Daily Devotional

People who have become slaves are heathen at heart and resent the truth; full of bitter jealousy and are held captive by sin; a stubborn people. They refuse to listen to the truth and hate anyone who tells them what they are doing is wrong. They even refuse to believe that the Righteous One is coming soon. 


The Lord said, “I will punish the world for its evil-doing and the wicked for their sin of rebellion. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty. Man thinks that he has the power to make things happen as he has planned, and that he will control the universe. No, it will be as I have decided. For I have a plan for the whole earth and heavens. My hand of judgment is upon all the nations, and who can change My plans? When My hand is raised, who can stop Me?”


The word of the Lord holds true, THEREFORE, we can trust everything He says. The Lord promised that any nation that makes Him their Lord – He will watch over them, and rescue them in times of famine and disasters. His unfailing love will surround any nation whose hope is in Him alone.


Lord, it is a desperate time today. So much hate, distrust, and evil all around. I come to You in prayer, and ask that You help me from all that troubles my soul. I know, therefore I have peace; that those who fear You will have all they need, and will lack no good thing. For Your eyes watch over those who do right, and Your ears are open to their cries for help.


Lord, I know that righteous people will face many troubles, but I also know that You always come to rescue them each time. No one who takes refuge in You will be condemned or ashamed!

Needed: Reformation – Chapter 2



It is very important to realize the times that we are living in. With rapid communication we are seeing things taking place all over the world. These are tumultuous, but exciting times. It is a great time to be alive and to be a part of all that the Lord is doing.


God is moving in Latin America, Africa and Asia, but Western Europe is a different story. Secularism has set in and Christianity seems to be fading from the scene. Some of the same forces at work in Europe are pervading the United States as well. Because of the influence of the Western culture we find these same ideologies moving into other parts of the world and influencing the church in a negative way.


The need today is for what I call ‘reformation.’ Reformation is a divine moving of God in bringing His people back to the foundational truths that we once had, but have departed from.


For example, in his survey, Frank Barna brings out how few believers – even protestant pastors, operate from a Biblical worldview. It is quite scary when one thinks about it. Malachi mentions the role of priests: “For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction — because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty.” Malachi 2:7 


Malachi goes on to say in 2:8: “But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble.”  All one has to do is walk down the streets in our cities or the shopping malls, or turn on TV or the radio and what do we find? Often the name of the Lord is being vilified (run down, belittled, maligned). Satan seems to still have a stronghold over our societies, culture, etc. Jesus does not seem to be making much of an inroad today even in the midst of the mega churches, our radio programs and TV shows that present Biblical teaching.


What is wrong? Could it be that what we do is not in tune with what we profess. We profess to be Christians, but out of 65 common values there is no difference between us and the non-believers. We profess to be Christians but our divorce rate is right up there with the unbelievers.


Paul told Timothy: “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16) It is interesting that Paul puts life before doctrine. Is there a reason for this? I think so.  Doctrine is important, but before we can get into doctrine we must have the life to begin with. However, these two go together. I need to make sure that my life is in tune with the doctrine that I say I am following.


For example: I say that I believe in Jesus and I am saved, but does my life back this up? I say that I believe in prayer, but does my life back this up? I say that I am honoring God, but what do I do with my time and money?


Even Jesus when He came says that “He came to do and to teach.” (Acts 1:1) In other words, His life and His teaching went together. What He taught was in harmony with the way He lived.


Reformation is preparing the way for the Lord. It is John the Baptist crying in the wilderness: “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” Matthew 3:3


Daily Devotional

What will it take for the people of America to return to their Creator and turn their attention to the Holy One?


When His children stand up and trust the Lord fully; that’s when. When they are enlightened by the Word of truth daily; walking in that light; obedient to what they read in God’s Word. When they commit everything they have and do – to Him. When they learn to be still in His presence, and wait patiently for Him to speak and to act. They are not worried about evil people or about their wicked schemes because their confidence and hope is in The Lord and they know that He is aware and in control of all that is going on around them.


Now is time for His children to stand up and to be seen and heard in what The Lord instructs us to say and do. Though we stumble with our imperfections, we will not fall, for He holds His children by His hand. Remember that the Lord loves justice, and He will never abandon us.


Therefore, put your hope in the Lord, and travel steadily along His path for your life, and the power of the Lord will be with you. When people see the evidence of God’s favor and blessing in your life, people around you will turn to the Lord.


How do you change a country? One person at a time!

Daily Devotional



I heard a pastor of a big congregation say something like this: that a godly man could never be elected as President of the United States, and that we should settle for the best the world has to offer. Really?


No wonder the church today has no power! They refuse to be united in believing what God wants them to have and do. The church has accepted what the leaders of America are saying, “Didn’t we tell you that you cannot pray in school, or be on any government property and say the name of Jesus? Didn’t we tell you that you are full of hate when you refuse to accept that marriage is between any two people and not just a man and a woman? You must stop telling people that to abort a baby is a killing crime!”


Remember what I said a few months back, about a truthful lie? One man says a lie and then it is backed up by someone else saying the same thing, and therefore it becomes a truthful lie.


Rescue us Lord, from pastors and leaders of Your church who are afraid, and who compromise with Your words of truth! Help us, for You see our troubles. I know that you care about the anguish of our souls. Sin has drained our strength, and Your church is wasting away from within. When we refuse to confess our sin of disobedience the body becomes weak and powerless. But, when we Your children begin to confess our sin of compromise and disobedience, and stop trying to hide, oh what joy there is when disobedience is forgiven, and when strength and hope are renewed!


Help us to confess our rebellion to You, and kick these pastors out that refuse to believe in the whole truth, and that all things are possible to those who believe. You will forgive us, and our guilt will be gone. Therefore, our future is in Your hands. How great is the goodness You have stored up for those who fear You. You lavish it on those who come to You for protection, blessing them before the watching world. You will become our hiding place, and will protect us. You will guide us along the best pathway. You will advise and watch over us. 


So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey Him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure! Trust in Him and do not be afraid. For The Lord God is our strength and He will give us the victory, so tell the nations who He is! Rejoice that God has counted us worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus.


Daily Devotional

Do you not hear the voice of the Lord?


His voice echoes above the sea, and is louder than thunder. His voice is powerful, and majestic; with just one word He can split the mighty cedars. When He speaks – the earth shakes! So listen carefully to everything He tells you. Remember that anyone who will not listen and obey will be completely cut off from His provision in the days ahead. 


Give Your children great boldness in preaching Your word. Help us to seize every opportunity to tell others about you. Help us to take everything to you in prayer. Let our meetings shake because Your children are filled with the Holy Spirit. Help us to be UNITED in heart and mind, and not feel that what we own is for us; but be willing to share everything we have so that Your children are not in need.  Lord give us the strength and willingness to do all that You require of us, and we will be blessed with Your peace. Then the world will see that even though Your children are ordinary men and women with no special training in the Scriptures, they will know that they have been with Jesus. 


Son, judgment has fallen upon America when the leaders spoke with such pride and arrogance after 9/11/2001. When they said on September 12, 2001 by the US Senate and House of Representatives, issuing a joint resolution in response to the attack of 9/11 by Senate Majority Leader Democrat – Tom Daschle: “I know that there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation, but there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to all of us at a time like this. ‘The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.'”


Son, I have responded to them by saying, “After all this punishment, the people of America will still not repent. They will not seek Me. There leaders are misleading the people, by leading them down the path of destruction. They still have unjust judges and politicians who make unfair laws.  So what will I do? I will punish them, by sending disaster upon disaster. Then where will America turn for help? Where will they hide their treasures to keep it safe?”


So warn them not to speak with such pride and arrogance, and My children must be prepared.

Needed: Reformation – Chapter 1



It was said that Isaiah’s ministry lasted for about sixty years and that he supposedly died under the terrible reign of Manasseh. Jewish tradition says that he was brutally martyred by being placed in a hollowed trunk of a tree and then “sawed in two.”


Reading through the book of Isaiah one is impressed with his vivid sense of the majesty of God. When we look into Isaiah chapter 40 we will see that he compares God to how we think in terms of greatness, and then he says that there is no comparison.


One of the main things that Isaiah is speaking against is the outward forms of religion with no inward reality. Reading through Isaiah one is impressed with qualities like “boldness, patriotism, tenderness, broad sympathy, stormy indignation at hypocrisy, with deep spirituality and a profound sense of the Divine majesty.” Isn’t this something missing today in our churches and meetings together? Are not these the things of character that should be more in our preaching today?


When Isaiah began his preaching career several things were happening in Israel. The ten tribes (Israel) were nearing destruction by Assyria whose capital was Nineveh.  They were desperate times.


Israel joined with Syria under the leadership of Damascus. Judah would not join so Israel and Syria invaded Judah to coerce Ahaz, the king of Judah, to join the confederacy. So we find Ahaz making a treaty with Assyria and marching forth to overthrow Syria and Israel. So Judah then became dependent on Assyria.


Later Hezekiah rebelled against the King of Assyria. Isaiah was always advocating that Judah’s dependence should be upon Jehovah and not some earthly monarch. However, the king of Assyria came to lay low Judah and since Egypt failed to respond to help, Judah had to buy off the King of Assyria with gold, etc. and so again became dependent upon Assyria.


Later when Assyria was coming to attack Judah and Jerusalem Hezekiah heeded Isaiah’s advice and trusted in the Lord to deliver them from this ‘present danger’ coming upon them in the form of Assyrian army. The result was that God sent His angel and a great disaster fell upon the army, and from which King Sennacherib never recovered.


Judah was freed from the threat of invasion and enjoyed a season of peace.


When we come to Isaiah 40 we see that there is turn in God’s approach to His people. They have repented and now are turning back to God and so we read in Isaiah 40:1-2: “‘Comfort, comfort my people,’ says your God.  ‘Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.’”


Later we have the words: “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.’” Isaiah 40:3


The same words are repeated in Matthew 3:3 “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him,’” referring to John Baptist prior to the first coming of the Lord.


In reading through Isaiah 40 one sees what ‘reformation’ will do and what is needed today. 


Daily Devotional

America is no stronger than its capital.


Shouldn’t the leaders of America ask God for guidance? They contradict His word, and are completely in the dark. While in the view of the public they speak friendly words, yet they are planning evil in their hearts. They care nothing for what the Lord has done for them, or what His hands have made. So wherever these leaders look, they will see trouble, anguish and dark despair.


Someday soon our Lord will return! So His children need to heed His strong warning not to think like everyone else does, and don’t live in dread of what frightens the world. Make the Lord holy in your life, by knowing and obeying the word of God; then wait for Him. When The Lord is your light and salvation then you will not be afraid! When The Lord is your fortress, He will protect you from danger. You will not tremble!


When we, the Lord’s Spirit-filled people, meet together and are united in prayer, then we will know the way to go, and be filled with the joy of His presence. When we become devoted to the teaching of the word of God, to real fellowship and prayer, sharing what we have with other believers; then we will be ready for that great and glorious Day when the Lord arrives!


My heart has heard You Lord when You said, “Come and talk with me, for I am coming soon. Don’t leave, or abandon My teachings. But remember that even if your father or mother could abandon you; I will hold you close.”

Daily Devotional

Life can change in a moment.


For all that God has done for America He expected to find justice, but instead He see’s oppression. He expected to find righteousness, but only heard cries of violence. The leaders of America never think about God or even notice what He is doing. They have become wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever. They despised the word of God, by saying it is not relevant for today. They shout, “Don’t you realize that we have the power?”


They have no power unless God has given it to them. Therefore, how sad it will be in the coming day when these people who drag their sins behind them with ropes made of lies. How sad it will be for those who say that evil is good and good is evil. How sad it will be for those who have rejected the Word of God.


So what are we going to do; those who belong to Jesus? Will we say, “Everything is going against me!” Or will we say, “Here I am. Send me.”?


Lord, I give my life to you, show me the right path to take. Lead me by Your truth. May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in You. Help me to live according to Your truth. Then I will stand on solid ground, and I will publicly praise You to this world.


Don’t be a secret disciple of Jesus Christ, not any longer faithless. Believe! Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you will have life by the power of His name.


Daily Devotional

To know the Truth one must know the only true God, and His son Jesus Christ, the one who came to earth. Truth in prayer is not to pray for the world, but for those who belong to Jesus, and that Jesus would protect them by the power of His name; that His children would be united just as Jesus and the Father are. The truth is that this world hates anyone who follows Jesus, and are united in Him because this shows that they do not belong to the world, just as Jesus did not belong to the world. The truth is that the followers of Jesus are made holy by His truth; which is the Bible. The truth is when the followers of Jesus are one, and experience such perfect unity, the world will know that Jesus loves them as much as He loves His followers. The truth is that Jesus came into the world to testify to the truth, and all who love the truth will recognize that what He said of Himself – is true.


Truth is, the leaders of America have mislead the people, and have sent them down the wrong road. Truth is that this road will take away everything the people depend on. People will begin to oppress each other, and young people will have no respect for the elderly. Vulgar people will make fun of those who follow the truth. Truth is that America will stumble, and fall, because they have spoken out against the Lord and refuse to obey Him. Truth is that American has the blood of innocent unborn children on their hands. Truth is that they display the sin of homosexuality like the people of Sodom did, and they have lost all shame so that they don’t even try to hide it. Truth is that the America people have brought this destruction upon themselves.


The truth for the followers of Jesus is that The Lord is their Shepherd, and they will have all that they need. He will give them rest in green meadows, and lead them beside peaceful streams. He will renew their strength, and lead along His path, which will bring honor to His name. Truth is that when His people walk through the darkest valley, they will not be afraid, for He is close beside those who walk with Him. Truth is that the word of God will protect and comfort you. Truth is only those who are pure in Jesus’s eyes will receive His blessing, because they have a right relationship with Jesus who is their blessed Savior.


Daily Devotional

Lord, what does it matter if I serve You? Looking at this world with wars, hunger, disease, people calling evil good and good evil, and it is just getting worse all the time!  What have Your children gained by obeying Your word and showing You that we are sorry for our sins. The distinction between those who belong to You and those who do not – is hard to see!  You said, “People of the world will see the difference between Your children and the wicked, between those who serve You and those who do not. That Your children’s love for one another will prove to the world that they are Your children.”


Son, I am the One who answers Your prayers when you are in distress. I have been with you wherever you have gone.  I am “El-Shaddai-God Almighty.” Remember what I told you: “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in!”


All who love Me will do what I tell them to do, no mattter what, and I have prepared a place for them. Everything is ready, and I am coming to get them, so that they will always be with Me. Remember, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one can come to the Father except through Me. Therefore, because you do what I say, You can ask for anything in My name, and I will do it; yes, anything! Try it! Put this promise to the test!


The world isn’t looking for Me; therefore it cannot recognize Me. But My children know Me, because I live within them. My Holy Spirit will teach them, and will remind them of everything I have said. I gave My children the gift of peace of mind and heart; which the world can not give, or understand. So don’t be troubled or afraid. For the day of judgment is coming, and then I will set up My kingdom.


Lord, forgive me for I almost slipped, and forgot that Your word is perfect, and it revives my soul. Your word is trustworthy, making me wise. Your words are right, and brings joy to my heart. Your words are clear, giving insight for living, and their is a great reward for those who obey them. Your words will keep me from deliberate sins, and not allow them to control me.


Holy Spirit, thank You for leading me into all truth.