God Warns and Promises


Therefore, hear the Word of the LORD, you scoffers who rule. You have entered into a covenant with death and made an agreement with the realm of the dead. You have made lies your refuge and falsehood your hiding place.


Your refuge of lies will be swept away and so will your hiding place of falsehoods. Your covenant of death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. You will be beaten down day by day. This message should bring terror to you because the LORD will rise up to do HIS WORK, and perform HIS TASK, HIS ALIEN TASK. Now stop your mocking or the destruction decreed against the land – STANDS!


You people come near to Me with your mouth and honor Me with your lips, but your hearts are FAR from Me. Your worship of Me is based on mere human rules that you have been taught by those who are FAR from Me. The wisdom of the world will perish, and its intelligence will vanish.


Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from Me, who do their work in secret and think, ‘Who sees us? Who will know?’ You have turned things upside down, as if the Potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the One who formed it, ‘You did not make me!?’ Can the pot say to the Potter, ‘You know nothing!’?

In the Day of the LORD, the humble will rejoice in the LORD! In the Day of the LORD the ruthless will all vanish, the mockers will all disappear, and all who have eye for evil will be cut down to nothing – those who, with a word, make someone out to be guilty who is not guilty, who with trickery ensnare the defender in court, and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice. You will ALL be cut down!


Since you have been unwilling to listen to Me, when you see the work of MY HANDS, you will keep My Name Holy; you will acknowledge the holiness of the Holy One. Those who are wayward in spirit, will gain understanding from Me; those who complain, will listen to MY instruction….and will stand in AWE of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the LORD of all, over all My Creation and Redemption!


All this is from the LORD ALMIGHTY whose plan is altogether just and wonderful, whose wisdom is supreme and magnificent! I have laid a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on Him will never be stricken with panic. The LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore, He will yet rise up to show you compassion when you throw away your idols. He will rise up to show compassion on those who fully trust in Him.


For the LORD is a God of justice! And justice is being denied by your rulers. Woe to these obstinate people who carry out plans that are not Mine, forming an alliance, but not by My Spirit, heaping sin upon sin!


Blessed are all who look to Me, listen to Me, wait on Me, the LORD!


(Taken out of Isaiah 28 and 29)



Assumptions over truth will always create confusion.
People who have integrity will not compromise with evil, and their actions consistently reflect God’s word. Their love for God will keep them from lying to themselves, and they know where true happiness is found. They will walk in freedom as they ponder the direction of their life. They are joyful people because they have hidden God’s word in their heart. Their eyes are open to God’s wonderful truths, and always ask Him for understanding. They are encouraged daily by God’s word, and live with eagerness for His coming. They do not love money! Their heart’s desire is for God’s blessings.
People with no integrity have hearts that are hard and stubborn, and will mock anything they do not understand. They do whatever their instincts tell them, and are shameless. They have no problem in deceiving people for money because their only care is for themselves. These people are grumblers and complainers; living only to satisfy their desires. They brag loudly about themselves, and they flatter others to get what they want. Their whole purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires. These people create divisions among people because they do not have peace with God in them.

For Such a Time as This!

Why is America so divided? Why is there so much hatred, fear and no compassion? When did we lose our morals and justify our evil actions? Why has the church stopped influencing the world by being strong godly families, leaders in government, teachers in schools, community leaders, etc.; instead we have allowed the world to influence the church, the body of Christ. Could it be that we have forgotten, or have never learned in school who our nation’s ‘fathers’ were that brought this country into existence under the Lord’s guidance and principles, and the covenant they made with God for His protection and provision?
In the book of Esther it says: “Don’t think for a moment that because it has not affected you now, that you will escape. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief will arise from others, but you and your relatives will be affected. Who knows if perhaps you were put in your position for just such a time as this?”

Weapons of Power

I saw a new T-shirt that says: When guns are outlawed, people become outlaws.


Right now the NRA has taken our 2nd Amendment right to the Supreme Court to protect our right to “carry and conceal” for one’s own protection, as needed in these days especially with idiots wanting to defund, obstruct, disarm and even do away with the offices of law enforcement.


When you see all the lawlessness and injustice of certain states allowing this violence and destruction of cities to keep going in the name of “justice,” but really for their own self-serving political agendas – makes you all the more sure of why our founders put that 2nd Amendment in our Constitution, and why we must fight to protect our God-given rights.


When guns are OUTLAWED, people who stand up for our nation’s 2nd Amendment, the “right to bear arms” (for one’s own protection and their family’s protection – from violent attackers AND from a ‘tyrannical’ government) the people become outlaws themselves! The true criminals become the protected ones, while the innocent prepared to protect themselves and their loved ones – become the dangerous ones, the criminals, that should be arrested and punished. CRAZY! EVIL! The trustworthy have become a threat to the those who can not be trusted.


Can you believe this is actually happening in AMERICA?! Better get prepared. But being PREPARED isn’t only about our ‘weaponry’ and knowing how and when to use it – but more about WISDOM from God who not to be mocked or messed with. We need true wisdom of faith in what GOD can do, and what God WILL DO – when believers take HIM AT HIS WORD. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament, of that you can be sure of. God does not change. He hates evil and He loves righteousness and justice His way. And HE IS COMING AGAIN!


Those who believe in our heavenly Father and His Son – will be so very hated and attacked in all kinds of ways, the Bible tells us so. The Bible also teaches us that God’s number one enemy (the devil and his evil cohorts) works night and day to deceive people and destroy all faith/hope/love in God and His Son; God, who is with us, not against us. The devil is the “father of lies,” and by looking at what we have happening in just our own nation, we can rightly assume that people are believing the lies that cause people to be self-deceived and lost from their heavenly Father.


We are being overran by the wicked who self-righteously claim to know and love God but are not God’s people at all. These deceived pretenders are not only in powerful seats of governing in our nation and states, but have allowed others to form groups to overtake America. So are we to just sit back and let it happen? I don’t read that in the Bible! I don’t see that about God! He has given us divine weapons that are FAR more powerful than the weapons of this world! Who would ever think that “preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ” is a weapon? Who would ever believe that “godliness” is a weapon? Who would even want to try using “faith in God’s protection” in the presence of someone who is determined to take your life? Who would test out a divine weapon of warfare by “calling on God for who HE IS?”


Yet, we are not to be fools, and think we don’t need to be PRACTICALLY prepared to defend our loved ones and our property. Just because we know, from what the Bible teaches, that we won’t take our physical bodies and material possessions with us when we die, doesn’t mean we don’t do what we should do to protect them. The spiritual and physical go together; one affects the other.


When man rejects God and God’s Son, he grows more and more fearful, more and more depressed, more and more wicked, more and more dangerous – in how he/she thinks and behaves.


As the DAY of our LORD approaches – we are told by God in His Word – to expect “the rapid intensifying of evil” all over the earth. “All the nations are ANGRY” – at the return of the LORD Jesus Christ. Why are they all angry? What makes YOU angry? You don’t get what you want! You don’t get justice! You don’t have control of anything!


When it gets as evil as it can get in this sin-sick world, all will see the second coming of the KING of kings, LORD of lords. Nothing on earth will be able to stop Him and all He is set to do to complete God’s complete plan of redemption, according to God’s own Word. And God is not a liar! Man and the devil certainly are proven to be.


God gives us the whole truth in His Word so that we can choose to have unwavering hope and bold courage to stay true to Him all the way to the end of our faith in Jesus Christ. For when we see Him FACE TO FACE – what need do we have any longer of our faith or hope? The life that is truly LIFE begins!


When weapons are outlawed by the godless in power, and innocent people are arrested and even sentenced to death for being caught trying to defend themselves, their loved ones, their own livelihoods, what can we do? Believe that God is still as faithful and true to His promises as He has ALWAYS been, and watch for His open door of opportunity to do His good will helping others to come to know the Savior and worship Him in truth and Spirit.


This is what the LORD says: “The corpses of men will fall like dung upon the open field, like newly cut grain behind the reaper, with no one to gather it.” This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the strong man in his strength (and weaponry), nor the wealthy man in his riches. But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD, who exercises loving devotion, justice and righteousness on the earth—for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 9:22-24


Hardened Heart

When I read in the book of Exodus, how God hardened the heart of Egypt’s Pharaoh, I always wondered why. Why would God harden anyone’s heart towards Him, when we’re told that, “God so loved the world that He gave His Son, so that anyone who believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.”


How many times have you heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Did you believe the first time you heard the Lord’s message of salvation?


I remember back when I received Jesus Christ into my heart. I had heard about Jesus Christ many times before. When I was a little girl, I went to church with my grandmother many times, but I never believed ‘unto salvation.’ I never acknowledged that I was a sinner, asking Christ to forgive me and come live in me, any of those days of growing up. And BOY was I a sinner, sinning my life away!


Grandma would read to me and my two sisters from the Bible at the breakfast table when we would come to stay with her. She read the stories about Jesus. But I never felt in my heart, in those days, what I felt in my heart many years later when I was 22 years old.


The first time I went to church with my fiancé, again I heard the salvation message, but I didn’t go forward to receive the Lord. It wasn’t until my sister-in-law (to be) invited me over for a Bible study, that I received the Lord Jesus with her – by my sincere confession and commitment to my Savior. I began reading the Bible every day for hours. I wanted to KNOW the ONE who loved me and had given me a new heart and life. I was hungry for this life – that I had never known. I wanted to KNOW what my Father in Heaven required of me now. I wanted to please Him. I’m still learning how to please Him; to die to myself and live for Christ.


I believe that if I had not responded to the invitation then – that my heart would have hardened to the Lord completely, like Pharaoh’s. How do I know that? Because of what the Bible tells me: “There is a time to be born and a time to die.” (Ecclesiastes 3:8) God is the giver of life, both physical life and spiritual life. There is a time He set for me, knowing when I would be ready to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God is the God of the beginning, the present and the future.


So, what about Pharaoh, of whom it is said that his heart was hardened by God? Each time God sent Moses to Pharaoh with the message “set My people free,” Pharaoh’s heart got harder and harder because he refused to obey the Word of God and submit to God’s messenger. Sure Pharaoh, a few times, with the curses that really hurt him and his nation, gave in to Moses’ demand, but then reneged. Why? What made him change his mind?


Well, we read that he changed his mind out of fear of losing all those Hebrew slaves (God’s chosen people, Israel). He feared that once they got out into the wilderness to worship God – they would not return to Egypt to serve him. Even after Pharaoh finally gave in to the demand of God to let His people go, and they left with much plunder to live on, Pharaoh changed his mind again, and he went after them with his army. This was after the last judgment/curse with the angel of death taking all Egypt’s firstborns, both human and animal. The angel of death passed by the homes of the Hebrew slaves because they obeyed God by applying the sacrificial blood over their doors. We know the end of that story with the parting of the Red Sea, and the closure of the sea on Pharaoh and his army, drowning them all.


When God’s grace comes to anyone, to invite them into His salvation through the forgiveness of sins by way of His Son’s cross, what makes a person reject or receive? Is it about God’s selection only – as some believe, or about our own God-given freewill to receive or not? There is a lot of controversy on that.


If by “selection” then one could say that it is God who hardens a man’s heart unto salvation; he has no choice. If by our own freewill, then we harden our own heart by rejecting the message of salvation each time we hear it. But I tend to believe that the love and wisdom of God is so beyond anyway for us to fathom, except to see His love for us in Jesus Christ message and death and resurrection. How can we understand why God does anything?! His thoughts and ways are so far above ours. Good thing too!


“But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when His righteous judgment will be revealed.” Romans 2:5


“Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts….they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised.” Romans 1: 24-25


I think Jesus put it so clearly when He said, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For, whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel – will save it. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:34-36


I am constantly challenged with denying myself, and the temporal things of this world; all God’s people are. But we must keep at it!

What is so great about this world – that we would deny the love of God that calls us into the life that is truly LIFE that God’s Word tells us about? We WILL suffer now, but we will rejoice forever with the LORD our GOD, and all those who love Him wholeheartedly.


Now is the day, for ‘time’ is winding down for what is due us. “For the grace of God has appeared to all men, bringing salvation to everyone.” Titus 2:11


Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts!” Hebrews 3:7


Dark Room of Sin

It is my belief that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. (Romans 8:38-39) The key is “nothing in all creation.” I am part of creation; therefore I cannot separate myself from His love. It’s about His hold on me, not my hold on Him.



If I have asked Him to forgive me of sin and to live in me; then He will show me the sin in my life and lead me to overcome this with His help. He sees our weakness and understands it fully. This is why He works to fulfill both sides (His and mine) of the covenant, as He did with Abraham, whose faith is what we also faith, having been grafted into Abraham’s faith.



When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives He moves into our dark room of sin. To us, this dark room has many sins laying around that we cannot see, but are constantly tripping over. When the Holy Spirit moves in, His light starts in one corner and begins to reveal the sin in that corner. Although the whole room is lit – He only starts to clear one sin at a time.



Man has the tendency of seeing other people’s sin more clearly than his own. Jesus taught us that we cannot take the speck out of someone else’s eye if we have a plank in our own. This is why we judge ourselves first with the Holy Spirit, and pray for others.



If God wants us to talk to someone about their sin, He will make it happen. Sin has consequences, and for those who belong to the Lord  yet continue in a sinful lifestyle, no matter what it is, they can expect 1 Corinthians 3 to happen:



“Brothers and sisters, I could  not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly – mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly – because there is jealousy and quarreling among you. Are you not acting like mere humans?” (3:1-3)



“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, sliver, costly stones, wood hay or stray, their work will be shown for what it is, because the DAY will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is  burned up, the builder will suffer loss  ut yet will be saved – even though only one escaping through the flames.” (11-15)

Haman/Harris Administration

Reading in Esther of the Bible, once again I see a relation to what is happening in America. This (Biden) Harris administration is no different than the “Haman-administration.” Biden being told by others, unable to see what he needs to see, like King Xerxes. Harris, at Biden’s side, scheming, “looking for a way to destroy God’s people in the land.” (Silencing us, ruining us, destroyed in any way.)


Haman was called the enemy of the Jews. Harris IS the enemy of Christians and Jews! The whole “progressive left” is! Just like Haman wanted all Jews killed for not honoring him by bowing to him and his self-serving corrupt governing – we see the same thinking and policies of Harris and her party of the godless.


God’s people keep to God’s law, that we should have no other god before HIM, or at least we better. We see the exact ‘force of allegiance’ to America’s current administration who are after full-power over “we the people,” so that we bow to them, work for them, and fear what they will do if we don’t. FEAR MAKES YOU EASY TO CONTROL!


We are made to believe that we either go along with what this current administration wants from us – or we will be made to regret it: slandered/lied about, hunted down, intimidated, livelihood ruined, arrested for breaking THEIR laws (very unconstitutional), etc. Their time is short and they know it! Yet, out of their desperation to move quickly – they are clearly exposing their own wickedness and tyranny thinking.


Psalm 11:2-7 “The wicked are stringing their bows and fitting their arrows on the bowstrings. They shoot from the shadows at those whose hearts are right. The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do? But the LORD is in his holy Temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. The LORD examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence. He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds. For the righteous LORD loves justice. The virtuous will see his face.”


Daniel 12:4 says that in the end times knowledge will increase. I thought this was interesting that it just says knowledge will increase, and not wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what to do with knowledge. Could it be that in the last days we will have people who know a lot but cannot figure out how to live a life that fulfills them?


Every generation prior to mine has said that they wanted to make life better for the next generation. I have to say that my grandchildren will not have as good of life as I have had. This brings up the question, why? Could it be that the time they live in has much knowledge, but no wisdom with knowledge? Wisdom comes from God.


A good example of this is to listen to those who think they have knowledge talk about the sanctity of life. They rescue an endangered animal but refuse to accept the life of a child inside the womb. They think it’s right to abort a baby, and even kill the child after it is born and breathing. Do you think that this angers the Creator of babies? I do!

The Deep State

The “deep state” isn’t called DEEP for nothing! The deeper, the darker; the darker, the harder to see what’s really going on there. Thank God that even the dark is as LIGHT to Him! Nothing is hidden in His sight.


These politicians that are called “leaders”  are simply wolves in sheep’s clothing. I’m praying without stop – for those corrupt in high places of authority over us – to all be exposed and BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. If not on this side of Heaven, then they will certainly later be brought to justice – when all things will be revealed and judged by the CREATOR and SUSTAINER of life.


Oh what a day is coming for the liars and deceivers who have refused to live the way God requires us to live, to repent of their wicked ways. They have believed in false gods, making gods of themselves. They have religion, but no relationship with the One True God, Jesus Christ our Savior who forgives our sin, and shows us the way to live the life that pleases God.


“Without FAITH it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to HIM must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6


“Without holiness NO ONE will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14

Fear vs. Trust

I heard a quote that really speaks to me: “What you fear most reveals where you trust God THE LEAST.”