The Lord is my strength, even if we have no more rain and the flowers do not bloom, and all of our lakes dry up. The Lord is my provider, even if the farmer’s land sits barren and his live stock dies in the fields, and there is no grain in the bins. The Lord… Read more »
Posts By: Carol Dietz
Relationships – Chapter 39
Love – Part 4 Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” How often we have heard our parents or our colleagues say: “Patience is a great virtue.” Yet, if we look at our lives we see that no matter how great a virtue patience might be it isn’t something that… Read more »
Daily Devotional
I was talking with a man about a 9/11 video I just watched. In one scene it showed people looking out the windows above the flames knowing that death was coming. I asked him this question how would you meet death? Will you try and run from it or will you meet it head on?… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Lord, I rise early before the sun is up, and cry out to You for help. I put all of my hope in You and Your Word. When I see what is taking place in America it makes me sick at heart because they care nothing for your Word. For Your word is the very… Read more »
My Quiet Time with Daddy
Thank You for the faith to believe in You Father. But, where does this faith come from to believe what is written in the book called the Bible? Where did I get this faith to believe in that which I can not see? Why is my faith in You unwilling to be compromised by threats… Read more »
Daily Devotional
This morning I read about two great men who lived on this earth. One is called the wisest person who ever lived, and the other was born into poverty. Both had a great impact on others and both are still remembered today. They gave us a perspective about life and it is our choice in… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, how can My children sleep at a time like this? They need to get up and pray! Oh, My children why are you so sleepy? Stop looking at this world from a human point of view? Instead, look from My point of view. If you are My true followers, then you must turn from… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, I am deeply saddened by the hard hearts of your leaders today. They see all that I have done for this great nation, and yet they learn nothing about who I AM. They hear what I say in My Word about rebellion towards Me, and yet they still reject My words. If they would… Read more »
Relationships – Chapter 38
Love – Part 3 Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Looking at the quality of love that only God manufactures and that is essential to building relationships we need to understand what it means to be “gentle in love.” The word for ‘gentle’… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, put this in your storeroom where the gems of truth are kept. I keep My Word and will do exactly what I have said. Understand that in the days ahead I am the One who will provide for you, and My Name is Yahweh-Yireh: “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!” There is not a famine… Read more »