The Power of Thankfulness

I do believe that we should check ourselves continually. The Lord says we are to judge our sinful selves truthfully confessing to Him, and instead of judging others - we pray and love them, or we pray and leave them alone. 
God has a day when HE will judge us all. But I have found a real power in sincere continual 'thankfulness' to my Lord God, acknowledging Him for all He has done for me, done for me even before I ever repented of my sins and asked Him to live in me. 
Romans 6:19-23 "And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with THANKFULNESS." Thankfulness! 
Jesus will open the books; for He is the only One worthy to open the seals. (Revelation 5:9) And as He has said, my name is not listed any longer in the "book" of all my sins. My name IS listed in the "LAMB's book of Life" by my faith in who HE IS. He has covered all my sins with His own blood. Hallelujah! 
Lord JESUS, finish in me what YOU so graciously started with Your Word and Spirit! You have ALL the power to make me holy as You are holy. I thank You that You do not hold my sins against me. 
I have found that my sin-nature is overcome by my sincere love for Jesus Christ, thanking Him and giving my 'imperfect' self to Him each morning, to use me any way He wants. It's all about Him!

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