Daily Devotional

Son, are you ready for the task of telling everyone that I am coming, and that I bring My rewards with Me? I have opened a door of opportunity for you to spread the knowledge of Me everywhere. To those who accept this knowledge of Me it will be like sweet perfume to Me; a fragrance of obedience rising up to Me. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are perishing; to them it is a dreadful smell of death and doom. Those who listen and obey Me – I will make an everlasting covenant with them and I will faithfully reward them.


Tell My children that they will be recognized as a people I have blessed, a Holy People Redeemed by Me. Tell them to remember how merciful I have been to them, and if they shut their ears to the cries of the poor and needy, I will ignore their cries when they cry out to Me in their time of need. 


I am the source of all comfort. The more My children suffer for Me, the more I will shower them with My comfort. Some will feel they are being crushed and overwhelmed beyond their ability to endure, and think this suffering will never end. I allow this in their lives so that they will stop relying on themselves and learn to rely only on Me.


Lord, thank You for anointing me with the privilege of bringing the good news to people who don’t know You, and to comfort the brokenhearted by proclaiming that You are the One that can release them from the bondages of this world. I will tell those who mourn that the time of Your favor has come! Help me not to waver from what You have said, for I want to be known as Your child. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit in my heart; for He guarantees and reminds me of everything You have promised me.

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