Daily Devotional

Son, in the coming days it will be very important that My children listen to Me!  My children must not only read My word but obey it, cling to it, and wait patiently for Me. When you do these things – more understanding will be given to you. My path might lead through rough seas and dry deserts, in a way unknown to you. My pathway will always require My children to trust Me completely. So listen to My instructions very carefully, and know that I will care for You with a true heart and lead you by My skillful hands.


Son, open your ears to what I am saying, and tell the next generation about the glorious things I have done for you. Tell them about My power and My mighty wonders so that they might know Me, and set their hope on Me. Tell them that I will bless them when they do not turn away from My teaching. Let them know that My wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of those who live it.


Son, you must also tell those children of Mine who say I can’t protect, lead, or provide for them, “When they refuse to trust Me, I will end their lives in failure and terror. They talk about Me as though they are very intimate with Me, but all they do is give Me lip service, and lie to Me. They do not remember My power, nor do they remember all My miraculous wonders, and what I’ve done for them. In the coming days they will turn their back to Me. These people who are not listening to Me, even what they think they understand – will be taken away from them.”


Lord, when troubles come, help Me to keep my eyes on You. Help me when I am overwhelmed with longing for Your help, and when I cannot sleep, and too distressed even to pray! Help me never think that You have rejected me. Help me to recall all you have done, and remember your wonderful deeds for me long ago.


Lord, You are the God of great wonders, and demonstrate Your awesome power to everyone who will listen.

Daily Devotional

Lord, I’m not a professional prophet, and I was never trained to be one. I’m just a builder, and yet You called me, and told me to prophesy. You instructed me to tell everyone Your message,  “I am the One who keeps the foundations of the earth firm, and human defiance only enhances My glory. I will never forget the wicked things being done by this sinful nation of America. I am determined to bring disaster upon her when I bring My justice. There is a famine in America, not a famine of bread or water, but of hearing and obeying My word. Therefore, America is ripe for punishment, and I will not delay the punishment any longer. I have spoken, and I will do everything I said I will do!”


Son, in this time – tell My children, “Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. When you are slapped on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. When someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. Give to anyone who asks, and when things are taken away from you, don’t try to get them back.  Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Be willing to give, then when you have a need others will give to you. If you give out of a reluctant heart then others will be reluctant to give to you. Remember, how and what you give will determine how and what you will get back.”


Since you are a builder then you know that the foundation is the strength of the building. When My children refuse to read, hear and obey My word they are like a house without a foundation, and when the troubles that are coming – come, they will collapse into a heap of ruins.


Lord, I will continue to tell everyone that this time is surely coming.

Daily Devotional

Lord, You have been with me from the day I was born, and You have cared for me each day. Therefore, I will keep on hoping for Your help, and praising You more and more. Though I am not skilled with words, I will tell everyone about Your saving power. I will tell everyone that You  alone are just. Now that I am old and gray, let me tell this new generation of all your mighty miracles that You have done for me, even about what You have done to those who tried to hurt me; how they have been shamed and humiliated.


Son, I reveal My plans to mankind through My prophets, and I never do anything until I reveal My plans to My prophets. So ask yourself what are My prophets saying? “My people have forgotten how to do right!” “An enemy is coming!” “The rain will stop falling on your farms.” “Disease comes to your cities.” “Your young men will die in war.” I will bring upon you all the disasters I have announced, so prepare to meet Me!


Son, I have heard your prayer, so prepare My people for My coming. Turn the hearts of the fathers today back to their children. Tell those who are rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly. You will be blessed when you believe that I will do everything I said I would do. Therefore, be certain of everything I have revealed to you, for nothing is impossible with Me.


Daily Devotional

Son, am I your king? Then don’t reject My instruction, and do not refuse to obey what My word says to do. Don’t be led astray by the same lies that have deceived you and others in the past. When you are humble you will see Me at work, so be glad and encouraged, and remember that I hear the cries of My children when they cry out to Me.


Don’t be alarmed at what is taking place in the world today. People today do not want to hear anything that requires them to change. I sent My prophets to them over and over, and they commanded My prophets to shut up! When you live your life as I command, you will stand out.


So take a risk and tell everyone that, “I have risen from the dead! I will not let those who refuse Me to go unpunished! No sin can be hidden from Me.” Only tell them what I show you and what you have heard from Me.


Lord, I am exhausted trying to hide my sins; for they cannot be hidden from you. I will keep praying, hoping and trusting in Your unfailing love; for Your unfailing love is far too wonderful.



Daily Devotional

Lord, thank You for answering my prayers. You have always been faithful to answer my prayers with awesome deeds. You are my hope, and I must tell everyone how great You are.


Everyone, come and listen, and I will tell you what my Lord did for me. For when I cried out to Him for help, praising Him as I spoke, He listened! He paid attention to my prayer. Therefore, my life is in His hands, and He will keep me from stumbling.


Lord, Your joy is my strength, and I will celebrate because You have heard my prayer.


Son, you must have faith in Me, that I will do what I said I would do for you and your family. You must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. When you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. But first, you must forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against. Remember, I am the One who answers your prayers and cares for you. All your blessings come from Me. So be wise and understand these things, and with discernment listen carefully. My path is true and right, and My righteous people live by walking on it.


Most people make a serious error when they don’t know My Word. Therefore, they don’t know My power, and that I am God. I am the only One who can forgive sins. These people must acknowledge Me; that there is no other Savior. If they don’t acknowledge Me they must bear the consequences of rebellion against Me. Soon they are about to be destroyed by Me, and every precious thing they own will be taken away.


So tell them to bring their confessions to Me and say, “Forgive me of all my sins and graciously receive me, so that I may offer You my praises; the praise You deserve.”

Daily Devotional

Son, the leaders of your country spout empty words and make promises they cannot keep. They think that they control the future, but they will eat the fruit of lies. They trust in their military, believing that this will make them safe. But the time of punishment has come; the day of payment is here. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave your country alone and all because they will not listen to Me, or obey Me. I will repay those who oppose me and My children according to what they have done.


So, do not look at life merely from a human point of view. Don’t make your living by extortion or put your hope in stealing. If your wealth increases, don’t make it the center of your life. Remember, if you cultivate wickedness you will harvest a thriving crop of sin.


Son, look over the situation that faces your country, and call My people to come together and pray. Tell them not to be afraid of these leaders who strut about like they are people to be feared. Rather, remember Me and I will fight for you and your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wife, and your home! Now is the time to seek Me so that I can shower My righteousness upon you, and so that you will harvest a crop of wisdom and love.


Lord, I pray to You for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Help me to wait quietly for You. My hope is in You alone. You are my Rock of Salvation and my Fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from You alone. You are my Refuge in times of trouble and the Place where no enemy can reach me. I will trust You at all times. You have spoken clearly to me; those things I have heard many times: My future is with You and not with the leaders of my country that oppose You. For even the leaders who love You are afraid to proclaim the truth of what You say to this nation. They have compromised, thinking the corrupt system is salvageable, when it’s not. Oh how I long for YOURS to come Lord and show all the nations what true justice and peace are, and where righteousness and prosperity come from. Come Lord Jesus – Come!

Daily Devotional

Lord, seal the cracks in our land caused by our rebellion to You. You have shaken our land and split it open. We have taken up detestable practices; worse yet, our leaders and officials have led the way in this outrage. All who know Your word should be utterly ashamed; for our sins are piled high and our guilt has reached the heavens. But Lord, You have given us a brief moment of grace, and we have actually been punished far less than we deserve.


Son, when people see what I am going to do they will learn nothing. When they hear what I say, they will not understand. There are some who say that they follow Me, but they will fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted. My words will be crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth and their desire for other things. But, to those who hear and accept My word they will produce a harvest.  So pay close attention to what you hear, because the closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given. What I want is for you to show others My love for them. I want you to know Me more.


I will settle with your land for what they have done. I know what they are like and they cannot hide from Me. Their false religions will devour them along with their wealth. They will be crushed and broken by My judgment because they are determined to worship anything else but Me. Listen to the filth that comes from their mouths. Because of the sinful things they say, and the evil that is on their lips, they will be captured by their pride, their curses and their lies.


Lord, You said that if we follow Your instructions we will be strong and enjoy the good things of our land, and that we will leave a heritage for our children. Lord, my prayer is that Your children make a covenant with You; to follow Your word, and to follow Your leaders who respect Your word. Let these leaders stand up and tell us how to proceed in setting things right with You. Help us to realize the seriousness of the matter, and confess our sins of rebellion to You. I know this won’t happen in a day or two; for it requires us to daily live for You the rest of our lives. This is the only hope of our land.


Son, I am looking for confident men of discernment that meet with Me in the morning to know My word, and study to understand My wisdom and ways; men that are determined to obey what I say; men that are willing to teach and help other people; men that earnestly pray and know I will take care of them. I want My men to know that with My help they will do mighty things, and who will be bold and shout out that I am coming at last!


Son, there is violence everywhere, one murder after another. People refuse to know Me or even recognize Me. Their words cut people like swords, and evil is constantly on their lips. They have forgotten My word, and love their shameful acts more than doing what is right. This is why your land is in mourning, and everyone is wasting away. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea are disappearing. Soon these people will be captured by the result of their own pride and curses.


Lord, I am encouraged because You will stand with me. You have always been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress. It is because I am connected to You that I have power; the power that amazes people and leads them to You.


Daily Devotional

Son, don’t be afraid, for I know you are doing My will. Remember that I have given you everything you need, and I will answer your prayers. I have given you My love, therefore you are Mine. When you are weary from distress, cry out to Me, and I will give you My direction. I will fulfill My purpose for you. So, listen carefully to My prophets and you will be greatly encouraged.


Lord, I look to You for my protection because there is no justice, and I will hide beneath Your shadow until the danger passes by. Because You are watching over me, nothing can stop me from doing what You have called me to.


Son, there is no justice today and your judges do not even know the meaning of the word justice! They do not judge the people fairly. Because of their injustice violence has spread throughout the land. Soon you will rejoice when this injustice is avenged. But remember that there is a reward for those who live for Me. When I judge, it is just!


Since I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth, My will for you is to tell everyone around you who I am. Teach them My word by living it out in front of them. Then they will know that when they put their trust in Me, I will be with them always, even to the end of the age.

Daily Devotional

Son, your President is a hard and stubborn man, refusing to turn to Me. I have repeatedly sent My prophets to warn him, but he has mocked and despised their words. His tongue cuts like a sharp razor; he is an expert at telling lies. He loves evil more than good. He loves to destroy others with his words. I will strike him down once and for all. I will uproot him from the land of the living.


He is a precursor to the rebellious one who will wage war against My holy people and defeat them for a time. This rebellious man will be a man of intrigue, and will soon rise to power. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate My holy people. He will be a master of deception and will be arrogant, and destroy many without warning. He will defy Me and oppress My holy people. Everything will be placed under his control for a time, times, and half a time, and succeeded in everything. But at the end of his rule, when sin is at its height, I will come!


When I come I will be given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world. People of every race and nation and language will obey Me. My rule is eternal-it will never end. My kingdom will never be destroyed.


Lord, wash me and take away my guilt. Purify me from my sin. I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night. I know that I have sinned against You and have done what is evil in Your sight. Only You can purify me from my sins; then I will be clean. Create in me a clean heart, and restore Your joy. Help me to be willing to obey You. The sacrifice You desire is a broken spirit, and I know that You will not reject a broken and repentant heart.


Son, I tell you the truth, I have forgiven you and will restore My joy in your heart when you love Me with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Then this truth will be for you, “If you have faith in Me and don’t doubt Me, you can pray for anything, and you will receive it.”


Lord, I will always trust in Your unfailing love. I will praise You forever for what You have done. I will trust in Your Name!



Daily Devotional

Listen, all you people! Pay attention, for My words are wise, and My thoughts are filled with insight. I am the living God, and I will endure forever. My kingdom will never be destroyed, and My rule will never end.


Son, don’t fear when trouble comes your way. Don’t concern your self when the wicked grow rich and their homes become ever more splendid. For they will die, and they cannot take anything with them. Their wealth will not follow them into the grave. People like this boast of their wealth; they don’t understand that they will die. What I want are people who are thankful and call on Me when they are in trouble, and I will rescue them.


Son, My type of a leader must be a servant. They follow My example, for I came not to be served but to serve others. Then people of the world will recognize their exceptional ability and see that they have divine knowledge and understanding; that they are able to solve difficult problems because they are filled with insight and wisdom. They will prove themselves more capable than all the others. People will see that they are faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy. People will know that they are men of prayer that always ask for My help.


The leaders of your country are not this way, for they have refused My discipline and treat My words like trash. I remained silent, and they thought I didn’t care. But now I will rebuke them, listing all My charges against them. Their hearts and minds are puffed up with arrogance. They have proudly defied Me. They have not honored the One who gives them the breath of life and controls their destiny! They have ignored all My warnings. Therefore, I will bring them down until they learn that I rule everything, and that I alone am God!


Son, come, follow Me. Do not assume that you should receive more, because this will cause you to protest. But, giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors Me. Keep to My path, and I will reveal everything you will need to know. When you humble yourself and weep before Me in repentance I will indeed hear you, and ask you, “What do you want Me to do for you, for everything is possible with Me.”


Lord, I want to see as You see. Walk as You walked. Talk as though You were using my lips.