Daily Devotional

Son, everything will happen as I have planned. It will be as I have decided for the world. I have a plan for the whole earth, and no one can change My mind or thwart My plans.


Some of My children understand what it means to stand for the truth; for many are being martyred by an evil called Islam. Soon all of My children will have a choice to make; to bravely stand up as My child and follow Me, or to reject Me and follow false-gods to their own great loss.


Son, there is a great revival coming! My persecuted children will shame a lukewarm people that claim to belong to Me, but don’t. The lukewarm will persecute those that are fired up for Me, but I will soon show them how bitter they have become when I spit them out.


My children need to be prepared, for their faith in Me will cost them, but the cost will refine them and qualify them for the crowns I have set aside for the faithful. That is why My prayer in the garden was for them only; for those who will proudly stand up and be counted for Me no matter what comes against them.  I asked My father to protect them by the power of His Name, and so He will. I asked My Father that they be united; that they become one as We are One, and show the world who I truly AM. I asked My Father that they not forget that the world hated Me first and will hate anyone who does not belong to the world because of Me; that they do not become bitter and their love grow cold. I asked My Father that they remember that I came into the world to testify to the truth, so that they will hold on to the truth and Your love Father be secured in them. For they will know the difference between truth and lie, and live by the truth no matter the cost.


Lord, in the days ahead give me the insight I need with an understanding heart. Help me to listen to You and do what You say. When my soul is grieved, overwhelmed and too distressed even to pray, help me to remember that You will always provide the comfort I need; a bright pathway is ahead of me so that I will not lose my way with You; for You have made a way for me that I did not know was there! Help me realize every wonderful truth and that You are the God of great signs and wonders. Help me to tell Your truths and give my testimonies of You to my children and grandchildren so that they will know that they can count on You in the time of their testing.

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