True Fellowship With the Lord

My wife and I have not attended a traditional church for years; why? Some might think we are not walking with God. Some will ask, how can we stay in fellowship without being around other believers? Some will think we have gone out on a tangent and have missed the way. Some might even think that there was a church problem in times past and that is why. I have been asked, “Do you have gifts that the body needs, why don’t you use these gifts?”


The truth is, I do not fit into the so-called traditional church anymore. The church of today is not relevant to what I see or what I am going through, and this is why I believe the traditional church attendance is down. I have been asked why not try and change it? Really? I do not have the time, desire or strength to do this. But, I have never given up on the body of Christ, just the so-called “organized mainstream traditional church,” who have sought to “establish a righteousness of their own,” (Romans 10:1-4) as Israel was guilty of and disciplined for, still being disciplined.


The traditional church of American is not prepared for what is coming. Why? They believe that God will not allow them to go through extreme suffering. Why would they think like this? Is there some place in the Bible that says that some Christians will not suffer? Could it be that they think they have not done anything worthy of suffering, or just because they belong to Jesus that He will not allow them to suffer. Ask those believers all over the world who are suffering now; those who have died, or have had the loss of wife, husband, children and parents, the loss of everything they saved and worked for their whole life. They suffer for their stand for Jesus, because they will not compromise!


What I have found – is if you want a relationship with Jesus it will not come by attending meetings, and ‘going’ to church on Sundays. It will not come by listening to someone tell you what they learned in the Word of God. It will not come by trying to live a good life. All of my “saved” life I have had a quiet time in the Bible; about one hour every morning. Now I have found that one hour is not enough. I even long for the wee hour of the morning now  (2 or 3 a.m.) so that I can spend time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer. I do not regret that I am losing sleep either, as I still go to work each day. I am not saying this to show how “spiritual” I am. I am only saying that if people want to truly know Him it requires time and sacrifice.


Certainly the traditional church leaders teach God’s Word, but there is a difference when you have the Holy Spirit talking to you from His word each morning, rather than some person telling you about God’s Word. The question is: Do you want to ‘know’ Jesus or have someone teach you ‘about’ Jesus?


1 Timothy 4 says, “Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith.” Why? The Lord says, “These people do not know Me or My words. They think their life is made right with Me by rules and regulations, but My faithful people will know the truth. My children’s hope is in Me, the Savior of all people. So don’t let anyone think less of you because you are different, but be an example to everyone in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”

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