Daily Devotional

Lord, I’m not a professional prophet, and I was never trained to be one, I’m just a builder. But you have told me, “Tell America that it is ripe for punishment. The leaders no longer ask Me for guidance. They are planning to be like Europe. Therefore, I will not delay giving them what they deserve.”


Tell My children to listen to My message, and if they want to return Me, they must get rid of their false worship of Me. For it is a farce, nothing more than man-made ideas. If they really want to be My followers they must turn from their selfish ways, take up their cross, and follow Me. I require them to turn their hearts to Me and obey only Me and then I will rescue them in the coming days.


I will test My children to see if they will truly follow Me. For, a time is coming when I will send a famine on the land, but not a famine of bread or water but that of hearing from Me. Today people proudly honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. These people will suffer in the coming days; for what they thought would hold them up and keep them going – will fail them.


My children must listen for My voice; for it is powerful and majestic. My voice can split the mighty cedars. My voice strikes with bolts of lightning. My voice can make the earth shake. My voice can twist mighty oaks and strip the forests bare. So it is very important in the coming days to listen to Me and follow My voice!


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