Daily Devotional

Son, how much longer will the people of your country waver between two opinions? If I am God then follow Me! But if Satan is your god, then follow him!


It is because of your country’s sins that I have turned away and will not listen to your leaders anymore. No one cares about being fair and honest. The lawsuits in your land are based upon lies. The people are so oppressed by injustice that they don’t know where to find peace, or what it means to be just and good.


The sins of your country are piled up and testify against them. Your courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. Your leaders and professors in your colleges have mapped out crooked roads, and anyone who follows their advice will never have a moment’s peace. Since there is no justice among your leaders, and since the next generation has bought into the lie taught to them by their professors – no one has any idea on how to solve the problems they face.


Son, My own children say, “I am allowed to do anything.” Tell them that I see the sexual immorality going on among them. I’m not referring to unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin. I mean there are people in My church who are indulging in sexual sin!  My church leaders must judge them and tell them that those who claim to be a believer and yet indulge in sexual sin must be removed. Don’t even eat with such people who live this way.


When My words are followed, the sinful nature will be destroyed and they will be saved on the day when I return. My church must be built on the bread of sincerity and truth that is found in My word and no where else. I cleansed My children and made them holy when they first called on My Name. I made right with Me; therefore, My children must run from sexual sin of all kinds! For no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. Sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by Me? Therefore, you do not belong to yourself; for I bought you with a high price, and you must honor Me with your body.


O Lord, I give my life to You. No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced. Show me the right path, by pointing out the way that I am to follow. Lead me by Your truth and teach me Your way to live; for you are My God, and You will save me. I put my hope in You; in Your unfailing love. Those who follow You will know the path they should choose. When I live according to Your truth, I stand on solid ground.



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