Daily Devotional

Yesterday while watching the news, they showed a photo of California’s parched cracked land and another photo of crowds of people praying for rain. A thought came to me of when Elijah said it would not rain for three years. What broke Elijah’s drought was the turing away from false religions and realizing the true God. It is my belief that the drought of California is because of our sins, and this drought will not stop until we have confessed our sins and begin to live up to the vows of our forefathers.


Lord, I am tormented by the wickedness of California that I see and hear day after day.


Son, the leaders of California are proud and arrogant; they laugh at supernatural beings without so much as trembling. They brag about themselves with empty, foolish boasting. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. Sodom was never as wicked as California has become. Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness. Sodom had become proud and committed detestable sins, so I wiped her out. Now this is what I say about California, “I will give her what she deserves, for she has taken the solemn vows of her forefathers lightly and has broken them.”


Only foolish people say, “There is no God.” Those who say this will become corrupt, and their actions evil; none of them can do any good! Your forefathers made their vows and pledges to Me and those who follow after must never break them. They must do exactly what I say for them to do. They must not exchange their vows to Me for anything else; not for craving physical pleasures, nor for the things they see of this world.


Son, keep telling My children that live in California, I have given them everything they need for living a godly life. My promises will enable them to share in My divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. They must not love this world or the things it offers, for when they begin to love the world, their love for Me goes cold!


Lord, I know that You have been patient with us, and it is not Your desire that anyone be destroyed, but You require us to repent and turn from our evil ways. WE DO NOT NEED TO PRAY FOR RAIN – BUT FOR REPENTANCE!!



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