Year 2022 has been a very beautiful year for me; a year of restoration and peace. I have no doubt 2023 will be another beautiful year because I have learned to trust Jesus with every part of my life and even when I have times of doubt. His sweet Spirit reminds me of where my HOPE comes from. Oh how I love His Word and Promises.
I have lived in the goodness of God. He has been so good to me; all my life HE has been faithful, even when I wasn’t faithful to Him. He has led me through the fire. He's walked me into His joy and peace. To Jesus Christ alone may my spirit yield. God alone is my strength and my shield. I've known Him as Father and I've known Him as closest friend. He is the desire of my heart and I long to one day worship Him in His full presence. But for now, I will worship Him with my life, with my prayers, with my thoughts, with my words, with my marriage, with my everything.
To God be the glory in everything in my life because it is He who brings beauty of the ashes. It is He who restored the broken parts of my life. It is He who washes clean my filth. It is He who humbles the pride in me. It is He who comforts me in my seasons of pain. It is He who arms me with strength. I look at the years I've lived, and I thank God for them all. The good ones, the bad ones, the ugly ones.
Here's to 2023, my friends and family. May you take time to reflect on the goodness of God in your life. And if you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, may this be your year of knowing Jesus personally and joyfully. Happy New Year!