Daily Devotional

Son, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for Me, and are ready so they will not be ashamed.


Listen to Me My children, I am giving you a stern warning. You must not bow down to the thinking and ways of this evil political correctness going on in your country and throughout the world. This type of thinking allows people to follow their own stubborn ways and evil ideas and desires. My children must be prepared, for when they refuse to accept these ideas and lifestyles, people will fly into a rage and demand that you accept what they call normal and good. They will threaten you and say, “If you refuse, no one will be able to rescue you from our lawsuits, and we will take your livelihood and take away your non-profit status.”


Oh, that My children would listen to Me, follow Me, and walk on My paths! How quickly I would subdue their enemies! How quick My hands would be upon their foes! When My children listen to Me, they will not be afraid. When they worship Me with all their heart, they will not turn their back on Me. Then they will not give in to political correctness and the life styles of today. They will not worship the god of money, or accept what the world calls good and normal. They will expose evil by standing on the truth and conducting themselves in the way I command them to.


My children will not need to defend themselves, because they will know that I am able to save them. They will know that even though I do not save them from what is coming, the world will see that they will never serve its systems and gods. For, they are willing to suffer and die rather than serve or worship anything but Me, the One true God. Who can rescue you like this; that in dying – My children live forever with Me!


Lord, we have sinned by turning away from You and have allowed this to come upon our land. Lord, I will worship You and You alone. Help me to faithfully serve You, and to meditate on all the wonderful things You have done for me.



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