Daily Devotional

Son, I looked for a leader in your country who would rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards your land. I searched for a leader who would stand in the gap of the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy your land, but I found no one.


Because there is no leader in your country, there is a great rebellion against Me. My design for family is treated with contempt, babies are aborted, orphans and widows are wronged and oppressed. People do obscene things, and murder and extortion are everywhere. The leaders of the people never even think of Me or My word. My Name has been dishonored among the nations because of their actions, and soon they will know that I am the Lord. Your leaders are like wolves who tear apart their victims. They actually destroy people’s lives for money! Your country has brought all this on itself because they have forgotten Me and turned their back on Me.


Your leaders and the people must bear the consequences of all their actions. I tried to cleanse them, but they refused. So they will remain filthy until my fury against them has been satisfied. The time has come, and I won’t hold back. I will not change My mind, and I will have no pity on them. They will be judged on the basis of all their wicked actions; they will waste away because of their sins.


Son, the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with My household. If judgment begins with My household, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed My Good News! Don’t be fooled by what they say, “This day will not come in our life time.” But I say, “This day will come when there is a great rebellion against Me.”


Let Me reveal to you a wonderful secret. Some of My children will not die, but will be transformed! It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, WHEN THE LAST TRUMPET IS BLOWN. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever, and they who are living will also be transformed. For their dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. I will come down from heaven with a COMMANDING SHOUT OF THE ARCHANGEL, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, those who are still alive and remain on the earth, will all be caught up in the clouds to meet Me in the air. Then you will be with Me forever. So encourage each other with these words.


Lord, help me to tell Your people to be prepared for what is coming. The very things that You said are found in Revelation chapter 10. Therefore, Your children need to be prepared for what happens prior to chapter 10. To some this will bring fear and anxiety in their lives, but You have told us ahead of time, so that we can be prepared and use it for our advantage.


Lord, Your word is perfect, and will revive My soul. Your word is trustworthy, making wise the simple.  Your commandments are right and bring joy to my heart. Your commands are clear, giving insight for living and knowing the future. There is a great reward for those who obey Your commands.


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