As I consider this week and how people in America celebrate this time of year, and can’t now in the ways they have, I’m wondering what God has in mind.
Easter as the world celebrates it, is a ‘pagan holiday,’ and is why I choose to call this time of the year “The Passover of my LORD.” What is Passover? In a nutshell: It is the time of the year that God said is to be the first of our calendar year (Hebrew Calendar) because it’s when God saved His people in Egypt when He brought them out of slavery into a free new life with Him, teaching them to obey everything He says, so it would go well with them.
In the wilderness as they journeyed to the Promised Land, they learned who God is, how faithful and true, holy and just – He is. They learned how powerful He is over all nature and all world leaders who think THEY are the ones who should be feared and obeyed.
The Hebrews in the wilderness learned so much ‘from God’ about how to protect themselves and provide for themselves by obeying His laws and principles. And we have all this truth and wisdom from God in His written Word, the Holy Bible.
When the One True God is ignored, and His laws and principles are rejected, as they have been in America’s progressive evolution, He allows us to feel, so very personally, the ‘results and consequences’ of ignoring Him and rejecting His laws and ways. His laws and ways are for overcoming all that threatens the good life we are meant to live on this earth.
Repentance that God is after, is that we repent of what, or who, we have been trusting in that is an enemy of God and His Word. “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes and makes himself to be a friend of the world, makes himself an enemy of God.” James 4:4
In America now, people worship various gods, unlike our founding fathers who worshipped the One True God, and therefore when we are attacked in some way, God leaves us to our opposing ideas, solutions, confusion and chaos – so we can see where it gets us.
Whenever a people live under a man or a government that rejects God and His Word, the people will naturally become slaves in that land. America’s founders knew this and is why they fled from ‘religious slavery’ where the King of Great Britain enforced his rules and regulations for worship upon all the people.
When America no longer upholds our “freedom of religion,” and all the other amendments protecting our God-given rights, we have become SLAVES.
The Hebrews in Egypt were slaves for 400 hundred years. In the beginning they didn’t see it coming, as it NEVER happens overnight, but by a slow progression away from God.
Jacob’s 11th son, Joseph, was removed from Jacob as a young boy (without going into the details of how and what he suffered), to end up in Egypt and eventually becoming Pharaoh’s right hand of governing all Egypt’s wealth and resources. As we read in the Bible, this happened to Joseph so that God could later deliver Joseph’s family (Jacob, his father, and his 11 brothers and their families) from the land they lived in when great famine hit, to ‘temporarily’ migrate to Egypt where they could live and have plenty living under Pharaoh’s favor of Joseph.
But, generations later, still in Egypt long after the famine had left the land they lived in, the government (Pharaohs later) turned on God’s people and they were forced into slavery, working 12-16 hours a day suffering ‘hard-labor’ to prosper the Egyptian way of life. Why? They didn’t have to become slaves. Are you beginning to see what the threat is in America?
THEN, as God’s people continually cried out to Him over their suffering, the Lord sent them a man to show them the way out, and not just any man, but one that God chose from birth to do God’s will. And you should know the rest of how God used Moses to deliver the Hebrew slaves with 10 plagues against Egypt, yet protecting the Hebrews where they all lived from the last 3 plagues. The first 7 plagues taught God’s people to return to Him and listen to Him, via Moses.
Passover starts, because of what God told the Hebrews to do before the last plague of the angel of death coming to kill all first-borns. They were to put the blood of the sacrificed lamb over their doors and windows so that the last plague would PASS them by. We have the blood of Jesus Christ shed once and for all who believe.
The Lord told His people on their way out of Egypt, taking great plunder, this DAY should now be the FIRST day of the year for you; for it’s the day you are never to forget and teach your children generation after generation. It’s the day when GOD BROUGHT HIS PEOPLE OUT OF SLAVERY AND INTO FREEDOM UNDER HIS LOVE, PROTECTION AND PROVISION to live as free men with their families; FREE as long as they obeyed His Word and did all that He said they should do for their good future. God would then show Himself to the world through His relationship with His chosen people.
Similarly, this is how America started, God leading His own people out of religious slavery, but just as it went generations later for God’s people in Egypt slowly taking on Egypt’s ‘pagan gods,’ we have as well in America instead of remaining true and faithful to the Lord. Some Americans are clearly seeing how their lives are being controlled by the teaching, instructions, laws and current policies of ungodly leaders.
Like David cried out (David of the Bible, well-known and chosen by God for being a man after God’s own heart), “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
What does the Bible (God) say in answer to that question? Well, I’d suggest you read the Lord’s letters to His people (the churches) in Revelation 2 and 3, as a start of what the Lord’s own people need to repent of, and what we will lose if we don’t repent and turn from our own wicked ways. Because only then God says (promises),
“If I close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, and My people who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways (of following other foreign gods), then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.” 2 Chronicles 7:13-15