This morning this passage jumped out at me, and the thought came how the spiritual and physical are connected:
“Some false believers have infiltrated our ranks to spy on the FREEDOM we have in Christ Jesus and to make us SLAVES. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the TRUTH of the gospel might be PRESERVED for you.” Galatians 2:4-5
The spiritual and physical are connected; one is supposed to effect the other. This is the wisdom and way of God. We see the effects of the SPIRIT OF LIFE throughout the Bible and we see the hatred for the SPIRIT OF LIFE in our societies today. Therefore, we see ruin and oppression and chaos. In America today, it has become evident how determined this evil-bent in our ranks of government wants complete control over all that is good and holy.
I’ve taken what Paul says in this passage and written it with its ‘physical/national’ effect:
“Some false believers (in our Constitution/Bill of Rights/Independence under God) have progressively infiltrated our ranks of government to organize a party by which to take our God-given freedom from us and make us their slaves. We did not and will not give in to them so that the truth of our godly foundation – should be preserved, for our children and children’s children.”
Why do people from poor and oppressed nations flee to America? We know why. Our nation was founded on the principles and love of God which bless anyone who will respect and live by them. Is this worth preserving? What will it take?
How should we preserve the gospel-truth and our freedom and the righteousness and justice that “exalts” a nation, as Proverbs says? Or, do you believe there is no use in fighting to preserve what our founding fathers fought and died for – so that every generation after them could live as God-fearing people were meant to live UNDER GOD’s FAVOR? Will we simply roll over and play dead? What good is our faith in God then? We are to be pitied not respected, laughed at not feared – as God says we should be respected and feared as His people. People respected, and even feared Jesus. Peace through strength – He was, and is, and IS TO COME.
The spiritual effects the physical and the physical effects the spiritual. They are meant to work together for the good of society! Jesus taught this by the way He lived on this earth, by the way people were drawn to Him, by the way His enemies feared Him, by the way God accomplished His will through Jesus.
The Bible teaches us that living the way we should as TRUE believers in Christ with His principles/standards/laws – would not be without threat and sacrifice. We are to persevere in doing what is right and just in God’s eyes – for the good of all peace-loving, prospering God-fearing people, with both our spiritual and national responsibilities.
If we know God’s Word, beginning to end, then we know what’s coming and how we are responsible to do what we’ve been called to do in the Name of the Lord, both spiritually and physically.
Clearly and woefully, the progression of evil is rapidly intensifying as the DAY of our LORD approaches. And I say, “COME LORD JESUS -COME!” Lord Jesus, finish in me what You started in me! You are the only FAITHFUL AND TRUE!