Son, remember that those who exalt themselves, I will humble, and those who humble themselves, I will exalt! These proud people do not worship Me, or ask for My guidance or seek My blessings. In the end their lives will be destroyed. They will grope around like the blind, thinking that their silver and gold… Read more »
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Daily Devotional
Son, there are three types of people living today: Those who know Me personally, those who know of Me, and those who refuse to acknowledge Me. To those who refuse to acknowledge Me I ask, “Why are you scheming against Me? Don’t you understand that I can destroy you with one blow! Your life… Read more »
Daily Devotional
I listened to John Hagee talk about America and how it has left the God of its forefathers and now judgment is coming. It seems this is the same theme for my daily devotionals lately. I too have been led by God to write about what is coming to America. But what John talked about… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, a new generation has come up in America and they do not know Me or acknowledge Me! They refuse to remember the mighty things I did for past generations. They have abandoned Me, the God of their forefathers, the One who gave them the freedom they have now. This generation goes after other… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Mark 10:32 “The disciples were filled with awe, and the people following behind were overwhelmed with fear.” Son, read these words carefully and ask yourself what is going on in your life, fear or awe? Those who are close to Me will be filled with awe, but when you fall behind you will become… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, some people say they are My children but do not honor Me with their lips, and their hearts are far from Me. They do not even read My word, because they say it is not applicable, and do they have the time. Therefore, My word has no power to effect their lives, they have… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, I can not let sin and rebellion go unpunished! They have rejected My instruction by refusing to obey My word. They have been led astray by the same lies that have been told for centuries that “they have the answers for the problems they face today.” When I speak through My prophets they yell… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, what will people do with this fact that I am the Messiah, the Savior of the world? In my wisdom I made everything and by My will it all continues to exist and thrive. I am the One that set a firm boundary for the seas so they would never again cover the… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Yesterday I was very upset about the project I have been working on, and angry with the owner’s manager. He told us that he was not going to pay for approved and signed change orders. While driving home I was asking the Lord to bring judgment down on him, as this has been their practice…. Read more »