Terror to Triumph – Part 6 – The Real Threat



Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6


This is something that I wrote several years ago, but it highlights what we are faced with today in the 21st century.


Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad said, “The transformation of Britain into an Islamic state could come in two ways: if an Islamic state arises and invades, we will be its army and its soldiers from within. But if no such Islamic state arises Bakri said that Muslims would convert the West to Islam through ideological invasion without war and killing.” This is exactly what is happening in the West today. As one Muslim cleric said, “We do not need an army with swords, but an army of Islamic preachers.”


Sheikh Abu Hamza Al-Masri said, “Allah is the only one that must be worshiped on earth, and the only way to guarantee this is to control all the land masses, air, and sea and get Islam the proper channel to be heard by the people.” In other words, this is why Muslims must fight so that Islam can be heard by all the people.


Robert Spencer in his book Religion of Peace says, “Maududi, who is called one of the greatest revivalists of Islam in the 20th century said, ‘The truth is that Islam is not the name of a religion, nor is Muslim the title of the nation. In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and program which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. Muslim is the title of that international Revolutionary party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary program. And Jihad refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic party brings into play to achieve this objective.’”


He goes on to say, “Islam requires that the earth – not just the portion, but the whole planet – should benefit from Islam which is the program of well-being for all humanity.” In the Islamist way of thinking, orders or commands that come from man are men sharing in the powers and the authority of God. And this, to them, is the root of all evil in the universe.


This is the reason democracy is abhorrent to them. This is interesting because we see a worldview that has been developed here. A worldview is how we screen everything that comes our way and the way we will respond to the world around us. A worldview must answer three questions.


First, where did we get the universe, all the complexity, etc? The Islamist would say God created it all and they would be right. The second question they must answer is: Why are we in such a mess? And according to what has just been said above, is that any orders or commands that come from man are tantamount to man sharing the powers and the authority of God, which to them is the root of all evil in the universe. In other words, this is why we are in such a mess. The third question would be: What is the solution? This has already been answered in what has been written, that Islam must take over every aspect of life here on planet Earth and to  instigate Sharia law.


A Biblical worldview answers these three questions by the following answers:


First, there is a God who has created all things and man has been made in His likeness and His image. Secondly, the reason man as well as the world are in a mess is because we have “suppressed the truth.” We have gone our own way and done our own thing. Thirdly, the solution is that God has given us His law in order that we might recognize what sin is, and that we have all sinned and have come under the judgment of God. However, because God loves us and in order to fulfill His justice and His mercy, He took upon Himself the form of a man (we know Him as Jesus), who lived among us, and tasted death for all men that we, through Him (Jesus), might live.


Those who advocate a moral equivalency between Islam and Christianity need to have a closer look at the difference in their worldviews. How we think is how we respond to the world around us.

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