True Hope

Fear is healthy, panic is deadly and removes hope. Today there are so many people who have no hope. They think that the world, as they know it, is falling apart. They are fearful that we will go back to a time when there was a different type of hope. 
The hope of the past was not in man, but in God. When your only hope is in man - you remain hopeless; for man can not do a thing to bring anyone hope and peace. Hope that is true hope - can only come from the One who created the world and set the future for man. 
Listen to what He says and you will feel God's hope blessing you! I want to encourage you to have the hope that comes from God! If you continue to put your hope in any man or woman, government or religion, then it will result as having a false hope; you will be gravely disappointed. 
False hope always leads to panic and chaos, and the by-product of panic is anxiousness, frustration, unforgiveness, anger and turmoil, even resulting in sickness and deep depression. But when God and His Word is your hope, it does not matter what man does or not do, because man cannot affect your eternity. Eternity belongs to God and His children. 
Man cannot upset the true hope that comes from God.

Persecution is Inevitable

Jesus’ own Words in a letter to His ‘faithful’ followers: “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet, you have kept My Word and have NOT denied My Name….Since you have kept My Command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. I AM coming soon. HOLD ON to what you have, so that no one will take YOUR CROWN…”  Revelation 3:8, 10-11
This “open door” from the Lord is for ‘escape’ from our persecutors, and the “door” can be death as well. Here’s a true story of one 16 year-old girl in Asia during the 1970’s who understood this….
The Communist soldiers had discovered their ILLEGAL Bible study. As the pastor was reading from the Bible, men with guns suddenly broke into the home, terrorizing the believers who had gathered there to worship. The communists shouted insults and threatened to kill the Christians. The leading officer pointed his gun at the pastor’s head. “Hand me your Bible,” he demanded.
Reluctantly, the pastor handed over his Bible, his prized possession. With a sneer on his face, the guard threw the Word of God on the floor at his feet. He glared at the small congregation. “We will let you go,” he growled, “but first, you must spit on this book of lies! Anyone who refuses will be shot.” The believers had no choice to obey the officer’s order.
A soldier pointed his gun at one of the men. “You first.” The man slowly got up and knelt down by the Bible. Reluctantly, he spit on it, praying, “Father, please forgive me.” He stood up and walked to the door. The soldiers stood back and allowed him to leave.
“Okay, you!” the soldier said, nudging a woman forward. In tears, she could barely do what the soldier demanded. She spat only a little, but it was enough. She to was allowed to leave. Quickly, a young girl came forward on her own. Overcome with love for her Lord Jesus, she knelt down and picked up the Bible. She wiped off the spit with her dress. “What have they done to Your Word? Please forgive them,” she prayed. The Communist soldier put his pistol to her head and pulled the trigger.
Most of those facing persecution today could have escaped if they denied their faith in the Lord who is the Living Word of God. The question is not whether we are persecuted, but whether we are willing to lay down our life for our faith in Jesus Christ.
This story is from the book: JESUS FREAKS – The Voice of the Martyrs (True stories of those who died because of their true love for Jesus and His Word.)
How many people have a Bible? How much does that Bible mean to us? How often do we pick it up to read and know what God would have us to know? Have we read and reread and maybe memorized passages that spoke to us by God’s Holy Spirit so that the truth has become ‘hidden’ in our being – unable to be ‘taken’ from us? It wasn’t the ‘book’ but the ‘words’ in the book that give us what are faith is for, that we put our trust and dependency on. Jesus is called the living Word; they can take our Bibles and burn all the Bibles, but they can’t take from us the WORDS of GOD that we have hidden in our hearts.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. HE was with God in the beginning. Through HIM all things were made; without HIM nothing waws made that has been made. In HIM was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has NOT overcome it….The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. HE was in the world, and though the world was made through HIM, the world did not recognize HIM. He came to that which was HIS own (Israel/Jews), but HIS OWN did not receive HIM (as their Savior). Yet, to all who did receive HIM, to all who believed in HIS NAME, He gave the right to become the children of God – children born NOT of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands’ will, but BORN OF GOD. The Word became flesh and made HIS dwelling among us. We have seen HIS glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:1-5, 9-14
Are you watching and aware of what is happening in America where God/Bible/Prayer/Witness once was the norm? How is it being attacked and to be outlawed? Persecution of the worst kind is on its way! Are you ready to stand faithful as a Christian? Or, will you (and I) compromise and do what we're told by God's enemies, and then lose our CROWN, as Jesus warns? The grace of God is POWERFUL, and so we would be wise NOT TO FORFEIT THAT GRACE that could be ours with which to HOLD ON to our faith - to the end. It's that grace from GOD that gives us all we need to stand firm to the end. In ourselves, we have no strength. It comes from the Lord who is our strength, our peace and our life.

He Will Enable Me to Bear It

“HE WILL ENABLE ME TO BEAR IT” (martyr’s belief of) Rose Allen Munt – England 1557
Rose Allen jumped from her bed and peeked out the window. There in front of her door stood a sheriff, two police officers, and a crowd of people carrying torches. They were talking with her father on the doorstep. She looked at the clock on the mantle. It was two in the morning.
Rose’s mother, Alice Munt, had also been awakened by the loud pounding on the door. “What is it, Rose?” she whispered.
“They’ve come to get us, Mother,” Rose whispered back. Rose could hear her father, William, letting the men in below. Then she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
Friends had warned them of the danger of NOT ATTENDING THE OFFICIAL CHURCH (of England), but their sense of duty to the truth was stronger than their fears. They continued to worship in secret places with a few men and women of ‘like faith.’ Now the authorities had come to take them away.
Alice, who was not in good health, was so shaken up by the sudden alarm that she felt faint. She asked the sheriff if her daughter could get her some water before they all left for prison.
The sheriff allowed Rose to go to the well. She took a candle and a pitcher to the well and returned with the water. As she came back toward the house, the sheriff me there at the door and said, “persuade your father and mother to act more like good Christians and less like heretics. Then they’ll soon be set free.”
“Sir,” Rose replied, “they have a better instructor than I, for the HOLY SPIRIT teaches them – One who, I hope, will not allow them to err.”
“Well!” It’s time to lock up such heretics as you!” the sheriff replied. “I reckon you will burn with the rest, for company’s sake.”
“No, sir,” Rose replied, “not for company’s sake, but for my Christ’s sake, if I have to. And I trust in His mercies, that if He calls me to do it, He will enable me to beat it.”
One of the sheriff’s men shouted, “Prove her now, and you shall see what she will do by and by!”
With that, the sheriff took the candle from the girl, and holding her wrist in a firm grip, put the lit candle under her hand, burning it across the back for sl long that the skin peeled off, the tendons cracked, and the bones showed.
Rose refused to utter a sound.
When he finally pushed her away, Rose said, “Sir, have you done what you will do?”
“Yes, and if you don’t like, then mend it.”
“Mend it!” said Rose, “NO, the Lord mend YOU, and give you repentance, if it be His will. And now, if you think it good, begin at the feet, and burn to the head also. For He that sent you to this work shall pay you your wages one day, I promise you.”
Have said this, Rose carried the water into the hour to her mother.
The same morning, the sheriff and his men also arrested six others. After they had been in prison a few days, they were all brought to trial. Each one answered with firmness and reused to change their BELIEF in any way. They were sentenced to burned at the stake.
When they were brought out, the martyrs knelt, said their prayers, and were tied to the stakes. When the fire rose all around them, they clapped their hands for joy in the fire.
The people who looked on – thousands of them – cried out, ”LORD STRENGTHEN YOU! THE LORD COMFORT YOU! THE LORD POUR OUT HIS MERCIES UPON YOU!” and other words of comfort.
The martyrs gave themselves to the flames with such courage that all who saw them were amazed.
Jesus says, “Don’t be bluffed into silence or insincerity by the threats of RELIGIOUS bullies. True, they can kill you, but THEN what can they do? There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for GOD, who holds your entire life – body and soul – in HIS HANDS.”  Luke 12:4,5
Religion: self-deception by the perversion or suppression of the truths in God’s Word. Our founders left England because of this: rules and regulation for worship, worshipping their false gods.
By God’s grace and leadership our founders were led here and by God’s principles of righteousness and justice, how to keep and support the peace and prosperity for a law-abiding society, established the Constitution/Bill of Rights of the United States of America, back when our nation’s governing body claimed to be one nation of states UNDER GOD watch and favor.
Now we have a part of our governing body (within this current administration) displaying a ‘false belief under the cloak of Christianity (Catholicism),’ proclaiming Bible verses as their support of policies and means that clearly go against our Constitution/Bill of Rights and INDEPENDENCE UNDER GOD.  We clearly see those being exposed in high seats of authority over us, that deem themselves (their one-party government) as whom we are to bow to and obey. They claim to be the voice of sound moral reason and their policies the new standard for the correct way of life, but they clearly deny Christ and the true voice God’s wisdom. Their unrighteous and unjust politics have evolved to now producing ways to shame and make laws to condemn ‘true biblical’ Christianity/Christians, those who stand up for what God calls the truth, exposing lies, and who hold to faith in the life that God says is ‘truly life.’
Any faith in the living Word of God that these government leaders in some time may have had – has clearly been compromised by self-greed and an appetite for power, which is why there is a call to “short-term serving.”
The more that true believers stand up for what is biblically right and true, the more we will experience what Jesus warned us about in the last days, the fulfillment of martyrdom and all governments (nations) standing against the LORD and His Word. Then the end will come just as HE promised, with Christ’s RETURN to conquer all evil and rebellion, and the glorious renewing of all things that our Creator God once called “good” with His creation. Hallelujah! All power and glory belong to the LORD JESUS CHRIST.


The Word of God (Holy Bible) says a lot to us as to what God’s WILL is for us ‘collectively’ as His disciples and even what His WILL is for all His enemies. The Word of God reveals God’s WILL for the coming of Christ’s Kingdom and the end of this ‘unbelieving’ world. But what about His Will for us ‘individually and personally’ with what we each face and fear?
The Lord tells His people: not to worry about tomorrow, that He controls it for us and we cannot. And, to be content whether we have very little or more than enough to live on, He will supply all our needs according to His riches. We are to stay in intimate fellowship with the Lord, daily in His Word and in prayer; to pray without ceasing; living before Him day and night. We are instructed to offer our bodies as ‘living’ sacrifices – our pure worship to the Lord who gave Himself up for us. We are instructed to actively love one another and to be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks for the hope we have in Christ Jesus. We are instructed as husbands and wives and children as well – how to live and work together. The Lord has also given His church its instruction to go into all the world with His Gospel, making disciples. There is a lot said in God’s Word on every aspect of life, both physical/practical and  spiritual.
But when any of us is surprised with something or presented with an opportunity, that is personal, how do we determine the WILL of God in how to see it or deal with it?  When I am faced with a fork in the road, how do I determine the WILL OF GOD? When an opportunity presents itself, how do I KNOW if it’s from God or Satan? When do I KNOW to prepare for what’s coming, like the wise ants that KNOW to store up in summer for winter famine? How do I KNOW how to pray for a dying loved one; what God’s Will is for that person, and not my own will?
Years ago, when I was wondering how God was going to do what He said He would do for us (personally), I asked Him: “Lord, we’ve been waiting so long, please tell me how You will do it?” And the Lord replied: “No, I WILL show you, not tell you.” When God doesn’t expect me (us) to do something in bringing His WILL about, this is the PERSEVERANCE of faith in who the LORD is: Faithful and True; faithful to finish what He starts in us and that which He says to us that HE WILL DO. What God has said He’ll do; He’ll do His own way and in His own timing.  I just simply need to walk with Him day to day, trusting in who HE IS, resting in His love for me. Waiting on God is not always easy to do, but it is beneficial in so many ways.
When I think I need to make a decision on something, or someone needs a quick decision from me, then what? What if I don’t know which way to go in a given moment? What if I’m stuck on who to trust or who to believe that will affect me, and others that I’m responsible for, or that will politically affect our country? What should I do or not do about planning ‘practically’ for the future? If I haven’t heard from God on how to pray for someone else going through a hardship (sickness, death, loss), then should I just pray the way I want?  How can I KNOW the WILL OF GOD when the Bible isn’t so clear on it? Why is it critical to WAIT ON GOD to REVEAL HIS WILL?
I tend to believe that if I’m looking to the LORD, my hope is in Him and nothing else, trusting Him for what I need – that I can trust that HE WILL direct my steps and decisions.
“’For I KNOW the plans I HAVE for you,” declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to me, and I WILL listen to you. You will seek Me and find me when you seek Me with all your heart. I WILL be found by you,’ declares the LORD.”  Jeremiah 29:11-14
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”  Isaiah 30:21
“Good and upright is the LORD; therefore He shows sinners the way.” Psalm 25:8
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He WILL make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6
“’I WILL lead the blind by a way they did not know; I WILL guide them on unfamiliar paths. I will turn darkness into light before them and rough places into level ground. These things I WILL do for them, and I WILL not forsake them,’ says the LORD.”  Isaiah 42:16

Under the Yoke of the Lord

This morning in fellowship with my Lord, I thanked Him for how He took upon Himself the whole world’s sins to the cross. All the mockery and torturous beatings Jesus received was a foretaste of all the rejection and hatred He would continually receive after He was dead and gone, or so they thought. As Christ’s body, the Church that He founded, continued His life and words on, and Satan through people, has not let up one bit from trying to do-in the Son of God, and from taking the Lord’s place on earth. That HEAVY load, to say the least, that Jesus carried was so heavy that he collapsed under it as they made Him carry it on His way to the hill. A man was assigned by the soldier to help him. This to me, was to remind us of what Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you….and learn from Me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)
I’m continually being reminded to stay under the yoke with Him whenever I feel a heaviness upon me. Some things that I try to get done are not necessarily the things that HE WANTS ME TO DO WITH HIM, under HIS yoke. So I’m pretty much on my own there, carrying a heavy workload. I’ve learned from this that with life so short and my body growing weaker with age, that I’m better off discerning what is the Lord’s work, and what is not. 
We can have a worldly job to do that brings an income to live on, and this is necessary and right to do. But in that day to day job/career, if I don’t see and understand that the Lord has a greater purpose for me being there, then that job can become burdensome. If I’m in it for the fulfillment of money or status, or even for its great benefits, that will eventually wear on me with fear of losing that job and always trying to please people. 
I thank God that I never had to work out in the world after I married Mike. I got my child-hood heart’s desire to be a wife and mother. As I learned from the Lord and from a Proverbs 31 woman (Mike’s mother), many years later the Lord led me to teach on the Proverbs 31 Woman to other young wives and mothers. I thoroughly enjoyed those days! 
Then came the book that He called me to write years later (as a first time author by His motivation and inspiration) when our four kids were on their own getting married and having their own children, our grandchildren. The Lord even told me the name of the book: THE STANDARD – The Woman God Crowns – A Look into the Life of the Proverbs 31 Woman.
Now at the age of 70, I look back and ponder those days as a stay-home wife and mother, serving in the church in various ways. I NEVER EVER felt a heavy burden from any of that work I was called by the Lord to do. I looked forward to it each day, after I had my time alone in fellowship with the Lord each morning.
The only time I can remember crying out to the Lord with a heavy heart, was when I was trying to do ‘works’ in a new church Mike and I had been led by the Lord to attend; works that the good Pastor and his wife wanted us to do - using our gifts, and other works that I had done before and was trying to fit in to this new church. I got to the end of myself! THAT was when the Lord personally visited me one 2001 October morning at 3:30. I cried: “What DO YOU want me to do Lord?!” To my surprise, He replied AUDIBLY to me: “Carol, I love you.” Then He showed me a vision of His back as He was walking a narrow path, and with His right hand reaching back to take my hand, HIS AUDIBLY VOICE again, said: “Just walk with Me.” He knew what was happening to me by trying to please people, while thinking I was serving the Lord. He saved me again! I wrote a book about it all in detail, many years later, when I had understood more about His visitation. It’s called “Just Walk With Me.”
I see how the Lord has taught me to be wise, and to discern when the enemy is using someone (even a loved one unsuspecting) to get to the ‘old me’ and make life hard on me. I’ve learned that walking with the Lord keeps my work light and easy. And in those times when I get worried about a loved one that I’m caring for, I’m reminded that He’s with me all the way to the end. He will answer my prayer for them. What a Savior! What a Friend! What a Wonder He Is!

Pay Back Day

Reading 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10: “God is just: He will PAY BACK trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with His powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might on the THE DAY HE COMES to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you because you (if you have) believed the gospel of Jesus Christ.”   
I hear guys saying sarcastically, “It’s pay-back time!” We’ve all had that desire or thought of revenge at least once. But what God has planned for “pay back” is not a joke nor something to recover from!  
God’s hatred of people’s sin and rebellion to Him is just as great as His love for people. God is holy! God has prepared a hell AND a heaven. God can hate and love at the same time, and we are living in the time of God’s great grace:  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16
Think about someone you have hated for what they did to you or to one you love, or for the “trouble” they caused you – do you love that person? It’s really hard unless you’ve been forgiven yourself by the Lord Jesus and His love and peace have been poured into your heart so that you now have the power to truly forgive. We have no power of our own to do so. We will be tested.  
BUT, is it possible that someone has NEVER heard of Jesus Christ, never had anyone tell them their own testimony of Jesus Christ, never stepped foot in a church, never read the Bible and never heard the gospel preached by any media – then why would he/she be punished for not knowing God, and therefore not obeying God?  (Thessalonians 1:8)  That’s not fair, right?
Does God hold us accountable for what we do NOT know, or for what we DO know? I know without a doubt He only holds us accountable to what we do know. One example: A baby (human life) in the womb that is aborted never had the chance to know God and obey God, nor a little child who is not able to understand a such a young age. Yet, God receives them in their death.  Jesus told His disciples: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid (stop/prevent) them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
“For the grace of God has appeared to ALL people, bringing salvation to EVERYONE.” Titus 2:11
“What is known about God is plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being UNDERSTOOD from what has been made, so that people are WITHOUT EXCUSE.” Romans 1:19-21
The love of God has made sure that no one will be able to stand before Him on judgment day and question God as to why He didn’t tell them or show them the truth, the way and the life.   
“’I was found by those who did not seek Me; I revealed Myself to those who did not ask for Me,’ says the Lord.” Romans 10:20 and Isaiah 65:1
“’All day long I held out My hands to a disobedient and obstinate people,’ says the Lord.” Romans 10:21 and Isaiah 65:2
Everyone that has ever been born has had God’s Holy Spirit come to them in some way or another with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the TRUTH about the salvation Jesus offers anyone by faith.  Most have had the opportunity several times to repent of their sins and turn to the Lord. So, God’s Day of “pay back” to those who never desired to know Him, after all the opportunities He gave them, and who never wanted to obey Him, is well due them.
I’m sure there will be tears and pleading on judgement day, by both the unbelieving without Christ, and the believers with Christ grieving for their loved ones who never came to believe in the Savior of the world.
“For the Lamb on the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:17

God’s Silence

2 Chronicles 32:31 "God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart." 
Pride was in Hezekiah's heart according to 32:25.  
Sometimes when you feel that God is silent it just might be a time for you to see what is really in your heart: pride, unbelief, hatred, etc.  God knows what is in your hearts; I am the one who needs to see. It is only then will I want to change, and cry out to God, “HELP ME.”

My Past Shame and Faults

I struggle a lot with my past being brought back to my attention, those things about who I was and what I did that I hate and am ashamed of, and that also were troublesome and hurtful to someone else. The only thing I love to think about is when I met Mike 47 years ago, and then met Jesus Christ, and the family that God has given us, our lives together past and present, and how blessed we all are in Christ Jesus. We aren’t perfect, and neither do we have all the things we’d like to have, but we are very BLESSED by God because of all He’s done for us and promises still.

This morning in prayer to my Father God, as once again I’m reminded of something I did that I hate, it came to me that the past is buried and all that matters is today and my future in Christ. Just like Jesus who came into this world to live, who then died, and was buried, and then resurrected to where He continues forever in GLORY – the old me died, all my sins (past/present/future) and faults are buried, and the new me filled with the Spirit of the Lord for a new heart and mind, lives on with God my Father. My past faults, and all the sins I’ll ever commit, were buried when my Savior Jesus Christ forgave me that day in February of 1975 when I repented of all my sins, and I asked Him to forgive me and come live in me.

The Apostle Paul said it well: “Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else (my past with its faults and worldly desires), counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with Him.” (Philippines 3:8) “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race of my faith, and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippines 3:13-14

Satan enjoys and also desperately needs to remind us of our past, those things we want to forget, because it’s what he can use, besides that old sin nature, to take us down with. He can only ruin our day and maybe our future by constantly tormenting us with what we want to forget that was to our shame and guilt. We can see all that happens to people that Satan is able to do this to: unforgiveness, self-hate, depression, hopelessness, addictions, criminal activity, insanity, etc.

My Savior, Jesus, stands at the right hand of the Father as my high priest and every time Satan comes to accuse me (and all of the Lord’s disciples) before our Father God, Jesus sprinkles His own blood over it as the reminder that all was forgiven when Jesus hung on the Cross sacrificing His own body and blood as the once and for all sacrifice for all sin. It’s free for anyone by faith and wholehearted repentance.

What makes Satan think he can get my Father God to turn His back on me? I believe it has to do with why Satan will NEVER be forgiven for what he did that got him kicked out of heaven FOREVER. Satan, and all his fallen angels/demons (1/3 that followed him out of heaven) are so DESPERATE to ruin our faith, hope and love for the Lord. their hatred is fierce! That’s all they do, and they never sleep!

Evil workers, enemies of the Cross, they all work continually to keep people from knowing who Jesus Christ is, and all He has planned for those who love and obey Him. This is all they do, day and night, coming at God’s children to tempt, torment and turn us from the truth and following the Lord who loves us with His everlasting love.

SO! Every time I’m reminded of something I did that I hate and that I’m ashamed of, or even something that someone else did to me that hurt me, I say, “It’s buried and forgotten by my God, therefore I move on in all the favor and future I have from God in Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord! There is no more condemnation for those in Christ Jesus! I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” This is my power over Satan and his demons. This is the power over my own memory and day to day life on earth!

The truth will ALWAYS set me free! God be praised!

The American Standard

Today, when I look at the next generation of America's future, the kind of people that will be leading America, I see one great fundamental flaw. These people that are of the "woke" society want to remove our foundational standard that made America great, that made America the most desired nation of people all over the world longing to be free and prosperous with their families. 
The Bible and Constitution standard they hate, the standard that established our nation on biblical principles of wisdom, truth and love.  They think the standard by which Americans should live under should change, according to the times they live in, but what changes the times is how people have changed from being God-fearing and moral (by God's standard of morality) to being godless and immoral (by God's definition of immoral).  
Neither the Holy Bible nor the American Constitution were ever meant to be changed or tossed away lest the society become self-destructive, and their nation become powerless and weak and overcome by any one of its enemies. The strength and well-being of a nation derives from living and ruling according to the truth, love and wisdom of God, which is all under attack in America. Satan is behind this of course. 
Sadly, Satan is able to control 'godless' people to think the way he wants them to think, and then do what he wants them to do, while all along they think they are in control of their lives and are right in their thinking and decisions and behavior. Both the Holy Bible and the American Constitution keep truth and righteousness and justice working for a free, peaceful and prospering people.   
What are we increasingly seeing today in cities throughout America where governing leaders are disrespecting the Holy Bible and America's Constitution? We see hostile lawlessness causing the destruction and fear in peaceful people. We're seeing God's truth being silenced, so that lies are being promoted as truth (falsehoods). This is not "the standard" that the American people were intended to live by . Deception and fear is what allows the change from good to evil to govern a society.  
When the people of God's truth fearlessly stand up to the lies and call out the deception, it will be that bold speaking of the truth from wise and courageous people that keeps the nation's people free and flourishing for a good future. 
God's truths overcomes lies. God's love overcomes fear. God's righteousness and justice protects and blesses a nation so that its people are FREE to thrive with their families and with hope for the future. 
Why would this "woke generation" want to upset this wonderful way of life? Because they are not "woke" at all, like they think.  They are under the spell of God's number one enemy: Satan, who simply wants to turn all people away from acknowledging their Creator, and against His love and truth.  
"Any nation who refuses to obey Me will be uprooted and destroyed. I, the LORD, have spoken!"  Jeremiah 12:17

Freedom for the Next Generation

A while back I had lunch with my grandson and enjoyed it immensely. I asked him to do some research about the time of the 60s when I was his age, and to compare what is different from the 60’s to what is taking place today. 
The first item we talked about was Woodstock. He told me that people from all over America came to this concert and they did not have any sanitation, water, nor places for people to stay overnight. I asked him, “couldn this be done today,” and he said probably not; the government would not allow it. Events require a proper permit, and a list of conditions to meet. I then told him that it was done then because we could, and yes it did have consequences, but the point is that we had the freedom do it. 
Freedoms are being removed from him today by our government under the pretext of 'we need to protect you,' and the government is the only one who can do this, so they want us to believe. 
We then went on to the marches and protests of the 60’s. He mentioned the marches for blacks led by Mr. King, and the protest in our colleges against the Vietnam War. I asked him if there are marches today, and he said yes. I then asked him to compare what is taking place today with protests and compare to the protest of the 60’s. He struggled with this.
I told him that today if you do not agree with the protestors, we have what is called "cancel culture." He did not know much about this, and I explained to him that today if you do not agree with the protestor’s stance, they begin to accuse you to silence you. 
I then went on and asked if they can silence you with smear tactics what freedom did you lose? He said the freedom of speech. I told him that our freedom of speech was so important to our founding forefathers that they put it first on the amendments. 
We then went on to what I call builders and managers. He did not understand what I was talking about, so I explained that builders our people who see what is coming and the needs of the future and they create and build for the future. These are people called entrepreneurs who see a need and build what is needed to fill that need. The baby boom generation was filled with these types of people. Look at all we have today of their inventions that came because of the vision these people had. 
I then went on to ask him what a manager is. He said these are the top people of companies. I agreed with him.  Then I asked him who it is that is able to fix a problem, is it the manager or the builder? He did understand, so I asked him the question differently. If you were going through the desert by yourself and your car broke down what kind of person would you want with you? A manager or a car builder? 
Managers do not know how to fix anything that breaks down. Builders (entreprenuers) know how to fix things, and find solutions. 
Today we do not have many entrepreneurs, but we have a lot of managers who do not know how to fix anything. They discuss the problem with other managers, and then their solution is to call the one who knows how to fix it. 
I then told my grandson to notice what is taking place and see what people are needing practically to improve life, and build it, event it. You will be successful in life. 
We ended our conversation by me asking him to look at everything that is taking place today with things that just don't work, and ask why? Not just cars and computers, etc., but things like 'policies and laws.' If you do not understand why, then like it's said, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."  
I then asked him what does it take to make free people slaves? Again, he did not have an answer. I told him that it only requires the government to keep giving things to the people till they become dependent on the government. Then your trapped because they can take it away if you do not do what they want. I then explained to him that to free slaves of the government will always be paid in blood; that all he has to do is look at history. 
Look at what our government today is doing by producing so many social programs and stimulus checks for people. Bottom line: they want control of the people. This is not what America was founded for and founded on with our Constitution. The government works for us, not the other way around. 
I then asked him how do you think your generation lost so much freedom, and did it happen overnight? He did not know. I told him, if your generation does not know the history of my generation then they will not know how much freedom they've lost in 40 years. Freedom is never removed suddenly but is removed slowly, progressively.  
I went on to tell him, that someday, if the Lord tarries, you will sit down with your grandson to talk about the freedoms you still had that were removed from his grandchildren. I told my grandson, FREEDOM IS SACRED AND MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COST EVEN IF IT COST YOU EVERYTHING, SO THAT THE NEXT GENERATION CAN EXPERIENCE WHAT OUR FOREFATHERS WANTED FOR AMERICA. Tell your grandchildren this. And tell them that freedom comes from the LORD GOD, for those who love Him and do His will. This is who America's founders were. America's freedoms have been kept by the sacrifice of our soldiers and by our godly leaders that uphold our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Independence under God.