This morning I was praying to my Father God and confessing my lack of patience and understanding. I’m dealing with someone right now that I believe the Lord is using in my life, so I can become more like Jesus. At the same time, I am seeing how this person, who believes she is a Christian, does not spend time in God’s Word. (She gives me excuses.) As a result, she adds on one fear after another, is hopeless and miserable, and spiteful.
Doesn’t the Bible tell us about who God is so we can believe in Him and overcome our fears and hopelessness, our selfishness and hatefulness? The Word of God teaches us every truth we need – to be free and fulfilled! The Bible teaches us where we come from, about creation and His wisdom behind it, about heaven and hell, about Satan and how the devil tempts us and holds us captive. The Bible teaches us about God’s angels, about God’s Throne in heaven, about His beloved Son, His forgiveness, His indwelling Holy Spirit, His Name that is above all names, His trust, His unconditional love, His supreme power, His plans, His ways, His laws, His commands, His choices, His rejections, His conviction, His condemnation, His supreme justice, His enduring patience, His mercy and grace, His directly calling to people, His voice, His guidance, His faithfulness, His protection, His provision, His understanding, His return to earth, His purpose in all He does, His coming kingdom, His perfection, His good-will towards men, His hatred of evil and rebellion, His judgment, His beloved children, His defense, His deliverance, His rest, His omnipotence, His foreknowledge, His vision, His sight into our hearts, His peace, His joy, His fellowship, His miracles, His riches, His gifts, His blessings, His true family, His eternal life for those in Christ Jesus.
What good is it to have a Bible at home on the shelf and hardly, if ever, sit down to read the only Book that truly matters in life; the only Book that will NEVER go out of circulation until God has completed and fulfilled every word in it?
I’m reminded of the first believers who were WITH Jesus every day, walking and working along with Him in physical form, enjoying the Lord’s favor and presence with them. The Holy Spirit is the Lord, and the Lord is the Spirit. The Holy Spirit living in me, will give me a serious hunger to know God’s Word, and a strong thirst for the Lord’s closeness (fellowship) in my daily life. If I don’t get up every morning thinking about the Lord and wanting to fellowship with Him in His Word and in prayer, but instead I get on with what my day holds, with my job, with Facebook or whatever media, with people/family, with my plans ahead, etc., then what does that reveal to God? How can I expect my day to go, as a follower of Jesus Christ?
Our Father God knows how much we are willing to do for Him, how much we are physically capable of as well. He knows our individual bents with sin, our weaknesses and ignorance. But I do believe that God DOES expect and so desires a whole-heart towards Him, to give ourselves to having a GENUINE relationship with Him day to day, no matter what.
We have a different definition of ‘belief’ than God has. To most people, “belief” is simply head-knowledge. God’s definition of “belief” is about both head (knowing the truth) and heart (a whole-hearted devotion to the Lord).
Many think that ‘going’ to church on Sundays to hear praise songs about the Lord, and to hear a biblical message from the pastor and to visit with friends – is “fellowship with Jesus Christ.” It’s not. Now don’t get me wrong. Going to church has a place in our lives, as long as the church is commendable by the Lord (Revelation 2 and 3), but Jesus NEVER meant for church-going to take HIS PLACE in our hearts and lives. In fact, Jesus said that we ARE the church, His Body, and He is the HEAD. And to be a part of His Body doesn’t mean to be a part of a religion. Jesus came to give us a RELATIONSHIP with Him.
We can read man’s devotionals about what THEY HAVE personally experienced of the Word of God, but someone’s devotional book can NEVER take the place of God’s own living Word (the Holy Bible) between me and Him each day. And yes, it takes discipline to be faithful; faithful with a morning quiet time, faithful at what the Lord asks of us, faithful to the end of our lives on earth. With just as much desire God has – to save us from hell, He desires all the more – to reward our faithfulness! Jesus taught about the Sower and the Seed whereas, only one of four actually went on to be faithful, producing for the Kingdom of God.
“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him MUST believe that HE EXISTS and the HE REWARDS those EARNESTLY SEEK HIM.” Hebrews 11:6
Interesting how we can be ‘disciplined’ in our job that produces an income (necessary for sure) or disciplined for the things of our own personal interests, desires, and pleasures. But when it comes to doing what the Lord has asked of us, well that is a different matter for sure, at least for most of us.
I’m writing out the biography of my brother-in-law Frank Dietz, who passed recently. Here is a man who (from the day he committed himself to the Lord) worked to truthfully know God from in God’s Word each morning, in continual repentance and prayer throughout his day, at ‘dying to himself,’ learning to be disciplined about the things of God first and foremost. We aren’t rewarded for perfection, just for our faithfulness. Jesus is the PERFECT ONE! What a godly man and good example of true Christianity Frank was. Frank, was a disciplined disciple of Jesus Christ, meeting with the Lord each morning to, as Frank would say, “get my marching (work) orders for the day.” Now Frank is with his Lord, rewarded for his faithfulness “to the end.”
I see how the words ‘disciple’ and ‘discipline’ are connected. Our ‘active’ desire for a true relationship with Jesus Christ is what gives us our undeniable priorities, virtues, and purpose in life – as one of His children. Is it any wonder that Satan works day and night to keep us from TRUE fellowship with Jesus Christ?