I have said before that the church (those who are born-again by the blood, Word and Spirit of Jesus) are to 'go out' to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are NOT to invite the unsaved into the 'fellowship of believers.' We are to protect our family unity in Christ Jesus. The Lord, in the book of Jude, tells us why:
"Some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches. These people scoff at things they do not understand, and do whatever their instincts tell them. They deceive people for money, and only care for themselves. They bear no spiritual fruit, and are grumblers and complainers; living only to satisfy their desires. They brag loudly about themselves, and flatter others to get what they want. These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. Why? Because, they follow their natural instincts, and do not have God's Spirit in them."
So ask yourself if your church challenges you to go to your neighbors and invite them into your home, or maybe to coffee or lunch, so you can show them and tell them about the love of Jesus? Are you challenged to get involved in your school board, or take on a government official job? Are you challenged to be the light 'out' in the world? Or, are you hearing that you should invite the unsaved into your places of worship, hoping they will get saved there by the pastor?
As a believer, we are all called to "go out" like Jesus did with His disciples. Jesus met privately with His disciples to teach them about the things to come, and to encourage them on in their faith, hope and love of God.
Is your church influencing the world, or being influenced by the world?