The only TRUE gospel is Jesus Christ's, the Son of God, and what is said of Him: HE who was, and is, and is TO COME. His purpose was to save those who repent because they believe in His sacrifice on the Cross - receiving His forgivenness and being filled with His Holy Spirit to live out their great purpose for which we were created by so great a God of pure love and justice.
Jesus taught strongly about that "narrow way," the road home to God our Father. That "narrow road" can ONLY be walked with the Savior in daily fellowship with Him in Spirit and in Truth. No church, or religious organization, or family, or government, or national patriotic work or activism - can do for my person what my daily fellowship with my LORD does for me and in me.
The LORD's words (found in the Bible written in red) are the light for my path with Him. He is the LIVING WORD of GOD. God said it, and I believe it. He is the only true LIGHT of this very dark depressing self-destructing world. He is WONDERFUL COUNSELOR imparting wisdom much higher than the puny wisdom of this lost world. He is my DEFENDER when I am accused. He is RULER OF THE NATIONS because the nations belong to Him who caused their to BE nations. He sustains His creation by His powerful word! He raises up kings/presidents for HIS PURPOSE, and then takes them down.
JESUS CHRIST, founder of His world-wide church (not of religions, but of those called by HIS Name and filled with HIS Spirit) walk with Him clothed in white by NO work of our own. Our own seemingly good works are as filthly rags, He says. HIS perfect and acceptable work through us is all that God the Father is pleased with, and will reward.
YES, "narrow" is this 'glory' road of His, that few will go; others won't because they are deceived by lies having rejected the truth from God; they are so very fearful of being persecuted, or they want the things in this life more than what God offers us in eternity with Him.
The LORD also says: "BROAD is the road that leads to destruction that most will go." "Broad" because of all the various kinds of temptations to our pride, and fleshly lusts, and fears rooted in the lack of true knowledge from God. And what "destruction" is that? The Holy Bible is filled with the answer.
Feeding on God's Word every morning is our greatest NEED in this life. Praying and communing with the LORD continually is our perfect peace that surpasses all our understanding of what and why things are happening as they are. Oh how thankful I am for coming to God's TRUTH for His mustard-seed faith HE gives each of us to grow up from - for HIS kingdom-sake.
What a pity to live your whole life LOST in a religion with its rules and regulations for worship, or in a successfull prosperous career, or in some political activism, or even LOST in your own prideful ignorance - when God has been so merciful and gracious to REVEAL Himself to us ALL in so many wonderful ways.
"The wrath of God is [also] being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, WHO SUPPRESS the TRUTH by their wickedness, since what may be known about GOD is PLAIN to them, because GOD HAS MADE IT PLAIN TO THEM. For since the creation of the world GOD'S INVISIBLE QUALITIES - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE." Romans 1:18-20
NO ONE will stand before God on judgment day with an excuse of not knowing what they should've known about God's Son and the coming judgment. And there's more on this in chapter 1 of Romans, "God's Wrath Against Sinful Humanity." "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator - WHO IS FOREVER PRAISED!" Romans 1:25
JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY truth, the ONLY way, the ONLY life. He calls us by His Spirit to walk with HIM in His love and truth, and to do His good will - to the END. That simplicity of living daily in the love and truth and purpose of Jesus Christ, is so very freeing and fulfilling!
May our Savior be welcomed in hearts and lives as we endure this 'prophesied' day of wars and rumors of wars, plagues, famine, and natural disasters in various places, and persecutions. Here in America we are experiencing the persecution of Jews living here in the so-called "land of the free," and persecution of Christians speaking up and standing against antisematism, as well as the evil of sacrificing babies in the womb with abortions, against homosexuality/transgender ideology trying to take over our schools/children; persecution for standing up and speaking out for all that is true and right according to GOD'S definition of truth and righteousness.
Oh what a time to be living, the time JESUS taught about and had written down for us in His Word; where evil intensifies RAPIDLY as Christ's return approaches. "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Son of Man returns." You can read what it was like then - in the book of Genesis chapters 6-9. And now look what they have down with God's rainbow! The rainbow was God's reminder to us that He will never destroy the earth with water again as in the day of Noah. But He also tells us, with a promise, that He WILL destroy by fire to cleanse the earth for His renewal of the earth and the heavens. The book of Revelation is clearly detailed on this.
God even says that if we read and study the book of Revelation we will be blessed in doing so. Blessed with knowing the truth and understanding so that we can be prepared for worse days and ready for how the LORD would use us in the day in which we live.
Not one nation's government will be serving and obeying God and His Word at the return of KING JESUS. Look at what is happening in America with a great throng of ignorant lost people promoting all kinds of wickedness, calling truth a lie, and lies the truth; regarding righteousness as evil, and wickedness as the way in which we should ALL be living! And now with this 'current' administration funding and defending it! SHAMEFUL IGNORANCE!
God have mercy! God HEAR our 'humbled' prayers! People need the LORD! FATHER GOD, give YOUR people strength to endure the evil day, and not be cowards when attacked for who we are, and threatened if we won't deny our LORD and His Word. For we know what YOU said would come upon the earth before YOU return to conquer and crush all evil and rebellion. We know what YOU have promised, according to Your own words written down for us, that to restore all things YOU ONCE CALLED "GOOD."
Your promises can be trusted and relied on for our ongoing peace and joy as we finish what is each ours to do. Thank You LORD! Thank You for finishing your purpose in the world, then as the LAMB of God to cover our sinfulness with Your perfect blood, and now as You do Your good will through Your faithful servants, and in Your coming again: Your glorious 1K year reign on the earth.
And then.... well you can read it in Revelation chapters 20-22. I find it interesting that God has not given us any more than is written about what eternity will be, and I'm certain it's because our minds can't fathom how great and glorious it is. I do know that from what the Bible teaches that we will be FOREVER learning of how GREAT and AWESOME God's love is for His Family.