Daily Devotional

Jesus is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish. Everyone who calls on His Name will be saved.


But, there are a lot of people who are too hard-hearted to take Jesus’ free gift. They will be abandoned to their fate! So people, before it is to late, rip open your hearts and take this free gift of salvation.


So why do these people who reject Jesus seem to prosper, to grow old and powerful? They say to God, “Go away. We want no part of you and your ways.” They think their empty clichés actually comfort people. They only care about themselves, and they lash out at anyone with common sense. They have no interest in understanding the truth, but only want to air their own opinions. They think their wealth will protect them and give them a secure future.


Soon, these people who reject the truth will understand that God is in control. So ask yourself, “In all history, has anything like this happened before?” Drought and fire will consume California’s resources. Animals will cry out because the streams are drying up. The joy and hope of the people will vanish. Why? Because the storage vats are overflowing with the wickedness of the people.

Are We Losing the West? Part 26



2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”


Over these past few chapters we have seen the stronghold that has been built that has led us to the place where we are in our Western society. The question that comes up and begs for an answer is: What are we going to do? What steps can we take?


We all go through a transformation, or perhaps a better word would be that we go through a revolution in our thinking or theology. For a long time my theology was that everything is going to burn up and so we need to save as many as possible. I still believe that we need to save as many as possible, but now I have come to see that culture needs to be redeemed as well. I know that we will not reach that goal until Jesus comes and reigns, but that is the goal we should be working towards. That is what the Father is working towards and like Jesus, ‘whatever the Father does the Son also does.’ (John 5:19)


In these past chapters we have seen what human reasoning that is based on experience has brought us to which is the stronghold that we now face here in our Western world. What steps should we be taking?


I think of the admonition given to us in 2 Chronicles: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14


We all know that verse and probably have quoted it quite often, but do we realize what it is saying? God does not say that if the government, or politicians, business people, the entertainment crowd or if the media outlet would get on board then we would see our land healed. 



In the Old Testament “my people” refers to the Children of Israel, but in the New Testament this is referring to the Church – those who have been born again. Peter brings this out: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9


God gives us the solution which is at once quite easy, but seems hard to put into practice. If we, His people, will do our part: “humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways” then God will do His part: “I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” We see that the burden lies with His people and His people only.


What will God do? We know that when it is the darkest in the land God’s light shines the brightest. History gives us a glimpse of what God has done in the past and shows us what can be done in the days ahead.


Five students from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts met in a grove of trees near the Hoosic River to talk and debate about the theology of missionary service. A thunderstorm interrupted their discussion and time of prayer so they took shelter under a haystack until the sky cleared. That prayer meeting now known as the “Haystack Prayer Meeting” sparked a new interest in missions that sent out missionaries all over the world.


D.L. Moody the greatest evangelist in the 19th century gathered together university students to hear different speakers speak about the need of missions around the world. That meeting sparked what is now known as the “Student Volunteer Missions” and spread to other universities around the States and the world where thousands of students dedicated their lives to missions. Under the watchword of “THE EVANGELIZATION OF THE WORLD IN THIS GENERATION” came the most successful missionary recruiting challenges of all time.


Through the years 1904-1905 the Welsh revival had a profound effect upon the West. What happened? The church did what 2 Chronicles 7:14 said to do and when they did their part they found God doing His part; that of forgiving sins and healing the land. God tells us in Zechariah 4:10: “Do not despise these small beginnings.” 


In 1906 in the living room of a small house on Bonnie Brae Street in Los Angeles one of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit came upon a small group of people that included William Seymour. Word spread and soon thousands gathered, and small groups were gathering in living rooms all across America and rapidly spread throughout the world. The Azusa Street Revival was born and the Pentecostal movement spread throughout the world and swept millions into the Kingdom.


We could go back and look at the Great Awakening with Jonathan Edwards that shook America out of its apathy at the time or John Wesley, George Whitfield who shook Great Britain. It is stated by historians that what kept Great Britain from following the blood path of the French Revolution was the preaching of these two men.


Moving into the 21st century things look bleak spiritually, but is God limited, can His hand not move, or not bare His arm and bring about another great revival? He can and just like the examples above He is looking for a faithful man through which to work. That is always His method. At the first coming of Christ we read: “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.” (John 1:6) At the second coming of Christ perhaps we will see the same thing: There was a man sent from God and his name is ________.


God is on the throne and we need to remember that God’s method of doing anything is through men and women sold out to Him.





Daily Devotional

Listen to what is being said today by these progressive leaders. They say that the problems you are facing are because others have cheated you and it is not your fault. With this type of thinking injustice springs up. Their logic is to tell everyone that evil is good, and good is evil. This new generation has bought into their lies, and have put their trust in their evil logic. Because they spout empty words and make promises they don’t intend to keep, this type of thinking will result in fear, distrust, and destruction.


God says that when the storms of life come – to plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord. His blessing makes a person rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.


So the choice is ours to listen to the words of God; which are a life-giving fountain, or to the words of the wicked that conceal violent intentions. Those who seek the wise words of God will have understanding, and will be able encourage many. But fools who reject God’s words will be destroyed by their lack of common sense. The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled.  The hopes of the godly will be granted, and result in happiness. But the expectations of the wicked come to nothing. The way of the Lord is a stronghold to those with integrity, but it destroys the wicked.

Daily Devotional

Today we tell everyone that to have a great life you must be educated, and have a degree showing your knowledge. But the bible says the greatest thing is to get wisdom. Wisdom understands what to do with knowledge. To have knowledge without wisdom is almost useless; for knowledge will fail you without wisdom; the pure wisdom that is from above.


I used to meet with a man who is very knowledgeable about many things, but not very wise. God gave me a vision of him with a huge head but a little body. The problem he had was getting his knowledge through his hour glass neck to the heart of wisdom.


So what does God say, about wisdom? Wisdom will lead you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. With wisdom you will not be impressed with your knowledge and degrees. You will understand that wisdom is more profitable than silver, gold, and with it you will never lose sight of common sense and discernment. So getting wisdom is the key to life; for it will help you develop with good judgment. God’s wisdom come from the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Wise people will not lose the discipline of being in the Bible everyday. They will let the words of the Bible penetrate deep into their heart, for they know that this will determine the course of their life.


What does knowledge do? First it puffs up those who have it. So why push people to get a so called higher education? Could it be that the world system knows that if they can educate people without having wisdom they can control them? Ask yourself do we have leadership today with common sense, discernment, and good judgment? Or do we have leaders who have no idea how to solve the problems we face?


The country that is led by knowledgeable leaders without wisdom will have the following: No faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God. People’s promises mean nothing, because they break them. There will be killing, stealing and lying, and sexual sins as common place. There will be violence everywhere- one murder after another.


That is why America is in mourning, and everyone is wasting away. People love shame more than honor. So don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! God’s complaint is with us, the people of America. We have forgotten that wisdom comes from God.


So what is the future of any country run by people with knowledge and no wisdom: What the people feared would happen – will happen. What they dreaded – will come true. There will be no peace, no quietness, and no rest; only trouble and chaos.


Oh God please show us leaders who have Your wisdom to know what needs to be done, and the courage to do it. Help Your people to put them in power.

Daily Devotional

 So what does a man of integrity look like? He fears God! He is disciplined, getting up early every morning to meet with God, crying out to God for insight, and asking for Him for understanding. This is the foundation of his life; seeking the Lord in His word and in prayer everyday to find the right way. Only then will he understand what is right and just. This type of wisdom will save him and others. The man of integrity exposes evil men whose words are twisted and deceptive. He does not flaunt his authority like others. He leads in a different way; for he is a servant of the people.


What America has now are leaders that rush to commit evil, and allow the murder of the innocent. Men that are greedy for money and power; men without the truth. These men, and those who follow them, will eat the fruit of living this way. They will choke on their own evil schemes.


Lord, it is impossible to find men of complete integrity today! But, I know that with You everything is possible, so show us men with the common sense You give; men who live their lives with the integrity of their hearts. Let these men lead us and not the evil men in power today.

Daily Devotional

Son, the only way to change America is one heart at a time!


My way is for My children to get involved with people closest to them, and meet their needs. This can only happen when My children give of themselves. When they do it My way those who are in need will see the sacrifices made to help them. This will cause them to begin to help themselves. Be ready to help others when they are in need, and allow them to see the hope that My children have.


When we pass this great opportunity to the goverment, people will not get to know their neighbors. People in need will not see personal sacrifices made. There is no personal touch. People begin to think the government’s role is to meet all of their needs. Therefore, the opportunity to change a heart is gone. What is left are people who have no desire to help others, and only think about themselves.


What is happing in America is in direct conflict with My word! My children are canceling My word for the sake of their own individuality. What is left are man-made ideas on how to help their neighbors, and this deceptive teaching is because people are seeing things merely from a human point of view.


What is needed is for My people to start reading My word recognizing the truth, and seek mercy from Me, and turn from their sins. Is anything worth more than a soul! Remember, I delight in those who fear Me, those who put their hope in My unfailing love.

Daily Devotional

To bring common sense back will require people to stand up in the truth and say, “We want to make this very clear that we will never follow what you have set up! What we are doing is for our children, and our children’s children.”


When you listen closely to what those without common sense say it becomes very obvious who they are. They say, “Look what I have built, this great system is to display how great I am; therefore, people will remember me.” To stand against these people will require us to be shrewd and yet harmless, and to be willing to be arrested and handed over to the courts.


I want everyone to know that I serve God, and that He is able to save me, from the power of the wicked, but even if he doesn’t, I will not bow to them! For my God is able to humble the proud. Therefore, I don’t need to worry about how to respond or what to say, when I am dragged into their courts. For my God will give me the right words at the right time, and it will be Him speaking through me when He says, “I will give you one more chance to bow down and worship Me, the God who created everything by just My word.”


Therefore, if I cling to my life, and refuse to stand up, I will lose it; but if I am willing to stand up and give up my life for Jesus whom I believe in, then I will find it. In Him forever!

Are We Losing the West? Part 25



Colossians 2:2-5 “My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.”


In the previous weeklies we saw how God’s revelation was superseded by man’s reasoning when it came to knowledge and understanding of nature and the nature of God. We saw where in the 21st century man’s reasoning has taken us where we are calling good evil and evil good.


Where do we find wisdom and knowledge? Paul tells us that “in Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Jesus is the answer. It is with this thought in mind that I found the following very interesting.


Mr. Bilal Hafeez serves as the Managing Director and Analyst at Deutsche Bank AG – Research Division and has been its Global Head of Foreign Exchange Strategy since September 2004. He joined Deutsche Bank AG – Research Division in 2002 as a Senior Foreign Exchange Strategist. Mr. Hafeez is responsible for formulating the bank’s view on currencies. He manages and contributes to the firm’s flagship publications: FX Strategy Weekly, FX Blueprint, and Exchange Rate Perspectives.


Bilal Hafeez said in a speech: “Who else has entered the terrible teens? The Euro-Area! It was born in 1999 and so is currently fourteen years old. It has all the hallmarks of teenage angst. It is ridden with internal conflicts, it is groping around for structure, and it is suspicious of authority.”  “So who can be a positive role model for the Euro-Area?” he asks. “Well, it cannot be the ‘fathers ‘—Germany or France. It has to be an external figure that all Europeans respect and whose motives and character are beyond dispute. That rules out anyone living, as even the most competent person will make missteps or have something from their past dredged up to undermine them. That leaves us with historical figures whose lives have been laid bare by history. I can only think of one figure that is respected by most Europeans and has never sinned,” he concludes. “Jesus!”  Incredibly, Hafeez goes onto suggest that if everyone lived by the injunction to not be the “first to cast stones unless they were without sin” then the “constant accusations would stop.”


One of the things that I see coming out of our city, state and federal governments is that our so-called leaders seem to not know what to do. Poll after poll shows that the public does not trust them in what they say (result of our post-modern worldview) and we find that they are making decisions that will have dastardly consequences later on for future generations.


What is the answer? I think it is what Hafeez said and what we read in the following verses: “Kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and women, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.” (Psalms 148:11-13)


What is interesting to me that comes out in Hafeez’s article is that man and his reasoning does not have an answer to some of the most complex problems we have today in the area of finance and international relations. Jesus is the answer; Jesus is the solution. My prayer is that God will raise up godly men/women of influence next to men/women of power who can influence those in power in the way they should go and in the way they make decisions.


We need to insert Biblical values back into our society.

Daily Devotional


How to fish for people:


To be a fishermen you must go to where the fish are. Don’t expect the fish to come to you. Let them see by the way you live that you have turned to God. Be a faithful man who fears God, and trust that God will work out His plans for your life; for we must carry out all that God requires. Unite with people who have the same purpose and listen closely to God’s word. When I understand that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and this strength only comes when I am in God’s word, understand it and applying it to my life, then I have joy. I know that Jesus reached out His hand to me and saved me, therefore I must reach out my hand to people. I understand that when I become proud and think that my success in fishing is done by my strength, that He will remove His blessing from me. For, He cares for the humble, but keeps His distance from the proud. 


Therefore, today I will be filled with great joy!

Daily Devotional

Son, one of the reasons there is no unity with the churches, among My children, is because some of the leaders have not made Me Lord of their lives. These people have no true heart for Me, and will not surrender themselves to Me. These leaders will bear the consequence of their actions. They have forgotten that I require absolute holiness!


What are the idols of America; are they not silver and gold? Has My church also been worshipping these things? My children must remember that what you worship you will become like it. The people who worship silver and gold will start rumors about My faithful children. They think they have the power to stop My message of Salvation by making My faithful children sin by thinking silver and gold will meet their needs.


But, My faithful children must reject this evil and expose them. My people must realize the work I have called My church to do – will be done with My help. Then they can continue the work with greater determination.


Son, take careful notice of what is taking place in the churches of America. Use your eyes and ears, and listen to everything that is said. Think it over, then speak out against these leaders, telling them, “What you are doing is not right! Should you not walk in the fear of God so His name will not be mocked?” Yes, there are some who follow Me and do what I require of them. To those who remain faithful, I will remember them when they are weak. I will protect them from their enemies. I will provide everything they will need.


Lord, help me not to become discouraged by what I see and hear, but help me to give thanks to You because Your faithful love endures forever. I am engaged in a great work for You and I will not be intimidated by those You laugh at and one day will cast out of Your sight forever.