A while back I had a conversation with a young man. He asked me what church I belong to and I told him, “I do not belong to any organized church.” He told me he was moving close to where I lived, and he went on to say that what he really wanted was to… Read more »
Posts By: Carol Dietz
Science vs. Truth
SCIENCE: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. TRUTH: that which comes from the Creator of all life: His structure and standard for living, His laws and order for mankind to flourish. Can truth and… Read more »
The End Justifies the Way
The promises God has given me have always been about the end result, and never about how the journey progresses. I have compared this with the promises made in the word of God and I find very few places where God tells His people what the journey will be about. What I have… Read more »
Turning this Lost Ship Around
We are seeing the VERY WORST in the democrat party, giving in completely to the Left and why?! WE THE PEOPLE needed to see it to wake us up to their self-serving ways, their secret agenda MASKED with lies and deceptions; that DEEP DARK agenda (of godlessness – against God’s America that they do not… Read more »
God Warns and Promises
Therefore, hear the Word of the LORD, you scoffers who rule. You have entered into a covenant with death and made an agreement with the realm of the dead. You have made lies your refuge and falsehood your hiding place. Your refuge of lies will be swept away and so will your hiding… Read more »
Assumptions over truth will always create confusion. People who have integrity will not compromise with evil, and their actions consistently reflect God’s word. Their love for God will keep them from lying to themselves, and they know where true happiness is found. They will walk in freedom as they ponder the direction of their life…. Read more »
For Such a Time as This!
Why is America so divided? Why is there so much hatred, fear and no compassion? When did we lose our morals and justify our evil actions? Why has the church stopped influencing the world by being strong godly families, leaders in government, teachers in schools, community leaders, etc.; instead we have allowed the world to… Read more »
Weapons of Power
I saw a new T-shirt that says: When guns are outlawed, people become outlaws. Right now the NRA has taken our 2nd Amendment right to the Supreme Court to protect our right to “carry and conceal” for one’s own protection, as needed in these days especially with idiots wanting to defund, obstruct, disarm and… Read more »
Hardened Heart
When I read in the book of Exodus, how God hardened the heart of Egypt’s Pharaoh, I always wondered why. Why would God harden anyone’s heart towards Him, when we’re told that, “God so loved the world that He gave His Son, so that anyone who believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting… Read more »
Dark Room of Sin
It is my belief that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. (Romans 8:38-39) The key is “nothing in all creation.” I am part of creation; therefore I cannot separate myself from His love. It’s about His hold on me, not my hold on Him. If I have asked Him to… Read more »