Daily Devotional

When truth is outlawed and honesty is trampled on there will be no peace, and people with common sense will be attacked by people without the common sense God gave us. When people refuse to acknowledge God they will not listen to the truth and the fulfilled life will be hidden from them.


To know the Truth one must know the only true God through His son Jesus Christ. Truth is: the followers of Jesus Christ are made holy by His truth. Truth is: when the followers of Jesus are one in love and purpose, and enjoy the results of such perfect unity, the world will know that Jesus loves them just as much as He loves His faithful followers. Truth is: that Jesus came into the world to testify to the truth, and all who love the truth will recognize that what Jesus said of Himself is the truth, the way and the life. Truth is: the world hates anyone who follows Jesus Christ and will attack those organizations and homes that are united to represent the life of Jesus Christ.


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