down businesses, schools, churches, etc. there is a suffocation of America’s economy taking place. Python spirit is suffocating the strength from America. Yet, as we REPENT of OUR wicked ways, and HUMBLY pray to the Lord our God – it will end so that the spirit of Python will be choked out and America can regain her purposed strength from God.


2-3 months of “shut-down” and “shut-in” will cause us all to begin thinking differently; thinking outside our boxes; preparing for far worse as we’ve been warned by the Lord in the Word of God – to expect as His Day approaches.


God’s people are already SEEING in this pandemic the opportunities and opened doors that God will always give His people in times of trouble/tribulation/threat/temptation.


The Python has bad vision and limited hearing. We are in the year 2020, which has been referred to as the year of PERFECT VISION. Those who are listening to the wisdom of God’s Holy Spirit are HEARING correctly about how to walk by faith in God through this time. They SEE correctly because they are looking into what God says by His Word and Spirit, so not to be deceived and filled with fear, making bad choices and decisions as a result.