Relationships – Chapter 36

Interpersonal Relationships: Love – Part 1


Love is an important ingredient in building relationships. However, I cannot think of another word that is as misunderstood as this word. In the English language we use this word for so many things. For example: I love my dog, cat, or I love to drive, fish or hunt and then in the midst of all of this we say, “I love God” or “I love my neighbor.” When it comes to God and our neighbor the word ‘love’ has lost its meaning.


Another problem that we face is that love is often divorced from truth, and yet the two go together like a hand and glove and cannot be separated. I have said it before that love without truth is a wishy washy sentimentality and truth without love is hypocrisy. The two must go together.


One of the problems in our Western civilization is that truth is under attack. We live in a society where a belief in absolute truth does not exist. Sad to say, this has affected the church. It has been estimated that one out of every four adults and one out of every ten teen-agers do not believe in any absolute truth. Moral relativism has taken over. This means that love is not only divorced from truth, but also that we should not pass any judgment on anyone, and that our experience with one another should be based on feelings or how we feel at the time.


Love must be the cornerstone in any relationship, but when love is based only on feelings rather than on truth then we will find the whole relationship based on feelings, which is not a very strong foundation. No wonder we have so many broken relationships in our society today when everything depends on how we happen to be feeling.


It is important to come back to the Bible and discover what love really is, the type of love that only God can generate. This is the love that we saw demonstrated at the cross when Jesus said: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”


The thing that impresses people more than anything else is the quality of love being expressed in godly inter-personal relationships. “They will know that we are Christians by our love.” What did the Apostle John say: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35


Since we are to love one another as He loved us, there is a question that we must ask: How did Jesus love us? To answer this question there are four things that we must look at and consider.


1. He gave. This is one aspect of love to consider when we think about Jesus loving us. We see this coming out in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” So often in our human concept of love there is the taking instead of the giving.


2. He forgave. Instead of Christ cursing and complaining when they hung Him on the cross we hear forgiveness. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” This is another aspect of love that we need to consider. Again, it has nothing to do with our feelings, but it is an act of our will.


3. He was aware. Another aspect of this love is a spiritual sensitivity, being aware of where people are and the conditions and situations that they might be in. We see this with Jesus, our example. He was aware of where His disciples were, as well as the people that He ministered to. The Bible records this about Jesus: “He was moved with compassion.”


4. He accepted. In the KJV of the English Bible we read in Ephesians 1:6 “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.” AGAPE love will accept us as we are. This is what the Lord did with us. He accepted us like we were. We read that while we were yet sinners He died for us. He didn’t wait until we could somehow change and make ourselves ready, but He accepted us like we were. ‘Just as I am,’ like the old well-known hymn sings out.


We have been accepted in the Beloved. Isn’t this one of the problems that we have in our interpersonal relationships; we are waiting for people to change before we accept them?


Daily Devotional

“A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”

― Samuel Adams


Lord, look at what is taking place in this great country. People who have strong beliefs in You are being jailed because some leaders call good – evil, and that which is evil they call good and expect us all to think this way now. Our leaders lie and think that they are above Your Law and ignore the Constitution of our nation. Our courts are full of injustice, protecting the lives of certain people and not all people, not babies in the wombs, not the lives of people who stand up to protect our society from evil activists, not the courageous who stand up for the truth and fight for our God-given freedoms.


Son, your country is divided, and it is not because of color, religion or history, but because they have refused to listen and obey My Word. Therefore, war will rise among the people within.


The time of judgment has come; the day of payment is finally here. Because of their great hostility towards Me and My Word, people have become sinfully depraved. Even many of My own children have forgotten what I have done for them. They need to look at history and know that it is a terrible day when I turn away and leave those that will not listen or obey the truth!


Son, don’t be afraid but be courageous; I am still here! There is still time, but My children must be united and stand up to these people who call evil good and good evil. When My children cry to Me for help, I will answer them.


Your country needs Me; they need to acknowledge that I AM GOD! America, plow up your hard hearts, for now is the time to seek Me. I have the answers you are looking for but your hearts are hard, and you refuse to hear the truth. You have closed the eyes of your hearts to My truth and justice, and people like this will never turn to Me no matter how bad it gets.


Therefore, My children keep planting the seeds of truth and righteousness and you will harvest a crop of love.

Daily Devotional

Son, when any nation has little to no knowledge of Me and My Word you will find people of little to no faith. They will show no kindness. The leaders they follow make promises and never fulfill them, frustrating people of no faith and leaving them hopeless. People will be killed in the streets because of no real leadership. When sexual immorality is accepted as a normal lifestyle violence takes over. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea will start disappearing because of moral rot in the land. People worship money and power. They love what I call shameful more than what I consider honorable. They will be destroyed because they didn’t care to know Me.


The freeway to hell is wide with many lanes, and there are many who will choose to go that way. But the path to My eternal life is narrow and very few ever find it. To those who find My way they will have Me as their advocate, and will rescue them from the hands of the wicked with My own Hand of power and authority!


Son, in the last days there will be a great awakening towards Me and people will be in awe of Me and of My goodness. So tell people to beware of false pastors, teachers, prophets, and anyone who says that they are believer yet their fruit will show otherwise. They can look and talk like they are of the faith you are, but secretly they are vicious wolves looking for a way to ruin you. You can identify them by the way they live. These people will look for ways to attack you and think they are doing society a service when they turn you in for going against their worthless ideas and systems. Don’t waste your time with these people, but expose them for who they are; for they trample on My Word and say that My Word is not relevant for today because it was written so long ago. These so-called progressive thinkers believe they are moving forward but they are moving fast into destruction with their foolish thoughts and wicked ways.


Lord, when doubt fills my mind it is Your words that give me peace and comfort; they renew my hope, and give me the joy of Your presence. You are my high fortress. You are the mighty ancient rock where I can come and bring all of my questions and problems to You. I will walk on Your pathway, for it is filled with truth and righteousness, and it leads to Your eternal kingdom in which I long to see come!


Daily Devotional

Son, to be prepared for what is coming it must start with your mind with the understanding of My Spirit. In the coming days My children will be mocked, persecute and lied about; people will say all sorts of evil things against them. My children must understand that I bless those who realize their need for Me and what they lack that only I can give them. Those who are humble towards Me will inherit the whole earth. Those who mourn unto righteousness will be comforted. Those who hunger and thirst for justice will be satisfied. Those whose hearts are pure towards Me – will see Me. Those who are persecuted for doing right – the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.


Son, when you pray do it by yourself in private. I already know what you need even before you ask Me! But in this private time with Me when you are reminded by My Spirit that someone has something against you, leave and go work out the issue with them. Then come back and compete your quiet time with Me. Remember that I command you to love your enemies like I did. Pray for those who hurt you or your family. My children must understand that I see everything that is done to My children. Just like you protect your children I WILL PROTECT MINE AS WELL!


My Children, do not store up treasures here on earth, but in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Understand that no one can serve two masters, either you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. Therefore, you cannot serve both Me and money at the same time.


Why worry about everyday life? Isn’t life more than food and things? Tell Me, what can all your worrying do for you; can it add a single moment to your life? If I care so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, why won’t I care for you? Worry dominates the thoughts of unbelievers, but My children must seek My Kingdom above everything. So don’t worry about tomorrow, entrust it to Me. Today will have trouble enough for you.


When My children live in My shelter they will find rest from their worries and fears. All of My promises will be your armor and protection in the days ahead. You will not be afraid of the terrors of the night, or the dread of disease, or disaster. No evil will conquer you. No plague will come near your home.


Lord, only a fool would not understand this. Lord, may Your Name be kept holy in my life. Help me to keep the thought of Your Kingdom coming soon – ever before me. May Your perfect and acceptable will be done in my life. I will trust You that You will give me and my family all we need. Forgive me of all my foolishness, and help me to forgive those who hurt me. Lord, don’t let me yield to temptation, but rescue me from the evil one.


I Tend To Keep It Simple

As a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am not required to follow Old Testament regulations and ceremonies for worship to be accepted and favored by my heavenly Father. Whenever I begin to think that there is some ceremony or regulation (of the Old Testament) that I should put into practice as a child of God’s, I begin to feel a heavy burden. Then I get back under the yoke of Christ! (Matthew 11:30) For my Lord said:



“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”



The Lord, who is the Spirit, is the One I choose to walk with to the end of His course for my life. I can die to sin and live for His purpose in me, because He fulfilled His purpose on earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can die and live because He died and lives!


Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the Old Testament regulations and ceremonies with His blood over us and His Spirit in us. Yes we have been grafted into Abraham, God’s promise to Abraham for our future inheritance with Him. We are not required to live the way God required Israel; we are under the grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ; the new and living way.  Although we are not “under the law” that God had written down (by Moses through His Spirit) for His people, we have it written on our hearts by the same Spirit, the indwelling Holy Spirit, having our consciences cleansed so that we can freely serve the Lord our God as clean vessels.


Those ‘old’ regulations and ceremonies were required for the body then – until God would establish a ‘new’ way of doing things that would last forever.  I like the way “God’s Word Translation” puts this passage in Hebrews:


But Christ came as a chief priest of the good things that are now here. Christ went through a better, more perfect tent that was not made by human hands and that is not part of this created world. He used his own blood, not the blood of goats and bulls, for the sacrifice. He went into the most holy place and offered this sacrifice once and for all to free us forever. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of cows sprinkled on unclean people made their bodies holy and clean. The blood of Christ, who had no defect, does even more. Through the eternal Spirit he offered himself to God and cleansed our consciences from the useless things we had done. Now we can serve the living God.


Because Christ offered himself to God, he is able to bring a new promise from God. Through his death he paid the price to set people free from the sins they committed under the first promise. He did this so that those who are called can be guaranteed an inheritance that will last forever. In order for a will to take effect, it must be shown that the one who made it has died. A will is used only after a person is dead because it goes into effect only when a person dies. That is why even the first promise was made with blood. As Moses’ Teachings tell us, Moses told all the people every commandment. Then he took the blood of calves and goats together with some water, red yarn, and hyssop and sprinkled the scroll and all the people. He said, “Here is the blood that seals the promise God has made to you.” In the same way, Moses sprinkled blood on the tent and on everything used in worship. As Moses’ Teachings tell us, blood was used to cleanse almost everything, because if no blood is shed, no sins can be forgiven.


The copies of the things in heaven had to be cleansed by these sacrifices. But the heavenly things themselves had to be cleansed by better sacrifices. Christ didn’t go into a holy place made by human hands. He didn’t go into a model of the real thing. Instead, he went into heaven to appear in God’s presence on our behalf. Every year the chief priest went into the holy place to make a sacrifice with blood that isn’t his own. However, Christ didn’t go into heaven to sacrifice himself again and again. Otherwise, he would have had to suffer many times since the world was created. But now, at the end of the ages, he has appeared once to remove sin by his sacrifice. People die once, and after that they are judged. Likewise, Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of humanity, and after that he will appear a second time. This time he will not deal with sin, but he will save those who eagerly wait for him.  Hebrews 9:10-28



There will always be those people, people with even good intentions, both worldly and religious, who try to compel me (you) to do something you don’t need to do in order to be accepted by God, or to be important here on earth or even in Christ’s Kingdom. But, the only one we need to become like is Jesus Christ and the only one I need to really listen to and obey is our Lord’s Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God’s Word, Christ’s perfect Helpmate, because all that counts is a new creation. (Galatians 6:15)


Jesus, in coming the first time, fulfilled everything in the Law of Moses except that which He fulfills at His second coming.



In Christ, I have become a new creature for His kingdom. Because of Christ, all worthless things, all evil, even death, will be judged and thrown into the lake of fire. With Christ, the new world of His kingdom life is coming to reign forever. The old order of things will pass away, according to God’s Word through Isaiah His prophet. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4


All the things that Jesus fulfills in Himself – are of the old order.  The new world of His Kingdom will be about making all things NEW as in their original state before sin entered the world; new for eternal life to carry on the way God intended.



Apostle Paul’s concern is also my concern: “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3) I am free to observe/celebrate Old Testament feasts and festivals, but not to make it my practice year by year because it could cause new believers to stumble; that of thinking it is required of God. AND, I am not to keep celebrating sin along with society, honoring what God calls evil either; no longer observing days that represent wickedness in man or the worship of the gods of our culture.


The Old Testament feasts and festivals do not accompany our great salvation.


“Dear friends, even though we are talking this way, we really don’t believe it applies to you. We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation. God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.”  Hebrews 6:9-11


We are not to add to what Christ did for us on the cross, or to what He has given us to do. The work of the Lord that each of us have to do with His Holy Spirit is what “accompanies” our great salvation.  Signs and miracles accompany those who have believed in Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:17) The work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ includes signs and miracles of the Holy Spirit.


So, I tend to keep it simple: The only thing that counts is faith in God’s truth – expressing itself through Christ’s law of love; that to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. For this sums up the Law and the Prophets of old! (Matthew 22:40)


“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17


“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8

Daily Devotional

Son, My true and wise leaders will give instruction to My children about what is coming and how to be prepared. They will teach that in the coming days My children will face persecution, some might die, some will be jailed and all will be robbed of the things of this world. It is at this time when you will find out that some who say they are with you are not sincere in their faith of Me. In this time of persecution, My children will be refined and cleansed, made pure, and I will give them everlasting rewards. Only those who are wise will know what this means.


Everyone will die, no one can escape the power of death. Some will live to be seventy years, and some to eighty or more but everyone dies. Even the best years have pain and trouble. The wise know all of this, so they grow in wisdom, and count each day as an opportunity to know Me greater.


Some will rise up to everlasting life with Me, and some will rise up to shame and everlasting disgrace. The wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand that what you do with the knowledge of Me – determines your eternity.


Lord, You spread out all my sins, even my secret sins, for you see them all, and yet You forgive them all! Therefore, You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation. Everything You say is true because You cannot lie.


Daily Devotional

Lord, You are the great and awesome God! You always keep Your promise of unfailing love to those who love You and obey Your Word. But America has greatly sinned and done wrong. We have rebelled against You and have rejected Your Word. We have refused to listen to Your pastors, teachers and prophets, those who speak with Your authority. Lord, You are right; our faces are covered with shame. This is true of all of us, not just our leaders, because we all have sinned against You. America rejects Your holy words, and Your Word is no longer honored and read in our schools, and Your laws are not used as the standard in our courts. We do not follow the truth, not even the truth we hear every Sunday by our pastors and by Your prophets. America has turned away from listening to Your voice. So now the curses and judgments written in Your Word against us will begin, because we refuse to live by the covenant our forefathers made with You. You have kept Your word and have blessed this great land, but we have not been faithful to You.


Lord, even though we have rebelled against You – You still are merciful and forgiving. Your children will seek Your mercy and receive Your help in the days ahead. Please help us to turn from our sins recognizing Your Word as truth. You are right to do all of the things You have told us would come for not obeying Your Word and our covenant with You. The disasters You have said will come with more intensity are coming; for we have not honored Your Name and Your laws. America has sinned and is full of wickedness, and Your judgments are right.


Lord, I ask that in Your anger towards America – have mercy on Your children. Hear Your children’s prayers! Listen as we plead to You, and smile on us again. Give us true leaders who boldly stand for the truth, and call evil – evil; leaders that uphold Your truth in every way, and call good – good. We make this plea, not because we are deserving but because of Your great mercy – Lord forgive us!

Relationships – Chapter 35

One other aspect of communication that I would like to mention in this series is in becoming a more interesting person. Let’s face it, some of us are simply a bore. We seem to have very little to talk about but ourselves, and that can become quite boring. When we talk about this it is bringing in the idea of attitude.


Often what we need is a change of attitude. Too often our attitude is negative, always seeing the bleak side of things. This has nothing to do with age. I have seen young people who have been quite interesting to communicate with and older people who I would just as soon avoid. Like Henry Van Dyke said: “I shall grow old, but never lose life’s zest, because the road’s last turn will be the best.”


In John 10:10 Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Do we believe this? Or perhaps what I should say and ask is: Are we experiencing this abundant life that Jesus spoke about? Are we excited about being alive? Do we have an eagerness to meet with God and hear what He has to say? What we need is an enthusiasm for life. Elizabeth Barren Browning said: “What frightens me is that men are content with what is not life at all.”


Yes, we do get enthusiastic about sports or some other activity, but what about the things of God?


Joseph Hadyn when he was criticized about the gaiety in his church music, replied: “When I think of God, my heart is so filled with joy that the notes fly off the spindle.”


Another thing that we need to keep in mind is to learn to talk to our Heavenly Father. To cultivate our horizontal relationships we need to cultivate the vertical relationship with our God. One thing about prayer is that it will begin to change things that need to be changed.


A lady came to the sculptor Rodin and asked if it was difficult to work as a sculptor. Rodin replied: “Not at all Madam, you simply buy a block of marble and chip away what you do not want.” One of the things about prayer is that God, through prayer, begins to chip away at things in our lives that He does not want.


We find that as our intimacy with God grows – so does our relationship with others. One of the effects and consequences of sin is that it tears down relationships. We see the broken relationship with God and Adam, and then between Adam and his wife.


We need to work on this relationship with our Creator and it is through prayer that this comes about. Talking frequently with our Heavenly Father brings us into a quiet place so that when we are dealing with one another in the noise of everyday life we are not so easily ruffled. I have noticed with husbands and wives that when they do not daily meet with God, there seems to be more fighting with one another. This daily or frequent talking with our Heavenly Father and listening to Him in His Word brings us into a place where we see things in their right priority.


Communicating daily with our heavenly Father helps us to daily communicate with one another. My prayer for myself, my family and for the body of Christ is to become better communicators of things that matter most in life, and in so doing build real lasting relationships.


Relationships – Chapter 34

Communication – Part 3


Thinking about relationships and how communication plays a part in it, we need to sharpen our sensitivity towards others. We might be sensitive about ourselves, but what about others? Are we sensitive to them, their feelings, hurts, pain? How do we come across in our conversation?


Albert Moravian of Yale University said that we communicate by words 7%, by the tone of our voice 38%, and by facial expressions, bodily language or gestures 55%. Looking back over my own life I see how true this really is. When I was the director of Operation Mobilization’s ship DOULOS I often saw how I communicated by my bodily language more than what I said.


For example, when we came into a particular port I remember leaning over the railing of ship, observing the different maneuvers the deck people were making in order to safely tie us up to the berth. A brother came along and started talking to me. I heard every word that he said, but he didn’t say anything that needed my response as far as words were concerned. When he had finished I turned and walked away. I hadn’t said anything to him. He followed me into the lounge area of the ship and said to me that I had deeply hurt him. I was dumbfounded and so I asked him what I had done. He had felt offended that I did not acknowledge him when he was talking to me. I brought him into my office where I apologized and had a word of prayer with him.


What had I done wrong? I was not sensitive to him. Through my body language I had communicated that he was not worthy to listen to. I had offended my brother in Christ. I found the same thing with the tone of my voice. Although I might use the right words, because the tone of my voice is deep it comes out different from what I intended to say. Again sensitivity is needed.


We are told in Ephesians 4:30-32 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”


Being a good communicator means that we will sharpen our sensitivity to others, not that we will be sensitive about ourselves. We need to be asking ourselves questions like: Am I really communicating what I want? Am I sensitive to how I am coming across through my bodily language and tone of voice? Perhaps the family is the best place with your spouse and children to learn how to become a better communicator in order to develop solid biblical relationships.


Perhaps this is what God meant when He said that we should let our light be put on a stand to give light to all in the house. Matthew 5:14 “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.”


Isn’t this a problem in many homes today; that of a lack of communication or wrong communication? I know for myself that it has been in the home where I have had to repent and ask for forgiveness more often than perhaps any place else. Might God help us to build a greater sensitivity to one another and to our God.

Daily Devotional

Son, listen carefully to what I say. I sent My church on a mission and told them to, “GO.” So why are they not obeying Me? Why are they in a rush for the things of this world? Just listen to what they ask Me for: things of this world and not of My kingdom. My children must remember that obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering. Therefore, My children have become afraid, filled with depression and fear.



When they live for this world they will be deceived and welcome in the one who defies Me; the one who will oppress them. This man will succeed in everything he does. He is a master of intrigue who will rise to power and become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and destroy powerful leaders and devastate My children. In his arrogance he will destroy many without warning. He will even take Me on in battle, but he will be broken.



Son, the essence of My prophecy is to give a clear witness of who I AM, and prepare My children. For My title is the Word of God. I have been given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world. In My kingdom people of every race, nation and language will obey Me. My rule is eternal-it will never end. My kingdom will never be destroyed. I will give My children thrones and authority to judge. Those who have died will come to life again, and they reign with Me.



Soon I will sit down and judge everyone whose name is not written in the Book of Life; those who want to be judged by the good life they say they lived. On this day the earth and sky will flee from My presence, and these people will have no place to hide. Everyone great and small will stand before My throne. The books will be opened, including the Book of Life, and they will be judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. Anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life will be thrown into the lake of fire.



Lord, forgive me, I have not obeyed every one of Your promptings to go and tell everyone who You are. You are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for Your help. Teach me Your ways, so that I may live according to Your truth! Give me purity of heart, so that I may honor You, for Your love for me is very great. You have rescued me from this great judgment and have written my name in Your Book of Life.