REST in the LORD

    There comes the time when AFTER I’ve done all I could to set things right, all that God expects ME to do – that is – that I’ve simply got to rest in the truth that God is in control of all that happens. He says that the nations belong to Him. He says that HIS PLAN of redemption will be completed perfectly – on time fulfilling every word and promise of His. He’s even given us the book of Revelation to know His end plan and what He means by “the end of all things,” and the “beginning of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.”
    We too often try to do more than what God expects or even wants of us. When I consider all that others have done in obedience to serve the Lord throughout time – I feel my strength is so small compared to theirs. But I’m reminded of one of the Lord’s 7 letters to His 7 types of churches (Revelation 3:7-13); His letter to the church of Philadelphia, where He states that He understands that their “strength is little” but because they have not denied Him and kept His Word – He will make LIARS (from the synagogue of Satan) come and fall down at their feet and acknowledge that He has loved this church of “little strength” and “patient endurance” to the end. Oh how that makes me so very thankful to be IN CHRIST secured by Him!
    And He goes on to commend these believers of little strength: “Since you have kept MY command to ENDURE patiently (the increasing evil and hardships), I will also keep you from the HOUR OF TRIAL (Great Tribulation seen in Rev. chapters 10-18 that the faithful church in this time – will not go through) that IS going to come on the whole world to TEST the inhabitants of the earth.” (Test them for what? Will they finally acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord of all?) “I AM coming soon. Hold on to what you have (your faith and strength IN Me), so that no one will take your CROWN.” The Lord continues to tell these faithful ones of His, that they have His NEW Name, and the Name of His City – written on them.”
    WOW! All this honor they are given, even with “little strength!” There’s so much more that is ours by faith and obedience to Christ, both now as we live in our current bodies and on throughout eternity – revealed in God’s Word. The future has always been a subject of Bible study for me, as well as understanding what my Lord requires of me now as His disciple. The future JOY keeps me willing to endure the evil day – patiently.
   I’ve asked the Lord what He means by “little strength.” And as I have studied Scripture about the end times and the great persecution of the church, and why “apostasy” increases as the Day of the Lord approaches – with the persecution of believers – I understand what He meant:
   People who believe in the virgin birth, the cross of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, that He has forgiven them their sins, and that they believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and who have been going to church – even since they were children – that most will fall away when threatened to be punished or harmed (by governments or whomever) because they believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible. WHY do they shrink back? Fear makes you easy to control!
   No wonder Jesus said so many times to His disciples, knowing how we all fear pain and maybe death, “Do not fear. I am with you. What can man do to you that the Father won’t allow? The devil has to ask permission of God to harm you. So be faithful to the end, so that your faith will be REWARDED. I am coming soon!”
   Christians just don’t understand that God wants to reward us just as much as He wants to save us from the guilt and punishment of our sins.
   I’m reminded of Apostle James’s words: “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. GOOD! But even the demons believe THAT and they shudder.” (2:18-19)
   “Blessed is the one who perseveres UNDER TRIAL because, having STOOD the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord promised to those who love Him.” (James 1:12)




Proverbs 13:3 “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.”


Lord Jim: “There is a weird power in the spoken word, and a word carries very far, and can give destruction through time as the bullets go flying through space. We are to re-talk God’s talk. We are the Butler, not the chef. God has already spoken; we need to re-speak what he spoke.”


How often we have heard in growing up “that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Sounds good, but we know that this is not true. I have dealt with many people over the years who had words spoken to them that caused damage to their emotional stability and even after many years still haunts them.


Words motivate others and can make us a better communicator and so we need to keep in mind that communication is key – no matter what we might want out of life.


I have found with my wife, because of her brain damage through an aneurysm and a lost coil that caused a stroke, that some simple words are beneficial in helping her.


Words, even simple words, have tremendous power. For example, the word ‘but.’ An amazingly simple one syllable word, however, the word ‘but’ is known as either an ‘eraser’ or ‘enhancer.’


What do I mean? When we see the word, ‘but’ it erases what was said before and brings in something new after. A good example of this is found in Ephesians 2. Paul is describing what man is like and how he is like a puppet in the hands of our spiritual enemy. After he describes man outside of Christ, in comes the word ‘but.’ “But God,” in His grace mercy gives us a way out.


Another important word is the word ‘yes.’ We need to learn to use this word more, in a right way, and the word ‘no’ less.  It is a known fact that one thing we all fear is rejection and because of that we find the word ‘yes’ ingrained in our makeup, not wanting to be rejected. It does not mean that at times we do use the word ‘no,’ but what I mean is that ‘yes’ brings in a more positive attitude, because our brains are made for the positives and not the negatives concerning the life and purposes that God has given us.


Another important word is ‘because.’ It can help people to see the reason before they act, or that which is behind what they think or believe.  ‘Because’ gives us a reason for what we see or go through. When we have a reason, we are more confident and prone to act.


‘If’ is another important word. This word helps to guide people through a decision in the proper way. We find people often coming and saying “I cannot do this (whatever it might be),” but we can come along and say: “What would you do ‘if’ you could…..?” This word can guide people’s thinking in a certain direction.


One thing that my wife and I are learning is the word ‘help.’ When someone asks for help it gives a sense of importance and being needed. It has the tendency to keep the motivation high.


Another amazingly simple word, but important is the word ‘thanks.’ This word makes people feel more valued as well as motivated. When I do something for my wife in her 24/7 care, she will respond by saying “thanks.” To be honest, it makes me feel important and needed and motivates me to keep on keeping on.


The last three years since my wife’s aneurysm I have been doing a lot of reading and research on how best to help my wife and see her brain rewire itself. It is taking time, but I have found that amazingly – simply words – have a powerful impact, and these are some of the words that I am using with my wife.


I had mentioned at the beginning: “We are to re-talk God’s talk. We are the Butler not the chef. God has already spoken; we need to re-speak what he spoke.”


We are to live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. While reading and meditating on the Word, there will be a sentence, paragraph or even a chapter that will speak to me and when it does I will speak it out loud, knowing that God’s Word will not come back to Him without accomplishing that for which the Word was sent.


Let us remember the words of Martin Luther: “I STAND ON THE WORD OF GOD.”



A Personal Testimony of Frank Dietz

Three years ago, last month (October of 2017), the life of my wife and I changed. Anneli had a brain aneurysm and October 8, 2017 she went through a five-hour operation where the aneurysm was secured with coils. However, one slipped and went to another part of the brain that caused a stroke affecting her left side-leg, arm, left peripheral vision and short-term memory.


My wife needed 24/7 care and I became the main caregiver. I started to learn what Paul was saying in Ephesians: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” Ephesians 5:25


Moving from a busy preaching schedule to being house bound became quite a transition. Anneli was learning the lesson to being waited on instead of waiting on others and I was learning what it meant to give myself to my wife. Precious lessons were being learned.


I was asking the Lord how to pray for my wife and the phrase ‘little by little’ came to mind. I thought that was rather strange way to pray that she would be healed ‘little by little.’


Over the next couple of years, I was asking the Lord to heal my wife and He was doing that ‘little by little.’ At times it seemed we moved ahead three steps and then two steps back and even other times it was two steps forward and three steps back. But there was some improvement.


The phrase ‘little by little’ brought to mind the verse in Exodus: “Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land.” (Exodus 23:30) This we know was a reference of the Children of Israel going into the Promise Land and how God would deal with the seven nations that were there.


The verse in Exodus referring to the Children of Israel taking over the Promise land was becoming a more personal verse to Anneli and me in the situation that we found ourselves in. I could not fully understand why the Lord would ask me to pray for my wife to be healed ‘little by little,’ but then He began to show us another part of the verse: “I will drive them out.” What spoke to us and what the Lord was showing us was that in the process of healing Anneli ‘little by little,’ the Lord was wanting to drive things out of our life that was not pleasing to Him.


This became a Rhema word for Anneli and me and we began to pray for the Lord to reveal what it is that He is wanting to ‘drive out’ of our lives. King David said: “But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.” (Psalms 19:12) We were realizing afresh that God wants truth in the inner man. The Lord has been revealing issues (the hidden errors and faults) in our life that need to be driven out. We discovered what a blessing it was to see and understand in the midst of suffering what the Lord was doing.


Later in this journey, the Lord gave more revelation in this verse by the word ‘increase.’ For the Children of Israel, the word increase meant having children (increase in population) in order to inherit the land.


The Hebrew word for increase is:  parah (paw-raw’); a primitive root; to bear fruit (literally or figuratively): KJV – bear, bring forth (fruit), (be, cause to be, make) fruitful, grow, increase. So, Anneli and I saw that in her healing ‘little by little’ things in our life  that were not pleasing to the Lord could be discovered, confessed, and driven out. Result? That we might be fruitful (both internal fruit of the Holy Spirit as well as external). What did Jesus say? “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” John 15:2


This is a personal journey that Anneli and I are sharing with you. We always have a tendency to look at ‘suffering’ in a negative light and we forget that part of our armor is what Peter said: “Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.” 1 Peter 4:1


Suffering is a normal part of life – even a part of a good life, and the suffering teaches us how to be patient, kind, and loving.


However, we live in a world today, especially in the West, that unhappiness is slavery and freedom is liberation from the burden of unchosen obligations.


In the book called “Live Not by Lies” it says: “A 2019 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found a distinct minority of young American adults believed that religion, patriotism, and having children are an important part of life, while nearly four out of five said ‘self-fulfillment’ is key to the good life.”


The question is are we ready when suffering does come our way? Like it says above: “Suffering is a normal part of life – even a part of a good life, and that suffering teaches us how to be patient, kind, and loving.”




Limited and Defined Powers Delegated to Government

Only Limited and Carefully Defined Powers Should Be Delegated to Government – All Others Be Retained in the People


This goes along with the 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


Proverbs 28:4-5 “Those who abandon God’s teachings praise wicked people, but those who follow God’s teachings oppose wicked people. Evil people do not understand justice.” (from GOD’S WORD)


This was one principle that our Founding Fathers felt was very important and that was to prohibit the federal government from having too much power. This principle was to help balance the powers between the federal government and the states. The federal government could keep the states in check and the states could do likewise with the federal government.


The Founding Fathers knew from their study of history that the tendency was always to move towards absolute control to where governments would become corrupt and abusive, this principle was designed to keep the power between the states and the federal government in check with one another. It was designed to reinforce the principle of limited government.


The Founders knew that unless there was a healthy relationship between the federal government and the states that each would begin to deteriorate and one or the other would begin to dominate. In other words, if one or the other began to dominate it would either mean the end of local self-government and the security of the individual or the federal government becoming so weak that the structure of the nation would begin to deteriorate.


The Founders knew – by keeping a strict balance between the state and the federal government – that it would give the individual recourse if abuse came by one or the other. For example, if the states encroached upon the rights of the individual the federal government was there to overcome and if the federal government encroached upon the rights of the individual, the states were there for recourse.


Alexander Hamilton says: “Power being almost always a rival of power, the general government will at all times stand ready to check the usurpations of the state governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government.”


One problem that has arisen is the election of our U.S. Senators. What would our Founding Fathers think (according to the 17th amendment) when our senators are elected by popular vote rather than appointed by the state legislatures? If the House of Representatives passed something the U.S. Senate could always block it, but because the U.S. Senate has been appointed by popular vote they often are kept in power by what they can ‘bring home’ to the state or constituents.


For example, I read an article in our last elections that one of the reasons why a voter in the state of Nevada voted for Harry Reid is not because he thought he was the best representative for the state, but because he was able to ‘bring home’ what is known as “pork.” Because of this the question does arise: Are the states able to stop the might of the federal government if the Congress began legislating against state’s rights? At the moment it seems doubtful.


Another danger that is lurking in the back-ground is what is known as “Executive Orders” that while a president is in office He can initiate. Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu1 said:  “There can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person.” Todd F. Gaziano Director, Center for Legal & Judicial Studies Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies remarked: “A President who abuses his executive order authority undermines the constitutional separation of powers and may even violate it.”


Thomas Sowell in his book THE VISION OF THE ANOINTED made the comment that government expansion comes through crises. They can be real, created or imaginary, but the results are the same. The solution to the crises is more government offices (expansion) in order to fix the problem. When Rahm Emanuel (was the mayor of Chicago) was Obama’s chief of staff he made this famous statement: “We cannot allow a crisis to go to waste.”


Outside the archive building in Washington DC is a monument that declares: “ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY.”


Are we losing our freedom (liberty) because of a lack of vigilance??? We see what is happening in our present election.



Checks and Balances Prevent Abuse of Power

A System of Checks and Balances Should be Adopted to Prevent the Abuse of Power


In the early days of our Constitution many people wanted the separation of powers to be absolute, but in his Federalist Papers (numbers 47 to 51) James Madison explained the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and the judicial. In other words, he did not want something that was absolute, but for each to hold all in “check and balance.” He said that “the trick was to separate the powers and then delicately lace them back together again as a balanced unit.”


Christopher Demuth Sr. of the Hudson Institute said: “The struggle for power and advantage is a constant of human society.” Our Founding Fathers knew the frailty of human nature and the checks and balances that they came up with in the three branches of government has provided a very stable government for over two centuries. However, looking at what is happening today we see the abuse taking place as one branch tries to take precedent over the others in order to get its way.


The idea in back of the three branches of government is that none of them ought to possess or have an overruling influence on the others. Madison went on to say: “It will not be denied power if of an encroaching nature and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it.”


In second Corinthians 10:13 the apostle Paul said: “We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the sphere of service God himself has assigned to us, a sphere that also includes you.” Paul did not want to go beyond the limits that God had assigned to him. In the same way this applies to the three branches of our government. They should not go beyond the limit that has been assigned to them. However, as I mentioned before we see how the executive is trying to override the legislative by issuing executive orders, and the judicial going beyond what the Constitution provides by creating ‘new’ laws (called judicial legislation) by pretending to be merely interpreting old ones. We see the legislative branch imposing taxes that were never contemplated by the Constitution.


The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. And because in our Republic, we the people, have not been vigilant to keep a close watch on our representatives to make sure that they are operating within constitutional boundaries, we now find our freedoms slowly, but surely, eroding.


The checks and balances set up by the Founding Fathers were  to protect the people, but how do we now protect ourselves? When Framers put together the Constitution they made the three branches of our government separate as to their “assigned” function, but also made them dependent upon one another. Undersecretary of state, J. Reuben Clark, Jr said: “the Framers had no direct guide in this work, no historical governmental precedent upon which to rely. As I see it, it was here that the divine inspiration came. It was truly a miracle.”


We see the checks and balances set up between the three branches of government at the same time the people have a check on their congressman every two years; on their president every four years; and on their senators every six years. The problem in our Republic that we have today is that we have become lazy, ignorant and careless when it comes to voting (or have not voted) and have put in people that should not have been put in places of power. President Washington said “the habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution entrusted with its administration”, but so often, we, the people have not taken the time to really ‘vet’ those that we vote for to see what their true intentions are. Just like the apostle Paul said that when he departs that there will be many false teachers, false Christs coming in like the real thing, but having their own agenda. So it is with our government today.


For over two centuries that this Constitution has been in operation it has carried this nation through a number of crises. Other countries that copied our Constitution, but did not put in the checks and balances found that their presidents have suspended the Constitution and have used the Army to stay in power.


A good example of this here in our own country is the “Watergate” where a president went beyond his authority and under the threat of impeachment, although he was the commander in chief of the Armed Forces, resigned and made no attempt to keep himself in power. The transfer of powers took place quietly and in order.


Over the last 60 years I have had the privilege of traveling and visiting many countries, and often I have seen the turmoil, confusion and mass killing that has taken place because of a lack of adequate government with proper checks and balances to restrain the frailty of human nature.




Forsaken For Us

Thinking this morning as I was talking to my Father God about what His Son hanging on the cross – meant by saying, “Father, why have You forsaken me?!” So many people don’t understand why God the Father would turn on His own Son making Him go through all that we read in the Bible about Jesus being severely beaten and then made to carry His own cross to where He would be nailed to it and then set up to hang there suffering a slow and painful death. To them it is simply evil and not acceptable, but that’s because they don’t understand what was really happening that is for each of us PERSONALLY.


We need to recognize how sinful we are and that we are in desperate need of the Savior of the world! If you don’t recognize that you are a sinner with a serious sinful nature – then you will NEVER understand God’s way of the Cross of Redemption and Restoration of Life. You will naturally set yourself up as a judge of God and His Word, and see Jesus as just a man whose life ended in death, having only one purpose as a good teacher and moral example. But what shall you do with what Jesus claimed of Himself: “I am the Truth, the Way and the Life eternal – no man comes to the Father except by Me!”?


If Jesus’ death on the cross was all there was to what His purpose on earth was – then what will you do with what was said of Him as the One who returns to REIGN on the earth for one-thousand years as KING of kings and LORD of lords? If you don’t understand that Jesus was raised from His physical death (in the tomb) to revisit His disciples and show them that what He promised them He would do; and if you don’t know what happened to Him after He was laid in the tomb – to be joined back to His Father in Heaven where He stands as our High Priest until all His faithful children are joined to Him in Heaven and then to return with Him to the earth for His full purpose in the world as both Lamb and Lion, then you will only see Jesus Christ in part, not in whole, and miss what THE CROSS was all about.


When the Father turned away from His Son hanging on the Cross, God the Father did not reject His Son; the Father was rejecting the “sin of the world” that was placed upon His Son – because Jesus is the Savior of the world.


I can’t even imagine what the Father felt for His Son at that point – knowing that the love of God is so much greater than any kind of human love. The Father knew that His Son had to suffer and die for no fault of His own – bearing all our wickedness and rebellion – so that we who believe in the Son of God would become the true sons and daughters of God.


Some tend to stop at the Cross when we think about Jesus Christ, but Father God, like God the Son, knew the JOY of what it would all produce; the outcome of why Jesus Christ came into the world as a baby, and why He lived like He did on the earth for 33 years, and why He called certain men to Himself, and why He was sent to the cross as the only perfect man that ever lived, and with His resurrection from death to life – what all THAT would mean for the world, especially for each of us ‘personally’ who would believe in Him and give up our own life – for His life in us – because we love Him.


When we try to understand why Jesus, hanging on the cross, cried out to His Father, “Father! Why have you forsaken me!” we need to understand ALL about Jesus Christ. The Bible tells ALL! The Holy Spirit is the One who will reveal ALL to us and remind us of ALL that Jesus said and taught that is recorded in the Word of God.


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding YOUR OWN blood. And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? ‘My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son/daughter whom he receives.” Hebrews 12:1-6


“All this is clear evidence of God’s righteous judgment. And so you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God – for which YOU are suffering.” 1 Thessalonians 1:5


“What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? If is God who justifies. Who is there to condemn us? For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God – and He is interceding for us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation – will be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD!” Romans 8:31-38


One Fundamental Flaw

Today, when I look at the future generation that will lead America I see one fundamental flaw. They want to take the two most powerful standards, which are really one, that made America great, and change them. They think these two standards are living and allowed to be changed with the “changing times” of each generation. What are these two standards? The Bible, and the Constitution of America. Neither one of these standards were ever meant to be changed. Why? If they can be changed then they loose their power. Their power derives from the fact they both speak of God’s truth and love, laws and order, justice and faith in God. This is what will keep America great. UNHOLY FEAR IS WHAT WILL ALLOW THE CHANGING OF BOTH OF THESE STANDARDS. (Jeremiah 12:17)

Three Separate Branches of Government

The Government Should Be Separated into Three Branches Legislative, Executive, and Judicial


Isaiah 33:22 “For the Lord is our judge (judicial), the Lord is our lawgiver (legislative), the Lord is our king (executive); it is He who will save us.”


It is interesting that in ancient times political writers often debated on what is the best form of government. Some thought of the monarchy with a single powerful leader; some gravitated towards aristocracy where the best families of the nation would rule. Some preferred democracy where all the population would make the decisions. However, all of these were deficient in being able to provide the security and the justice which was needed.


Polybius was a Greek who lived 204 to 122 B.C. He felt that there was something good in all three types of government described above. For example, the monarchy had the executive strength needed to direct the government, the aristocracy represented the interest of wealth and the developing of resources for the nation, and the democracy represented the masses of the population. However, monarchy could easily become a tyranny, aristocracy could sink into an oppressive government by a few rich families, and democracy could turn into mob rule. Polybius saw the possibility of combining all three ingredients for an established government. It was called a mixed Constitution, but the idea died with Polybius.


In the 18th century Baron Charles de Montesquieu resurrected the idea of Polybius and documented the thought of the possibility of a government based on separation of powers. This illuminated the mind of our Founding Fathers of the possibility of a government based on separated but coordinated powers.


A government based upon the separation of power did not come overnight. It was John Adams, who practically stood alone, advocating a government based on the separation of powers and eventually he was able to establish this into the State Constitution of Massachusetts. Later Adams was successful in getting his ideas incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.


Benjamin Franklin acknowledged “that the Constitution of the United States with the separation of powers was as perfect as man could be expected to produce and he urged all the members of the convention to sign it so that it would have unanimous support.”


We should always keep in mind that we live in a fallen world. When we think of the Constitution with its separation of powers we do find a balance that brings in protection, security and justice that is needed in a government within this fallen world and we see that this Constitution has stood the test of time. When taking office every Senator, Congressman, Judge and President pledges to uphold the Constitution. However, we find today among some of the progressive political leaders that they look upon the Constitution as a “living document.” What this means is that it needs to change according to the culture changing. In other words, it was okay for the agricultural culture of our Founding Fathers, but for this information age there needs to be the adjustments to the times that we live in.


What they forget is that human nature never changes except through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and unless that takes place in men man will always be moving away from and not towards God. With its separation of powers, the Constitution brings this into focus with its checks and balances, but today, although our Constitution is often treated with reverence, is not seen any longer for much practical use. Therefore, we are losing the reasonable balance of power among the three constitutional branches and have seen power dramatically shifted away from Congress primarily to the executive but also to the judiciary.


Whether Congress can regain its legislative authority is something that will be seen in the next 2020 election and in the years to come.



3 Wrong Motives and Attitudes Condemned by Jesus

Jesus called out three kinds of wrong attitudes/motives in Luke chapter 18. The first one being the self-righteous Christian who says in his/her heart, “God, I thank You that I am not like those people; that I do some good things that they don’t do.”  Then Jesus justifies the sinner who recognizes he’s a sinner and asks God for mercy. Jesus concludes, “I tell you that this man, rather than the other one, went home justified. For all those who exalt themselves (before Me) will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 18:14


Then there was the unjust judge with a persistent widow who wouldn’t give up demanding justice from the unjust judge.  Jesus brings up how a judge who does not fear God at all and neither does he/she care what the people think or need, will finally give those who are so very persistence in demanding justice what they want, simply because the judge is tired of hearing it. Jesus reveals the pretense (prejudice/bias/self-serving) and unethical motives (hypocrisy) of unjust judges that were not only in His days but in our day as well. Then Jesus gives honor to the One True Judge of us all, even our highest positioned judges in our land: “Will not GOD bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.” Luke 18:7-8


When I consider how God has allowed our president to instill so many God-fearing Constitutionalist judges into seats of our courts (over 300 since he’s been in office), it speaks of how God is hearing the cries of His “chosen ones” for true justice to finally be served as ‘corruption’ and ‘injustice’ in our government branches is being exposed more and more. Hypocrites talk about what’s right while doing what is so very wrong – by God’s standard of righteousness and justice.


True justice is rooted and based on what God says is right and wrong, truth or lie, deserving of freedom or punishment.  As we have been watching with all the political investigations, hearings, and lawless rioting in certain states – we see the ‘injustice’ taking place, a double standard of justice from power-hungry politicians with their lying medias and their activist judges.


Then Jesus brings out in Luke 18 about babies and little children being “prevented” from coming to Him, and with His warning to those who do so.  Abortion is the worst means of prevention. God has been VERY angry for a VERY long time (since Roe v. Wade) over our law protecting the murder of the innocent in wombs.  Another form of ‘prevention’ in our day is where children in public schools are being taught in subtle and not so subtle ways that there is no God to be accountable to, as well as being taught that right is wrong and wrong is right – working to harden the heart of children toward anything to do with God, His Word and His Son; taught by godless teachers (and parents too) who deny God and His laws for life. Children are not only being ‘trained’ to ‘feel’ right about doing wicked things (that God calls wicked) but will be severely shamed and punished if they try to disagree or challenge it by their own godly convictions. God’s warning: Woe to those who prevent children from coming to Jesus who IS the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE.


The “self-righteous” hypocrite leaders, the “self-serving unjust judges,” and all those who “prevent children from coming” into the world and to Jesus Christ – Savior of the world,” will be condemned by God UNLESS we repent and turn from our evil ways, and live the life that pleases God our Father.  May God be glorified in America again!


Highest Level of Prosperity from Free Market Economy

The Highest Level of Prosperity Occurs When There is a Free Market Economy and a Minimum of Government Regulations


This is a question the Founding Fathers had: “Are there natural laws for the marketplace?” They saw that there was a possibility of a political and social structure based on natural law, but what about the marketplace?


A book called Wealth of Nations was written about that time (1776) by a college professor in Scotland named Adam Smith.


Thomas Jefferson said about this book: “In political economy, I think Smith’s Wealth of Nations is the best book extant (surviving or in existence),” and the United States was the first country to base the whole national economy on natural law and the free market concept described by Adam Smith.


This brought in the first six things that our Founding Fathers followed:

  1. Specialized production – let each person or corporation of persons do what they do best.
  2. Exchange of goods to take place in a free market environment without governmental interference in production, prices, or wages.
  3. The free market provides the needs of the people on the basis of supply and demand, with no government imposed monopolies.
  4. Prices are regulated by competition on the basis of supply and demand.
  5. Profits are looked upon as the means by which production of goods and services is made worthwhile.
  6. Competition is looked upon as the means by which quality is improved, quantity is increased, and prices are reduced.


Perhaps I should insert here that America became wealthy not by conquering other nations and taking their wealth (like many other nations have done), but by putting the principles outlined above into practice and creating wealth.


Founding Fathers knew that prosperity would depend on proper laws to protect the economy and they came up with the four laws: the freedom to try, the freedom to buy, the freedom to sell, and the freedom to fail. It is said that in 1905 the United States had become the richest industrial nation in the world and only having 5% of the earth’s continental land area and 6% of the world’s population the American people were producing over half of almost everything: clothes, food, houses, transportation, communication, even luxuries.


It seems to me that one of the problems that we face today in the 21st century is the proper role of government, especially in the area of economics? Adam Smith knew that the greatest threat to economic prosperity would be government intervention, and that through fixing prices, wages, controlling production, controlling distribution, etc.


However, the Founding Fathers knew that there were areas of legitimate responsibilities for the government. What are they?

  1. Illegal force in the marketplace to compel to purchase or to sell the products.
  2. Fraud in misrepresenting the quality, location, or ownership of the item being sold or bought.
  3. Monopoly which eliminates competition and results in restraint of trade.
  4. Debauchery of the cultural standards and moral fiber of society by commercial exploitation of vice – pornography, obscenity, drugs, liquor, prostitution, or commercial gambling.


I look at these four things and I see how far we, in the 21st century, have drifted from the foundation of what our Founding Fathers laid down. Hebrews 2:1 comes to mind: “We must pay the most careful attention therefore to what we’ve heard so that we do not drift away.” The easiest thing in the world to do is to “drift.” In order to drift all we have to do is nothing, and, because we, the citizenry have not been vigilant – we are losing our freedoms slowly but surely.


At the turn of the 20th century we saw many prominent and influential leaders losing confidence in the system and thinking that the economic system needed some adjustments and fine-tuning and in so doing they were getting ready to throw the entire system overboard, or like we would say in the English language: “Throw the baby out with the bathwater.” It is true with any system that often there is a need for fine-tuning, but there was a new movement starting among different labor groups demanding that the government get involved in the redistribution of the wealth.


It was in the early part of the 20th century that Adam Smith was seen as being “archaic” and Karl Marx was “the new kid on the block.” It was the 1929 depression that began to separate the new age from the old. Up until Franklin Delano Roosevelt we had the checks and balances, limited government, and the inalienable rights to liberty and prosperity, but after 1933 we began to get the centralized state and the controls of industry by the government.


In the division of powers – Congress was given the responsibility for the issuing of money. In the Constitution the Founders stated that Congress would have the power “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin,” and all money was “to be coined in precious metal and paper notes were to be promises to pay in gold and silver, not legal tender as such.”


However, what happened was that the issuing of money was turned over to a private consortium of bankers who set up a privately owned bank called the Bank of the United States and today we have a similar arrangement that exists under the Federal Reserve System. (A good book to read is called The Creature from Jekyll Island which talks about the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.)


This in turn has brought in “fractional banking” which allows a bank to loan out three or four times more paper notes than it has in assets and now we have become an economy of debt instead of wealth. In seeing what was happening and in the latter part of his life Thomas Jefferson said: “We are completely saddled and bridled, and the bank is so firmly mounted on us that we must go where it will guide.”


The writer of the Hebrews challenges us: “We must pay close attention…”