Daily Devotional

Son, do I need anyone’s advice? Do I need instruction about what is good? Did someone teach Me what is right or show Me the path of justice? Then why is this new generation deaf to My Word; the Word I gave before the world began? Are they so ignorant that they don’t understand that I will judge the world? Everyone’s fame, and all they have done on their own will die out, but My Word stands forever.


Tell everyone who will listen; shout it from the mountaintops! Shout, and do not be afraid to tell them, “I AM is coming!” Tell My children I see all their troubles, and I haven’t ignored their rights. I AM the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. I never grow weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of My understanding. So when you become weak and exhausted, remember that those who trust in Me will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.


Son, you might feel like a grasshopper next to the so-called giants of your land, but do not rebel against Me to be afraid of them. For they are only helpless prey, and they have no real protection. They will suffer the consequences of their sins, and discover what it is like to have Me for an enemy.


Lord, what joy there is for anyone who has You as their LORD. They can pray to You, and You will answer. You will free them from all their fears, and they will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in You will lack no good thing. You are close to the brokenhearted, and will rescue those whose spirits are crushed. No one who takes refuge in You will be forgotten or condemned. Your words hold true forever, and we can trust in everything You have said.

Daily Devotional

This morning I was meditating on what I see in my wife, my daughters and grand-daughters: the rose. Not the roses that have little to no fragrance because man has cross-bred them, but the natural roses that God created that have many petals and a strong fragrance. The bud doesn’t have a fragrance yet. It’s shut in and undeveloped. As the rose opens up – its fragrance is released. The life of the rose can be over but its oil lives on with others.


As I watch these women in my family, I see their inner beauty beginning to flower out with a stronger fragrance. Some of these women express their fragrance by writing, some in service, but all of them by their love for the Lord. What is powerful is that other women are drawn or will be drawn to them by the fragrant oil of their worship of Jesus.


My grand-daughters who I see as rose buds now, will someday open up and allow the fragrance of who they are in Christ to bless all those around them. This brought me to another women who brought a fragrance to My Lord and washed His feet with it. What Mary did was of great worth when she poured on Jesus the precious oil before He went to the cross.


It has been said that the fragrance of Mary’s oil stayed with the Lord 48 hours. It was with Him during Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denials, while He was lamenting in the garden with His Father, when His flesh was being ripped open by the whips used on Him, as He walked the cross up the hill and as He hung on the cross, and is still with Him today.


To the women in my family, let the fragrance of your life revel your inner beauty of love for Jesus. That will be what people remember you for.


“Crucified – laid behind a stone – You lived to die – rejected and alone – like a ROSE – trampled on the ground – You took the fall and thought of me – above all…..

Above all powers – above all kings – above all nature – and all created things – above all wisdom – and all the ways of man – You were here before the world began.

Above all kingdoms – above all thrones – above all wonders – the world has ever known. Above all wealth – and treasures of the earth; there’s no way to measure what You’re worth!”


Song: “Above All” by Michael W. Smith


29 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 12 – Principle #12

“United States Of America Shall Be a Republic.”


Exodus 18:21 “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:”



When we repeat the Pledge of Allegiance we highlight this principle: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.”



Democracy requires the full anticipation of most of the population in the legislative or decision-making process of government. In a country like America with 300 million people that would be impossible to come to any type of decision. You take the masses of people in a country, like the United States of America, and most are busy in their everyday affairs and would not have the time to sit down in different hearings and to do the daily task that would be necessary. Our Founding Fathers knew that there would be an explosion of our population and so they worked towards building a Republic.


Looking back in history we see that the Greeks tried the Democratic method of mass participation in their states and cities and each time it ended in tyranny.


A Republic is governed through elected representatives and can be expanded indefinitely as the population grows in a country. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”


James Madison said: “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and having general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. A Republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”


Madison, like the other Founding Fathers knew that the United States would be pushing West and expanding said: “in a democracy the people meet and exercise the government in person; and a Republic they assemble and administered by the representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small spot. A Republic may be extended over large regions.”


He went on to give a very good definition of a Republic: “we may define a Republic could be a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion or a favorite class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercise and their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank Republicans claim for their government audible title of Republic.”


Here in the states we would do well to remember the words of Madison, Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers.


Today we hear the word democracy that the average American uses to describe America’s constitutional Republic. We need to have a clear and distinct understanding between a democracy and a Republic.


In the early part of the last century some people came together and organized the ISS – The Intercollegiate Socialist Society. The idea in back of this was to throw light on a worldwide movement known as socialism. This new movement – socialism – is defined as government ownership or control of all things of production and distribution and all that that entails. The slogan that was adopted for this new movement was “production for use, not for profit,” which caught on and we see the results of this in the Western world.


But because of the violence that was associated with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) the term socialism was looked upon in a bad way and so it was renamed to “the league for Industrial Democracy.”


This was bringing in the idea that the word “democracy” would begin to convey the nationalization of production and distribution as well as the nation’s resources which then would become the property of all the people – hence a democracy and through that America could enjoy “production for use, not for profit.” We see this idea coming out with some of our politicians about the equal distribution of wealth which basically goes back to take from ‘the haves’ to give to ‘the have-nots’.


Some of the brilliant young leaders at the turn of the 20th century of ISS were now in some of the most prestigious positions in politics, the press, universities, etc., and became the opinion makers of our society. We see this still being played out through the radicals of the 60s who are now in places of influence.


Actually to all of this what we have is really an attack upon the Constitution of the United States. In other words their thought was that the Constitution was outdated and perhaps totally obsolete.


We hear this argument today among so-called “progressives” who want to change the Constitution. Basically with many of our politicians today it would seem that they are paying little mind to the Constitution, although upon taking the oath of the office is to protect the Constitution which is the law of the land.



28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 11 – Principle #11


The Majority of the People May Alter or Abolish a Government Which Has Become Tyrannical


Psalms 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”


Philippians 2:2-4 “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”


Our Founding Fathers were very well acquainted with the abusive, autocratic government which for 13 years had imposed rules and regulations that were in violation of the English Constitution. This is why Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that when there is a long list of abuses by the government against the people that “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”


John Locke said in his: Second Essay Concerning Civil Government that “when the government comes in to take away property, beginning to reduce the citizens to slavery that basically the government is setting itself up in war against the people that the government “forfeit the power the people had put into their hands.”


However, it needs to be understood that it was the majority that set up the government and so it must be the majority that can authorize an appeal to alter or abolish a particular establishment of government. John Locke went on to emphasize that there is no right or revolt in an individual, a group or a minority, but only in the majority.


A good definition of government’s role is found in the Virginia Declaration of Rights where it is stated: “The government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people. And that, if any government shall be found in adequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community has an indubitable, inalienable and indefensible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such a manner as shall be judged most conducive to the people or to the public health.”


What we need to keep in mind is that according to our Founding Fathers, it’s the people that are sovereign and that when necessary the majority can take over to restructure the political machinery – with the purpose of restoring liberty.


When I look at our government today we see that we are losing our liberty by unjust laws that are passed, regulations that begin to choke us, a political elite that determines what is best for us and an educational system that is programming our youth contrary to a Judeo/Christian worldview. Perhaps now is the time for the majority to speak. One way, of course, is the vote that we still have. Might we be wise this coming November 2016 as we vote for the best candidate to be the president of the United States.


Daily Devotional

This morning I was meditating on what I see in my wife, my daughters and grand-daughters: the rose. Not the roses that have little to no fragrance because man has cross-bred them, but the natural roses that God created that have many petals and a strong fragrance. The bud doesn’t have a fragrance yet. It’s shut in and undeveloped. As the rose opens up – its fragrance is released. The life of the rose can be over but its oil lives on with others.


As I watch these women in my family, I see their inner beauty beginning to flower out with a stronger fragrance. Some of these women express their fragrance by writing, some in service, but all of them by their love for the Lord. What is powerful is that other women are drawn or will be drawn to them by the fragrant oil of their worship of Jesus.


My grand-daughters who I see as rose buds now, will someday open up and allow the fragrance of who they are in Christ to bless all those around them. This brought me to another women who brought a fragrance to My Lord and washed His feet with it. What Mary did was of great worth when she poured on Jesus the precious oil before He went to the cross.


It has been said that the fragrance of Mary’s oil stayed with the Lord 48 hours. It was with Him during Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denials, while He was lamenting in the garden with His Father, when His flesh was being ripped open by the whips used on Him, as He walked the cross up the hill and as He hung on the cross, and is still with Him today.


To the women in my family, let the fragrance of your life revel your inner beauty of love for Jesus. That will be what people remember you for.


“Crucified – laid behind a stone – You lived to die – rejected and alone – like a ROSE – trampled on the ground – You took the fall and thought of me – above all…..


Above all powers – above all kings – above all nature – and all created things – above all wisdom – and all the ways of man – You were here before the world began.


Above all kingdoms – above all thrones – above all wonders – the world has ever known. Above all wealth – and treasures of the earth; there’s no way to measure what You’re worth!”


Song: “Above All” by Michael W. Smith

Just some thoughts

This morning while doing my morning workout I was thinking and praying about my life. Here I am – at an age when most people retire from their present work or careers to do the things they have wanted to do, but could not. I don’t have to leave, but I am leaving a great job that pays me very well, has great people to work for, lots of freedom and working 4 days a week. I am leaving to work with my son in our construction company (Dietz Corp.). We have no jobs lined up as yet, but we are in agreement believing it is God’s will and timing for me to do this. Along with that, Carol and I had planned a 2 week vacation the first of April long before I planned on leaving my job with a great company. And, we just bought 66 acres of land that we had been prayerfully waiting 6 years for that God told us 6 years ago He was going to give us, to prepare for what is coming. On top of all this I was recently told that I will need my hip replaced in May.


This morning I read in Facebook a little note from my daughter Dori about the book she and some of her friends want to study together called “The End of Me” and the people God calls “blessed.” It really encouraged me. Thank You Lord for allowing me, at this age, to still do great things with You; for telling me that my best years are not behind me but still ahead! Thank You Lord for holding Your hand out to me, and holding me up as we walk together on a path I did not know was there.



28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 10 – Principle #10

The God-given Right to Govern Vested in the Sovereign Authority of the Whole People. 


During the 1600’s the royal families of England were bringing out the principle known as the “DIVINE RIGHTS OF KINGS.” In other words, it was declared right for them to reign and what they said or did was God-given.


The principle of the “God-given right to govern vested in the Sovereign authority of the whole people,” was a radical idea and one that met much opposition for the reigning kings of that time. A man by the name of Algernon Sidney was beheaded in 1683 by King Charles II because he insisted that the right to rule was invested in the people and that no one can rule without their consent.


John Locke fled out of England to Holland to be able to say the same thing Sidney was saying: “And whoever gets into the exercise of any part of the power by other ways than what the laws of the community have prescribed hath no right to be obeyed, though the form of the commonwealth be still preserved, since he is not the person the laws have appointed, and, consequently not the person THE PEOPLE HAVE CONSENTED TO.”


How we can thank our Founding Fathers for the fact that there was no idea of the divine right of kings in their thinking when they began to lay the foundation of our Republic. Alexander Hamilton said: “The fabric of American empire ought-to-rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE.”


It is interesting to note that in the early days of our Constitution many of the citizens feared that too much power was given to the Federal government and it was through the writings of Madison and Hamilton their fears were put to rest that ultimate authority resides in the people alone.  When I see today the authority that the Federal government is taking upon itself it should cause great alarm. We are now being told what to eat, what to do, where to go, etc., and with the promise of citizens being taken care of by the government from the cradle to grave. Some might like it, but it is always at the cost of our freedom.


This then brings in the question: What happens when the elected officials usurp the authority of the people and begin to impose abusive policies upon them? This brings us to the fundamental principle of our Constitution and the next principle that we will be looking at: THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE MAY ALTER OR ABOLISH A GOVERNMENT WHICH HAS BECOME TYRANNICAL. Here in America we still have the privilege of going to the voting booth to vote in candidates.


This is why I think these 28 principles that have made America strong are important to keep in mind when we go to the voting booth. We need to vote for the one that most exemplifies these principles.





Daily Devotional

The earth suffers because of the sins of its people; for they have twisted God’s word, violated his laws, and broken His covenant. Therefore, He has set a day for judging the world with justice. He is about to destroy the earth, and the people that reject the Lord’s salvation must pay for their own sin.


Look at your cities; they are in chaos. People are afraid and they lock their homes to keep out intruders. Mobs gather in the streets, and there is no joy in life, it is quickly turning to all gloom. Soon the foundations of the earth will shake because all the foundation of righteousness have been destroyed by the wicked.


God’s children must not be afraid, but keep speaking out with truth and the hope of Christ! Use the Bible to reason with people; explaining to them what the prophecies say and how to prepare. Tell them to search the Bible for the truth and see that what we are saying is the truth. When people begin to search out these things – many will believe.  So God’s children, don’t be silent!


God, You have said what You will do! But those who paid no attention to Your word will be left out in the open of Your judgment. Lord, Your light and truth will guide us. You are the source of all peace and joy. Therefore, I will praise You my God, and I will put my hope in You. You are my Savior and my God!

Daily Devotional

These are the times that test America’s soul! Who and what have we become as a nation? What do we stand for? Listen to what is being said and you will see angry people everywhere. So what will it take to unite this great country? Can any man, or political party bring unity?


Unity is not everyone thinking the same way, but rather being willing to listen, discuss with an open mind. When we do not trust what is being said, then there is no communication.


There are some areas where we cannot compromise and we must agree that these principles are the foundation of what make this country great. If we have no foundation then when trouble comes everything begins to fall. So what would these four counter posts of America’s foundation be?


Truth: People throughout history have asked the question, “What is truth?” Is there such a thing as truth? Can we find truth today, and what does it look like? The answer is the same, truth will always be the same through every generation. Yes, it is the Word of God, it has stayed the same since the beginning. And, Jesus confirmed that it has never changed when He said “I am the truth!” Then He proved it by the way He lived, spoke and died.


Respect: We have misplaced this word by saying I will give you my respect when you earn it. Respect is to be given and not earned. Trust must be earned by doing what we said we would do, or not doing what we said we would not do. Trust is being a man or woman of your word. God can be trusted to do exactly what He said He would do.


We must learn to respect people: those in authority, our parents, teachers, the police, and etc. Without respect people will not listen to each other and work together for the good of society.


Justice: When justice is denied then we have no peace. To have justice we must have judges who do not have an agenda of their own, but rather make judgments based upon the wisdom behind the laws of the land, even if it means that they do not like the law they are to judge with. Justices who are manipulated by the rich and powerful will not assign just consequences for bad choices and wrong doing; for they have lost their good conscience that properly applies the laws of the land.


Family: Without the correct thinking of the family unit then there will not be any support or protection for the family. Family, in the way God established family, is what holds a nation together and gives worth to all its communities. We need to honor the correct family unit, and not destroy it by calling any group of like-minded people a “family.” Fathers need to be true fathers; taking their responsibilities seriously instead of running away from their responsibility as a husband and father. Mothers need to have the right to properly raise their children at home without being made to feel guilty by those who stand in judgment with their own agendas. Children belong to their parents and not to the state.


We need to honor life, womb to tomb, and not seek to destroy it. We need to consider the future and make decisions today as to how it will affect our grandchildren. Living for ourselves and for what is best for me today – destroys the future for our children and grandchildren.


So as we move along – what will we do America? Will we say that everyone is right in his own eyes; there is not absolute truth? Will we not show anyone respect until we get what we want? Will we buy our justices and manipulate the system of law and order so that there are no consequences for bad choices and wrong doing? Will we continue to redefine what a family is, and not honor life? Will we continue to make decisions that are only about me?


If we continue to do these things – then be prepared!

Daily Devotional

Son, everything will happen as I have planned. It will be as I have decided for the world. I have a plan for the whole earth, and no one can change My mind or thwart My plans.


Some of My children understand what it means to stand for the truth; for many are being martyred by an evil called Islam. Soon all of My children will have a choice to make; to bravely stand up as My child and follow Me, or to reject Me and follow false-gods to their own great loss.


Son, there is a great revival coming! My persecuted children will shame a lukewarm people that claim to belong to Me, but don’t. The lukewarm will persecute those that are fired up for Me, but I will soon show them how bitter they have become when I spit them out.


My children need to be prepared, for their faith in Me will cost them, but the cost will refine them and qualify them for the crowns I have set aside for the faithful. That is why My prayer in the garden was for them only; for those who will proudly stand up and be counted for Me no matter what comes against them.  I asked My father to protect them by the power of His Name, and so He will. I asked My Father that they be united; that they become one as We are One, and show the world who I truly AM. I asked My Father that they not forget that the world hated Me first and will hate anyone who does not belong to the world because of Me; that they do not become bitter and their love grow cold. I asked My Father that they remember that I came into the world to testify to the truth, so that they will hold on to the truth and Your love Father be secured in them. For they will know the difference between truth and lie, and live by the truth no matter the cost.


Lord, in the days ahead give me the insight I need with an understanding heart. Help me to listen to You and do what You say. When my soul is grieved, overwhelmed and too distressed even to pray, help me to remember that You will always provide the comfort I need; a bright pathway is ahead of me so that I will not lose my way with You; for You have made a way for me that I did not know was there! Help me realize every wonderful truth and that You are the God of great signs and wonders. Help me to tell Your truths and give my testimonies of You to my children and grandchildren so that they will know that they can count on You in the time of their testing.