Daily Devotional

Son, My Holiness is reveled through My children. Then all nations will know that I AM the LORD, and everyone will know how Holy My great Name is.


Truth lives in My children. Though they were overwhelmed by their sins, I forgave them. I faithfully will answer all of their prayers, because I AM their savior. I gave them a new heart, and put My Spirit in them. For, I took away their stony, stubborn heart and gave them a tender, responsive one. I put My Spirit in them so that they would be obedient.  I did not do this because they deserved it, but out of My love for them.


Lord, I must tell everyone how glorious You are! How awesome Your miracles are! It is by Your great power that You rule, and You watch every movement of the nations. People come and listen, and I will tell you what My Lord has done for me. For I cried out to Him for help, and He listened! He paid attention to my prayer. Therefore, my life is in His hands forever!


Son, when you say that you love Me, it means that you will do all that I ask of you. Do My children understand this about loving Me? Therefore, I am asking all of My children to defend the faith that I entrusted to them. Ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that My marvelous grace allows them to live immoral lives. The condemnation of these people was recorded long ago. These people have become like unthinking animals that do whatever their instincts tell them. These people are grumblers and complainers, living only to satisfy their sinful desires. They brag loudly about themselves, and they flatter others to get what they want. These people are the ones who create divisions among people.


When immorality is unchecked and left alone – it will allow people to become bold and arrogant. This immorality becomes hostile, beating and shouting at the door of your homes until they get you to agree with them. You know this is a horrible thing, but what will anyone do; who is going to speak up and condemn it? Who is upright and bold enough?


I will punish any nation that allows immorality to run rampant. I will make Myself known by what I do to their rebellion towards holiness and truth. Then they will know that I, the LORD, have heard and seen every wicked thing they do. I see and hear it all! Nothing is hidden from Me! I, the LORD, have spoken, and I will do what I say: “Judgment is coming!”


Lord, You alone are God, and You alone are the Savior of the world. You are my Savior!  All glory is Yours, even before time, and now in the present, and beyond all time – You reign on High and You will fulfill every one of Your awesome words. I will continue to look to You and do what You tell me to do. With Your help, make it so!



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