True Fellowship with Jesus


This morning I was praying to my Father God and confessing my lack of patience and understanding. I’m dealing with someone right now that I believe the Lord is using in my life, so I can become more like Jesus. At the same time, I am seeing how this person, who believes she is a Christian, does not spend time in God’s Word. (She gives me excuses.) As a result, she adds on one fear after another, is hopeless and miserable, and spiteful.


Doesn’t the Bible tell us about who God is so we can believe in Him and overcome our fears and hopelessness, our selfishness and hatefulness?  The Word of God teaches us every truth we need – to be free and fulfilled! The Bible teaches us where we come from, about creation and His wisdom behind it, about heaven and hell, about Satan and how the devil tempts us and holds us captive. The Bible teaches us about God’s angels, about God’s Throne in heaven, about His beloved Son, His forgiveness, His indwelling Holy Spirit, His Name that is above all names, His trust, His unconditional love, His supreme power, His plans, His ways, His laws, His commands, His choices, His rejections, His conviction, His condemnation, His supreme justice, His enduring patience, His mercy and grace, His directly calling to people, His voice, His guidance, His faithfulness, His protection, His provision, His understanding, His return to earth, His purpose in all He does, His coming kingdom, His perfection, His good-will towards men, His hatred of evil and rebellion, His judgment, His beloved children, His defense, His deliverance, His rest, His omnipotence, His foreknowledge, His vision, His sight into our hearts, His peace, His joy, His fellowship, His miracles, His riches, His gifts, His blessings, His true family, His eternal life for those in Christ Jesus.


What good is it to have a Bible at home on the shelf and hardly, if ever, sit down to read the only Book that truly matters in life; the only Book that will NEVER go out of circulation until God has completed and fulfilled every word in it?


I’m reminded of the first believers who were WITH Jesus every day, walking and working along with Him in physical form, enjoying the Lord’s favor and presence with them. The Holy Spirit is the Lord, and the Lord is the Spirit. The Holy Spirit living in me, will give me a serious hunger to know God’s Word, and a strong thirst for the Lord’s closeness (fellowship) in my daily life. If I don’t get up every morning thinking about the Lord and wanting to fellowship with Him in His Word and in prayer, but instead I get on with what my day holds, with my job, with Facebook or whatever media, with people/family, with my plans ahead, etc., then what does that reveal to God? How can I expect my day to go, as a follower of Jesus Christ?


Our Father God knows how much we are willing to do for Him, how much we are physically capable of as well. He knows our individual bents with sin, our weaknesses and ignorance. But I do believe that God DOES expect and so desires a whole-heart towards Him, to give ourselves to having a GENUINE relationship with Him day to day, no matter what.


We have a different definition of ‘belief’ than God has. To most people, “belief” is simply head-knowledge. God’s definition of “belief” is about both head (knowing the truth) and heart (a whole-hearted devotion to the Lord).


Many think that ‘going’ to church on Sundays to hear praise songs about the Lord, and to hear a biblical message from the pastor and to visit with friends – is “fellowship with Jesus Christ.”  It’s not. Now don’t get me wrong. Going to church has a place in our lives, as long as the church is commendable by the Lord (Revelation 2 and 3), but Jesus NEVER meant for church-going to take HIS PLACE in our hearts and lives. In fact, Jesus said that we ARE the church, His Body, and He is the HEAD. And to be a part of His Body doesn’t mean to be a part of a religion. Jesus came to give us a RELATIONSHIP with Him.


We can read man’s devotionals about what THEY HAVE personally experienced of the Word of God, but someone’s devotional book can NEVER take the place of God’s own living Word (the Holy Bible) between me and Him each day. And yes, it takes discipline to be faithful; faithful with a morning quiet time, faithful at what the Lord asks of us, faithful to the end of our lives on earth. With just as much desire God has – to save us from hell, He desires all the more – to reward our faithfulness! Jesus taught about the Sower and the Seed whereas, only one of four actually went on to be faithful, producing for the Kingdom of God.


“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him MUST believe that HE EXISTS and the HE REWARDS those EARNESTLY SEEK HIM.” Hebrews 11:6


Interesting how we can be ‘disciplined’ in our job that produces an income (necessary for sure) or disciplined for the things of our own personal interests, desires, and pleasures. But when it comes to doing what the Lord has asked of us, well that is a different matter for sure, at least for most of us.


I’m writing out the biography of my brother-in-law Frank Dietz, who passed recently. Here is a man who (from the day he committed himself to the Lord) worked to truthfully know God from in God’s Word each morning, in continual repentance and prayer throughout his day, at ‘dying to himself,’ learning to be disciplined about the things of God first and foremost. We aren’t rewarded for perfection, just for our faithfulness. Jesus is the PERFECT ONE!  What a godly man and good example of true Christianity Frank was.  Frank, was a disciplined disciple of Jesus Christ, meeting with the Lord each morning to, as Frank would say, “get my marching (work) orders for the day.” Now Frank is with his Lord, rewarded for his faithfulness “to the end.”


I see how the words ‘disciple’ and ‘discipline’ are connected. Our ‘active’ desire for a true relationship with Jesus Christ is what gives us our undeniable priorities, virtues, and purpose in life – as one of His children. Is it any wonder that Satan works day and night to keep us from TRUE fellowship with Jesus Christ?










Wisdom From God is Better

We have sacrificed wisdom for knowledge!


Today we tell everyone that in order to have a great life you must be educated in schools and universities, and have a degree showing your knowledge. But the Bible says the greatest thing is to get, is to get wisdom from God which is PURE wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what to do with knowledge we acquire. To have knowledge without wisdom is useless; for knowledge will fail you without wisdom; the pure wisdom that is from above.


I used to meet with a Christian man who is very knowledgeable about many things, but not very wise. God gave me a vision of him with a huge head but a little body. The problem he had, and like most of us have, is getting knowledge through an hour glass neck – to the heart of the body where wisdom can get to work.


So what does God say, about wisdom? Wisdom will lead you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. With wisdom you will not be impressed with your knowledge and degrees. You will understand that wisdom is more profitable than silver and gold, and with it you will never lose sight of common sense and discernment. Getting wisdom is the key to life; for it will help you develop with good judgment.


God’s wisdom comes from the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Wise people will not lose the discipline of being in the Bible and prayer every day. They will let the words of the Bible penetrate deep into their heart, for they know that this will determine the course of their life.


What does ‘knowledge’ do? First, it puffs you up with pride. So why push people to get a so-called ‘higher’ education and more and more knowledge?  Could it be that the world’s system knows that if they can educate people without having wisdom (from God) these people can be easily controlled? Ask yourself, do we have leadership today in America with common sense, discernment, and good judgement? Or, do we have leaders who have no idea how to solve the problems we face?


The country that is led by leaders with ‘degrees of knowledge’ but without wisdom from God – will have the following: self-serving tendencies and will become secretly or openly corrupt with their positions of power. Their promises mean nothing, because they break them. They will not deal with killing, stealing, lying and sexual sins, but let it all become common-place.   There will be violence everywhere, one murder after another, because of the lack of godly conviction and faith in God. They love shame more than honor in doing that which is right and just. They point their finger so as to not accept personal blame. This is why America is in mourning, and more and more people are wasting away with fear and hopelessness.


God’s complaint is with us; that His own people have forgotten that wisdom is supreme, and that it comes from God alone, not from schools and universities of our world.


So what is the future of any country run by people with knowledge and no wisdom? What the people fear – will happen. What they dread – will come true. There will be no peace, no quietness, and no rest, only trouble and chaos.


Oh God, please show us leaders who have Your wisdom to know what needs to be done, and the courage to do it, so we can vote them in and replace the wicked who have none of Your wisdom or truth or love in them.  Help Your people, and people who hate what they see happening –  to put those who are righteous and wise into seats of power over us.  IN JESUS’ NAME!


His Will – Not Mine

The “law of Christ” is for us to help carry the burdens of those God puts in our lives – that HE want to reach and help along. This is what the people of God have been given to do in HIS NAME, and for HIS KINGDOM.


This has become a weakness of the ‘American’ church (the body of Christ), and we know it has because of how the government has been allowed, over time, more and more, to do; that which the Lord requires of His own faithful body, His own people IN AMERICA.


Jesus was our PERFECT example, and oh how difficult it is at times to serve the Lord (personally speaking) when dealing with a miserable resentful ungrateful and controlling person. AND, with the daily battle of the devil’s attempts to keep the Lords’ people from serving the good will of God, in the way God would have it.


It’s easier to serve someone when the person is thankful and humble and pleasant to be around. Right? So, I always have to keep before me how my Savior carried the heavy load of all my life’s wickedness to the Cross – and took my place of guilty shame and God’s condemnation of wickedness and rebellion.


I can’t begin to imagine how that felt for the only PERFECT SINLESS BLAMELESS man (the Son of God) to take on ALL the sin of the WORLD (past present future), so that ANYONE could come to Him – the FAITHFUL ONE who stands at the right hand of GOD to defend those who have asked Him to forgive them and to live in them as they finish what is theirs to do for the glory of God.


As I read over and over, the 4 Gospels about the life of Christ on the earth (those 33 years from birth to death) and all that He did for people so that they could live fulfilled (physically and spiritually) I feel ashamed of how self-centered I am when I get angry and resentful with someone I’m supposed to help (in serving the Lord), just because they are so hard to love and serve. I have also learned that not all who want help from me, are those God expects me to help. There is a time for everything: a time to help and a time to pass it by. When I’m walking with Jesus, as I’m supposed to do, then when I “pass it by” I have peace and joy, no guilt in doing so. This was hard to learn, but I did. (My book “Just Walk With Me” talks all about how I learned, still learning, to just walk with Jesus.)


We show how self-centered and unfaithful we are (personally speaking) when we expect others (the government too) to do what God has required from each of us. Lord forgive ME! Forgive Your Church! Do what it takes to purify us so we will finish the race marked out for each of us.


No wonder the government has morphed like it has, from what it is SUPPOSE to do – to what it has NO right to do, according to God.


I believe God is giving His people in America great opportunities of ‘many kinds’ in our time of disorder, threat, disasters, chaos and loss.


I just want to be faithful and let Jesus (the Holy Spirit in me) live out His wonderful purpose through me. And, because it’s hard, (when I’m in the way) I continue to meet with my Father God in the morning before my day starts, just like Jesus did, to acknowledge my Father God for WHO HE IS, praise Him for what He’s done for me through His Son, recall His words of life and promise – that I read in the Holy Bible, and desperately ask Him for strength/patience/wisdom and OPEN DOORS of OPPORTUNITIES so that I can take part in furthering His Kingdom.


When I come to the end of my life – that will be all that matters: What I did WITH JESUS; what I allowed HIM to do through me, even as I grew old. I only care what my Father God says of me: “Well done Carol, my good and faithful servant. Come and share the KINGDOM with ME!” And this I pray for my children and grandchildren, my friends, and those God puts in my life to reach for HIM.


I am finding that even with an old failing body (almost 70 years old now) when it comes time to doing what the Lord requires of me – I have all the strength I need to do it, all the resources, all the JOY too – as long as I keep the Lord’s purpose in mind in doing His will.


I love the way my Lord doesn’t expect too much from me, and what I mean by that is: “He remembers US in our times of weakness/humiliation/lowliness/troubles/afflictions; for HIS loving kindness/mercy/loyalty/faithfulness – is eternal, enduring forever.” Psalm 136:23


How Do You Save a Nation?

How do you take over a nation? Through the children. So, teach your children the truth. Teach them that if they ever forget the Lord and follow the gods of this world, bowing down to them, they will have no rest, peace or joy.



Tell them to stop listening to people who say how important they are! These people compare themselves, against others by using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant! When people commend themselves, it doesn’t count for much. If they were as wise as they think they are, they would go after God’s view of what people are. When they compare themselves by man’s low standard this only leads to all kinds of evil without any restraints.



When you confront these types of people about their choices, they will become angry and shout at you with their pitiful excuses and fantasies of why they think that way. But the Word of God says, “Let the record show they are failures, incapable of teaching and leading anyone.” Why? Because they have forgotten the Lord, their Creator God and LORD of all!



We must not be afraid of these fools but do what is ‘just’ by God’s standard. Defend those who can’t defend themselves. Stand up against abortion. Stand up against injustice and those who want control over our nation’s children. Write the truth of God’s Word on anything you can! Don’t sin by letting anger motivate you, but rather let love motivate you. Understand that God will deal with those who cause little children to stumble!



How do you stop this madness that is going on today, when people call evil good and good evil? Stop bringing detestable things into your home, and use your resources to help the needy; so you can produce a great harvest of generosity.



Understand it is by God’s favor and authority that you will be upheld and blessed, not by the favor and authority of your government. It is through God’s testing that will prove your godly character, and to find out whether you will obey His commands. Then you will raise up godly children who will turn a nation around towards God.


God’s Existence


God ALWAYS existed, never had a beginning or birth. God will never die or disappear. God simply IS. The Bible says so, therefore I believe it! I believe in the Word of the Living God.



We can understand that God “never” will die or end, but not that God “always” existed without a birth or beginning in some way. Why? Why can’t we understand? Well, I believe that it’s blocked from our understanding for a good purpose.


What would God be protecting us from since it’s for our very good? So, I began to meditate on who God is:


God is love, and we are His favored workmanship, made in His image. God is family, creating male and female for re-creation, as well as for relational enjoyment. God enjoys fellowship with us. God is orderly and active. God is beautiful. God is giving. God is welcoming. God is forgiving and merciful. God is understanding and gracious. God enjoys conversation, thought, ideas, imagination, expressions of desires, pursuits, etc.; putting to good use all that He gave us. God is gentle and compassionate. God designed growth and fullness of life. God protects what He loves and favors. God is perfection. God is Holy/Righteous/Just. God is all-powerful. God is all-knowing. God controls the outcome and future of all He created. God is destructive for a good outcome.


Just as God has put in each of us a mustard-seed of faith to believe in Him, God has put a fear in us that is a legitimate fear.


We fear only because we don’t know our Father God as we could so easily know; for He has shown His existence in so many physical ways. We lack things that we need or want because we don’t go to Him by whom all things exist and are sustained by. We must go to Him with earnest faith – believing that He rewards faith that seeks Him whole-heartedly.


Even the angels were created for our good; for getting things done for God that affect us. “Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.”  The Word says that we’ve been created a little lower than the angels. What does that mean? We physically die and are raised to life. The angels are not; they are eternal beings. God created them for His good purposes.


Some angels are doomed to God’s eternal lake of fire for having rebelled against God, and the other angels that did not rebel – will continue to do the will of God for the glory of God – which is their desire by choice. Even the angels have free-will; for if they didn’t, then Satan would not have chosen to rebel against his great purpose from God; rather, Lucifer sought the place of God’s Son instead. One-third of the angels even CHOSE to follow Lucifer out of Heaven.


Angels don’t have physical bodies like we have yet they can appear to us in the form we have, whether the angel is holy or evil. Many people have been deceived in thinking they have been visited by their loved ones which was simply an evil angel trying to deceive them and keep them from the truth of what God says about those who have died.


Angels do not inherit from God like we do. They are our helpers, doing what God tells them to do. Angels can not mate and have children. There is no marriage in Heaven with angels because angels are neither male nor female.


We are forgiven for what we say or do that is against God’s laws. Angels either obey God, or they are condemned forever, as was Lucifer and his cohorts of angels. Jesus did not die for Satan and his fallen angels’ rebellion against their Creator. Jesus died and was raised to life for human beings, so we could live forever with God (by faith in Jesus), so we would not end up in the place that God prepared for the devil and his demonic angels.


We have been made aware of life after death, and of God’s Kingdom that Jesus will be bring to the earth, just as it is in Heaven. We can understand what Hell is, that is total separation from God and all His goodness. BUT, we can not wrap our minds around is how God existed without a beginning (as we’ve had).


Neither can we fathom how GREAT the love of God is, except by what Jesus did on the cross for us BECAUSE OF THE LOVE OF GOD. We can NOT imagine what God has planned for eternal life – for those who love Him. The Bible is incomplete in that it ends by telling us how Jesus will complete His full purpose on earth, with His second coming, with God’s judgment, with God’s rewarding of His servants, and with God’s restoration of all things HE ONCE CALLED “GOOD.” (Genesis 1) But, we have not been given further information on what ETERNITY will be about. Some like to imagine things that come out of their own limited understanding, or from having been taught things by the demons, or from mocking God’s good nature. WE WILL JUST HAVE TO WAIT TO EXPERIENCE ETERNAL LIFE WITH GOD!


The understanding that we CAN have is only found “in a relationship with Jesus Christ,” by excepting His love and sacrifice for us on the cross when we acknowledge our sinful nature and ask to be forgiven of all the sins we committed and commit against each other, and to be forgiven of our ‘temporal’ rebellion against God.  Jesus said that if we forgive each other (by the power of His forgiveness for us) then the Father will also forgive us of anything.



Maybe we will never be able to understand how God ALWAYS existed, but that is what makes Him the Creator and we the objects of His great and awesome love everlasting! To fully understand God’s existence would therefore make us equal to God, and that will never happen! GLORY TO GOD!


America’s False gods

We have in this current governing administration those who think themselves to be ‘gods’ of whom “we the people” are to honor and obey, swallow what they feed us, and not question them at all – but rather accept their godlessness and be content with what they allow us to have and do. Well, you “gods,” hear what YOUR HOLY CREATOR GOD says:


“The LORD is the only true God. He is the living God and the everlasting King! The whole earth trembles at His anger. The nations cannot stand up to His wrath. Say this to those who worship other gods: ‘Your so-called gods, who did not make the heavens and earth, will vanish from the earth and from under the heavens.’


“The LORD made the earth by His own power, and He preserves it by His own wisdom. With His own understanding He stretched out the heavens. When He speaks in the thunder, the heavens roar with rain. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses.’ (HOW’S THAT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE!)


“The whole human race is foolish and has no knowledge! The craftsmen (godless politicians and all alike) are disgraced by the idols they make (that which they want us to bow to, trust and depend on), for their carefully (cleverly) shaped works (policies) are a FRAUD!….


“The siege is about to begin. Suddenly, I will fling you out. You have not seen trouble like what I will pour upon you, and then at last you will feel MY anger for what you have done in the land, you who do not seek wisdom from ME. Therefore, you will fail completely….


“I will pour out My wrath on the nations that refuse to acknowledge Me, on the peoples that do not call upon My Name, the Name that is above all names. For they devour My people who worship Me, and consume what they have, therefore making the land a desolate wilderness.” (God blesses the land because of those who worship Him. Our American cities are under siege and destruction because of their leaders.)


These self-deceived people with their “Climate Change” ideology and policies in the works – as if they have any control over what God created for HIS PURPOSES; their “Green New Deal” ideology and all they plan to do with that at our expense; their “Cancel Culture” schemes to remake America into something that makes God completely sick of America’s existence; their “Critical Race Theory” to take our children down with them, turning them against the truth and their parents when their parents oppose the evil; their RE-defining of all God’s created things to RE-purpose what God created for the good of mankind….IS NOT SITTING WELL WITH OUR GOD! In fact, He’s pretty angry, especially over what the law-makers are doing to babies in the womb – at our expense and ignorance and cowardice.


God says, “Their tongues are deadly arrows; speaking DECEITFULLY. With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors, but in their hearts they are setting traps. SHOULD I NOT PUNISH THEM FOR THIS?! Should I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this, one that has betrayed Me after I have blessed them like no other nation since Solomon, David’s son?”


“How can they say, ‘We are wise, listen to us, for we have the truth from God,’ when ACTUALLY the lying pens of policy-makers have handled MY POLICIES FALSELY?! These so-called wise leaders – will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped, since THEY HAVE REJECTED MY WORD (true wisdom). What kind of wisdom do they really think they have! They make ready their tongues like a bow, to shoot lies; it is not by truth that they triumph in the land! They go from one sin to another. From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; all practice deceit – who refuse to acknowledge ME! They address the problems as though NOT SERIOUS; as though THEY have the power to do anything right or promising! ‘Peace and security,’ they proclaim, WHEN THERE IS NONE, because they refuse to obey ME. Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? NO, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush over their increasing depravities, calling good evil and evil good. This is a nation who once obeyed Me, and used to respond to My correction, but now, do more evil than their ancestors! Truth has vanished from their lips. So they will fall; they will be brought down,” says the LORD.


Those words of warnings from God’s Word, about people and nations who forget Him, or simply reject Him, are not what people want to hear. But just the same – the truth that needs to be spoken to warn them! The truth they each must surrender to, and get right with the LORD by, or reap the consequence! They can not save themselves from God’s coming wrath.


Let us not forget that America STILL belongs to the LORD GOD and that HE IS STILL over our nation, at least as long as He still has a people in the land who faithfully walk with Him in Spirit and in Truth, and will obey what HE tells them to do, or not do, and who will remain in position (in His Word and alert to what is really happening) as wise prayer warriors – at their morning and evening posts.


America’s future? “This is what the LORD GOD says, ‘Let not the wise boast of their own wisdom (which is really wickedness to God), or the strong boast of their strength (the government’s power over the people), or the rich (elites) boast of their riches (as they trust in it to save them from what is coming), BUT LET THE ONE WHO BOASTS – BOAST ABOUT THIS: THAT THEY HAVE THE UNDERSTANDING TO KNOW ME THEIR ONLY TRUE GOD, THAT I AM THE LORD WHO EXERCISES KINDNESS, JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS ON EARTH, FOR IN THESE I DELIGHT!…REFORM YOUR WAYS AND YOUR ACTIONS, AND I WILL LET YOU LIVE!”


And to the LORD’s church: 1 Corinthians 1:10-30 in parts: “I appeal to you, brethren, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree together, so that there may be no divisions among you (each following a different person, politician, teacher or ideology) and that you may be united in Christ’s mind and conviction from His Spirit. For the message of our LORD’s Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the POWER of God. For it is written: ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe ? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through its own wisdom – does not know Him, yet God was pleased through what seemed as foolishness by the world, pleased of what is still being preached by God’s servants of His Word and Name, to save those who believe in Him…. CHRIST JESUS, the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength….It is because of God that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us God’s pure wisdom: our true righteousness, holiness, and coming redemption. Therefore, as it is written: ‘Let him who boasts – boast in the LORD Jesus Christ.'”


Praying without ceasing – for America! Praying for our leaders (church/government/fathers, heads of their own families) ! Praying for the Lord’s united Body! This day calls for the wisdom from God!


The Younger vs. Older

A while back I had a conversation with a young man. He asked me what church I belong to and I told him, “I do not belong to any organized church.” He told me he was moving close to where I lived, and he went on to say that what he really wanted was to get in a Bible study with men his age. I told him of some churches in the area he could check out to see if they have what he was looking for.


After this conversation I began to think why would he want to meet only with men of his own age? What he said was, “I want to meet with young men going through the life issues he is going through.” My thought was why not have some older men involved as well, who have gone through life issues that he is facing? I was impressed by his request for the knowledge of God, but was a little disturbed by his request of only young men.


The more I thought about this on my prayer walk, a thought came to me that it was a sign of the times we are living in. A new generation has come that does not want to hear from those who have already gone through life’s experiences with sound wisdom to impart, but rather to hear from those who think there are new ways of successfully going through life experiences. I was reminded of a young man in the Bible who had the choice of listening to older men or to his young friends. He listened to his friends and it split the nation of Israel in two.


As I talk with older people today, most young people do not ask the elderly about their life. As a matter of fact, most reject any wisdom they might have. I’m thankful for some who still want to hear from the older generation about their struggles, and to pick their brains on how to overcome, and mostly, to allow the older generation to pray over them.


Throughout history the young went to the older folks for their thoughts and wisdom from experience, or answers to personal questions, but this is not the case today. Maybe I see it more now than when I was younger since I am one of the ‘old folks.’


Could this be a sign that we are living in the last days when the godly wisdom of the old is not honored or even tested by most of the younger generation?


Science vs. Truth


SCIENCE: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.


TRUTH: that which comes from the Creator of all life: His structure and standard for living, His laws and order for mankind to flourish.


Can truth and science agree? Well, they should since everything comes from the Creator for science to get its credibility.


Science that rejects God and His Word is not to be trusted and followed as “guidelines” by which to live and make personal decisions for our future good.


The FEAR OF GOD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom! So be careful who you decide to listen to and follow along with. God has given man the freedom to choose, and no man or government has the right to take that away.


We have seen the effect “science” can have on our lives with all we’ve gone through this past year with a plague that man conjured up to kill people. We have learned that what we’ve been told – isn’t to be trusted. We have learned that because man is limited in knowledge and wisdom, man causes chaos, fear and destruction to life as God intended.


We can also see the effect that “faith in God’s Word” can have on our lives, when we choose to walk with the LORD GOD and listen to HIM!


TRUE knowledge is not science. Since God is the Creator and Sustainer of all life; God can also confuse man’s study of how things happen and should work. Why wouldn’t He if man chooses to ignore Him? Why wouldn’t He allow all that we are seeing on the earth that is threatening to life – when man chooses to be his own god?


If we choose to believe “the truth” from God, then we can also expect God to fulfill His promises to those who believe in Him and His Word.


So, who should we believe? What “guidelines” should we follow for our own life and the lives of our children? Our children belong to us and not to the government, nor to scientists and their ongoing studies!


If we don’t do what God tells us to do, then we lose all that God wants us to have in life. God is good and there is NO evil in Him. Think about it!


“It is good to PRAISE THE LORD! Proclaiming YOUR LOVE in the morning, and at night YOUR FAITHFULNESS! For YOU make me glad by YOUR DEEDS, LORD! I sing for JOY at what YOUR HANDS HAVE DONE! HOW GREAT ARE YOUR WORKS! HOW PROFOUND YOUR THOUGHTS! Senseless people DO NOT KNOW, fools DO NOT UNDERSTAND, that the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever. But YOU, LORD, ARE FOREVER EXALTED! FOR SURELY YOUR ENEMIES WILL ALL PERISH! The righteous will flourish; planted in the HOUSE OF THE LORD, they will flourish in the COURTS OF OUR GOD. They will bear fruit in old age, proclaiming, ‘THE LORD IS UPRIGHT; HE IS MY ROCK, AND THERE IS NO WICKEDNESS IN HIM.” Psalm 92






The End Justifies the Way

The promises God has given me have always been about the end result, and never about how the journey progresses.



I have compared this with the promises made in the word of God and I find very few places where God tells His people what the journey will be about. What I have found, that it is in the journey where my character is built. A good example of this is found in Romans 4:18 “Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping-believing.”



To give up on the promise of God reveals your character. Verse 20 is the key to having a great character, “Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises.”



What promise has God given you that seems impossible? It is in these times that we need to believe like Abraham; that God is able to do what He says He will do.


Turning this Lost Ship Around

We are seeing the VERY WORST in the democrat party, giving in completely to the Left and why?! WE THE PEOPLE needed to see it to wake us up to their self-serving ways, their secret agenda MASKED with lies and deceptions; that DEEP DARK agenda (of godlessness – against God’s America that they do not honor and even hate with a vengeance. Although they talk like they are the true patriots all working for the good of “we the people” we are now truly seeing through their MASKS. Hear our cry Oh LORD! May the righteous replace the wicked in high seats of power of this land of the free, home of the brave. In Jesus’ Name!


As along as America remains a free nation, keeping our independence “under God,” protecting our God-given rights (especially ridding this nation of “abortion on demand”), and upholding the true meaning of our Constitution and not this new overhaul of a Constitution they feel and tell us is “out of date.” NO! The TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE of God is NEVER out of date. They are at work feverishly to create a socialist constitution.


America has one MAJOR sin to acknowledge and repent of: that our leaders and those who vote them in – have forgotten who God is, turned away from His laws and principles for life, and allowed other gods (enemies of the Cross of Jesus and evil doers of inequity) to take America to her knees in surrender to the one behind this all: the doomed “god of this world,” a.k.a. Satan, a.k.a “the counterfeit Messiah who MASKS himself with fake kindness, compassion, truth, wisdom, justice, etc. deceiving people who do not know the TRUTH from God that is in His Word and in His Son.


Other nations have been waiting for a VERY WEAK American president, and they got one! And they, even the Left, are taking advantage of it quickly.


It’s so obvious that this administration has no clue, or maybe no true concern, about how to deal with all these crisis that have hit us so quickly since the day Biden/Harris took office. Crisis they don’t admit to like: illegal aliens flooding in our OPEN BORDERS, COVID being politically used to make people fearful and controllable, our economy hit hard by their arrogant ignorance and political games, families suffering financially and mentally by this administration’s over-reach of “do what we say – not as we do” into our lives, no consequence or justice being served towards BLM/Antifa rioters destroying cities to get their way, police officers being set up and killed, and with fewer wanting to be law-officers in a time we need them the most, our 1st and 2nd amendment under attack so we are not able to speak our minds and defend ourselves from THEM (government of tyranny), criminals being released into society from prisons, criminals getting away with crimes against humanity, taxes raised to fund their plans of socialism, more restrictions on everything we do, gas is now $4.00 a gallon in CA., recent Cyber-attack on the existing pipeline which has caused a gas shortage on the east coast, food shortages and food prices rising, and now full out warring between Hamas and Israel, which wouldn’t be happening if Trump were in office, most of this would NOT be happening if Trump were still in the White House.


And, let’s not forget their agenda to teach our children lies about our American history, and how white people need to feel ashamed of being white (while black supremacy tries to take over), and children being taught how they can not trust the gender they were born with, and and and. The list just keeps growing! God HELP!


As long as we fight for what is right and true and just…..God will do what only HE CAN DO: that which is impossible for us! But what is RIGHT, TRUE and JUST according to God? It’s important to know this! So where do you go? Who do you listen to? God and His Word!


The one GOOD thing coming out of all this increasing evil, chaos, and POOR LEADERSHIP – is that people are turning to the LORD! GLORY TO GOD!


God uses everything, evil and good, for His glory! ALL HONOR AND PRAISE TO HIM! For His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours.


May we not miss the opportunities and open doors that HE gives to His those who are called by His Name and for HIS purpose. God is still over our nation as long as we will still acknowledge who HE IS, and earnestly seek Him in truth and Spirit.


It takes time to turn a big ship around that has lost it’s course in a hurricane!


May the Lord’s people not give in to their lies, not give up on warfare prayer and the pure faith in what God says in His Word in times like this, and mostly, not cower from what needs to be done in our day, in our nation, and for the Kingdom of God.


May our love for the LORD and for the lost all around us that God is calling to Himself through very hard times – NOT GROW COLD!


With all that is happening – fear and anger can so easily take over our hearts and lives, but as Jesus said: “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith in what I’ve said to you?” “Take My Yoke upon you, learn from Me.” “Why fear what man can do? Fear God instead!” “What good is it for you in gaining the world (giving in to their control) and yet lose your soul (regretting it in the end)?” “You nullify the Word of God for the sake of your religious traditions!” “Watch out that no one deceives you.” “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” “Go in My Name and make disciples for Me, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey Me, and surely I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, TO THE VERY END OF THE AGE.” “Whoever acknowledges Me before others, I will also acknowledge before My Father in heaven. But whoever disowns Me before others, I will disown before My Father in heaven. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. (Not yet, He will when He returns!) I did not come to bring peace, but a SWORD that divides.” (His truth is a sword! It cuts deep to the heart.) Jesus uses a sword to reveal who is with Him and who is not, and He uses personal hardships and suffering, chaos, wars, plagues, natural disasters, etc. to reveal those who truly belong to Him. “Whoever has ears, let them hear what My Spirit says to the churches.”


“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I AM the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. YES! I AM COMING SOON.”


“If God is for us – who can really be against us?!”