Security of Our Right to Property

Life and Liberty Are Secure Only so Long As the Right to Property Is Secure


Leviticus 25:13 “In this year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.


Psalm 115:16 “The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind.”


The one unalienable right that our Founding Fathers told us to be aware of was the right to property, because all other rights are related to it. Just a superficial reading of Scripture shows the importance that God has placed on private property ownership. Under English common law the earth was considered a gift from God, as we see from Psalm 115:16. John Locke pointed out that this was a common gift and it was the responsibility of mankind to improve it.


This goes along with the Cultural Mandate that the Creator gave us to “subdue the earth and have dominion over it.” (Genesis 1:28) In one sense, dominion brings in the idea of control which also brings in what the Founding Fathers called “exclusiveness” meaning that private property became a necessity in order to subdue the earth and have dominion over it.


If we did not have what is known as “private rights” to develop and improve property then it would be perfectly lawful for a lazy, covetous person to move in as soon as improvements were made and take possession of the land. Even then the lazy, covetous neighbor would not be secure because someone stronger than him could come in and take over.


In the book, The 5000 Year Leap, we read that without property rights four things would occur that would completely frustrate the Creator’s command to multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and bring it under dominion. What are they?


  1. “If another person could come in and take possession of the property once it is improved it would completely destroy the incentive of an industrious person to develop and improve any more property.”
  2. “The industrious individual would also be deprived of the fruits of his labor.”
  3. “Marauding bands would even be tempted to go about the country confiscating by force and violence the good things which others had frugally and painstakingly provided.” (Look what is happening in some of our cities where private property is being confiscated, business’s ruined.)
  4. “Mankind would be impelled to remain on the bare subsistence level of hand to mouth survival because the accumulation of anything would invite attack.”


In other words, and like Locke and our Founding Fathers brought out, property is an extension of a person’s life and energy as well as ingenuity. The reason that they bring this out is that every man has a ‘property’ in his own person. So, the labor of his body and the work of his hands are properly his.


A question does come that since everything originally was common with the rest of humanity how then does one require ownership? John Locke answers the question: “It is the taking any part of what is common, and removing it out of the state that Nature leaves it in, which begins the property, without which the common (gift from God) is of no use.” John Locke goes on to say: “Thus this law of reason makes the deer the property of the Indian who has killed it; it is allowed to be his goods who had bestowed his labor upon it, though before, it was the common right of everyone.” In other words, property becomes the owner of those who put the labor into it. For example, in the early days of our Union property was allotted to those who would take possession and put labor into it. It was Justice George Sutherland of the U.S. Supreme Court that mentioned that property, per se, has no rights; “but the individual – the man – has three great rights, equally sacred from arbitrary interference: the right to his Life, the right to his liberty, the right to his property.” It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “Property is the fruit of labor.”


On the basis of all of this, one of the primary purposes of government is to protect property. The early American colonists realized the importance of this and it is one of the things that led to the Revolutionary War, because it was the royal crown trying to take away property through various kinds of taxation without their consent. Our Founding Fathers realized the foundational stone for human liberty and human happiness is private property.


This is why government should not take from the ‘haves’ and give to the ‘have-nots,’ as the redistribution of the wealth is unconstitutional. However, we see today how the government has slowly but surely began to redistribute, out of concern (supposedly), for the poor and needy. The question does arise who will take care of the poor? The answer according to our Founding Fathers was “anybody but the federal government.” Up until the present time, help was given almost exclusively by the private sector or on the community or state level.


It would seem to me that if we lose our right to own private property we also will soon lose all our other rights.




Imagining Perfection

Thinking this morning and talking to my Father God, about a different way of living than what we’ve every known, I started to imagine, from what I learn from within His written Word a little of what it might be like. I depend on the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide my imagination. (We have a deceiver you know, who is called “the counterfeit” and “the ancient Liar.”)


For instance, I thought, Father God You are infinite, You had no beginning and there is no end to You, therefore, since you started (Created) our universe and planet earth for people to live on with all Your blessings and bounties, did you ‘start’ or create anything else before, or will, in the distant future – that we are not able to know/understand, or discover? You’ve only allowed us to know what You have written down for us – to know! We also know that we only use a small part of the mind You gave us. You have place boundaries on everything that concern us for this ‘temporal’ life.


Why the universe so vast and without end? Galaxies just existing – but for what? For man to discover and to be in AWE over, recognizing that THERE IS a Creator for sure? Yeah, but I’m certain You have a greater plan for all the ‘eternal’ things You have created; things yet to come that we can only “imagine.”


You gave us in Your Word some information about the future, what life would be like without the curses You put on mankind, and on the earth itself when the first blood was spilt on it. Why would you tell us that one Day a lamb will lie down next to a lion without fear? You said that a child will play with a cobra without harm. How would that happen unless there is no fear and things that can kill our body? If there is no threat of harm or fear of death – what will come that makes that true? The Bible tells us.


You say in Your Word, there will be no more sickness. We know from Your Word that our sickness and diseases come from being “sinners.” So then, if there will be “no more sickness” in the new world – that would mean there will no more sin, people with the “sinful nature.” From what You say, the sinful nature is passed down through man’s seed – ever since Adam rebelled against Your Word to him in the Garden of Eden, so that “ALL have sinned” and fall short of living with You forever in Your Kingdom.


We learn that until the Day you lift all Your curses: sickness and disease, death, man’s toilsome labor, woman’s pain in childbearing, and throw all things deadly and altogether evil into the eternal lake of damnation (fire), even death itself – mankind desperately needs the Savior of this world to be forgiven and renewed in soul and spirit, that we be welcomed into Your new world to come.


We hear so much these days about UFOs and people wanting to know if there is life on other planets. So, we go on discovery missions up into space. But what man needs to learn is that the demonic ‘spirit-world’ is all around us working to deceive us and make us believe things that just aren’t true! Satan, God’s number one angel over all the angels, was thrown out of Heaven with 1/3 of all the angels that followed him, because he rebelled against his Creator’s purpose for him. Satan envied God’s Son and sought His place of authority and honor. Satan was cast down to the earth where he has been able to deceive people, starting with Eve in the Garden: “Did God really say/mean what He said?” Thus, bringing on us all God’s curses until the Day God throws Satan and his followers into the Lake of Fire forever – no longer around to deceive man. (It’s all written down for us – so we won’t be fooled.)


Perfection! We know nothing about perfection as life should exist. We can although, know Him who IS perfect: Jesus Christ who came in bodily form, and Who is the “exact representation” of Father God. We know God by faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world; who then pours His eternal Spirit into us so that WE CAN KNOW HIM ‘personally and intimately.’ The Bible tells us all this. Faith comes from knowing what God’s Word says.


BUT! Why do I like to imagine the things to come and wonder what it will be like? Because God says in His Word that “He has set eternity in our hearts!” Man will always ‘wonder’ about all God’s wonders to come! And, man will always fear death too, and not knowing what to expect after he dies, until he/she comes to know the Creator in truth and Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ.


God has given us enough to know in His Word so that we would not miss what could be ours by faith, hope and love in Him (Father/Son/Spirit). But He has also said to live up to each revelation He gives of Himself, that He will allow more understanding if we do what is right with it. Wisdom knows what to do with what you know about God and what you’ve been given from God. True wisdom comes from God, and so does true love as we’ve seen in His Son’s sacrifice for us on the Cross.


Yes, it’s hard to imagine a ‘perfect’ world. But God has also given man alone the ability ‘to imagine’ and expect things to be just as God said they will be, according to His Word. This is the hope that people want, and more-so, as things increasingly get worse in this sin-sick world (as God says it will) before He sends His Son back to end all evil and renew all things God once called “GOOD.”


If you are one who lives with this UNSHAKEABLE joyful hope about eternal life with God, and who gets asked by someone: “What is that HOPE in you?” you then will have the greatest honor there is – to lead them to the Savior of the world: Lamb of the PERFECT sacrifice – Jesus Christ – King of kings and Lord of lords! Then they will have to decide what do with “THE PERFECTION,” just like you did. Glory to God!


Securing our Life and Liberty

Life and Liberty Are Secure Only so Long As the Right to Property Is Secure


Leviticus 25:13 “In this year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.


Psalm 115:16 “The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind.”


The one unalienable right that our Founding Fathers told us to be aware of was the right to property, because all other rights are related to it. Just a superficial reading of Scripture shows the importance that God has placed on private property ownership. Under English common law the earth was considered a gift from God, as we see from Psalm 115:16. John Locke pointed out that this was a common gift and it was the responsibility of mankind to improve it.


This goes along with the Cultural Mandate that the Creator gave us to “subdue the earth and have dominion over it.” (Genesis 1:28) In one sense, dominion brings in the idea of control which also brings in what the Founding Fathers called “exclusiveness” meaning that private property became a necessity in order to subdue the earth and have dominion over it.


If we did not have what is known as “private rights” to develop and improve property then it would be perfectly lawful for a lazy, covetous person to move in as soon as improvements were made and take possession of the land. Even then the lazy, covetous neighbor would not be secure because someone stronger than him could come in and take over.


In the book, The 5000 Year Leap, we read that without property rights four things would occur that would completely frustrate the Creator’s command to multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and bring it under dominion. What are they?


  1. “If another person could come in and take possession of the property once it is improved it would completely destroy the incentive of an industrious person to develop and improve any more property.”
  2. “The industrious individual would also be deprived of the fruits of his labor.”
  3. “Marauding bands would even be tempted to go about the country confiscating by force and violence the good things which others had frugally and painstakingly provided.” (Look what is happening in some of our cities where private property is being confiscated, business’s ruined.)
  4. “Mankind would be impelled to remain on the bare subsistence level of hand to mouth survival because the accumulation of anything would invite attack.”


In other words, and like Locke and our Founding Fathers brought out, property is an extension of a person’s life and energy as well as ingenuity. The reason that they bring this out is that every man has a ‘property’ in his own person. So, the labor of his body and the work of his hands are properly his.


A question does come that since everything originally was common with the rest of humanity how then does one require ownership? John Locke answers the question: “It is the taking any part of what is common, and removing it out of the state that Nature leaves it in, which begins the property, without which the common (gift from God) is of no use.” John Locke goes on to say: “Thus this law of reason makes the deer the property of the Indian who has killed it; it is allowed to be his goods who had bestowed his labor upon it, though before, it was the common right of everyone.” In other words, property becomes the owner of those who put the labor into it. For example, in the early days of our Union property was allotted to those who would take possession and put labor into it. It was Justice George Sutherland of the U.S. Supreme Court that mentioned that property, per se, has no rights; “but the individual – the man – has three great rights, equally sacred from arbitrary interference: the right to his Life, the right to his liberty, the right to his property.” It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “Property is the fruit of labor.”


On the basis of all of this, one of the primary purposes of government is to protect property. The early American colonists realized the importance of this and it is one of the things that led to the Revolutionary War, because it was the royal crown trying to take away property through various kinds of taxation without their consent. Our Founding Fathers realized the foundational stone for human liberty and human happiness is private property.


This is why government should not take from the ‘haves’ and give to the ‘have-nots,’ as the redistribution of the wealth is unconstitutional. However, we see today how the government has slowly but surely began to redistribute, out of concern (supposedly), for the poor and needy. The question does arise who will take care of the poor? The answer according to our Founding Fathers was “anybody but the federal government.” Up until the present time, help was given almost exclusively by the private sector or on the community or state level.


It would seem to me that if we lose our right to own private property we also will soon lose all our other rights.



USA Shall Be a Republic

Exodus 18:21  “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:”


When we repeat the Pledge of Allegiance we highlight this principle: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.”


Democracy requires the full anticipation of most of the population in the legislative or decision-making process of government. In a country like America with 300 million people that would be impossible to come to any type of decision. You take the masses of people in a country, like the United States of America, and most are busy in their everyday affairs and would not have the time to sit down in different hearings and to do the daily task that would be necessary. Our Founding Fathers knew that there would be an explosion of our population and so they worked towards building a Republic.


Looking back in history we see that the Greeks tried the Democratic method of mass participation in their states and cities and each time it ended in tyranny.


A Republic is governed through elected representatives and can be expanded indefinitely as the population grows in a country. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”


James Madison said: “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and having general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. A Republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”


Madison, like the other Founding Fathers knew that the United States would be pushing West and expanding said: “In a democracy the people meet and exercise the government in person; and a Republic they assemble and administered by the representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small spot. A Republic may be extended over large regions.”


He went on to give a very good definition of a Republic: “We may define a Republic to be a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion or a favorite class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercise and their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank Republicans claim for their government audible title of Republic.”


Here in the states we would do well to remember the words of Madison, Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers.


Today we hear the word democracy that the average American uses to describe America’s constitutional Republic. We need to have a clear and distinct understanding between a democracy and a Republic.


In the early part of the last century some people came together and organized the ISS – The Intercollegiate Socialist Society. The idea in back of this was to throw light on a worldwide movement known as socialism. This new movement – socialism – is defined as government ownership or control of all things of production and distribution and all that that entails. The slogan that was adopted for this new movement was “production for use, not for profit,” which caught on and we see the results of this in the Western world.


But because of the violence that was associated with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) the term socialism was looked upon in a bad way and so it was renamed to “the league for Industrial Democracy.”


This was bringing in the idea that the word ‘democracy’ would begin to convey the nationalization of production and distribution as well as the nation’s resources which then would become the property of all the people – hence a democracy and through that America could enjoy “production for use, not for profit.” We see this idea coming out with some of our politicians about the equal distribution of wealth which basically goes back to take from “the haves” to give to “the have-nots.”


Some of the brilliant young leaders at the turn of the 20th century of ISS were now in some of the most prestigious positions in politics, the press, universities, etc., and became the opinion makers of our society. We see this still being played out through the radicals of the 60s who are now in places of influence.


Actually to all of this what we have is really an attack upon the Constitution of the United States. In other words their thought was that the Constitution was outdated and perhaps totally obsolete.


We hear this argument today among so-called “progressives” who want to change the Constitution. Basically with many of our politicians today it would seem that they are paying little mind to the Constitution, although upon taking the oath of the office is to protect the Constitution which is the law of the land.



Human Frailties of our Rulers

Proverbs 29:12 “If a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants become wicked.”


Proverbs 28:5 “Evil people do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand everything.”


Proverbs 28:16 “A leader without understanding taxes his people heavily, but those who hate unjust gain will live up longer.”


It was Thomas Jefferson who said: “Let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” We live in a fallen world and our Founding Fathers knew that when they put our Constitution together to make sure that by following the Constitution the citizens would be protected from the basic human nature of man.


At the Constitutional Convention a question that our Founding Fathers had to answer, and that no political scientist in any age had been able to answer with complete satisfaction was: “How can you have an efficient government but still protect the freedom and unalienable rights of the people?”


Our Founding Fathers knew the frailty of human nature and after 200 years of American history we see the wisdom of the Founders. Today we see many unconstitutional actions that have taken place and being justified because it was for “a good cause.” It was Rahm Emanuel, while in the White House as the Chief of Staff in the Obama administration, who said that every crisis should not go to waste. It was Thomas Sowell who brought out that it’s through crisis – created or imaginary – that government increases its authority. It is through these crises that the solution is another government department. George Washington said: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence – it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant in a fearful master.”


So the Constitution was so defined by our Founding Fathers that any public official would be able to serve at his upmost ability, but at the same time be restrained by the Constitution in regards to any mischief. Even today we find our political leaders straining at the Constitution in order to be free to do what they think is best, but Proverbs reminds us that there is a way that seems right to man but it leads to destruction. (Proverbs 16:25) Human history fully demonstrates the wisdom of this verse. The Founding Fathers knew that the leaders are not angels but fragile human beings.


This is why the Constitution is not what some call “a living document which can change with the times” because the Constitution was designed to control something which has not changed and will not change – namely human nature.


Our Founding Fathers knew that there was the danger of losing our Constitutional Rights. They also knew that the erosion would not come all at once but through a progressive erosion and Madison warned us that this danger should be wisely guarded against. He went on to say that when it does begin and we see that our rights are being taken away that we need to act immediately. However, there are so many rights that we do have that it has been hard to keep track of them all, but the one that he warned us against the most was our property rights. (A book that has just come out called LIVE NOT BY LIES  a manual for Christian dissidents by Rod Dreher brings forth how soft totalitarianism is taking over America. It is a good read).


We all must realize that the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance.


America’s Constitution and Bible Believers

The Holy Bible to the “progressive left,” in their opinion, is so very out-of-date, and to them – so is America’s Constitution with its biblical principles that will benefit any nation that lives by them.





The Bible, God’s Word, will never go out of date because God never changes, and neither will His words and ways for the good of mankind ever change. Every word spoken from God to man is still true. Every way in which God reveals Himself to a man is still true of God. Every one of His commandments or impartations of God’s wisdom for personal or national relationships and prospering in the world is still applicable today. Every promise and prophecy of God’s, concerning the future and end of the former things of men and for the beginning of all things renewed by God as we head into God’s judgments and His eternal life – will come to fulfillment by God.




Most Old Testament prophecies about Israel and kings and the Son of God, were fulfilled and recorded as having actually happened, and those yet to be fulfilled with the second coming of Christ Jesus – will be fulfilled as well because God is not a liar. God is still in control! What HE SAYS – HE MEANS! What HE MEANS – HE WILL DO!




God never changes. Truth and love, marriage and family, wisdom and understanding, nature’s existence and unity, science and understanding, knowledge and conscience of good and evil, nutrition and healing, wealth and talent, joy and peace, righteousness and justice, grace and mercy, salvation and eternal life – all come from our Creator, Redeemer and everlasting Father God.




The devil opposes the character and supremacy of God. He and his band of cohorts are still warring and perverting against all things designed by God, and sustained by God, and to be redeemed by God. The devil is the force behind everything God hates and will destroy. When God is finished with all His judgments and rulings nothing of His enemies will remain or even be remembered.




No eye has seen, no mind conceived what God has planned for those who love Him! We will forever be learning of how AWESOME the love of God is!




The pot can never change places with its Potter; it has no meaning or life of its own! Nothing could ever defeat our Creator God, nor, by joining forces, overtake His Throne and Kingdom. Satan tried, with 1/3 of the angels, and look what happened to them for trying. And look what happened to mankind therefore! The sin-nature of rebellion to God started in man: death came to man/life cut short, insecurities, suffering, fears, warring, chaos, disorder, sickness and diseases, false beliefs, mental problems, broken relationships, poverty, injustice, envy, dishonor, oppression, inhumanities of all kinds.




Since the beginning God’s WILL for mankind and His WORD to mankind has been attacked and rebelled against. It’s only because of God’s Son coming the first time as Savior and His second coming as King of kings and Lord of lords, that all evil and rebellion will end. What our Creator had in mind for mankind will be fulfilled throughout eternity. It’s hard to imagine and for some it’s impossible to believe – but it’s TRUE!




America’s Constitution is not “out of date,” nor “irrelevant,” nor in need of “revision” or simply thrown out and altogether redone, as those under the devil’s deception believe. Just because our culture seems to be changing – is not a credible reason to change America’s original values and traditions, nor our foundation and faith in God Almighty. What should change is the minds and hearts of those who deeply want and eagerly work to remove anything that reminds them that they are still and will always be accountable to God their Creator/Savior/Judge/Everlasting Father.




Those who are deceived by Satan are the very ones wanting and working to “change” and “makeover” America. Those who hold to our original values and traditions as in our original Constitution with its true meaning – are the ONLY ones that can be trusted to govern over us, because they will protect our God-given rights and freedoms.

America is still the greatest nation on the earth since King David ruled in Judah/Israel, and whom God called, “a man after His own heart!”




You might not like Donald Trump for whatever reasons, but one thing is for sure: Donald J. Trump has BECOME a man after God’s own heart, and the man in whom God chose and anointed for such a time as this. Just remember: your past is just as sinful, and if you don’t allow God to change you so that He can use you for His good purpose, you are far worse than Donald Trump.




Question is: Who will succeed President Trump in 2024? For we know from what God has said, that “the end is near.” The end of all things deadly and devilish – is near! Hallelujah! Come Lord Jesus, COME!




In rereading Luke 23 about the time leading up to our Lord’s crucifixion and how people treated God’s Son, and how the leaders misused/mishandled the Word of God for their own selfish purposes, and how they persecuted those who truly walked with Jesus (who is also the Spirit)…..I see the same things happening today, but with rapidly increasing intensity as the “Day of the Lord” is quickly approaching. (Just as the Lord said would happen.)




Those who understand the truth in God’s Word, know how important it is to protect our founding Constitution, Bill of Rights and Independence under God – for as long as we can. Those who do not understand, will continue to believe the lies of Satan, and even think they are righteous and just as they condemn those who do understand, and deny them true justice. Sadly, we are seeing this lived out in our nation. But God has always been able to bring His good to wherever evil and rebellion is at work.




“In Christ Jesus we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” Ephesians 1:7



WOE to those who cause children to stumble!

I absolutely HATE watching what producers and directors make children do for their movies! Be it what it takes to make toddler so scared so that he/she will cry hysterically for their scene in a movie, or what they expect any age of a child to do or say in their movie that causes them to be put in a wicked or compromising position that causes them to stumble into sin. I HATE IT!
We need to hold these movie producers and cable networks accountable! Jesus stated the truth: “Woe to those who cause children to stumble….Let a milestone be tied around his/her neck and they (those who wickedly use children this way) be thrown into the deepest part of the sea.”
Jesus, our Creator/Savior/King/Judge – has no mercy for such as these, until they REPENT (turn from their wicked ways)! And neither should we remain silent!

The Two Becoming One

This morning while in my quiet time the thought came to me, “The two shall become one.”




Carol and I have been married for 45 years, and we are still learning how to become one. Thinking back through our life together I can see how becoming one is a life choice. When couples say “I do” on their wedding day they stop living alone to start living together as one couple.




Another example is when a couple come together sexually and produce a child. These are simple illustrations, but what about when the children move out, health issues come, you grow old and do not look so attractive, or life styles change? Some couples give up on becoming one and go back to being individuals again, even while they stay married.




The word ‘become’ is never ending and goes on until we are separated at death. “One” means that I am no longer the important one, but rather my spouse is more important to me.




The Bible says that “a cord of three strands is not EASILY broken.” When it’s the Lord, husband and wife as a “cord” it is strong – but it CAN be broken. How? It is broken when we choose to remove the Lord out of the relationship, or we go back to being an individual – no longer having a desire to “become one” but rather living for one’s self.




Jesus died to Himself for us, and so must we also die to ourselves with the same Holy Spirit power that Jesus had. This is how we become one with Christ and with our spouse, teaching our children likewise.


U.S.A. Shall Be a Republic

Exodus 18:21  “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:”


When we repeat the Pledge of Allegiance we highlight this principle: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.”


Democracy requires the full anticipation of most of the population in the legislative or decision-making process of government. In a country like America with 300 million people that would be impossible to come to any type of decision. You take the masses of people in a country, like the United States of America, and most are busy in their everyday affairs and would not have the time to sit down in different hearings and to do the daily task that would be necessary. Our Founding Fathers knew that there would be an explosion of our population and so they worked towards building a Republic.


Looking back in history we see that the Greeks tried the Democratic method of mass participation in their states and cities and each time it ended in tyranny.


A Republic is governed through elected representatives and can be expanded indefinitely as the population grows in a country. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”


James Madison said: “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and having general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. A Republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”


Madison, like the other Founding Fathers knew that the United States would be pushing West and expanding said: “in a democracy the people meet and exercise the government in person; and a Republic they assemble and administered by the representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small spot. A Republic may be extended over large regions.”


He went on to give a very good definition of a Republic: “we may define a Republic could be a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion or a favorite class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercise and their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank Republicans claim for their government audible title of Republic.”


Here in the states we would do well to remember the words of Madison, Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers.


Today we hear the word democracy that the average American uses to describe America’s constitutional Republic. We need to have a clear and distinct understanding between a democracy and a Republic.


In the early part of the last century some people came together and organized the ISS – The Intercollegiate Socialist Society. The idea in back of this was to throw light on a worldwide movement known as socialism. This new movement – socialism – is defined as government ownership or control of all things of production and distribution and all that that entails. The slogan that was adopted for this new movement was “production for use, not for profit,” which caught on and we see the results of this in the Western world.


But because of the violence that was associated with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) the term socialism was looked upon in a bad way and so it was renamed to “the league for Industrial Democracy.”


This was bringing in the idea that the word “democracy” would begin to convey the nationalization of production and distribution as well as the nation’s resources which then would become the property of all the people – hence a democracy and through that America could enjoy “production for use, not for profit.” We see this idea coming out with some of our politicians about the equal distribution of wealth which basically goes back to take from ‘the haves’ to give to ‘the have-nots’.


Some of the brilliant young leaders at the turn of the 20th century of ISS were now in some of the most prestigious positions in politics, the press, universities, etc., and became the opinion makers of our society. We see this still being played out through the radicals of the 60s who are now in places of influence.


Actually to all of this what we have is really an attack upon the Constitution of the United States. In other words their thought was that the Constitution was outdated and perhaps totally obsolete.


We hear this argument today among so-called “progressives” who want to change the Constitution. Basically with many of our politicians today it would seem that they are paying little mind to the Constitution, although upon taking the oath of the office is to protect the Constitution which is the law of the land.


The Soul of America

If we allow common sense and our heritage with God to be removed then this time will be known in the future as a time that tested the soul of America.


Don’t think for a moment that because you want to live a quiet life, and leave these problems to others, that you will escape if you keep quiet at this time. Soon everyone will have to choose what law they will live their lives by; whether the law of God who gave you the breath of life, or the law of man.


Destruction is coming if America chooses man’s law, over God’s law. So do not say in your heart that this destruction will never touch us. For we have made ourselves secure, but this security is made of lies and deception. If we keep quiet at a time like this, how terrible it will be for us. God’s children are commanded by God to let everyone know what is coming, so they can be prepared. For God has given us a sacred trust, and you were placed here for such a time as this. God, through His word, tells us everything over and over, and those who are wise will listen and will take it to heart. They will not be shaken.


Remember that whatever is in your heart determines what you will do. Your actions or lack of actions will either acquit you or condemn you. Those who refuse to stand up for the truth will lose all hope, and become paralyzed with fear. To those who do stand up – they will be proven to be right, and their cause for justice will be shown as the correct path.