My Closest Friend

I have a Friend who is my best Friend. I meet with this Friend who is closer than a brother, every single morning for our time together. I wake up between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. to be with this friend of mine for hours where we talk, laugh and cry. What makes this person so great to me is that this person does not judge me or condemn me even though this person sees everything I do and hears everything I think and say. This person defends me. This person loves me when no one else can or will. This person encourages me when I am down, and prays for me. Who is this person? My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


I asked Him a long time ago why He awakes me up so early in the morning since I need my rest so I can work all day. He answered, “I have been talking to you all day but this is the first time you have been still enough to listen.” Since then I do not care about what I have to do in the day and how much sleep I miss; for this is the best time of the day for me – with my best Friend. Someday I will speak face to face with Him, and will not need to read about Him in the Bible; for I will see the living Word of God face to face.


Dearest and closest Friend, thank You for loving me and forgiving all of my sins. Thank You for the great future You have for me. Thank You for saving all my children and grandchildren. Thank You that You are coming back and the things that make me so angry – will be gone and even forgotten – because You will reign on the earth and make all things new.

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