Are We Losing the West – Part 8

Proverbs 30:5-6 “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.”


“Soft days for evangelical Christians are past, and only a strong view of Scripture is sufficient.” (Quote from Francis Schaeffer)


We read that for any offense:  “A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” (Deuteronomy 19:15) This is good for most things that come our way. If a prophetic word is given to me I want it established by the testimony of two or more witnesses. Often the Lord has brought a thought to my mind about a certain thing, subject, etc. The thought does not contradict Scripture, but before I speak it or publish the thought I want two or more witnesses to back it up.


Is this foolish or is it wise? I think it is the latter and when we look at some of the ideas and philosophies that have shaped our culture over the centuries it would have been good to stick to this advice. Most of the men that we will be looking at in the weeks ahead are men who have had a Christian background.


For example:

Rene Descartes – Roman Catholic

John Locke – Puritan, Protestant

Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Calvinist, Protestant

Jeremy Bentham – Anglican, Protestant

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Congregationalists, Protestant

Charles Darwin – Anglican, Protestant

Frederick Nietzche – Lutheran, Protestant

Karl Marx – Lutheran, Protestant

John Dewey – Congregationalist, Protestant

Jean-Paul-Sartre – Roman Catholic and Protestant

Nathaniel Hawthorne – Congregationalists, Protestant

Mark Twain – Presbyterian, Protestant and

Ernest Hemingway – Baptist, Protestant


One thing that we need to keep in mind is that not only do ideas have consequences, but they can be good or bad and we need to be able to discern whatever comes our way. First, if an idea cannot be backed up by Scripture then we need to be wary of it. We see this today with some of our so-called prestigious universities that have ruined the faith of our children who attend these places.


As I mentioned before, Thomas Aquinas born in Italy in 1225 was not only a Dominican Friar and priest, but an influential philosopher and theologian. He was considered one of the top proponents of natural theology; which is a branch of theology based on reasoning and ordinary experience, to be distinguished from revealed theology based on Scripture and religious experience.


As I stated before, Kevin Swanson said in his book APOSTATE: “His influence on Western thought is considerable, and much of modern philosophy was conceived in development or refutation of his ideas, particularly in the areas of ethics natural law, metaphysics, and political theory.”


Thomas Aquinas is honored as a saint by the Catholic Church as well as honored as a Doctor of the Church. Core teaching for new priests is the study of Aquinas’ works.


Thomas Aquinas gave us many good things, but like Kevin Swanson brings out that one flaw in his reasoning is when he suggested that there could be a second method of thought built on human reasoning apart from Scripture. This thought eventually gave our secular universities the open door to kick God out of higher education; which is what we see today. It is said that just before he died he made a statement to his friend, Reginald Piperno: “All I have written seems like straw to me.”


What does Scripture say: “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:1-6


The apostle Paul said: “I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:1-4


We know that in back of all these worldly philosophies is the sinister, warped mind of Satan and his hatred towards anything that pertains to Jesus Christ. What we see is how brick by brick, idea upon idea – a system was built that tore us away from the reality of Scripture; from the truth. Because of this we find that evil strongholds have taken over the higher education and is taking us back to paganism; a pagan society where God is not worshipped or obeyed.

Are We Losing the West – Part 7



Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”


When this debacle came out about the Duck Dynasty I was motivated to put down a few thoughts.


I have never watched the reality series Duck Dynasty, but I have listened to the testimony of Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the series. Like my text says, “There is a way that seems right to man, but it leads to death.” In the 20th century, which is known as the century of genocide, we have seen where some of our governments have killed over 150 million people. This does not include war killings. Why did this happen? I believe it happened and will continue to happen because man is trying to take the place of God and thinks his way of living is better than God’s way. One thing that I have learned from history is that man makes a very ‘bad god.’


A question that comes to my mind is: What is the real debate about? Is it over homosexuality, abortion, government control, or what? I think it is a debate on whether we are going to follow God’s way or man’s. Are there two ways of thinking or two sets of knowledge or truth? Let me try and explain what I mean.


Thomas Aquinas born in Italy in 1225 was not only a Dominican Friar and priest, but an influential philosopher and theologian. He was considered one of the top proponents of natural theology; which is a branch of theology based on reasoning and ordinary experience to be distinguished from revealed theology based on Scripture and religious experience.


Kevin Swanson in his book APOSTATE says: “His influence on Western thought is considerable, and much of modern philosophy was conceived in development or refutation of his ideas, particularly in the areas of ethics, natural law, metaphysics, and political theory.”


Aquinas, with his idea of natural theology, opened the door for other philosophers to join in and this in the 21st century eventually has brought us to the place where human reasoning and ordinary experience is competing with God’s Word – the Bible, with man taking the place of God. This to me is where the real debate is. Can we trust only human reasoning and experience? Looking back in history, and just in the 20th century, I would say “Absolutely NOT!” Because, as I stated, “man makes a very ‘bad god.’



Are homosexual men/women sinners and going to hell? Yes. Is the practice of homosexuality sin? Yes! Are there heterosexual men/women sinners going to hell? Yes. Is sexual intercourse outside of marriage sin? Yes!  The book of Romans is very emphatic about it, saying that “we all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)  THIS IS WHY WE ALL NEED THE SAVIOR; WHY GOD HAD TO MAKE A WAY FOR US THROUGH HIS SON JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. AMEN AND AMEN!!!



We celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Savior, but we need to keep in mind the following verses:


Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”


1 Timothy 2:5 “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”


The real debate is between man’s reasoning and personal experience verses   Holy Scripture and religious experience. Right now in our universities it is man’s reasoning that is winning the debates. This is why there is such a war against the Word of God. We are not allowed to quote it in any of our public discourse in courts, schools, etc. We often hear the pundits say that because there are some who do not recognize or accept Scripture – we cannot use it. Ridiculous! I say, I do not accept man’s reasoning, so then we cannot use man’s experiences either in determining right and wrong, lie and truth.


God’s word is: “Living and active; sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  (Hebrews 4:12)


“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11 KJV)


Paul tells us in Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”


We as God’s people need to be so saturated with the Word of God that the principles of the Bible not only come out of our mouth in our daily discourse, but also will be seen in our daily living.


The opponents will always try and change the debate by looking at ‘religion’ and the damage that has been done by Islam, Hinduism, Crusades, etc. When I was in Nainatal (India), a hill station in the Himalaya Mountains, I was asked to speak in a Hindu college. They told me that they did not want me to speak about religion. I said that was fine because I did not want to speak about religion, but about the life of one solitary figure that has impacted the world like no other: Jesus Christ. When they heard that they said, “Oh! that is fine.”


My prayer is that we, who say we follow Christ, be so filled with His Word that out of our mouths (out of the abundance of our hearts) will come forth God’s wisdom, that weakens and humiliates man’s. I for one, have had enough of the puny wisdom of man. We need God’s great wisdom for living out our lives in the fullest, the way God intended for mankind. Like I said, men make terrible gods and we have all the inhumanities to prove it.


Daily Devotional

Lord, when I am not in Your word every morning my hope weakens as I become paralyzed with fear at the things I see. So show me in Your word how to think about these things and what to do; teach me how to do your will for you are my Lord and I want to walk with You. By Your Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. Rescue me from my enemies who are quick with lies; the truth is not in them.


Son, when you live by My words you will have My joy; so never stop feeding on My words each morning. This is how I am welcome in your heart and home, and how we walk together day to day. I came to seek and save those who are lost; I sought you out and saved you. It is my will that all people understand the way to My peace; the way that I showed you. My way of peace is hidden because people do not accept their opportunity for My salvation. They have eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but can not hear. Therefore, their hearts have become hard like stone; layered callous built up from rejecting so many opportunities I have brought them. 


Those who follow My words are My good servants. They are faithful with all that I entrusted to them. Satan, the accuser, is always accusing them. But I, the Lord, reject his accusations against My holy people! Satan shouts that they are a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire, and no use to Me. But, I say to My ministering angels, “Take off their filthy clothes, for I have taken away their sins, and I am giving them fine new clothes.”


Son, I don’t see you as you were; I see you finished and with Me in My kingdom. I don’t see ashes; I put My fire in you. People see a glow and are drawn to you because I live in you. So move among them freely and with readiness. For this is the time of My favor, but the day is soon coming when I will remove My favor from the earth because My work is done. 


I see what you want to do, and I favor it. But, do not despise the small beginning; for I rejoice to see your work begin. Every work begins small, and you need to pay attention to what I am teaching you. Be careful to follow My ways and to serve Me in every step of the way. I have given you My favor and authority to accomplish your work. You will succeed not by force or by your own strength, but by My Spirit. So yield to Him continually. Nothing, not even a mighty mountain will stand in your way; for it will become a level plain before you!


Lord, since I have been given new clothes and have Your favor and authority, help me to understand who I am in You. Let me experience more and more the power of Your words to me! I believe that because You have said so, nothing can stop me or any of Your children from doing all that is on their hearts to do for Your glory.


Daily Devotional

I just read the story of a man who was from the tribe of Levi (Judges 19-21) who was traveling through the tribe of Benjamin with his concubine and they stayed the night with an old man in the city. That night the leaders of that city came and told the old man to bring out the man in his house so that they could have sex with him. The thought that came to me is: Unaccountable homosexuality will allow homosexuals to become very bold and even more despicable in how they force themselves on others. It’s their choice to live the life of homosexuality, but they have no right to force it on anyone else; which is exactly what is happening in this story. According to God and His Word, there is not only a natural consequence for homosexuality, but a severe judgment.

Daily Devotional

Son, today people in America do whatever seems right in their own eyes. They have forgotten all that I have done for them. Their leaders have become proud.


Lord, do not let them have their way so that their evil plans succeed; surely Your children are upset and afraid at what is taking place!


Son, look at what’s happened in America. People eat and are not satisfied. They drink but are still thirsty. They buy new clothes only to want more. They work hard, but their money disappears as though they were putting them in pockets filled with holes! Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin. Because they refuse to return to Me, I will destroy everything they have worked so hard for.


My children must think carefully about what I am about to say, “What this world honors is detestable in My sight! I am about to shake America and destroy all the treasures it depends upon; for America is like all the other ungodly nations. The people have forgotten that everything they have has come from My hand of blessing. Even the silver and gold are Mine; for I created all the wealth in the earth. People like to appear righteous in the eyes of the public, but I know their hearts; just how far from Me they are.”


Son, I have sparked enthusiasm in My children to complete My work. They must get it done, and know that I am with them as they work. They must not be afraid of the leaders in their nation. For, I give the faithful a promise that I will protect and bless them. When I shake the heavens and the earth, My children must use all of their worldly resources to help others find Me, and know that when their earthly possessions are gone I will welcome them into their eternal home. If My children are faithful in the little things I ask of them, then they will be faithful in things much greater. If they are dishonest in little things, I can not trust them with greater responsibilities. If they are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, how will I trust them with the true riches of heaven?


Lord, You know when I sit down and stand up, when I rest and how I work. You know my every thought, even the thoughts I want to keep secret and hidden.  You see where I go and what I do at home. You know everything about me. You know what I am going to say even before I say it. You go before me because I can’t see the snares that are set for me. You follow behind me because the enemy is a back-stabber. I can never escape Your Spirit! I can never get away from Your presence! And I’m so glad! You made my body and knit me together. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion; as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment in my life was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are Your thoughts about me, O Lord. Thank You that when I wake up, I am certain that You are still with me! Help me by pointing out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along Your good path.


Lord, help me to have the enthusiasm and endurance to run this race that You have set before me. Help me to keep my eyes on You and not on the things of this world.




Daily Devotional

Son, remember that those who exalt themselves, I will humble, and those who humble themselves, I will exalt! These proud people do not worship Me, or ask for My guidance or seek My blessings. In the end their lives will be destroyed. They will grope around like the blind, thinking that their silver and gold will give them the direction they need. They will receive the wages of their pride; they will become an utter ruin.


Son, if you want to follow Me, then your love for Me must be greater than your love for your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and yes, even your own life; otherwise you cannot be my disciple. But, don’t follow Me until you count the cost; for it will cost you everything you own on this earth. Those who seek Me are humble; for they follow all of My commands. They live their lives by doing what is right. They walk in My truth and love.


Lord, I worship and praise Your name because of Your unfailing love and faithfulness. Your promises for my life and my family are backed by the honor of Your name. For Your name is great: the Name above all names. You are close to the humble and You take care of them. But, You keep Your distance from the proud because that is what they want; they do not love You or even think of You like the humble do. Lord, thank You for letting me get close to You. I know You will work out Your plans for my life.


Daily Devotional

Son, there are three types of people living today: Those who know Me personally, those who know of Me, and those who refuse to acknowledge Me.


To those who refuse to acknowledge Me I ask, “Why are you scheming against Me? Don’t you understand that I can destroy you with one blow! Your life of lies is like dust in the air that attaches to everyone who walks by, and I have instructed My children to shake off the dust of your lies from them, to show that I have abandoned you. My power is great, and I never let the guilty go unpunished.” I will now leave them and show them their fate.


To those who know of Me, I ask, “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world, but are lost from Me? Anyone who starts with Me and then looks back at the things of this world is not fit for My Kingdom. If you see people in need don’t go out of your way to ignore them; feeling no compassion to help them, and then justifying your actions. What shame is there in helping needy people? If you are ashamed of Me and My message, I will be ashamed of you when I return in glory.”


To My children; those who know Me, I say, “I have broken the yoke of man from your neck and thrown off his chains. I have given you power and authority, and I am sending you out to tell everyone about Me and My kingdom. You must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow Me. Remember that if you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it. So listen to Me, and remember what I say! The harvest is great, but My workers are few, so pray for more workers! I am sending you with authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing will stop you. But don’t rejoice in pride over this power with authority; rejoice because your name is registered in heaven. Do not be worried and upset over the details of life, but remember there is only one thing worth being concerned about, and that is that you listen to Me and do what I do.”

Daily Devotional

I listened to John Hagee talk about America and how it has left the God of its forefathers and now judgment is coming. It seems this is the same theme for my daily devotionals lately. I too have been led by God to write about what is coming to America. But what John talked about yesterday made me think. First, he wonders how many true Christians there are in our churches, and second, he asks why are we not untied in prayer using the power God has given us.


While driving to work I thought about how many people call themselves Christians and are not, by God’s definition that is. These people that are in our churches are like the ruble who left Egypt with the children of Israel. They only brought discord and confusion to the children of Israel.


What a shock on the day of judgment when they stand before God and they hear Him say, “Depart from Me, I do not know you.” Then I thought about how the people clapped and shouted when John Hagee said things about coming back to the God of our forefathers. It was a great moment, but how many forgot what was said at Sunday lunch right after, or Monday’s drive to work?


Today in my reading there is again the same theme that the people have forgotten the God of their forefathers and are suffering for it. Today we have forgotten God and we are and will suffer for it. Will we repent and pray for a deliver that will stand up against those who bring suffering to Gods children?


Here is what God said today:


Son, your country’s help can only come from Me, the One who made heaven and earth. When I am Lord of your country other nations will say, “What amazing things I have done for them.” When My children pray and in tears they plant seeds of righteousness – they will harvest with shouts of joy. Therefore, My children need to learn spiritual warfare praying because they have no experience in this type of battle. When My children become united and cry out to Me in prayer, I will help them and rescue them.


I have given My message to My children and they have gotten up and went in the opposite direction to get away from My message; hoping to escape having to do what they truly need to do. Oh, why do they run from My help?  I called to My children from their land of the dead, and they have certainly heard Me. My children must become courageous by standing up with truthful conviction and perseverance, instead of  running away from Me.


Daily Devotional

Son, a new generation has come up in America and they do not know Me or acknowledge Me! They refuse to remember the mighty things I did for past generations. They have abandoned Me, the God of their forefathers, the One who gave them the freedom they have now.


This generation goes after other gods, and refuses to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways. How quickly they turned away from the path of their forefathers who walked in obedience to My word. This generation has heard My message from My prophets that have told them,  “Get ready! For the Day of The Lord is near.” But, they have been deceived by their own pride.


This generation should remember this one thing and take it to heart; to pray for peace in Jerusalem, and to remember, as they do to Israel – so it will be done to them.


Lord, when will all this happen? What will be the signs that will show me that these things are about to be fulfilled?


Son, when the following things begin to happen, watch out! When My children are handed over to the local governments because they obey Me, and when churches are ridiculed and displayed in public to be discriminated against because they are My followers; this will be one sign. When the family unit begins to break up, and a brother betrays his brother to death, a father betrays his own child, and children rebel against their parents, even causing them to be killed on account of Me. Everyone will hate you because you are My followers. I have warned you about this ahead of time! Reader, pay attention! Watch out!


Since you don’t exactly know when this time will come, BE READY! STAY ALERT, and KEEP WATCH! Since you don’t know precisely when I will return, don’t let Me find you sleeping when I arrive without warning, like a thief in the night.  I say to you what I say to everyone: “Watch for Me! Keep praying according to My Word, so that you will not give in to evil temptation.” 


Because I Am the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One, your help comes from Me. I made the heavens and the earth! I will not let you stumble; for I watch over you and I do not sleep

Daily Devotional

Mark 10:32 “The disciples were filled with awe, and the people following behind were overwhelmed with fear.”


Son, read these words carefully and ask yourself what is going on in your life, fear or awe? Those who are close to Me will be filled with awe, but when you fall behind you will become filled with fear, and the further behind you get the more fear there will be in your life. You must remember and believe that not a single one of My promises will be left unfulfilled; everything I said will come true.


Lord, when I am close to You, I have found that fear leaves me. I will understand that every day is the day You made, and I must rejoice and be glad in it. You are my God. when I praise and exalt You – what can people do to me?


Son, you need to love Me, walk in My ways, obey My word, hold firmly to Me, and serve Me with all your heart and all your soul.  Remember that anything is possible when you believe in Me.


Son, the leaders of your country should take notice of what I say here, “If they cause one of My little children who trusts in Me to fall into sin, they will be thrown into the deepest part of the sea of hell, where there is unquenchable fire, and where the maggots never die!”


These leaders twist justice, and treat My righteous children like dirt. They hate honest judges, and despise people who tell the truth! I know how deep their sins are and I know how deep their rebellion is to Me. They oppress My children who obey Me. It is an evil time for they take bribes and deprive the innocent and poor of justice in the courts. I hate all of these leaders for they show off their shame of hypocrisy and make claim to how religious they are. I will not accept any of their offerings! I won’t even notice them on the Day they are condemned.


Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of anyone’s empty worthless praise. By their actions they only bring the day of judgment closer. They drink wine by the bowlful and care nothing about the ruin of their nation. How foolish they have become when they turn justice into poison, and the sweet fruit of righteousness into bitterness. And then they brag about the strength they think they have!


Son, some of My children cry out to Me and say, “If only the day of the Lord were here!” They have no idea what they are asking for. This day will bring great disaster and complete darkness when I do all that I said I would do.  It will be a time with no hope or joy when the end of this wicked world comes, just as I said it would. It will come for the sake of My everlasting Kingdom.


What I want to see is a mighty flood of justice; an endless river of righteous living over all the earth!