Daily Devotional

Sin is eager to control you, and it always starts the same way, by questioning the word of God, “Did God really say that.” Once you start questioning the truth, you open yourself up for sinful desires. People who are controlled by sin will want more and more, and then begin to take. These people will know that they have sinned and will start justifing themselves by trying to get others involved. The result is, since they have no truth they will become bound, afraid and have no peace.


People who are afraid and have no peace will try to substitute it with pleasures of the so-called “good things” in life. They will seek pleasure and think they have gained great knowlege. They will think that this great knowledge will give them meaning in their life. They will buy into the lie, that if I have all the good things in life, then I will have everything I could desire!


What is the result of this life? They will never be satisfied, and never be content. They refuse to accept that life merely repeats itself, and that they should learn from people who were here before them. At the end of their life, if they have sought after earthly and worldly things, they will say it was all so meaningless-like chasing the wind. They will come to the conclusion that to have pleasure as my life’s goal is worthless. Everyone will die, and then what will you have and get?


To those who cling to the truth they will find great pleasure in hard work. They will be satisfied with the food and drink they have. They will enjoy the peace of God in their lives, and realize that everything in their life is from the hand of God. For God will give them wisdom on how to use their knowledge and possessions, and give them joy because they please Him.


So don’t just say I am secure with God; prove it by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to wholeheartedly worship God.

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