The Word of God – Part 1
Psalms 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”
Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”
When we pray for reformation we are praying for His people to come back to the Word of God. Our US Supreme Court has announced that it is unconstitutional for the TEN COMMANDMENTS to be hung in our court rooms. We can hang them in our State Houses, but not in the courts. How ridiculous this is when the Supreme Court itself has a statue of Moses the Law Giver as well as the Ten Commandments in different places throughout the highest court in the nation.
The Bible has been banned from our public schools and some are trying to get it banned from any public forum. What these so-called elites are wanting is a secular society – with no mention of God and morality. This is why in our postmodern world there is no such thing as truth. It has been banned as well. What is the result? Isaiah tells us in 59:14-15 “So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice.”
What this is telling us is that there is no honesty, no truth and no justice working in the areas of our public lives. How long can a society function like this? Not long. In our Western world we are going down a path where we will soon reach a place of no return. Reformation is urgent! Reformation will bring us back to the Word of God. We, His people, must begin to see His Holy Word for what it really is – the very Word of God for our lives.
A REPORT by the Bible literacy program suggests that young Americans know very little about the Bible. But what is a real stunner is that a fair number of Americans don’t see why teenagers should know anything at all about the Bible.
A study was done by a major denomination trying to find out why so many pastors were leaving the pastorate. They came up with four things. First, they were treating the pastorate like just another profession and not as a calling. Secondly, immorality was a major reason why many were leaving the pastorate. Thirdly, a desire for material things and fourthly (this is the one that blew me away), is what they called biblical illiteracy. They did not know the Bible although many were seminary graduates and some even doctors of theology. They did not know the Word of God as they should. They had studied books about the Bible and they could give you all the arguments about higher criticism, etc., but they did not know it in a personal way; how it applies to them personally, as well as knowing it from beginning to end.
This is why in another survey done by Frank Barna, he concluded that almost one half of the protestant pastors did not operate from a biblical worldview. They were ignorant of the Word of God and consequently this was true of the congregations as well.
Reformation brings us back to the Word of God in a very personal way.