Daily Devotional

Son, I called you before you were born; from your mother’s womb I called you by name. I will never forget you, and never allow you to be disgraced. I will fight those who fight you. I will save and protect your children, and grandchildren. Because of My faithfulness to you, I will not allow any temptation to be more than you can stand; I will always show you a way out. A spiritual gift has been given to you so that you can help others, and My approval of you will be recognized.


Son, because you live at the end of the age, I have written down things to warn you and help you to be prepared. Whatever you do – do it all for My glory. Try to please others in what you do – so that many may be saved.


Lord, every morning You awaken me and open my understanding to Your will. You give me Your words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. I am determined to do Your will. My strength comes from You; therefore, I will leave all my problems in Your hands.

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