Our New Bodies

I had a thought which led to a question this morning for Father God while He and I were fellowshiping on the patio. Some questions I ask Him are not for me to know the answers to, I believe because they are far too wonderful for me to know. (Job 42:3)


In fact, we have eternity (in Christ Jesus) to keep learning just how wonderful God is, as if we could ever get to an end of just how wonderful HE IS!


When I ponder my Savior’s life ‘on earth’ questions often come to mind, and I do believe the Holy Spirit will help me come to the truth because Jesus Himself said: “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and he will declare to you what is to come.” John 16:13-14


Jesus taught that the more we understand (the light He gives) and follow through with, the more understanding we will receive from Him (Matthew 13:12), but also the more we are held accountable for, tested and approved.


We naturally accept the truths in the Bible without asking questions. But do you ever wonder why certain things have happened the way they did? I like knowing the wisdom He has behind the things He does.


I have asked the Father before why our Savior had to come to the earth through the childbirth process. Why not just miraculously show up to start His ministry at the age of 30 (approximately) when He called to Himself the twelve disciples? And I believe the Holy Spirit led me into the truth about that: to reveal that there’s nothing we humans can and will go through ‘naturally’ that Jesus didn’t go through; so that He could relate to our human weakness (without sinning).


This morning I asked Father God why His Son, our Savior, died in His early thirties and not later in His 50’s or 90’s or earlier in His 20’s. I do know that everything God does, every little thing that WE do not even notice, has great meaning in His whole plan of man’s redemption and the earth’s restoration for eternity. For God created everything with eternity in mind. (Genesis 1 and Ecclesiastes 3:11)


So what wisdom is behind Jesus dying at the age of 33, three years after He started His ministry on earth, instead of any other earlier or later age? The thought came: We are in our physical prime in our thirties, and then our bodies begin to breakdown until the day our body can no longer keep up.


Why do we call the age 40 “over the hill?” The thirties seem to be the “prime of our life” and looking the best we’ll ever look. But I love that we get to grow gray hair as we age because of what God says about wisdom and gray hair! (Although you can still be a fool with gray hair up to your death – having never known Jesus Christ and His blessed salvation.)


The Bible teaches that just like we take off our dirty clothes to put on clean clothes, so it is with our physical body with its sin nature – taken off to be ‘newly’ clothed to live forever with the Lord. But you might be thinking that our ‘new’ bodies are not like our physical bodies. Hum.


Then what kind of body did Jesus ‘reappear’ in when He visited all those disciples He left behind after His death? They all RECOGNIZED Him! So then, when we are in our ‘new’ bodies – will we recognize each other as well? I believe so!


But you might say: We are spirits after we die; not having a physical body because the Bible tells us that we won’t need to eat or drink or sleep. Yep! But we can if we want – because Jesus did! And we will be like Him, according to Scripture.


Before Adam sinned, he and Eve had ‘eternal’ bodies. All that changed was the curse God placed on man and earth, and that the devil with his demons were allowed to roam the earth and deceive the nations (until Christ returns to reign).


The “curses” will be lifted so that life (mankind and the earth) can continue as intended by God in the beginning. (Revelation 22) So that means that people will continue to be born yet without dying. Of that day the Lord says:


“God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them….for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making all things new. Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” Revelation 21:3-5


The older I get – the more I long to see my Savior face to face, and to thank Him for all He’s done to bring me into His eternal Kingdom!


Now when you look at those ‘old’ photos of yourself when you were in your prime, wishing you could look that good now – think about the Lord’s resurrection and your own!

Appeal to Emotion – Pity

John 7:24 “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.”


Appeal to pity, like an appeal fear is just a propaganda technique. Often we will see this in advertisements. Propaganda in its various forms can be very powerful. In one sense there is nothing wrong with propaganda if it is used rightly, like in advertising about our product.


Propaganda is any strategy for spreading our beliefs or ideas. Writing these articles and sending them out to subscribers as my weekly letters or putting them on Facebook I am using propaganda in the sense of spreading my ideas.


Propaganda can be found in political speeches, TV commercials and shows, movies, radio, newspapers, advertisements and many other places. There is nothing wrong with propaganda if we do it honestly. The problem is that many times people buy into a product or idea because it appeals to emotion instead of to clear thinking.


For example: A truck dealer might try to get us to buy his truck because it looks tougher, not necessarily because it is tougher. The lawyer in the court room will try to persuade the jury to feel (emotion) that his side is right. Even the evangelist or preacher tries to persuade the audience through emotion rather than challenging them to think things through clearly. Not that our emotions necessarily are bad and incorrect, but when making decisions it is always good to have clear thinking.


Manipulative propaganda is used when someone plays with our emotions in a way designed to make us agree with him without thinking through the matter carefully.


We have already seen the “appeal to emotion through fear,” but now through the “appeal to pity.” This pity appeal is when someone tries to get us to do something because of pity for the person or something that he is associated with.


The “appeal to pity,” like the appeal to fear is an appeal to our emotions, our sense of compassion. This appeal is trying to get us to accept something, do something, or believe something based upon our emotions instead of good and careful reasoning.


When it comes to giving money we often see the “appeal to pity.” We might see starving children, homeless people, or areas where a storm might have swept through and left many homeless. Since this is a technique that is often used by con-artists we need to be able to think clearly and concisely to ensure that this is a legitimate need and the one appealing to our emotions is a reputable person or organization.


As Christians we have to be careful because an “appeal to pity” can counteract another Biblical principle like TRUTH. In other words, we are to “love our neighbor,” but not at the expense of truth. An example of this is found in the following verse: “Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.” (Proverbs 6:30-31)


Might God give us clear, critical, Biblical thinking in these days when “truth and error walk the same highway,” as A.W. Tozer so eloquently said. ‘We live in days of great deception and discernment is a great need.’



Prayer Moves God

Prayer moves God. God acts through His people who will act in HIS response to their prayers.


The prayer of faith in God’s Word – is an act of power over our enemies of which there are a great number of enemies of our “flesh, world and devil.” So, shouldn’t we pray at all times; pray continually and without ceasing? This should be the WISE thing to do; that to rise up early to pray and read God’s Word, to start our day with our fellowship in Christ; to start our day hearing His voice, and humbling ourselves before Him. Right? What happens when we don’t? When we FORGET Him who is waiting to meet with us?


God will not hear my prayer at any time if I hold sin in my heart. “If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, ignoring it, the Lord would not have listened.” Psalm 66:18


“The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is His delight. The LORD detests the way of the wicked, but He loves those who pursue righteousness.” Proverbs 15:8-9


No confession – no humility, no humility – no power in prayer.


God humbles us so that He can honor us. Part of honoring us is listening to us in prayer; giving us what we ask for according to His good will.


So, who do you go to FIRST when you or your loved one gets sick, or when a financial crisis hits, or when you hear any type of bad news? Your greatest protection is your ‘sincere devotion’ to Christ Jesus.


God has enabled us to serve Him without any fear. Disease, danger, destruction and even death will be all around you but not touch you because you put Him first. You can visit or tend to the sick without getting sick because you serve the Lord first and foremost. You can tread through danger because you are certain that God will protect you as you do His will. You can see opportunity and prosper in the worst of times because you watch for His open doors to move through.


God sends His ministering angels to protect and serve us:


Hebrews 1:14 “Are not the angels ministering spirits to serve those who will inherit salvation?”


Psalms 91:11 “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”


Remember the Hebrews in Egypt when God was delivering them through His servant Moses? The last of the 10 plagues were not allowed to come up God’s people living Goshen. They went through the first 7 of the plagues in order to humble His people, but He kept the worse from them as they had learned to obey and praise Him.


Faith in the truth and love of the Lord – must be real.


“He that trusts in the LORD, let the LORD deliver him; let the LORD rescue him, since He delights in Him.” Psalms 22:18


The LORD Himself said, “Because he loves Me – I will deliver him; because he knows My Name, I will protect him. When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him My Salvation.” Psalms 91:14-16


With all that is inevitably coming against Christianity, even in ‘America – Land of the Free,’ it might be well-served to memorize Scriptures such as Psalm 91, which begins with: “I will say to the LORD, ‘You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”


So, tread/move/act and do not fear! PRAY and PRAISE without ceasing and on all occasions – because the LORD is with us, and He has promised to NEVER leave nor forsake those who love Him.



Remember that whatever is in your heart determines what you will do. Your actions or lack of actions will either acquit you or condemn you. Those who refuse to stand up for the truth will lose all hope, and become paralyzed with fear. To those who do stand up – they will be proven to be right, and their cause for justice will be shown as the correct path.


Appeals to Emotion-Fear

Proverbs 10:13 “Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks judgment.”


Proverbs 18:6 “A fool’s lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating.”


“Appeal to fear” is a propaganda technique. “Appeal to fear” is used when someone makes you fear the consequences of not doing what he wants. Often we will find a prosecuting attorney addressing the jury and urging John Doe to be convicted and put away where he would never commit another crime, because you might be his next victim.


It is never good to act out of fear. However, fear is a great motivator. When people fear something they tend not to think matters through. Appeal to fear is often used in advertisements. I am sure if we took the time we could think of many commercials that use fear to get their product out.


When someone fears something or someone, he often makes decisions which he might not make in calmer situations. Sometimes the appeal to fear is referred to as an appeal to force. Although appeals to force are not, at times, attempts at persuasion to change our beliefs but are simply attempts to change our behavior. However, some individuals or organizations do try to change people’s way of thinking merely by resorting to force. This sort of practice can be labeled “thought control,” something that was used during the Spanish Inquisition as well as the Maoist regime of China.


This type of fallacy overrides truth with fear. Some scholars have called this type of fallacy “appeal to intimidation.” We must always keep in mind that the statement is true or not irrespective of how we feel about it. In other words, no amount of punishment for dissent can transform a false claim into a true one.


Since we use the word “fear” in different roles, it is important to make some distinctions. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” (Proverbs 1:7) This type of fear means reverence, awe and respect. It means a regard for the holiness of God and the sacredness of God’s law. In the sense of respect and reverence or principle in their life all of us have this type of fear for somebody.


However, parents disciplining their children do use the “appeal to fear” especially for those who refuse to learn through instruction. The Bible says, “He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently.” (Proverbs 13:24)


In the Bible we find many instances of people using the appeal to fear or force in order to persuade. When he tried to get an answer from Jesus Pilate said, “Do you refuse to speak to me? Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” (John 19:10)


We see this smear campaign coming out that aim to frighten anyone who might oppose different groups like the homosexual lobby, Planned Parenthood, racial pressure and special interest groups etc.


It is important for us to recognize these fallacies and to stand on the truth.


Hand Outs

In our Lord’s parable of the “Bags of Gold” (Matthew 25) I saw the difference between God’s Handouts and the Government’s handouts.


In this parable we learn how God entrusts us with His wealth for the Kingdom. To some He gives more than to others, but to all He gives – so they can put it to good use for His Kingdom. This principle is for both the physical and spiritual; for the are very connected.


We learn from Scripture that every human being is made in the image of God; everyone is given an amount of wealth (ability/talent/field of interest) prosper with. No one born – is born poor, helpless yes, as all babies are, yet rich in what God has put in each human being as we’ve been “made in His image.”


Poverty is man’s own doing.


“I went past the field of a sluggard, past the vineyard of someone who has NO SENSE; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in in ruins. I applied my heart to what I saw and learned a lesson from what I saw: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and POVERTY will on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.” Proverbs 24:30-34


“Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.” Proverbs 13:18


The “sluggard” had a field of interest. The lazy undisciplined person lacks understanding/common sense to prosper with his God-given ability/talent/field.


What has become very obvious with this upcoming election of democrat candidates is how they think poor people need their “free-stuff” in order to prosper; how low-income working people need more given to them in order to succeed in life. Much of our prospering has to do with how we use what we have; for wisdom knows how to use what we have and with what we know.


This parable of God’s most faithful servant of all: our Savior and Lord JESUS CHRIST, is teaching us wisdom for both the physical life as well as the spiritual life, for they are connected for sure.


The “far-left” and even the not so “far-left,” are making great claims of how they plan to make Americans succeed in life, as if we need their help. What we need is for them to get out of our private lives and stick to what the Federal government is supposed to do; protect the nation from invaders and plunderers, and enemies who attempt to get control over us.


So what did the LORD our GOD say about people who do nothing with what HE’s given them; those people who look to what the government can give them, at the expense of those who have put to work what God has given them to prosper in life?


“You wicked lazy worthless person! You buried what I gave you because you thought nothing of Me, nothing of what I had entrusted with you. Now I will take from you and give it to the one who has been sensible and hard-working. For whoever has been responsible – more will be given and they will have an abundance.” Matthew 24:14-30


The “liberal ideology” is to take from those who have an abundance to give to those who are not willing to work for what they have.


In America people are free to go after any dream they have, unlike all other nations. God has given each human being what he/she needs to prosper so that EVERYONE is fully capable of prospering; the problem is that NOT everyone is willing. AND, the reason that people are not “willing,” may be because of how “progressive democrats” keep offering more and more that’s costing tax-payers more and more.


Let’s consider who these politicians really are. Almost all of them have become extremely wealthy by promoting themselves while increasing tax on Americans. They are out-of-touch with reality of how to make this nation prosperous and blessed by God, once again. That’s why they HATE Donald Trump, and any prospering conservative patriotic American citizen. They hate his agenda to which is against their agenda and way of doing government.


People are wising up for sure. Those who have depended on the government’s handouts most their lives have become what the LORD calls: wicked, lazy, worthless. It’s interesting how God has the ‘opposite’ thinking of the liberal democrats. God’s way is to “take from the wicked, lazy, undisciplined, worthless,” instead of taking from those who HAVE done something good with what God gave them.


God knows how to keep you prospering, no matter what the government takes from you, when you keep your trust and dependency in Him, and not in the government!


Our government has grown to be ‘far more’ than a government should ever be!


President Trump isn’t a perfect man, but he definitely is a man who understands what made America great in the first place; the truth as to why God blessed this nation’s founders for how they governed for the good of all people legally coming into America, even for the good of those early black slaves brought here against their will (which democrats did NOT want to free), slaves whose grandchildren have become FREE AMERICANS putting to use what God had given them to prosper in life, passing it on, and who are speaking out right now about it.


Those who are out protesting otherwise – are simply self-deceived by those politicians working to keep them all dependent on the government instead of trusting in God and His wisdom. These “far-left/liberal progressive” politicians are in fact the worthless, lazy, corrupt, lawless rulers of the land – promoting themselves and leading others in the same way of godlessness.


I pray they get voted out of office as the TRUTH keeps marching on – turning the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous. May God’s people see what they need to see, understand what they know to be true and right, to do what we all need to do as God’s PILLARS in society.



Proverbs 15:28 “The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.”


The definition for ‘assumption’ is something taken for granted, or accepted as true without proof. How often we make assumptions without even being aware of them.  When we have an argument over something it might actually be because we have different assumptions. If we understood one another’s assumptions then we might understand why we disagree and why we may be wrong.


In one sense we need to have a healthy sense of ‘suspicion’ of everybody, including ourselves. I do not believe that anyone can be completely objective. Along with assumptions we need discernment. A.W.Tozer said: “Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit.”


Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn on recognizing bad reasoning give three suggestions on how to be objective.


  1. Listen. Every time we listen to someone else’s viewpoint, we give ourselves the opportunity to become un- deceived.
  2. Evaluate our assumptions. It is important to recognize that everyone has a bias, and that we need to understand and to manage our own biases. We need to be aware of the assumptions which we are making. Keep asking, “why do I think this is true?” There is nothing wrong with having assumptions, just as long as we have the correct assumptions.
  3. Evaluate other people’s assumptions. We should be alert for clues in what people say which may indicate their assumptions. This will give us insight into why they believe what they believe.


In the midst of a debate or argument it is easy to make assumptions that something is correct when in reality it is not. Something might be presented to us in an either-or situation when in reality there might be a third, or even a fourth option.


Most of the arguments within families are due to, I believe, wrong assumptions. We presume or assume something that is not true as far as the other person is concerned, in either what they say or what we think that they should do.


In studying and writing about these different fallacies the one thing that is coming to me is the reality of knowing the Word of God and applying it to my life, my walk and my talk. Proverbs tells us: “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”


Tu Quoque

Proverbs 4:24 “Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.” Proverbs 6:2 “if you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.” Proverbs 14:3 “A fool’s talk brings a rod to his back, but the lips of the wise protect them.” Proverbs 15:2 “The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.”


“Tu Quoque” in Latin means “you too.” This is the type of argument that is used in dismissing someone’s viewpoint on an issue because he himself is inconsistent in that very thing. In other words, “you too.”


In this type of argument someone might come to another person and say that they should not do a particular thing (whatever it is) but the response from the person is: “But you do it too.” What the person is telling them not to do might be something very bad for them, but they do not listen because of the inconsistency of the other person telling them not to do it.


For example, an older person might come to a teenager and tell him/her not to smoke because of the bad health consequences of smoking. However, the teenager does not really listen because the older man himself is smoking. To think that way is to fall into fallacious thinking. Whether the person giving you the advice smokes or doesn’t is beside the point. The point is smoking is bad and it is bad for your health.


People who commit this fallacy often have guilty consciences, and it makes them feel better somehow when they shift their guilt onto someone else. This fallacy also happens when somebody claims that two wrongs make a right.


So the question is, why should we listen to someone who is not consistent with his or her own argument? There are two good reasons. First, we must always allow people to change their minds through experience.


When faced with such a challenge the famous economist John Maynard Keynes once put it quite nicely: “When I find out that I’ve been wrong, I change my mind – what do you do?”


The second reason is that we should not look at the credibility of the person offering his opinion, but the merits of the argument that he is making.


For example, the older man through experience understands what smoking really has done to his own health and this has caused him to form the opinion that he is giving to his younger friend. He has changed his mind about smoking. In other words: Smoking is bad.





Strawman Fallacy

Proverbs19:20 “Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.”


The fallacy of the “Strawman” is changing or exaggerating the opponent’s position or argument to make it easier to refute. What this does is to distort the opponent’s argument just enough to make it weak, because the original argument was not as easy to knock down.


We should always take the time to hear, think and try to understand about the opponent’s belief in what they mean and say. This is especially true with children. A mother or father might say to the son/daughter that they are spending too much time on video games and the child comes back and says, “Should I throw away hundreds of dollars of video games just to go and do something else?”


This child introduced a “strawman fallacy.” That is not what the father or mother said, but by introducing the strawman makes it easier to refute the original argument. This fallacy is like the ‘red herring’ in the sense that it introduces something irrelevant to the position that one is taking or by taking the opponent’s argument and presenting it in an inaccurate light.


A “red herring” fallacy argument distorts from the main issue, but the “strawman” argues against a position that is not the position at all.


Some of the more politically correct textbooks use the term “straw-person” rather than “strawman.”


We see this approach being used against conservative Christians when what they say is constantly being lumped together under names like “homophobes,” for their “hate speech,” etc. We, who are evangelical Christians say that homosexuality is wrong and repentance is called for, but the opponents try to change the position that is not a position at all. We do not hate homosexuals nor are we engaging in hate speech, but by distorting what we believe it is easier for them to tear down what we believe. One can see in our society how successful this has been. In one sense the “strawman” fallacy reveals the fallen nature of man. Instead of facing the facts or truth, the tendency is to turn the truth into a caricature.


When recognizing that the opponent’s position has some merit to it, a “strawman fallacy” shows intellectual cowardice and unwillingness to face the truth.


The “strawman fallacy” relies heavily on psychology and propaganda rather than truth. We see the “strawman” fallacies coming out with many atheists – like Richard Dawkins in how they paint a false caricature of who God is. Often they read passages in the Old Testament, like in the Book of Joshua when the children of Israel came into the Promised Land, and bringing out how vicious and cruel He was.


The character of the “strawman” is one who wants to win an argument no matter what. He is not interested in doing the study, the discipline of learning what the opponent is actually saying or meaning. Often he lacks the humility to face the truth.


In dealing with “strawman fallacies” we must counter by bringing out the error. We must keep our “strawman” honest by bringing out what is really meant and showing that the issue has not been addressed properly.


However, in all of this we must be much aware of the danger of creating our own “strawman” of our opponent. We must be able to understand and express our opponent’s argument better, or at least as well as he does. This takes time, study, reflection, etc.


As Christians we must first discern the actual facts, and then contrast the “strawman fallacy” against the truth.




Appeal to the People

Exodus 23:2 “Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd.”


This is another fallacy that we often see being used. “Appeal to the people” is when we claim that our viewpoint is correct because many other people agree with it. This is very similar to the faulty appeal to authority. The only difference is appealing to authority figures while the other is to the people in general. The general public is very seldom a proper authority on anything.


For example: We hear often about abortions, gun control, etc. that the reason we are for or against is because of what public opinion might or might not be. For example, some will say that abortion is murder although public opinion might be that 76% of the people do not believe that. We need to keep in mind that murder is murder no matter what the public says or thinks.


Another example: I will hear that someone’s book is one of the best because it has been on the best-seller list for months. This might or might not be true, but it is also another appeal to the people.


One of the things that we often hear today in these uncertain economic times is that we should not be concerned because the majority of people believe that the economy is improving. Again, this is an appeal to the people.


Along with this fallacy is what is known as the ‘bandwagon.’ This is where we jump on the bandwagon and do what everybody else is doing. This is where peer pressure comes in for us to conform or do what others are doing.


We see this type of fallacy coming out in advertisements. We need to buy this or that article or thing because we are told millions are buying it and we need to join the millions. In other words, get on the bandwagon.


When it comes to the nightly news we might be told that majority of people get their news from the ABC, but does that mean that ABC gives us the best news??


We will often hear our teenage child asking to go someplace or to see something (like a movie) and when the parents say “no” they will come back and say, “But everybody is doing it or seeing it.” This is again that bandwagon fallacy.


The issue in this is not whether everybody is doing it, but the real issue is: Is it right or wrong? Is this a good movie to see and is ABC actually the best source of the news or guidance?


In other words, if all of the people in the world are going to the same place or doing the same thing it is no reason for us to follow suit. The important issue is: Is it right, or wrong?




Genetic Fallacy

Proverbs 2:6 “For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”


Proverbs 15:2 “The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.”  Proverbs 15:28


“The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.”  Proverbs 16:10


“The lips of a king speak as an oracle, and his mouth should not betray justice.”


This is another fallacy type of personal attack. It is called “genetic” because it addresses the genesis, or the beginning of something. It is different from the Ad-hominem because it does not attack the person making the argument but the place where the argument comes from.


In other words, the “genetic fallacy” is condemning an argument because of where it began, how it began, or who began it.  A good example of this would be Sigmund Freud in trying to explain why people believe in God. His hypothesis is that when people do not have a good experience or a relationship with their father they wish for and imagine a God who can offer them the things that they missed. He would go on to say that a belief in God who was created out of people’s wishes could not exist. It is very difficult to argue with somebody when he uses this fallacy because no matter what you say they will always claim that it is because of your difficult past and therefore everybody can ignore what you say.


If an argument was made up by a bad person or a bad historical event it does not mean that the argument is necessarily bad itself. An example of this would be in the presidential election of Clinton and Trump. Clinton won the popular vote, but Trump won the electoral votes. The electoral college, which is the system of the Constitution, laid out for choosing the president may have been created by people with bad motives (as some claim, although I do not think so) does not necessarily mean that the electoral college is bad itself. Although some would claim it is.