Daily Devotional

Son, I called you before you were born; from your mother’s womb I called you by name. I will never forget you, and never allow you to be disgraced. I will fight those who fight you. I will save and protect your children, and grandchildren. Because of My faithfulness to you, I will not allow any temptation to be more than you can stand; I will always show you a way out. A spiritual gift has been given to you so that you can help others, and My approval of you will be recognized.


Son, because you live at the end of the age, I have written down things to warn you and help you to be prepared. Whatever you do – do it all for My glory. Try to please others in what you do – so that many may be saved.


Lord, every morning You awaken me and open my understanding to Your will. You give me Your words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. I am determined to do Your will. My strength comes from You; therefore, I will leave all my problems in Your hands.

Kingdom Thinking – Part 17

Romans 5:3-5 “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”


In my early Christian walk I was taught that Jesus is coming and will take me out of this sinful world and what I need to do is remain spotless and wait for the ‘rapture.’


However, in reading Scripture and being able to travel to many different countries of the world and seeing the corruption, injustice, moral decay, etc. I began to realize that we, the church, are the salt and light of the world. God has put us here to bring forth truth, righteousness and justice in this insane world.


Ephesians 1:9-11 “And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment — to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ. In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.”


When reading this passage I began to realize that the Bible is not necessarily concerned about geographical location whether  spiritual or physical, but concerned about the Person of Christ and His rule and dominion in the cosmos.


One of the most important issues in the 21st century will be men and women of character. We are born with a personality, but not with a character. Character is something that is developed by how we daily respond to life situations that come our way.

Dr. Elijah Morgan & Peter Riederer in Schweizer Arbeitgeber commented: “THE WORLD NEEDS MEN AND WOMEN…who can’t be bought; who keep their promises; who value character over riches; with an opinion and a will; who value inner greatness over visible career; who readily take steps of faith; who retain their identity in a crowd; who do not compromise themselves with falsehood; whose personal ambitions are not limited to personal gain; who do not say that “we do it because the others do it;” who remain loyal to their friends through success and failure; who believe that tricks, calculation and cunning are not the only keys to success who are not afraid of standing up for the truth, even if it is unpopular; who can decisively say ‘no’ in the face of a world saying ‘yes.’”

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: ”Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think.”  


Abraham Lincoln commented about character: ”Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”


Laura Schlessinger said: ”Integrity is its own reward.”


J.C. Watts said: ”Character is doing what’s right when nobody’s looking.”


Mark Twain said: ”It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.”


General H. Norman Schwartzkopf said this: “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”


Aesop: ”Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.”


 Lord Chesterfield: ”You must look into people, as well as at them.”  


Benjamin Disraeli: ”Characters do not change. Opinions alter, but characters are only developed.”


Henry Clay: ”Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character.”  


Heraclitus: ”Man’s character is his fate.”


Oswald Chambers said: “No man is born with character; we make our own character. When a man is born from above a new disposition is given to him, but not a new character; neither naturally nor supernaturally are we born with character. Character is what a man makes out of his disposition as it comes in contact with external things. A man’s character cannot be summed up by what he does in spots, but only by what he is in the main trend of his existence. When we describe a man we fix on the exceptional things, but it is the steady trend of a man’s life that tells. Character is that which steadily prevails, not something that occasionally manifests itself.”

We see what people down through the ages have to say about character. The person that God uses is a man/woman of character. With all of our getting; get character.

Daily Devotional

Son, there are two types of fear you will face in your life time. The first is when you think to yourself, “Someday my fear will get me.” This type of thinking results in escape, running away, becoming frantic. The results are: you will lose.


The other type of fear is the fear of Me. This type of fear is the foundation of true wisdom because everything I do reveals My glory and majesty. My righteousness never fails. How joyful are those who fear Me and delight in obeying My commands.They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust Me to care for them.They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor. The wicked will see this and be infuriated, and grind their teeth in anger; they will slink away when their hopes are thwarted.


Son, I am going to tell you what is going to happen, not to bring the wrong type of fear in your life, but the fear of Me. For all of My predictions will come true, and this is why I am telling you beforehand what I am going to do.


America has said, “I will reign forever as queen of the world!” She does not reflect on her actions or think about the consequences of her actions. So listen to this, you pleasure-loving kingdom living at ease and feeling secure. You say of yourself, “I am the only one, and there is no other. I will never be a widow or lose my children.”  You feel secure in your wickedness. Your wisdom and knowledge have led you astray. So disaster will overtake you, and you won’t be able to charm it away. Calamity will fall upon you, and you won’t be able to buy your way out. A catastrophe will strike you suddenly, one for which you are not prepared.


Son, I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and will lead you along the path you should go. So listen and obey My commands, and you will have My peace flowing like a gentle river and My righteousness rolling over you like waves in the sea.


Lord, I have no choice, for You have given me this sacred trust. Therefore, I must run the race that You set before me. I must run to win and every step I take is important.


Daily Devotional

Lord, people have slandered me and they tell lies about me. They say hateful words and fight against me for no reason. Help me to see and act as You would, because You are faithful and good. Let them slander me if they like, because I know You will bless me. When they slander me, they will be disgraced! I will rejoice because You stand beside me and are ready to save me. Your right hand will protect Me. Lord, if I have offended them in any way, please forgive me.


Son, the time that remains is very short, so don’t be entrapped by the way the world thinks.  When you use the things of the world, do not become attached to them. For this world as you know it will soon pass away. For I am the Lord, the One who called you by name, and I called you for this work! Therefore, you have everything you need for what I have called you to do.


These people who have slandered you think that their knowledge makes them important. This knowledge tells them to argue with Me. How foolish, for I created the light and made the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I only speak what is true and declare only what is right, and I will never go back on My word. Soon these people will bow to Me and confess that I am God, but it will be too late.


Son, I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime, even now that your hair is white with age. I will carry you always, so remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God and there is none like Me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I please. I have said what I would do, and I will do it. For I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now!


Thank You Lord, I will stand and wait for You to defend me.

Daily Devotional

Son, I redeemed you, so speak out! Tell others that I have redeemed you! Exalt Me publicly before the leaders of your nation. With My help you will do mighty things. I will be with you when you go through difficult times. When you are oppressed I will be there. Because you have chosen to know Me, believe in Me and understand that I alone am God Almighty. You have become precious to me, and I love you.


Son, there is no other God; there never has been, and there never will be. I am the Lord, and there is no other Savior. From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of My hand, and no one can undo what I have done. I alone will blot out your sins for My own sake and will never think of them again.


Your leaders have rebelled against My words, and they scorn My counsel. What stupidity and ignorance – that they have closed their eyes to the truth. Their minds are shut and they cannot think clearly. They trust in something that can’t help them at all.  Remember, from evil people come evil deeds, and they will suffer for their sins.


Son, not everything is good for you. You must run from sexual sin!  No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body, and your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Therefore, you do not belong to yourself, for I bought you with a high price, so you must honor Me with your body.


Lord, thank You for Your words because they have the power to heal. When I am afraid it is Your word that encourages me to stay strong in my faith. Help me to keep my conscience sensitive so that it will bother me when I do things I should not have done. You are my advocate, and You will rescue me. Thank You that when I cry, “Lord, help me,” You always rescue me!

Kingdom Thinking – Part 16

Matthew 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” (KJV)


One thing that you will find with “kingdom thinkers” is that they are forward looking and are excited about the advancement of the cause of Christ in this world and to see His influence spread throughout cultures in every people group in the world.


They want to see how they can tear down the power of structures that the enemy has built over time. They will want to train leaders to infiltrate and influence every aspect of our culture: science, arts, media, education, economics and politics by training godly men and women.


In Romans 12 we are told that we should “not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind.” One of the main battles is with our mind; that of being able to think through issues, ideologies, etc. with a Biblical mindset for the Biblical worldview.
A Biblical worldview is defined as a firm belief that absolute moral truths exist such as: the sinless life of the Lord Jesus Christ, God being all powerful and all knowing and is running the universe, that Satan is real and that salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned. We, the church, have an obligation to live in the light of the revealed Word of God. The Word of God needs to be brought in everything we do in life.

This will affect our choices in lifestyle as well as our way of thinking. It will be seen in our views on family, morality, recreation, personal autonomy, personal possessions, etc. It will bring a complete re-working over of who we are and how we live and what we do.

A pastor remarked that the mission of the church is to prepare for Christ’s return in five ways: prayer, Bible study, fellowship, worship and evangelism. These five things are essential, but we can never overlook our responsibility to redeem our culture. God has not called us to let this world go to hell in a hand-basket. Generally speaking, we define our faith strictly in terms of personal salvation, instead we need to keep in mind that we are not only saved from SIN, but saved to the task of cultivating God’s creation.

One brother said in a message that we are faced with seven global challenges: orphans or children of the world, abused women, HIV/AIDs that have decimated whole populations, poverty, lack of water, the environment and protecting the unborn. He is right on. We are not only saved from sin, but we are saved to tear down the structures of sin that have created these seven global challenges.


We read in the first chapter of Genesis that in six days God created everything and with the creation of man He turned over the task of cultivating what He created. This is called the “CULTURAL MANDATE” and it is as binding to us as the Lord’s “GREAT COMMISSION.”

Our faith must encompass every part of life, every sphere of work, every aspect of the world. It must be the lens on how we see reality. If God is sovereign over everything, as we confess He is, then everything finds its identity and meaning in relationship to Him not only in our spiritual life, but in our work, profession, politics, science, education, entertainment, arts and especially the family.

Since God made the world He also put in place God-given norms that govern all that He has created that are both moral and physical. Just as we would not go against the physical laws (like gravity) so also we should not go against His moral laws. Like Chuck Colson said: “Moral laws tell us how to govern our behavior. Laws of logic tell us how to think clearly. Norms of justice tell us how to run a government. Aesthetic norms guide the creation of beauty and the arts. If we don’t know the norms God has ordained for every area of life, then we’re living blindly and are bound to make wrong choices – hurting ourselves and others. We’re like a person who walks into a room blindfolded and bumps his shins against the furniture.”

In looking at truth and fallacy, like A.W. Tozer said: “Truth and error travel the same highway.” In this world of moral ambiguity we need to be able to discern what is true and what is false/fallacy. This will be a real battle in the days ahead.

Daily Devotional

Son, let Me transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you can know My will for your life. Be careful not to think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourself, measuring yourself by My standards and not by other men. Speak only what I have given you to say. Don’t pretend to love others, but really love them. Hate what is evil, and stand for what is good. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When My people are in need, be ready to help them. When people hurt you, don’t curse them, but pray that I will bless them. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of poor people, and never think you know it all! Do everything in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.


My call for your life can never be withdrawn. You are a builder, just like I am a builder. When I came into the world I was a carpenter’s son, and worked at building things from wood, just like you do. So never think of what I have called you to do as something less. Keep your eyes on Me, because you will be tested by the enemy. He will try to make you fearful, and make you feel compelled to speak and do foolish things. Remember, I am ready to help you, and nothing can hinder Me.


Now stand up, and I will show you My power and might; for I am your Judge, Lawgiver, and your King. Search My book and see what I am going to do. My Spirit will make it all come true. My heavens proclaim My righteousness, and soon every nation will see My glory.


Lord, it is impossible for me to understand Your decisions and Your ways! For no one can know all Your thoughts. Who knows enough to give You advice? You have told me that You are my sure foundation, and all I need to do is ask for Your wisdom and knowledge. Thank You for Your care and salvation for my family and me.

Daily Devotional

Son, people need to understand that I know everything. I see clearly what they are doing, and I know every thought they have. They gloat over how they take advantage of people. They gang up against My righteous children and condemn them for their belief in Me. Everything they say and do is foolishness to Me, and all their plans are evil. People, think again! When will you finally catch on? I am coming soon, and judgment comes with Me!


My church, when doubts begin to come into your mind, think of all the wonderful things I have done for you. Make sure that your worship of Me is with all of your heart, and never turn back. Then people will be able to see the truth, because of your walk with Me. Remember, this walk of faith is to do WHAT I HAVE TOLD YOU to do, even if everything looks like it is against you.


Lord, when I cry out to You, that I am beginning to doubt Your promises; it is Your unfailing love that gives me reassurance. It is Your comfort that renews my hope. For You are my only hope and my Mighty Rock – where I hide. 


Daily Devotional

Lord, I get so angry with myself, because there is a war going on in my mind and body. I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. I know that when I lose these battles I become a slave to the sin that won.


Son, because you belong to Me; My Spirit has freed you from the power of sin. So do not let your sinful nature control your mind, but let My Spirit that is living in you control it. Soon I will give you a new body, but you must wait patiently and confidently for it. This new body will give you full rights as My adopted children. So remember that the battle you face daily is nothing compared to the glory I will reveal to you later. For I causes everything to work for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose for them


Son, if I am for you who is against you? Who is condemning you?  You must be convinced in your mind that nothing will ever separate you from My love! Not death, or anything in this life you live now. Neither angels or demons, neither your fears for today or your worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate you from My love. There is no power in the sky above or in the earth below, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from Me.


So wait for Me to come and help you. I will surely respond to the sound of your cries. My ears are always open to you. But, You must listen to what My Spirit says,  “If you live in My shelter you will find My rest. If you make Me your refuge, no evil will conquer you. When you call I will answer; I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue and honor You, and give you My salvation, and tell you should this is the way to go.” Then I will order My angels to protect you wherever you go.


Lord, thank You for giving me a new way of living; that is with Your Spirit. The same Spirit who raised You from the dead, now lives in Me, and He confirms to me that I am Your child!

Daily Devotional

Son, since you are determined to walk with Me – consider yourself alive to Me and dead to the power of sin. Do not let sin control the way you live, and do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to Me, and do those things that lead to holiness; that result in eternal life. Set up markers in your life to show you and others that up to this point – I have helped you.


Remember, righteousness and justice are the foundation of My throne. Unfailing love and truth walk before Me. The highest angelic powers stand in awe of Me, and I am more awesome than all that surround My throne. Therefore, I will never stop loving you or fail to keep My promises to you. No, I cannot break My promises, and I cannot take back a single word because in My holiness I cannot lie.


Since you have been made right in My sight by faith, you have My peace. So look forward to your coming problems and trials because they will develop in you endurance – endurance develops strength of character – character strengthens your hope in Me. This hope will never lead to disappointment, for I will come at just the right time.


Lord, You are a wonderful teacher, therefore, teach me to realize the shortness of life. Satisfy me each morning with Your unfailing love. Let my children and grandchildren see Your glory and know Your approval. Make all of our efforts successful.