Needed: Reformation – Chapter 16

The Word of God – Part 1


Psalms 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”


Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”


When we pray for reformation we are praying for His people to come back to the Word of God. Our US Supreme Court has announced that it is unconstitutional for the TEN COMMANDMENTS to be hung in our court rooms. We can hang them in our State Houses, but not in the courts. How ridiculous this is when the Supreme Court itself has a statue of Moses the Law Giver as well as the Ten Commandments in different places throughout the highest court in the nation.


The Bible has been banned from our public schools and some are trying to get it banned from any public forum. What these so-called elites are wanting is a secular society – with no mention of God and morality. This is why in our postmodern world there is no such thing as truth. It has been banned as well. What is the result? Isaiah tells us in 59:14-15 “So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice.”


What this is telling us is that there is no honesty, no truth and no justice working in the areas of our public lives. How long can a society function like this? Not long. In our Western world we are going down a path where we will soon reach a place of no return. Reformation is urgent! Reformation will bring us back to the Word of God. We, His people, must begin to see His Holy Word for what it really is – the very Word of God for our lives.  


A REPORT by the Bible literacy program suggests that young Americans know very little about the Bible. But what is a real stunner is that a fair number of Americans don’t see why teenagers should know anything at all about the Bible.


A study was done by a major denomination trying to find out why so many pastors were leaving the pastorate. They came up with four things. First, they were treating the pastorate like just another profession and not as a calling. Secondly, immorality was a major reason why many were leaving the pastorate. Thirdly, a desire for material things and fourthly (this is the one that blew me away), is what they called biblical illiteracy. They did not know the Bible although many were seminary graduates and some even doctors of theology. They did not know the Word of God as they should. They had studied books about the Bible and they could give you all the arguments about higher criticism, etc., but they did not know it in a personal way; how it applies to them personally, as well as knowing it from beginning to end.


This is why in another survey done by Frank Barna, he concluded that almost one half of the protestant pastors did not operate from a biblical worldview. They were ignorant of the Word of God and consequently this was true of the congregations as well.


Reformation brings us back to the Word of God in a very personal way.




Daily Devotional

Son, let Me tell you the true story of Christmas. My birth is very important but what took place on the day I died is the real story of Christmas. So let Me tell you the story as I saw it and felt it.


On the day of My death, I was stripped and flogged with a lead-tipped whip. They wove thorn branches into a crown and put it on My head. They placed a reed stick in My right hand as a scepter. They knelt before Me in mockery and taunted Me by saying, “Hail! King of the Jews!” They spit on Me and grabbed the stick and struck Me on the head with it. When they were finally tired of mocking Me, they nailed Me to the cross, by piercing My hands and feet with nails. When that cross was dropped into the hole all My bones came out of joint so that I could count all My bones. My heart was like wax, melting within Me. My strength was dried up like sunbaked clay. My tongue stuck to the roof of My mouth. Soldiers gambled for My clothes by throwing dice, and all of My enemies stared at Me and gloated.


When Mary came to My tomb to take care of My dead body, she was met by one of My angels, who said, “He is not here! He has risen from the dead,” just as I said would happen. Therefore, now is the time to turn to Me, while there is still time. Give Me your hearts. Come to Me, for I am merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. I am eager to relent and not punish, and everyone who calls on the Name of Jesus Christ will be saved. This is the true story of Christmas!


Lord, You have been my God from the moment I was born, and I called on You to be my Savior as a young man. You have not ignored or belittled Me when I have cried out to You. You have never turned Your back on me, but have listened to my cries for help. Soon the whole earth will acknowledge You and all the nations will bow down before You. What a Day that will be!

Needed: Reformation – Chapter 15

Who is Man? Part 6

Post-modernism and Culture 
Worldview and the Gospel


1 Corinthians 15:4-8 “…that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.”


Another aspect of the Gospel that we need to consider is in the verses above.  Jesus Christ was buried; He rose from the grave and was seen by a number of witnesses, over five hundred witnesses at one time.This is good news!


God had told us that every matter should be established by the testimony of two or more witnesses. (Deuteronomy 19:15) However, how does this build a Biblical worldview? Francis Schaeffer talks about the “mannishness of man.”  He said: “This draws attention to the fact that humans are different from all other things in the world.  Several things bring this out:  1. Creativity; 2. People fear death; 3. We are able to choose and we are able to verbalize.  People are able to remember the past and make plans for the future.”


For a worldview to be a true worldview it must answer this question about man, what Schaeffer called the “mannishness of man.” With the Gospel being the core of a biblical worldview we see how this question is answered. When I think of what Christ has done for me (for man) it makes me realize that I (or man) am different from all other creatures. I can think, verbalize, create, love, fear, feel and express emotion, etc. One of the things that Francis Schaeffer brings out is that man fears death.


There seems to be within the heart of man a sense for the eternal. Even in our post-modern culture we see this coming out with man trying to remain young and not looking old. Look at the medicines being propagated that will reduce aging and exercises that we do to remain healthy. Pseudo spiritual mantras are being voiced and all because of the sense of the eternal in the heart of man placed there by God.


Man knows that he is different, but why?  The Gospel tells us that man is unique, made in the image of God. Man has a longing for eternal life because God has placed eternity in his heart. Man fears death. But the Gospel gives us hope. Jesus rose from the dead. To collaborate this truth He was seen after the resurrection by over five hundred brethren at one time.


So what does the Gospel teach me?
1. God made the world and He is in control.
2. Man is made in the image of God. Man is different from other creatures.
3. Man has sinned and fallen out of fellowship with God his Maker.
4. Jesus died for my sin so I might be forgiven and brought back into fellowship with God.
5. Jesus rose from the dead and so will I.


Another question that comes is: Why do I know that this is true? The answer lies in the Word of God. 1 Corinthians 15 states that “according to the Scriptures” we know this is true.


These are the core beliefs in creating a biblical worldview.  How important it is to be grounded in these truths!

Needed: Reformation – Chapter 14

Who is Man? Part 5


If paradise has been lost it can be regained. Man can be regenerated. The image that we had can be renewed. This is one of the great truths in the Word of God. Instead of the devil’s image of pride, malice and envy – the righteousness and goodness of God’s image can be recovered.


Colossians 3:10 “…and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”


This image repair can be accomplished only by God. In Hebrews 1:3 it says: “…who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person.” He is the only One that can restore His image in us. How did He do this? This is what the Cross of Jesus is all about. This is why reformation is so important. It brings us back to the cross and what it means. In Adam we die, but in Christ we are made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22)


Truly God does all things well. In the future there will not only be the blessings of the resurrection, eternal life, immortality and all being manifested with Christ, but also a restoration of the dominion that we lost through sin.


When Christ returns He will exercise all the power over His creation that was lost through sin. (Hebrews 2:6-8) “But there is a place where someone has testified: “What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet.” Psalms 8:4-8


It is through His grace that those who are ‘in Christ’ will share in His glorious reign. When God raises us up in Christ we possess a dominion that Adam would never have known had he remained innocent all his days.


We will be given a new name. It is interesting to see that what Nimrod and the people of his days wanted was to make a name for themselves, but God gives us a new name through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Genesis 11 we learn that they wanted to make a name for themselves, but in Genesis 12, where Abram is chosen, we read “I will make your name great.”


Later in his life we read that God gave to Abram the name Abraham. Genesis 17:1 “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him. No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.”


Most of the world, with the different religions, are like Nimrod leaving God out of the picture and trying to gain their own righteousness, but His righteousness is being offered to us by grace through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Needless to say that reformation brings us back to this truth: IT IS ALL GRACE AND NOTHING OF WORKS.

Daily Devotional

Lord, please hear my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help, and help me to stand up for Your truth.


Son, I am sending My children prophets, wise men and teachers, so obey whatever they tell you. Some of these leaders of Mine will be killed, beaten, and chased from city to city.  They will face hostility even from so called churches by people that say, “These leaders are crazy fools!” But these leaders of Mine are watchmen preparing My children for what is coming. For the time of punishment has come, and it will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave!


The false prophets and leaders of today spout empty words and make promises they don’t intend to keep. Therefore, injustice springs up among My people like poisonous weeds. So My children do not follow what they teach. Everything they do is for show and profit.


My children must think about all that I said, and ask themselves, “What are we going to do? Who’s going to speak up for God’s truth and with true wisdom for this day; for these leaders have committed a terrible and shameful crime by not speaking what is right and true.”


I tell you the truth, judgment has begun, and My children will be hated all over the world because they are My faithful followers. They must prayerfully plow up hard hearts and make them ready to receive My seeds of salvation and righteousness. They will preach My Good News throughout the whole world; for now is the time to seek Me. Every nation will hear it and then the end will come. Heaven and earth may disappear, but My Word remains forever and fulfilled.


Son, to the faithful I show My faithfulness, so be ready at all times to speak and act for Me. Do not be afraid. I will rescue the humble but humiliate the proud. My way is perfect. My promises are trustworthy. I am the shield for all who look to Me for protection.

Daily Devotional

Soon, you will want to marry and have a family. But let me tell you what kind of woman you should stay away from. She will be the one who will catch your eye, because she knows what will attract you. She will say, “How can you tell me, ‘I love you,’ when you don’t share your secrets with me?” She will torment you with her nagging day after day until you are sick to death of it. She will manipulate you by trying to make you feel guilty until you have no strength left. You will be so warn out trying to please her that you won’t realize that you have spent no time with your Lord – to know what truly pleases Him. You will become a man with no vision, bound with chains of guilt, and forced to grind out a living that is never enough.


When you marry you are no longer two but one. God has said that no one better split apart what God has joined together.  If you want a great family then lead your family by following the Lord, not your wife. Humanly speaking, this might seem impossible, but remember that with God everything is possible. When you lead – you must lead by being a servant. Show her what true love is by getting to know her beyond her beauty. Lead your wife and children as a man being lead by the Lord; for the Lord will cover you.


Lord, I give my grandsons to you, and I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because You will answer my prayer by each of them recognizing a jezebel woman. You will show them each the wife best for them, and they will be blessed like I have been blessed.  



Daily Devotional

Lord, it seems that there is very little faithfulness, kindness and knowledge of You. People make promises only to break them. There is violence everywhere, one murder after another; the wicked strut about and evil is praised. The foundations of law and order have collapsed, so what can Your children do?


Son, in the last days there will be a great revival, when people will tremble in awe of Me and of My goodness. They will return and devote themselves to Me. For My children love righteousness and justice; they will see My face. They will remember that all of My promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace; purified seven times over. They know I protect them and preserving them forever. 


When My children realize that if they have faith even as small as a mustard seed, they can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move. Nothing will be impossible. When they agree on anything and ask My Father in heaven – He will do it for them. When two or three are together in My Name they will know that I am there. So My children, be humble and keep your heart sensitive towards Spirit and be obedient to My word.


I am coming SOON!

Daily Devotional

Son, in the coming days My children will be troubled by what they see and hear. It is at this time My children must not be afraid but take courage; for I am here. They must not doubt My promises!


A man has arrived, and has begun his quest to be in power. He is a despicable man, and will take control by flattery and intrigue. He will make deceitful promises, and make various alliances. He will become strong despite having only a handful of followers. He will distribute the wealth of others by saying, “It isn’t fair.” He will flatter and win over the wicked, and then encourage them to  continue in their wickedness, and none will understand what is really happening.


But, My children must be wise and strong to resist him. I will raise up wise leaders and give them My instruction, but some of these leaders will be jailed or killed. During these persecutions, little help will arrive, and many who join My children will not be sincere. When My children fall victim to persecution, their bodies may lie dead and buried, but they will rise up to My everlasting life. So My children, take courage for these trails will purify, cleanse, and refine you. The Day I promised; that My children will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for them – it will come! It will not be late or too soon. It will be exactly like I said. So, REJOICE ALWAYS, and be faithful to the end.


Daily Devotional

Lord, I am sick at heart by what I see and hear today, so please listen to my cry for help, for I pray to no one but You. Every morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly. Because of Your unfailing love, I can enter Your presence, so lead me by making Your way plain for me to follow.


I know that You protect Your children by surrounding them with Your shield of love. But Lord, America has sinned and done wrong. It continues to rebel against You and Your Word. America refuses to listen to Your prophets. Because our leaders have not followed Your instructions, judgments will be poured down on us. Every judgment written down in Your Word about any rebellious nation – will come true.


Son, listen to what My prophets are saying and you will be greatly encouraged. Take My yoke for your life, and remember that My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your soul.


My name is the only hope for America and for all the world. Anyone and any nation that isn’t with Me – opposes Me, and all those that don’t work with Me are actually working against Me. They will reap the consequence of dishonoring Me and ignoring My servants that I send with warning and instruction.  


Son, you must protect your heart; for whatever is in your heart determines what you say, and your words will either acquit you or condemn you.


Remember that My Kingdom is forcefully advancing, and there are violent people attacking it. But they cannot stop the Kingdom of God from coming, and neither will they enter it. My Kingdom is coming whether they believe it or not.

Daily Devotional

Son, I cannot help those who think they are righteous, but I will help those who know they are sinners. I will show them My compassion. I see their confusion and helplessness; they are like sheep without a shepherd. Today the harvest is great, but so few are willing to do what I ask of them. So pray for more workers who will listen to Me. Then they can go in the strength they have, because I am sending them with everything they need. They don’t need to be afraid; for they will know that I am going to help them, and everything will happen just like I said!


I will send My obedient children out as sheep among wolves, and they must be shrewd but harmless. Some of My children will be handed over to the courts because they are My followers. But this will be their opportunity to testify of Me. So if they are arrested, they don’t need to worry about how to respond or what to say. I will give them the right words at the right time. It will not be them speaking, but it will be My Spirit speaking through them.


Soon all nations will hate you because you are My children.  So don’t be afraid of those who threaten you by saying they can kill you; for they cannot touch your soul. I am the only One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. In the coming days don’t be surprised that some of My enemies are in your own household! My children must remember that if they love their family more than Me, they are not Mine. If My children refuse to stand for Me and obey what I ask of them, they are not worthy of Me. If they cling to their life, they will lose it, but if they give up their life for Me – they will find true life.


A man of intrigue has begun to wage war against My children and he will defeat them until I judge in favor of My children. This master of intrigue has begun to rise in power, because sin is rampant everywhere. He is becoming very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate My children. He will be a master of deception and will become more arrogant than any before him. He will destroy many without warning, but he will be broken, though not by human power.


Lord, I thank You that soon You will be given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world, so that every race and nation and language will obey You. You rule is eternal, it will never end. Your kingdom will never be destroyed, and Your children will rule with You forever and ever. Therefore, I can pray to You and You will answer me. Because You are watching over me I can have peace today and every day. I know You hold my future.