Daily Devotional

Son, the godly people in the land are My true heroes. I take pleasure in them! I called each of them by name before they were born. These heroes know that My gifts and also their calling in life that I gave them – can never be withdrawn.


To the rest of My children I say, “If you stop trusting in Me – this will be your reward from me: you will soon fall down in great torment, and be in a deep sleep of your faith. Your eyes are shut so you do not see all that I am doing, and your ears are closed so they do not hear what I say through My prophets. You think that the wealth you have is a gift from Me, but it is a trap that makes you think – all is well – when it is not.”


My children need to turn to Me in repentance and pray, “We have sinned, done evil, and acted wickedly.”  Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith I given you. If My children turn to Me with their whole heart and soul then I will hear their prayers and petitions, and uphold their cause. Then people all over the world will know that I alone am God and there is no other. I plead with My children to give their lives to Me because of all I have done for them. If they offer their lives to Me as a living holy sacrifice, that I find acceptable, they will know that My will is good and pleasing.  Don’t copy the world, but let Me transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what My will is for you; My perfect and acceptable will.


Lord, my work seems so useless! It seems as though I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose. Yet I leave it in Your hand, and trust You.


Son, there are some of My children in your country who have remained faithful to Me. They have never bowed down to the systems of the world. So be careful not think too highly of yourself, but fear what could happen if you stopped believing. I will discipline My children who disobeyed, but those who desire Me and My word, and continue to trust in My kindness – I will help them, and I will protect them. I will give them My words of wisdom, so that they will know how to comfort the weary.


Lord, thank You for showing me the way of life, and granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever.



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