Daily Devotional

Son, I display My holiness through My children. My faithful love endures forever, generation after generation, because I remember My children in their weakness. When My children listen to Me, they will not be shaken by what is coming. My children must distinguish between what is truth and what is lie. If they are thankful I will give them peace. My life-giving words are absolute truth, and those who listen will have great wisdom for the days ahead. 


I am calling America to account for its wickedness. I am canceling the covenant that I made with their forefathers. America has become a foolish and stupid nation because it has turned away from Me and deliberately disobeyed My Word. Look at the cities covered with blood, and filth of wickedness is everywhere. They worship silver and gold, and the things made by human hands. They refuse to listen to My prophets, and think they can cheat judgment. They believe My coming destruction will never touch them, because they have built a strong refuge that is made up of lies and deception.


Son, because of My judgment on American there will be a great wave of persecution that will sweep over My children, but it will have a good work in My children. So My children, do not be stubborn with Me, and then become deaf to the truth; do not resist My Holy Spirit or you will be unprepared. My children, do not become confused in your thinking that those faithful children of Mine who DO stand for the truth, are the ones that are bringing on My judgment that causes persecution. They are not! If you think this way then your hearts are not right with Me. If you believe this about your brothers and sisters then you are held captive by the evil one, filled with bitter jealousy.


Lord, thank You for this encouragement to those that remain faithful to You. Thank You for Your Name and Word which endure forever. Your fame is made known by the faithful in every generation. Since You are coming, help me to be prepared and ready for You.

Daily Devotional

Son, I AM coming, and the earth will no longer hide those who have died; they will rise again for all to see what happens next!


When I come I will spread out a wonderful feast for My children. It will be a delicious banquet with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat. I will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth. I will swallow up death forever, and wipe away all tears.


Why are some of My children letting Satan fill their hearts with fear? When the world says to them, “We told you never again mention the name of Jesus or His word, and if you do you will bear the consequences,” My children must obey what I ask of them, rather than obeying any human authority. So rejoice that I have counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for My Name.


So My children, go house to house, and continue to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah and He is coming soon.” Those who do what I ask, I will keep in perfect peace because they trust Me, and they are fixed on Me.


Lord, I will honor and praise Your Name, for You are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now they are about to be accomplished. I show my trust in You when I do all that You ask of me; when my heart’s desire is to glorify Your Name. In the night I look to You; in the morning I earnestly seek You; to hear Your voice, so that I can be prepared. For when You come to judge the earth people will know what the truth is. Those who die in You will live; their bodies will rise to be with You!


Son, continue to tell people what I give you. If you change the words I give you and substitute them with your own, they will be soon forgotten. But the words I give you will not be forgotten; they can not be changed. Those who oppose you will find that they are fighting against Me.


Daily Devotional

Son, I am about to bring destruction upon the earth. Destruction will fall like rain, and the foundations of the earth shake because the earth suffers the sins of the people. People have twisted My instructions and violated My laws. Therefore, a curse consumes the earth and the people must pay the price for their sin since they refuse to accept the price I already paid for their sins.


Lord, listen to their anger and the threats they make when someone stands up for Your Word and tells them they need You; that they need to repent of their sins.


Son, I have called all of My children to stand up for the truth. It is sinful not to stand up and speak the truth; to think it is someone else’s responsibility, and not yours.


Lord, help me and all Your children to stand up with love and boldness as we proclaim Your Word. Give us Your love and power so that our prayer meetings shake the foundations of our land, and turn the disobedient to the wisdom of Your righteousness. We are filled with Your Holy Spirit, so help us to be united in heart and mind. Help us to be content in that we know that we do not own anything of this world, but what we have is to be shared with the needy among us.


Son, your leaders in the land will warn you not to speak about Me and My Word. They will threaten you saying, “If you speak again about our sins we will have you fired from your job. We will take you to court and take what you have. If we can, we will even take your children from you because you are not raising them right.”  But, My children must believe and reply, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than Him? People just like you killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead, and there is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which you must be saved.”


They will become very disturbed that you continue to speak out in the Name of Jesus.  They will holler out, “By what power do you speak to us?” Yet, they will be amazed when they see the perseverance and boldness of My children for they will see that they are ordinary people with no special training,  but that they have been with Me, and listened to Me, and this is where their confidence and boldness comes from.

Relationships – Chapter 20

Ways of Escape – Part 3


Psalms 55:6-7 “I said, ‘Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest – I would flee far away and stay in the desert.’”

When we run across something that is unpleasant like suffering, or a broken relationship, etc. the human response is to run away. I wonder if this is what the Psalmist meant when he said that he wished he had wings of a bird that he might fly away.


However, this is what we have the tendency to do: to run away. We need to recognize this and deal with it RIGHTLY.  I would like to mention some of the ways that we try to “fly away.”


1. Brooding. When there is something unpleasant, one of the ways that we try to escape is what we call the silent treatment. Sometimes this is what we have with our wives. Perhaps what is needed is not the silent treatment, but an honest confrontation, getting things out in the open so that they might be dealt with. However, brooding is one way of escapism.


2. Excuses. What often happens with excuses is that we try to rationalize doing what we know we should not do. Jeremiah tells us that the heart is deceitful, and self-deceiving at that. Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”


3. Running away. This is total avoidance, the actual physical moving to another location. This is what we see with Jonah. He was running away from doing what the Lord wanted. Often the Lord wants confrontation, openness, etc. in the relationships, but we play the Jonah game.


4. Busyness. We try to keep our mind off the real problem, or issue, by doing other things. A person like this is often a workaholic. This doesn’t mean that every workaholic is running away, but this might be the case.


5. Extra-curricular activities. Hobbies, entertainment, etc. can sometimes be a way of escape from unpleasantness.


6. Tiredness. Often you hear this being said. “I’m too tired to deal with it!” Yes, but sleep, rest and food should take care of tiredness unless it comes from relationships that are not right spiritually as well as physically. This can wear us out!


7. Alcohol and drugs are often another way of trying to escape from something unpleasant. Rather than facing it they turn to something that seems to temporarily help alleviate the pain. It can, but it will enslave us as well.


8. Bodily torture. We do not think of this as a way of escape, but it can be. We put our body through some type of strong discipline or torture to make up for a conscience that is bothering us.


9. Charity work. Doing something good such as giving money or support to an organization in order to ease the conscience. Doing good things for other people instead of doing what needs to be done in the relationship. 1 Corinthians 13:3 “If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.”


10. Unreality/Fantasizing. I had mentioned before that so often mental illness is simply one that has escaped into unreality. If it is too hard to face reality, we try to escape into an unreal world, or fantasy.


11. Pretending. This goes along with number 10, but I made it separate. Pretense can take a number of forms. We can pretend to be someone or something else, we can pretend the unpleasantness that we do not want to face – does not exist, or will go away on its own.


12. Suicide. The taking of one’s life. This is quite extreme, but we see this happening more than ever before especially here in the West. When people have no hope, see no way out of the situation that they are in – suicide looks right – to end it once and for all.  This is the ultimate escapism.


These are some of the ways that we might try to escape anything we do not want to face or deal with, or that we don’t want to feel or go through. Rather than deal with it and confront it head on, we run from it. I am sure that you can probably add to the list other things that have not been mentioned here.


Might God help us to face the unpleasant things in life and to learn from them, because God allows these things in our life so that we might learn and become more like Him.


Hear the words of Alan Redpath: There is nothing, no circumstance, no trouble, no testing – that can EVER touch me until first of all it has gone “past” God and “past” Christ, right through to me.  If it has come that far, it has come with great purpose which I may not understand at the moment. But as I refuse to panic, as I lift my eyes up to Him and accept it as having ‘come from His throne’ for some great purpose of blessing to my heart, then NO sorrow will disturb me, NO trial will ever disarm me, NO circumstance will cause me to fret. For I shall rest in the joy of what my Lord is; that is the rest of victory.

Daily Devotional

Son, tell My children to pay close attention to My words, for in the days ahead it will be their only hope. When My children rebel against My Word, they have forgotten My care for them, and they are easily lead to do evil things. They become corrupt; children who reject the truth to follow lies. They refuse My Holy Spirit and turn their backs on Me when I come to warn them.


When they reject Me and My Word, they will accept all religions, and the religion from the East will take them over because they do not fear Me as they should. Their lives are filled with the idols of men, things and ideas that do not honor Me, and do not come from Me. When they pretend to worship Me it will be nothing more than a ceremony that honors lies and corruption so that they can feel better. 


Understand this, human pride will be brought low; human arrogance will be humbled. A day of reckoning is coming when I will punish the proud and mighty. Know this, that I will be the only One exalted on that Day of Judgment. So don’t put your trust in humans, because man is as frail as grass, and his word as lost as each breath. So, what good are their religions!


People need to understand who I AM? I am not just a prophet who did powerful miracles, or just a wise teacher. You need to understand that I AM God the coming Messiah! You foolish people, why do you find it so hard to believe all that is written in the Scriptures about Me? Haven’t I predicted everything that has happened so far?


Therefore, seek Me and My truth, and fight for the truth that is being removed from your children. Pray, that your eyes be opened with the truth.  When you know the truth your hearts will burn within you to speak the truth. So why are you so frightened? Why are your hearts filled with doubt? Open your mind to understanding My Word, and stop thinking of Me as a dead Savior. I AM alive at the Throne of God; therefore, remember everything I tell you, and be quick to obey Me.  

Daily Devotional

Lord, there are so many people that I know that do not have eternal security with You. People that You have placed around me, that without You they will spend eternity with no hope separated. When I think of what awaits them, I am moved to tears.


Son, those who listen to My message and believe in Me will have eternal life with Me. They will never be condemned for their sins. The time is coming when everyone who has ever lived will hear My voice. Those who have accepted who I AM will get to experience eternal life with Me in My kingdom, and those who reject this truth will spend eternity in judgment.


People need to understand that My Word points to Me! People today are so concerned about perishable things, and do not have the energy to seek eternal life with Me. Human effort of trying to be good accomplishes nothing. With this type of thinking there will be trouble, anguish and dark despair wherever they look.


How quickly some of My children have turned away from the way I commanded them to live. They have made gold their god. No wonder people around them have a hard time believing I AM the Lord.


What people need to see are My children with integrity; people who are joyful; people who do not compromise with evil because they consistently study My Word; people that do not give up because they have hidden My Word in their hearts and reflect My ways; people who meditate on what I have done for them. When My Word is their source of truth and hope they will be encouraged, no matter what happens. It will keep them from lying to themselves on how good they are. They will know where happiness is found. They will love My Word greater than they love money and the things that money buys!


Son, just tell them what I say, “I AM the One they should fear. Preserve the power of My Word; wait for Me and put your hope in Me. Ask Me for guidance by looking in My Book for your instructions, teachings and encouragement. Otherwise, you will be people who are completely in the dark – afraid and lost.”


Lord, turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through Your Word. You have the words that give eternal life with You. 

Daily Devotional

Son, I AM the One who made heaven and earth, and I say, “I will not let My children stumble. I watch over them day and night; for I neither sleep nor slumber. I stand right beside My children as their protective shade. I watch over them as they come and go, both now and forever. On that wonderful day of My return I will give My children perfect rest.”


Son, My children must walk in the light of My Word, so the darkness will not overtake them. Those who walk in the darkness of this world cannot see where they are going. People must put their trust in Me while there is still time; then they will become children of My perfect Light. Remember, if you love the darkness of this world – you will not see My Light.


The time for judging this world has come, and I will punish the world for its evil rebellion and for their wicked sins. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty. It will all happen as I have planned. My hand of judgment is raised upon all the nations, and who can change My plans? When My hand is raised, who can stop Me? Remember, anyone who rejects Me will be judged by My truth and justice on the Day of Judgment!


Lord, help me to stand up for Your truth, and not be one that refuses because of fear. Help me not to live for human praise, but to live for Your praise. You are my God, my only hope.


Relationships – Chapter 19

Escapism – Part 2


Ephesians 4:15-16 “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”


In dealing with escapism a question does come to mind: Why do we try to avoid anything unpleasant, like a broken relationship rather than dealing with it in a real biblical way?


There are probably many reasons for this. One reason might be that we do not want to suffer dealing with the unpleasantness. However, there are a few other reasons that I would like to highlight.


One reason we try to escape is ‘guilt.’ At the core of most problems are feelings of guilt because of unrepented sin. Like Paul Tournier said: “All are weak because all are afraid, they are all afraid of being trampled underfoot. They are all afraid of their inner weaknesses being found out. They all have secret faults. They all have a bad conscience on account of certain acts which they would like to keep covered up. They are afraid of other men, of God, of life and death. What distinguishes men from one another is not their inner nature, but the way in which they react to this common distress.”


We begin to set up emotional barriers against facing facts and facing people and then become restless in looking for ways to escape. The truth of our guilt needs expression and this is where fellowship in depth comes in. We often find ourselves running from the cure.


Another reason that we try to escape is the fear of rejection. Again Paul Tournier helps us to understand this fear. “All men are afraid and all long to be assured. The university degrees they take, the successes, the esteem they seek and cultivate by means of honorable behavior, the courage they show, the nerve with which they defend their views, their tenacity in demonstrating that they are always right, the respect they claim from those weaker than themselves, the witticisms they come out with – all of this is armor to cover up their weaknesses.” Dr. Meader says: “The only things that hinder people from talking openly is the fear of being condemned.”


In all of this we are afraid of what people might think or see in us. What this does is it leads us to pretend. We pretend all is well, or we pretend that no problem exists or worse of all we pretend to be somebody else.


Thirdly, there is a fear to face reality. In previouschapters I had mentioned that man’s basic needs are to love, to be loved and a feeling of selfworth. If these needs are not being met then we will do some strange things. We see this with teen-agers around their peers doing some real weird stuff.


This is a real danger that we are faced with today. Many people cannot take the truth, to see things as they really are, not what they think it should be or what they would like it to be, but what it really is. There is a real fear of havingto face reality.


One of our daily prayers should be asking the Lord to lead us into spiritual reality. To be a real person is what is needed. To be real to what is around us, our circumstances, the people we have daily contact with, and ourselves to be real with God.


Might God lead us all in daily reality.

Relationships – Chapter 18

Escapism – Part 1 – Watch out for Escapism


Ephesians 4:15-16 “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”


We have been looking at “fellowship in depth” andwe saw how important this is for meaningful relationships with one another. However fellowship in depth for most people is a scary thing and one where we are tempted to try to escape. When it comes to building and having meaningful relationships we need to be very much alert about this danger of escapism.


What do I mean by “escapism?” This is where we try to avoid anything unpleasant that the Lord brings into our path for our own spiritual development; to bring us into a deeper relationship with one another andwith God.


Most of us live in a society or culture where we can escape whenever we run across something unpleasant. We can go to another church or fellowship group, or changeour location or job. Somehow we think that by leaving the unpleasantness we will be better off. But then we find similar things happening again and we realize that we still have got the same old problem. After a while we may even begin to realize that it is not somebody else, or something else that needs to be changed, but it’s me. Escaping only delays the process of God working in our lives to bring us to the place where He wants us.


Remember when I was talking about conflicts and how to work them out that I said there are four different ways that people try to use. One of those ways was to think or believe that there were no conflicts. What most people do is run from them, by having an unwillingness to face the conflicts. To face them takes admitting and then confrontation. Most people do not want to do this. We run away and in so doing we delay and postpone what the Lord wants to do in our lives.


However, God will not let us get away from it. It will take time, but He will workout the same circumstances as before and we will not grow spiritually until we learn the lesson that He wants to teach us through this experience (whatever that experience might be). It is why some people are 30, 40 or even 50 years old ‘in the Lord’ but spiritually they are still babies. They didn’t mature using escapism; making their own way of escaping what they don’t want to face and deal with.


When I was the director of O.M.’s ship M/V DOULOS I would often get young people in my office wanting to change departments. When they would come with their requests they made it sound very spiritual. For example, they had been praying and they felt that this was something that the Lord would have them do. However, upon closer scrutiny invariably I would find that there was a broken relationship and rather than face it and work it out, theywere trying to run from it, to escape dealing with it personally.


In these kinds of circumstances, when it seems that things are against us, we think that the person or the situation is the problem. No, the situation or the people that God surrounds us with are not the problem; they just highlight or expose the problem within us.


We will be spending the next chapters looking into why and how escapism takes place. May the Lord bless and keep us true from within.

Daily Devotional

Son, the time of greatest persecution is about to begin; the day of My judgment is ready; the time that has been prophesied about when the power of darkness fully reigns. But, this is your moment, so don’t worry, but stand firm and you will win souls for Me. Don’t let your mind be dulled by the worries of this life, and don’t let your heart grow cold, that this day should catch you unaware and surprised. Keep alert at all times, and pray! If you do, I will open the windows of opportunity for you. I will pour out a blessing so great that you won’t have enough room to take it in!


People of the world will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve Me and those who do not. How joyful are those who know Me intimately and delight in obeying My Word to them. Even their children will be successful, and they will not fear bad news. They confidently trust Me to care for them. They are fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. They share freely and give generously to those in need. They will have influence and honor. The wicked will see this and be infuriated, and will grind their teeth in anger.


Son, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you. Pay close attention to him, and obey his instructions. Do not rebel against him, for he is My representative, and he will not forgive your rebellion. But if you are careful to obey him, following all My instructions, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will oppose those who oppose you. You must serve only Me, and If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness and give you long full lives.


What I have asked you to do will turn the hearts of fathers back to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. So do not be swayed to twist justice by the crowds that do so. Give Me your very best in every way, and do everything I ask of you, and I will spare you as a father spares his obedient child.


Lord, everything You do reveals Your glory and majesty. Your righteousness never fails, and Your word is trustworthy. You paid a full ransom for me and my family. Our foundation is to trust and obey You, and to grow in Your wisdom. Thank You Lord, I will praise You forever!