Son, let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. Some of My children will not all die, but will be transformed! It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. All who are living at this time will be transformed. Why? Because these dying bodies must… Read more »
Monthly Archives: February 2015
Daily Devotional
Son, don’t be childish in your understanding of what I want and what Satan wants; for we both want the same thing: your children! I want godly children. Satan wants to corrupt and destroy your children. Listen to the words of the so called wise teachers of the worldly education systems today. They twist… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, is there any place in America that has not been defiled. I wanted nothing more than to give the people this beautiful land, and look forward to them calling me “Father.” I wanted them never to turn from Me. But, today they have chosen a different path and have forgotten Me. The people have… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Today as I read the paper I once again became angry at what is being removed from us slowly by the so called wise and loving people, or progressive thinkers of our day. These foolish people are the ones who call anyone who does not agree with them hateful, intolerant and backwards. These progressive thinkers… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, I am your Father, and I have been with you your whole life. You were cleansed, made holy, and made right with Me when you called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, do not become a slave again to anything! Run from sexual sin; for no other sin so clearly affects… Read more »
Relationships – Chapter 5
Conflicts Can Be Growth Oriented If we do not deal with a conflict in the right way it will become a problem. A problem in this sense is an unresolved conflict and it can be quite damaging. Satan is always looking for an advantage through unresolved conflicts. 1 Peter 5:8 brings this out:… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Last Friday I was in a deposition with 20 lawyers. So when we broke for lunch I was joined by our attorney and the lead attorney. While we ate I asked them some questions, “How many items are needed to build this building?” “How many questions and answers were there asked and answered?” Both of… Read more »