Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving

More and more American citizens are seeking to know the truth about America’s beginnings and improving life for all people living here under our laws and within a culture of freedom with justice for all. More and more patriot parents making sure their children know the truth about the nation they live in, so they can also stand up in unity for the truth as to why America has so been so very blessed by God, unlike any other nation in the world.


Over 500 years ago, Christians in England were being put in prison and even killed because they would not obey the government under King James the first, with his demand of how to worship God the old Roman Catholic way. The people were not free to worship God by their own convictions from God.


Today in America we’ve been seeing one part of our government at work against our religious freedom – and is why our President Donald Trump, along with God-fearing state senators, governors and mayors have all stood up to that ‘evil’ part of our government, to show them we will no longer put up with that because unlike the Pilgrims we have no other unsettled land of the earth to go, and is why we MUST stand up to this evil – the way God has said we should.


There in England over 500 years ago, were a group of people called “separatists” who ran off to Holland and formed a community of their own. Eleven years later about 40 of them (led by God) decided to make a dangerous journey to what they called the “New World,” and what was established as “America.” To these Christian separatists it was worth the danger they would face, because they wanted to live freely to prosper with their families and worship God the way they believed. So, on August 1, 1620 they all set sail on the Mayflower.


There were other people on the ship besides the 40 of them, a total of 102 passengers. A man named William Bradford led the 40 pilgrims in their journey here. All the pilgrims agreed and signed their first contract for themselves as to how they would live in the New World, and this contract was called the “Mayflower Compact.”


These Pilgrims were strong Bible believing people, with a deep desire to live the way God says to live and is why America’s first schools taught the Bible, as the most important of all books. Back then, parents dictated what was taught to their children in school. Schools were an extension of parental control, which is being attacked today to give the government control of what children are taught.


Prayer began each day of school in America’s early days, thanking God for His providence in their New World of freedom. Today we see the shocking consequences and deathly results of both Bible and Prayer being kicked out of government funded schools.


The Pilgrim’s journey on the tiny ship Mayflower was so very hard on the Pilgrims, but they made it WITH GOD’S POWERFUL WILL.


In November 1620, the Pilgrims landed in what they called New England, which back then was a cold wintry uncivilized wilderness. The great sacrifice for their freedom had just begun!


Half of the 40 Pilgrims died of starvation and sickness. When Spring came there were Indians who came to welcome them and teach them how to plant corn, fish for Cod and how to skin beavers for coats. Life then got a little better for the Pilgrims. The pilgrims needed the families back home to help them, which they did through the London Bank, by sending them things by ship.


In the first contract, they formed how they would live in this New World, they quickly found out after one year, that it didn’t work where nobody owned anything of their own, and what they produced was put in what they called a “common store” where it was equally given to all the people. William Bradford, the first governor, called this “collectivism,” where no one had more than anyone else. It did not lead to people prospering on their own.


Today, we call this “socialism,” that part of our government has been working to establish in America. Socialism has never worked, and we’ve seen why in other nations where the people are suffering while their government keeps taking what they have, to do what they want with.


When everybody if forced to get the same, what happens is that people get lazy and then expect their needs to keep being met. This is what we see happening in America today, where those who work hard, and are forced to pay increasing taxes. The government is not meant to “meet people’s needs,” because then people look to the government as their God. God meets our needs! He is the one who shows us how to prosper with our abilities, and then we are to freely help others do the same, without the government in our way.


So, William Bradford began to use godly wisdom, and he assigned a plot of land to each family to work and manage, and whatever they produced was theirs. This began the “power of the marketplace” where people traded with each other for what they needed. And it worked! We call it “Capitalism” where people are free to start businesses to help each other live a better life, buying and selling from each other in all areas of our lives.


Socialism is the enemy of Capitalism.


The Pilgrims quickly prospered by this godly principle and so they lived happier lives with their families. God tells us that whatever our hands find to do that produces good – do it with all your might, and He will bless it. The Pilgrims learned this!


And here is where the first Thanksgiving has its meaning. They had so much more than any of them needed, they decided to have a “gratitude winter” with the Indians where they shared all their bounty with the Indians. The Pilgrims thanked God for all they learned and for the courage and strength to keep going through all their extremely hard times.


The Pilgrims then set up “trading posts” and exchanged their goods, and with the Indians as well trading what the Indians produced with their own hands. The Pilgrims were then able to pay back their loans back home in London.


The success of the Pilgrims attracted more people from Europe who came to the New World. This migration was called the “Great Puritan Migration.” Lots of people started coming over in ships to both prosper and worship God freely. These Pilgrims had the faith in God to keep going even though so many suffered and died.


America’s FIRST “heroes” were not the Indians, but rather the God-fearing faithful Pilgrims who persevered with God for this nation that people from all over the world have come to ‘legally’ live in with their families. The true stories of ‘legal law-abiding’ immigrants should be more publicized than the stories (many made-up) of ‘illegal law-breaking’ aliens. “Alien” to mean that they come to America to abuse our systems, and to challenge our Constitutional way of life with hostile protesting and threat of destruction.


The story of the Pilgrims goes on, but this is why we should celebrate Thanksgiving. This is what all NEW American citizens should be taught, as well as all children in school and at home. Thanksgiving is an ‘American’ tradition of giving God what is due to Him. Those who hate the God of the Bible, and are here (legally or illegally) to pervert our heritage and change our godly laws and justice system – need to leave.


In our public schools today children are taught that the Pilgrims ‘gave thanks’ to the Indians for saving their lives, but that’s NOT what it was. Thanksgiving is our expression of thanksgiving to GOD for how He kept the Pilgrims going and why we can enjoy our lives in America, the Brave and Free!


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