We are a strange people, we use many names to try and describe who we think we are. Some of the names we use are “conservative,” “liberal,” “progressive,” “the far right,” “the far left,” “Republican,” “Democrat,” an “atheist,” a “believer,” and so on. What all of this actually means is that we have no idea who we are!
Not one of these groups can tell us anything about our future, and yet we follow them as though they have all the answers. They all think they have a plan that will work and solve the problems we face today, but when their plan is unveiled, it fails. There response to the failure is to keep going and it will work out. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result.
The truth is that man has no answers for the troubles and questions of today, or tomorrow. History has shown us that we will do the same things over and over again. We just change the names and call it a new idea that will work. What we all long for but do not really want – is truth. The reason we do not want the truth is because of the cost that comes with it that most people do not want to pay for. People think “truth” will require them to give up their freedom; having and doing the things they have always had and enjoyed. Therefore they do not want to listen to what “truth” is really saying. Reality is that we all want joy, happiness, health, to love and be loved, to have a peaceful life, to know that what we do matters, and to be remembered. All this comes from God; it’s His will for mankind, but it comes through His Son only.
Truth is simply this: Jesus came and died for our sins so that we might live in Him. It is only in Him can we find joy, happiness, health, love, peace, and to know that my life accounted for something noble and honorable in God’s sight. Being remembered will not be important in this world but will be in eternity; for it is what we do on this earth that determines our eternity.
Listen today and see if you hear man or truth speaking. Their messages are very different.
Man’s message: The poor will always have their hopes crushed. Man brags about their ways and desires, it praises the greedy and corrupt, and then curses God and attacks godliness and righteousness. They are too proud to seek God. In their minds God is not real or if they believe he is real – he’s not personal or involved. Man thinks he can come up with a full-proof plan to be free of trouble forever! He thinks, God will never call him to account. Man’s wisdom behind his helpful systems is to capture you with empty promises of philosophies that are nothing more than nonsense that come from the spiritual powers in control of this world, rather than from God. Their sinful rebellion has made them dangerously proud. Their laws and rules seem wise, but are all based upon a fallacy that man can solve his own problems. The truth is that since man will not listen to God, they must drink from His cup of anger. Man may say he will refuse to accept this cup, but truth says, “You will; you have no choice but to drink from it.”
Truth’s message: The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble for all who trust Him at His word; for He will not abandon anyone who searches for Him. He does not ignore the cries of those who suffer. He speaks to them through their suffering to draw them into His love and protection. In Him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and life eternal.
So let your lives be built on The Lord Jesus Christ; the solid foundation and Rock of faith. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Man’s message will lead you to destruction. The message of truth will lead you to the abundant life through Jesus Christ our Lord.