Daily Devotional

Son, people need to understand that I know everything. I see clearly what they are doing, and I know every thought they have. They gloat over how they take advantage of people. They gang up against My righteous children and condemn them for their belief in Me. Everything they say and do is foolishness to Me, and all their plans are evil. People, think again! When will you finally catch on? I am coming soon, and judgment comes with Me!


My church, when doubts begin to come into your mind, think of all the wonderful things I have done for you. Make sure that your worship of Me is with all of your heart, and never turn back. Then people will be able to see the truth, because of your walk with Me. Remember, this walk of faith is to do WHAT I HAVE TOLD YOU to do, even if everything looks like it is against you.


Lord, when I cry out to You, that I am beginning to doubt Your promises; it is Your unfailing love that gives me reassurance. It is Your comfort that renews my hope. For You are my only hope and my Mighty Rock – where I hide. 


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