Daily Devotional

Son, my heart is broken. I mourn and I am overcome with grief. Do My people really think they can steal, lie, murder, commit adultery and then come before Me and say, “We are safe because we are saved!” These people do not do what I have told them, and they refuse to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips. Their lives are ruled by greed. Why do My people stay on this self-destructive path?


I have a plan for their lives, and I will be merciful only if they stop their evil thoughts and deeds and start treating each other with love. Before I made the world, I loved them and chose them in My Son to be holy and without fault in My eyes. For I am rich in kindness and grace, and I purchased their freedom with the blood of My Son and I forgave their sins.


This is My plan: At the right time I will bring everything together under the authority of My Son. Everyone will understand the incredible greatness of My power and anyone who believes in My Son will be saved. This salvation is not a reward for the good things My people have done. Furthermore, because My people are united with My Son, they have received an inheritance from Me, and I will make everything work out for their good according to My plan. 


Lord, how can Your people live in this world without You and without Your hope. It is only when I do everything as You say, that it will be well with me! All of Your promises are backed by all the honor of Your Name!! Thank You!


Daily Devotional

Son, I want to talk to you this morning about three things: First, is the country you live in, second, is My church and third, is about you.


Son, your country has closed its ears to My word, and has no respect for Me! Even the children have turned from Me. They worship foreign gods, and don’t tremble at the thought of who I am. Your leaders talk and promise peace when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their disgusting actions? Not at all-they don’t even know how to blush! Should I not avenge Myself against such a nation?  Don’t be misled, your country cannot mock Me. They will harvest what they have planted. Their wickedness has deprived them of My wonderful blessings. Their sin has robbed them of all the good things I wanted to give them. They should ask about the old, Godly way, and then walk in it. They would be wise to travel that path, and find rest for their souls. But they say, “No, that’s not the road we want.” So what will they do when the end comes?


I have labeled them “rejected,” and will discard them. They will be at war, have famines, and they will serve foreigners in their own land.


Son, tell My church that I have set them free, and to make sure they stay free. They need to stop thinking that they can be right with Me by doing good things. They need to let My Holy Spirit guide their lives, then they won’t do what their sinful nature craves. For when My Holy Spirit is in control it produces: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Let them know that My faithful love endures forever.


Son, if you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important. Pay careful attention to the work that I have given you to do, then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done. You will reap a harvest of blessing if you don’t give up.


Lord, because You died on the cross, and rose from the dead, I am losing interest in this world, and the world is losing interest in me. I want to thank You that Your faithful love endures forever. Thank You that You are Lord of lords, and that You made all things – so skillfully. Thank You that You made light, the sun to rule the day, and the moon and stars to rule the night. Thank You that You are the Light of this world! You are my rock, in whom I find protection. You have the power to save me. You are my refuge, the One who protects me and my family from violence. When I cry out in my distress, You hear me from Your sanctuary. Your way is perfect, and all of Your promises are true.




Daily Devotional

Son, before you were born I set you apart and appointed you. You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. I called you by My marvelous grace, and I have put My words in your mouth. So don’t be afraid of people, for I will be with you and will protect you. People will fight you, but they will fail.


I am shocked that America has turned away from Me so soon. They are following a way that pretends to be righteous. What did they find wrong with Me that has led them to stray so far from Me? They worship worthless things, only to become worthless themselves. Has any nation ever traded its gods for new ones, even though they are not gods at all? Yet America has exchanged Me for worthless things! Soon they will see what an evil, bitter thing it is to abandon Me and not to fear Me.


I have pronounced judgment on America for all their evil, and for deserting Me! The people of America are being fooled by their leaders because they have deliberately twisted the truth. They spy on you and will take away your freedom that you have in Me. They want you to become their slaves, dependent on them for everything. So tell the leaders of America everything I tell you to say, “No amount of soap or lye can make you clean. I see the stain of your guilt. You have turned your backs on Me and say, ‘We have done nothing wrong. Surely God isn’t angry with us.’ Now I will punish them severely because they claim that they have not sinned.”


Lord, I received Your message as a direct revelation from You. For I am counting on You, and I have put my hope in Your word, and in You. Therefore, I no longer will live for myself, but live for You. I will live in this earthly body by trusting in You; because You love me and gave Yourself for me.



Daily Devotional

Son, it is useless to build a home without Me. When I am Lord of your home I will answer your prayers before you even call to Me. I will bless you when you are humble and tremble at My word. My grace is all you need, and My power works best in weakness. Always examine your motives, and test yourselves to make sure your home is based upon My word. You must always stand for the truth. Be joyful, grow to maturity, encourage each other; then My peace will be in your home!


Son, I have called to your nation so many times, “Here I am, here I am!” It has deliberately sinned-before My very eyes and chose to do what they know I despise. Your leaders do not seek My council anymore. They think they are holy, but they are a stench in My nostrils, an acrid smell that never goes away. The people believe whatever anyone tells them, and have no idea what the leader’s plans are. Their plan is to take advantage of people by taking control of everything; to enslave them and then take everything they have.


I still have true servants in your country; for just as there are good grapes among a cluster of bad ones so I will not destroy everyone. Would I ever bring this nation to the point of judgment and then not do it? There is still time and I am ready to respond, I am ready to be found, but still your leaders are not looking for Me.


Lord, thank You for the promise of peace in my home, and thank You for Your promise that You will provide for my family – even in judgment.


Daily Devotional

O Lord, You made heaven and earth, and Your Spirit is upon me. You have anointed me to bring good news to the poor, comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that, “We will be released from this worldly system and be free. The time of God’s favor has come, and with it the day of His anger against His enemies.”


Son, you and your wife are great oaks that I have planted for My glory. I will faithfully reward you and your wife by making an everlasting covenant with the two of you. Then everyone will realize that you are people I have blessed. I know that you give not only what you can afford, but far more. Because I have filled you with abundant joy, it has overflowed in rich generosity. Remember that I was rich, yet for your sake I became poor, so that by My poverty I could make you rich.


Son, where are My watchmen who pray day and night; who give Me no rest because of their constant prayers for Me to complete My work? I am coming, and I will bring My rewards with Me. So tell My Holy People, the People Redeemed by Me, to cleanse themselves from everything that can defile their body or spirit, and to work toward complete holiness because they fear Me.


Lord, sometimes I feel that there is no rest, because there are so many battles in this world and the fear that it brings in me. Thank You that you know how to encourage those who belong to You, that are discouraged.

Kingdom Thinking – Part 18

Kingdom thinking will focus to a great degree on building character and not necessarily on institutions. Institutions will be built, but to have the right foundation they must be built by men of character.


Oswald Chambers said, “The one thing that God is after is character.”

It would seem that in every one of our presidential campaigns, or even when some of our other politicians are running for election or re-election, that very little emphasis is given on character. I was surprised when many responded that character is not what counts. They say, “It is the issues that count.”

One would hope that it is only a few people that believe that character is not that important, but it seems that this is something that’s becoming more rampant in our public offices as well as in our religious establishments. How can we say that character is not important? Everything we do springs out of character. Real leadership comes out of character or from lack of it.

Chuck Colson in his magazine Break Point said this:

“There’s an issue that crops up in every major election campaign: Does a candidate’s private morality have anything to do with his public life? For years, liberals have said no – people can do anything they like in private and it doesn’t affect their ability to govern. And now a conservative leader John O’Sullivan, editor of National Review, has said the same thing, writing that he’d rather be governed by a competent sinner than by an incompetent saint. The assumption here is that governing requires only technical competence. But that’s a mistaken assumption. ln reality, governing involves a whole philosophy of life, and that in turn involves our personal choices and behavior.

“Let me give you just one example – a very important one. Nearly all forms of modern philosophy borrow from the writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, an 18th century French writer.  Rousseau’s political ideas are described in his book The Social Contract, where he says the ideal state is one that demands total allegiance. Rousseau wanted the state to take responsibility for raising children so it could indoctrinate them to devote their whole selves to its service.

“These were the ideas that fueled the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. They were adopted by Marx and Lenin and became part of communism.  They even influenced Pol Pot and his cadre of Paris educated communists, who slaughtered a quarter of the Cambodian population in their pursuit of the totalitarian state.

“Where did Rousseau get such an awful view of the state?

“If we look at his life, the answer becomes clear. Rousseau was a drifter and a Bohemian. He had several affairs and lived most of his life with a mistress, a young washer woman, named Therese. When Therese gave birth to a baby, Rousseau faced a major challenge: Would he settle down and accept the responsibilities of family and fatherhood? The answer was a flat no. Children, Rousseau said, would cramp his lifestyle, would undercut his celebrity in the high society of the day.

“He persuaded Therese to give up the infant to an orphanage. (Today it would be an abortion). Over the years Rousseau had five children. Each one was deposited on the steps of the orphanage. When his friends criticized him, Rousseau tried to justify his actions. He hit upon the argument that giving up his children was actually the best thing for them – that the state could do a better job of raising and educating them; that the state was a better father.

“These ideas later became a key plank in Rousseau’s political philosophy. Having asked the State to be a father to his own children he devised a theory of the state as father to us all. The state should be responsible for forming our minds and our loyalties. In the words of historian Paul Johnson, Rousseau portrayed all citizens as ‘children of the paternal orphanage.’

“Rousseau might have been appalled if he had known that so much of the barbarism of the 20th century: the Concentration camps, the mock trial, the genocide, all resulted from his efforts to justify his own irresponsibility.”

Everything stems from character.

Daily Devotional

Lord, I rise early before the sun is up to talk with You and get hope from Your word. Sometimes I stay awake through the night, thinking about what You have promised to me and my family. The very essence of Your word is truth, and it gives me great peace and discernment. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Your word is my only source of hope, so help me to find joy in Your word today!


Son, move forward and do whatever you have in mind, for I am with you. I have been with you wherever you have gone. Share your food, give shelter and clothing to those I send to you. I will give you all you will need continually. You and your family will be known as rebuilders of walls and a restorer of homes, so never give up.


You are like fragile clay jars containing My great treasure. Sometimes you will be pressed on every side by troubles, but you will not be crushed. Sometimes you will be perplexed, but I will never abandon you. Sometimes you will get knocked down, but I will help you up. Because you and your family believe in Me, be bold, speak up, and never give up. Though your bodies are dying, I will renew your spirits every day. For your troubles are small and won’t last very long. But, they will produce for you a glory that vastly outweighs your problems and that glory will last forever! So don’t look at the troubles you can see now; rather, fix your gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things you see now will soon be gone, but the things you cannot see will last forever.


Lord, I have taken all my troubles to You in prayer and You answered me! For You know what me and my family are really like! So do as you have promised concerning us. Please continue to confirm Your promise to us, for Your words are truth. Thank You for Your promises of good things because when You grant a blessing, it is an eternal blessing!



Daily Devotional

Son, people of integrity will follow My instructions and not compromise with evil. They ponder the direction of their life, and only walk on My path. They are just and fair to all, and do what is right and good. They know I am coming soon, and that I am watching them.


Lord, You made me; now give me the sense to follow Your commands. Open my eyes to the wonderful truths in Your word. Help me to understand the meaning of Your word so that I am encouraged. Keep me from lying to myself; by giving me an eagerness for Your word in place of an eagerness for money.  Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through Your word. Then I can walk in freedom. With all my heart I want Your blessings! My eyes are straining to see Your promises come true.


Son, come to Me with your ears wide open and listen. Seek and call on Me, for I am near. Remember, just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts. When I send My word out it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and My word will prosper everywhere I send it.  I will bless you when you choose to do what My word says, to live your life by My word. I do not waver between yes and no; I always do what I said. I have placed My Holy Spirit in your heart as the first installment that guarantees everything I have promised you.


Lord, I know that the more I suffer for You, the more You will shower me with Your comfort. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed beyond my ability to endure, and think it will never end. Looking back on these times I realized that I learned to stop relying on myself and learned to rely only on You. My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to Your word. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect Your word! I am trying to hide Your word in my heart so that I will not sin against You.  Now use me to spread the knowledge of You everywhere.


Daily Devotional

Son, I was despised and rejected- a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. People turned their backs to Me and looked the other way. I was despised, and no one cared. It was man’s weaknesses I carried; it was man’s sorrows that weighed Me down. Everyone thought My troubles were a punishment from My Father, a punishment for My own sins! I was pierced for man’s rebellion, crushed for man’s sins. I was beaten so that man could be whole. I was whipped so that man could be healed. My Father laid on Me the sins of all. When My Father sees all that is accomplished by My anguish, He will be satisfied. Because of My experience it will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for I bear all man’s sins.


So be strong and immovable, and always work enthusiastically for Me. Nothing you do for Me is ever useless; although many will oppose you. So be on guard, stand firm in the faith, and be courageous. Do everything with love.


Soon, I will give you a new body that will live forever. Your earthly body is broken, but it will be raised in glory. It is weak, but it will be raised in strength. It is a natural human body, but it will be raised as a spiritual body. Your physical body cannot inherit My Kingdom, for it cannot inherit what will last forever.


The mountains may move and the hills disappear, but My faithful love for you will remain. My blessing will never be broken, for no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by My servant, and your vindication will come. I have spoken! It will happen.


Lord, whatever I am now, it is all because You have poured out Your special favor on me. Since You are for me, I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me. I will live to tell what You have done. For this is the day You made, and I rejoice in it. You are my God, and I will praise and exalt You!


Daily Devotional

Son, think about what I am going to tell you, “Soon the skies will disappear, and the earth will wear out like a piece of clothing. People will die, but my salvation lasts forever, and My righteous rule will never end.” So why are you afraid of mere humans who wither like the grass and disappear? Do not be concerned about what they think of you, or worry about what they say. I protect My children; for I love them.


Am I not the same today as the One who dried up the sea, making a path of escape through the depths so that My people could cross over? I am the One who comforts you. I have put My words in your mouth, so that people will come to know its power. I will go ahead of you; and I will protect you from behind.


Son, let My love be your highest goal! Because, if you have the gift of prophecy and understand all of My secret plans, and possess all My knowledge, and have such faith that you could move mountains, but don’t love others, you are nothing. For My Love is patient and kind. My Love is not jealous or boastful, proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. My Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.


I call on Your Name Lord: “Please, Lord, help me! I am deeply troubled.” I love You Lord because You hear my voice and my prayer. I will pray to You as long as I have breath! Your Name deserves all the glory, because of Your unfailing love and faithfulness.